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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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6 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Interesting that the stately home born, eton educated fund manager with 100 million plus in the bank refers to lowly John Major, son of a circus performer, as the 1% elite. .

Poor old Major - only worth 50M. Not bad for a clown.

Edited by nauseus
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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Poor old Major - only worth 50M. Not bad for a clown.


And then there's Ted Heath, the man who took us into the EU abomination. Worked briefly in the civil service before entering politics, never engaged in a business career during his lifetime in politics, and left a five million Sterling estate when he passed away. Lucrative career, politics.

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On 2/28/2018 at 7:52 PM, nontabury said:

Wrong, I returned to live in the .U.K. last month, Applied at the local housing association in the hope of being allocated a house. I was told that I should have made arrangements before returning to my country of birth, with my British children. The official then ignored me, and started looking for a house for a single mother from, I think Poland.

 I would add that I have paid British tax since leaving school, including those years, while Iiving  in Thailand. So apart from being a British National and being a nett contributors, I considered that I am being treated as a Secound  class citizen.

 So a myth NO.


So, you just turned up with your children expecting free accommodation - more fool you. I also find it interesting that a housing 'official' would share with you that she was now turning his/her attention to searching for a house for somebody else and sharing that person's status.

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On 3/1/2018 at 7:44 AM, MaeJoMTB said:

It's because they are buying houses in Poland, which are considerably cheaper than the UK.

Housing prices drive pay requirements.


House price = 3x annual gross wage is normal for most countries.

In the UK it's currently 20x

So the inability for the young, British-born professional's to get on the oft-quoted 'housing ladder' is not the Polish immigrants fault then.


Thanks for the clarification.

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5 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Polish generally aren't immigrants into the UK, they like Poland.

They are migrant workers.

That makes no sense. A migrant worker is an immigrant. 


There are almost a million Poles living in the UK. They like the UK very much!

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On 3/1/2018 at 7:44 AM, MaeJoMTB said:

It's because they are buying houses in Poland, which are considerably cheaper than the UK.

Housing prices drive pay requirements.


House price = 3x annual gross wage is normal for most countries.

In the UK it's currently 20x


Average house price at 7.6 times annual salary, official figures show

Rising house prices now stand at an average 7.6 times the average annual salary, more than double the figure for 20 years ago, according to official figures.

However, the new headline figure disguises dramatic regional variations. In the affluent London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, house prices are typically 38.5 times greater than annual earnings, but, 330 miles to the north-west, prices in Copeland, Cumbria, which includes the port of Whitehaven, are typically 2.8 times the average salary.



Edited by ilostmypassword
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On 3/1/2018 at 6:19 AM, cooked said:


Are you prepared to listen?


Or is it the perpetual "flood of immigrants are getting preferential treatment over and above any and all UK citizens and tax-payers" argument again? Are you eyes and ears closed already?


You offered the matter of racism. AFAIK, the UK immigrants are of 4 races, caucasian, mongoloid (or asian), negroid (or black) and australoid. Since the much maligned Poles and other Eastern European immigrants and even those deadly Syrians are eminently caucasian like the lager part of the UK's indigenous population, maybe it's just those darkies and chinks that are getting up your nose?


Try nationalist zeal. You know, the same 'we are better than anyone' crapola that we find ourselves immersed in while doggy-paddling around the shallow end of our chosen southeast Asian backwater. It probably fits better.

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14 hours ago, stevenl said:

And the expected EU infighting has not (yet) materialised.

And exactly how (the other Donald) Tusk is keeping all those EU puppies in the basket is beyond me. I guess as long as keeps Barnier on-side...

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27 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Polish generally aren't immigrants into the UK, they like Poland.

They are migrant workers.

A subtle but critical difference in terminology that is probably lost on the likes of cooked and those of that ilk.


Thanks again.

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2 minutes ago, cooked said:

You missed and misunderstood my point entirely. 

I state that mass, uncontrolled movements into or out of a country has to, ineluctably, cause chaos. It has nothing to do do with racism. 

I disagree with you, so you think, and that gives you the right to attribute the most base of human motives?

You decide I must be racist because I stated what I did.

You don't look too open minded to me. If you answer this, try to offer something to change my mind.

Dear cooked,


You said (with my emphasis added) -



maybe there is a housing shortage due to the impossibility of planning for an economy that allows hundreds of thousands of immigrants in every year? 

Dunno, that;s probably racist.



So why did you even mention it?

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4 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Dear cooked,


You said (with my emphasis added) -


So why did you even mention it?

 You really DID miss the point. I mentioned it because some people immediately decide that I must be racist because of what I wrote in the first sentence.

Like you.

 I'm not.

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13 minutes ago, cooked said:

 You really DID miss the point. I mentioned it because some people immediately decide that I must be racist because of what I wrote in the first sentence.

