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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, citybiker said:

A whole 3% more..other tangible factors not considered? Like some elements of the younger voters not bothering their arse to vote.

Just one scientific study? Complete with variable samples obviously.

I’m aware of how universities work, I mostly enjoyed my time yet also know the academic focus and agenda.

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Excuse me!  Are you questioning multivariate regression analysis?

You need an education mate! :smile:

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2 hours ago, nontabury said:


 It does not come as a surprise to me, to know that you are wrong. “Again”. 


The M5S is variously considered populist,[15][16] anti-establishment,[16][17]environmentalist,[18] alter-globalist,[19] and Eurosceptic.[2


He has given many interviews, stating that he is anti E.U. and is prepared to seriously consider, leaving the E.U


Mr Salvini has often vouched for the British decision to leave the European Union, claiming Italy could be the next country to leave the bloc under his command.



I am certainly impressed by your response. Who wouldn't be with the wealth of evidence you provided to show that the leader of the 5 star movement supports Italexit. That wealth of evidence being because you said so. But thanks for the definitions. Clearly pertinent to the subject at hand.

Despite which, I have to ask you: Are  you laboring under the delusion that Salvini is the head of M5S? I got more news for you: he's not. That honor belongs to Luigi Di Maio. Not only does he not want to get out of the EU, he doesn't even want to leave the Eurozone any more.


Italy's 5-Star says it is no longer time to leave the euro

The leader of Italy’s anti-establishment 5-Star Movement which leads opinion polls ahead of a March 4 election said on Tuesday that pulling Italy out of the euro zone was no longer a goal of his party.

5-Star has steadily rowed back on a previous commitment to hold a referendum on Italy’s euro zone membership as it tries to reassure voters and investors that it can be trusted with power.

“I believe it is no longer the right moment for Italy to leave the euro,” Luigi Di Maio said in an interview with state television company RAI


EU referendum in Italy is not an option, says euroskeptic M5S party leader


"The leader of the 5-Star Movement (M5S), a euroskeptic, populist party that's doing well in Italian polls ahead of an upcoming general election, has ruled out having a referendum in Italy on membership of the European Union (EU).

"We need to renegotiate some EU rules, but not in an in/out referendum," he said, noting that the U.K.'s decision to leave the EU had "weakened" the bloc.

The 5-Star Movement has repeatedly stated in the past that it would like to hold a referendum on euro zone membership and new leader Di Maio has echoed that perspective as recently as December. As the election on March 4 approaches, however, he appeared to have changed his mind."





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45 minutes ago, nauseus said:

More hogwash! Nontaburi didn't even mention your precious study.


You're expecting Nontaburi to provide a source for his ramblings?  My guess is he doesn't even know himself.




3 hours ago, nontabury said:

We are continually told by the remoaners, that those who voted for Britexit are the old and the uneducated.


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11 minutes ago, Air Smiles said:


You're expecting Nontaburi to provide a source for his ramblings?  My guess is he doesn't even know himself.





So the crux ignored as usual. An example of the so-called educated incapable of proper response, in action again. Bravo Bozo!

Edited by nauseus
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48 minutes ago, nauseus said:

So the crux ignored as usual. An example of the so-called educated incapable of proper response, in action again. Bravo Bozo!


I wouldn't be so hard on the poor chap.  I'm sure Nontaburi is thoroughly distracted with all that's involved in immigrating to a better life in the UK with his mixed race family. 

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28 minutes ago, Air Smiles said:


I wouldn't be so hard on the poor chap.  I'm sure Nontaburi is thoroughly distracted with all that's involved in immigrating to a better life in the UK with his mixed race family. 

What a kind comment! 

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13 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Don’t worry mate. It just shows how rattled the Remoaners are, when they know they’re losing the argument. 

Speaking of losing arguments, your mastery of the facts is quite impressive. Better get on to Salvini and let him know he's the leader of M5S. And do be gentle when you break it to Di Maio that he's not.

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Don’t worry mate. It just shows how rattled the Remoaners are, when they know they’re losing the argument. 


Many are still in recovery & rant mode since the result, the rest of society have managed to adapt.

Life goes on.

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8 minutes ago, nontabury said:


You do realise I mentioned two Very Eurosceptic parties. Salvini is the leader of The League, a party that is very anti E.U. while Di Maio is the leader of the 5 Star movement. He has in the past declared that he wants Italy to leave the Euro and unless the E.U changes drasticle to give the Italian people a referendum on the E.U. Allthough I have to agree with you that in recent weeks Di Maio has backtracked on these points, a bit like J Corbyn, what will his position be next month.

 I must give you credit, to putting a pro E.U. spin on this election result, something that most pro E.U. Leaders have failed to do. Some have completely refused  to speak about, what is an anti E.U. vote, while others like the Pro E.U French president  Macron, describes the result as Brutal.