Like you.

 I'm not.

Dear cooked,


Some manage to get away without the crutch of the smiley or emoji and some don't.


Accordingly, I am sorry for your recent failure.


There's nothing quite like barking up the wrong tree but in this instance, I do apologize for mislabeling you.



NL.... xenophiles 'r' us.

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2 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:


Average house price at 7.6 times annual salary, official figures show

Rising house prices now stand at an average 7.6 times the average annual salary, more than double the figure for 20 years ago, according to official figures.

However, the new headline figure disguises dramatic regional variations. In the affluent London borough of Kensington and Chelsea, house prices are typically 38.5 times greater than annual earnings, but, 330 miles to the north-west, prices in Copeland, Cumbria, which includes the port of Whitehaven, are typically 2.8 times the average salary.



Quite.  I was part of the 'lucky age' when house prices (in the south east) were approx. 3 times income and mortgages were available for this multiplier.


Nowadays, the young in relatively wealthy areas stand no chance - unless they have money from sources other than their own income....


Which  is possibly another part of the reason why so many voted brexit.


Edit - thinking about it, it was three times joint income - so the 'norm' had already changed from three times one, good wage/salary....

Edited by dick dasterdly
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2 hours ago, cooked said:

 You really DID miss the point. I mentioned it because some people immediately decide that I must be racist because of what I wrote in the first sentence.

Like you.

 I'm not.


That's how I interpreted it.

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14 hours ago, Khun Han said:


And then there's Ted Heath, the man who took us into the EU abomination. Worked briefly in the civil service before entering politics, never engaged in a business career during his lifetime in politics, and left a five million Sterling estate when he passed away. Lucrative career, politics.

You missed out that he was a child killing pedo who was supplied children from a home in Jersey run by the German secret service......... Old ways still work, that's why he took us into the EEC, either do as you're told Ted or we tell all.......

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11 hours ago, Wiggy said:

So, you just turned up with your children expecting free accommodation - more fool you. I also find it interesting that a housing 'official' would share with you that she was now turning his/her attention to searching for a house for somebody else and sharing that person's status.

No, I did not arrive in the U.K.Without firstly organising accommodation, If you knew what you are talking about, you would know that this is one of the Requirements for a settlement visa. I am in fact renting an expensive holiday cottage. As a temporary measure, with no intention or expectations of obtaining Anything free.


 The official did not share the Foreingers status. The foreigner had been speaking to me previously, while we were awaiting for the official to turn up.so it was she who told me her status.


The reason I have shared my experience on this thread, is solely to show what problems are occurring presently in some parts of the U.K due to the open door policy. When Brexit finnaly takes place, and the U.K is able to take control of its borders, while not expecting these problem to go away, it will hopefully  be less.





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8 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Quite.  I was part of the 'lucky age' when house prices (in the south east) were approx. 3 times income and mortgages were available for this multiplier.


Nowadays, the young in relatively wealthy areas stand no chance - unless they have money from sources other than their own income....


Which  is possibly another part of the reason why so many voted brexit.


Edit - thinking about it, it was three times joint income - so the 'norm' had already changed from three times one, good wage/salary....

If I remember correctly it was 3 x main 1 x other for myself, but I am not staking my life on it though

It still got repossessed 

Edited by oldlakey
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7 hours ago, Khun Han said:
10 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

You missed out that he was a child killing pedo who was supplied children from a home in Jersey run by the German secret service......... Old ways still work, that's why he took us into the EEC, either do as you're told Ted or we tell all.......


A children's home also frequented by Jimmy Savile, who denied ever having been there, until a photo surfaced of him there with.....er.....Ted Heath.


Keeping things ontopic whilst keeping focus on Ted Heath, has anyone seen this apparent slip-of-the-tongue by Ted in his response to Peter Shore's prophetic speech to the 1975 Oxford Union debate on the Europe project?



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14 hours ago, nontabury said:

No, I did not arrive in the U.K.Without firstly organising accommodation, If you knew what you are talking about, you would know that this is one of the Requirements for a settlement visa. I am in fact renting an expensive holiday cottage. As a temporary measure, with no intention or expectations of obtaining Anything free.


 The official did not share the Foreingers status. The foreigner had been speaking to me previously, while we were awaiting for the official to turn up.so it was she who told me her status.


The reason I have shared my experience on this thread, is solely to show what problems are occurring presently in some parts of the U.K due to the open door policy. When Brexit finnaly takes place, and the U.K is able to take control of its borders, while not expecting these problem to go away, it will hopefully  be less.





Well, if spelling and grammar are prerequisites for settlement, you’re in trouble. And once Brexit takes place you’ll also be screwed financially, as the economy will go to the dogs. I’m glad I’m not there. 

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