"We are continually told by the remoaners, that those who voted for Britexit are the old and the uneducated. So today it will come as a shock to them, to find that in the Italian elections, two of the main leaders, are university educated and surprise, surprise, or is it,  That the leader of the largest party is an old man of 31 years."

So what you're saying here isn't that it's only old people who want to leave the EU but even a major party leader who is a man of 31 years? Really?


And how do you explain this?


" It does not come as a surprise to me, to know that you are wrong. “Again”. 


The M5S is variously considered populist,[15][16] anti-establishment,[16][17]environmentalist,[18] alter-globalist,[19] and Eurosceptic.[2


He has given many interviews, stating that he is anti E.U. and is prepared to seriously consider, leaving the E.U


Mr Salvini has often vouched for the British decision to leave the European Union, claiming Italy could be the next country to leave the bloc under his command."

Edited by ilostmypassword
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14 minutes ago, nontabury said:

I would ‘t  definitely call life in the U.K. any better than in Thailand.  As for your implied racist comment regarding my mixed race family, I shall not report you to the moderators, as I” m not part of the P.C crowd


I don't see anything racist about mentioning the same details you've already provided in this thread.  I just meant it cant be easy for you immigrating to the UK from outside the EU and asking for a council house right in the middle of Brexit, when a lot of people(UKIP/EDL/Brexiteers etc) see immigrants as a drain/strain on government housing and public services in general.

Edited by Air Smiles
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16 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's amazing how arithmetically challenged some Brexiters are. 10 billion euros or pounds is a rounding error in the Germany economy and even more so in the entire EU.

And as for giving the UK what it wants, really? Then why wouldn't everybody in the EU demand the same? No, there is no way, the UK gets out of this unscathed.


Ten billion Euros is not a 'rounding error' in the German economy. Germany has very strict laws regarding budgetary expenditure, and Merkel has had to commit to stretching that expenditure to it's limits in order to get other parties to form a coalition with hers.

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On 04/03/2018 at 1:36 PM, ilostmypassword said:

But the issue isn't about any particular product; it's about products and services in the aggregate. Otherwise you're just cherry picking. What's more, why don't  you use this thing called the internet to look up the numbers for yourself? 


Your claims about the validity of gravity economics wrt the UK are nonsense. The UK currently does about 60% of it's trade outside the EU. That makes the UK approximately a 40% adherent to gravity economics. In view of the fact that UK has to buy many things from EU countries which are only cheaper than elsewhere because of EU tariffs, we can safely assume that the UK will be much less than a 40% gravity economy once we get away from said tariffs.


By the way, could you provide an example of an actual country with an economy even vaguely similar to the UK which adheres reasonably strictly to gravity economics?

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5 hours ago, Air Smiles said:


I don't see anything racist about mentioning the same details you've already provided in this thread.  I just meant it cant be easy for you immigrating to the UK from outside the EU and asking for a council house right in the middle of Brexit, when a lot of people(UKIP/EDL/Brexiteers etc) see immigrants as a drain/strain on government housing and public services in general.

We know what you meant

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6 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:


"We are continually told by the remoaners, that those who voted for Britexit are the old and the uneducated. So today it will come as a shock to them, to find that in the Italian elections, two of the main leaders, are university educated and surprise, surprise, or is it,  That the leader of the largest party is an old man of 31 years."

So what you're saying here isn't that it's only old people who want to leave the EU but even a major party leader who is a man of 31 years? Really?


And how do you explain this?


" It does not come as a surprise to me, to know that you are wrong. “Again”. 


The M5S is variously considered populist,[15][16] anti-establishment,[16][17]environmentalist,[18] alter-globalist,[19] and Eurosceptic.[2


He has given many interviews, stating that he is anti E.U. and is prepared to seriously consider, leaving the E.U


Mr Salvini has often vouched for the British decision to leave the European Union, claiming Italy could be the next country to leave the bloc under his command."

Italy has the Euro, that makes it 10 times more complicated to leave the EU than the UK's dismal experience, aint going to happen, nobody wants the Lira back,trying to pay back their debts with a strongly weakened Lira is a safe way to bankruptcy.

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7 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Your claims about the validity of gravity economics wrt the UK are nonsense. The UK currently does about 60% of it's trade outside the EU. That makes the UK approximately a 40% adherent to gravity economics. In view of the fact that UK has to buy many things from EU countries which are only cheaper than elsewhere because of EU tariffs, we can safely assume that the UK will be much less than a 40% gravity economy once we get away from said tariffs.


By the way, could you provide an example of an actual country with an economy even vaguely similar to the UK which adheres reasonably strictly to gravity economics?

Gravity is a universal economic phenomenon. All you have to do is look up data that shows the UK's respective trade with foreign nations. But let's apply the reasoning behind your contention

So if a country has 20 percent of its trade outside of any arbitrarily defined partner(s) that means gravity economics would be only 20 percent true. Or if 60, only 60 percent true? What nation wouldn't your contention apply to? Have you discovered some fault in the data that has escaped the world's economists?  What you are contending is nonsense. 

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