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PM Prayut urges all parties concerned to help solve prostitution problem


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13 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Arrest the foreign johns and the reputation would dry up in a month. Anything short of that is meaningless. 

Even in LOS the police would have to have actual proof that the guy, or woman, was in LOS for the purpose of sex, which would be almost impossible to prove. Even to prove using a prostitute would be next to impossible as have to witness money being handed over specifically for sex and not for the sick buffalo.

If they arrested farangs taking BGs out of bars would have to prove for sex and not just a walk on the beach.


Where your scenario falls down, is that the night scene in LOS isn't like in western countries. If a John in the UK has a street walker get in his car and give a BJ it's obvious what it is, or if the John picks up a hooker in a railway station and has it off behind a dumpster, it's obvious what it is.

In LOS, for those that actually don't know or understand, it's more of a girlfriend experience. Take out of the bar, go for dinner, have a few drinks, go back to the room, for the night. Have to prove that they actually had sex, and have to prove it wasn't a "gift" from a girl grateful not to have to spend the night in a hot room with 5 other girls.

If the cops actually started breaking down doors in the night and marching guys off to jail it would be all over the news in about 5 minutes and that would be the last arrest they made, as all mongers left town in the morning. That would go down well with all the hotel owners, restauranteurs, etc etc etc.

THEN, have to prove it wasn't a boyfriend- many guys have the same BG for years. Prove that is prostitution. Guys sending a monthly stipend? Guys wanting to marry a BG? Guys just met her, but taking to the beach for a week? etc etc etc.


Even if, for the sake of argument, they were able to stop the farang scene, mongers would just go to the Thai scene. How's it going to work if the cops start busting the Thai scene.


It's just not going to work, even if they tried it.

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On 3/1/2018 at 8:21 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

It started long time ago when American soldiers came to Pattaya.


Try centuries ago.


So leaves at least again 2496 educated prostitutes?

Where on earth do you get a specific figure like that? No one knows.


As i said 2500 solicitors for 4 positions. 2500-4 = 2496, but hey it is just a number in ironic way.

Fact is they have to try to find a job again and are without (?) job in mean time. It is all about surviving in meantime

no matter what your status is.300 million tourists, money bags, opportunities come to Thailand every year.

Fact is they had 2500 solicitors.for just 1 area for 4 positions.


For what a bout the Americans, i was referring to the the Vietnamese war, when Pattaya was a recovering location.

Centuries ago already coz of the Thai culture then and now, when Thai men had (have) mistresses.

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On 2/28/2018 at 9:56 PM, bobbymack said:

I don't get why the puritans bang on about stopping prostitution? It is only sex at the end of the day, the most natural act in the world and one in which we all have to partake in to keep the world alive. I don't get the moralising about it. It is a weird Victorian and Christian legacy that we have this belief it is so wrong.

If a woman or man wants to sell her or his body for sex, what business is it of anyone else?

I don't believe anyone can give a logical reason why it is shameful or wrong. As long as a person is not being forced to carry out sex, but then that applies to forced anything, then what is the problem? Of course the liberal do-gooders will say that some people have no-choice but to be in prostitution. Of course the girls have a choice, they can work in 7-11 for 10,000 baht a month or sell themselves and party for 50,000 baht plus per month. The girl's choice and that is why they choose the latter.

I reiterate, what is so wrong with selling your body, some people enjoy it, the money and lifestyle. Porn stars in the west choose this lifestyle and they don't have to in order to make ends meet. It is only sex - usually just two people getting together for mutual benefit and exchanging bodily contact. I really don't get the moralising about it. It is not logical to think this way. It is the same as paying someone to cook your food or wash your clothes. No big deal and nothing shameful.

Thailand should be proud that people visit to have sex with its people. Shows they are desirable.


I agree with you, if a woman or man wants to do so, by them selves it is your life. You need food every day and maintain your family every day. Your 10000 bath/month for 7/11 is a lot i think. Considering the minimum wage of 300bath /day, it should be like that  working 30 days/month. But i think they never get the minimum day wages.

Prostitution exist already as long as there is mankind.

But now some "high" placed wealthy people think it is immoral and are "ashamed" (they also see prostitutes). But they think it should be more concealed, this should be more civilized ??!!  Hypocrites first class. They have all their money and dont give a shit about anyone else lower in rank( your income is low).


They need the money to support family, to live ! ANd sometimes they have good time and otherwise totally not.

Most of the time THEY NEED THE MONEY, as costs grow in these times more and more.

When women have kids, and  the man is running, they want to provide good life for their kids. They arent helped anymore by their "husband" , they are by them selves. Those women want their kids to learn, as high as possible. Though it is not a guarantee later for those kids, however better. A sacrifice they are willing to make. And otherwise when not having kids for their parents and so on.

Agriculture areas where they have low income and after crops nothing anymore, but still need the money. Then daughters go to BK or Pattaya or where ever are tourists to get some money, from sex.

I ve talked to some of them, you will hear their story. Mostly it is not about fun, it is for being alive and their families.  


What in fact is a marriage? Out of "love" , you commit, but you pay for your partner and you could have sex.

 So then you have legal prostitution ? They will not mention it in this terms. How ever black and white it is though?

Your "rights" on sex are based on how you act, pay and if your woman likes it. You pay in front.

And if the woman or man doesnt like it, then you have a divorce or cheat. You pay an end sum of money for not having sex anymore with your partner. And that is all civilized ? 

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All prostitutes and bar girls must be in bed by 2200 or else! There now problem solved, just like the date of the next General ( funny that word don't you think?) Election.

In a General Election a Thai asked "how many Generals are standing?"

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On 3/3/2018 at 9:34 AM, jenny2017 said:

Sometimes the girls are run away girls and let the moms do the job with their kids . Girls from Udon Thani seem one way the other dangerous, the web is full of stories about dramas between Thai girls and foreigners but also about too early deaths killings etc...


   6 K for working in a restaurant is pretty good for Isaan, generally speaking, and topping it by 2 K might be when the girls say yes to go with the customer. Do you even know how "serious" the restaurant is? A male customer was "touching her body sexually" shouldn't be a problem for a woman who knows how to deal with men, please don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to make her bad now.


    Such an incident would never be the reason to stop working for a couple of days. If the customer grabs also other girls it's very easy to get rid off him, there are other ways than calling the cops.  


   What I don't understand is that you seem to believe the whole story as it was told . Would the girl be a friend of your wife then your wife would have helped her to relocate. No Thai wife would be willing to help her foreign husband to help a girl who made money with helping men to feel better. 


     Did you help the girl without the knowledge of your wife, or are you on your way to go away from your wife just to stay with a younger girl? 


    Why did you write funny under your post? It's not funny when you're trying to help somebody who only tells you lies. And I'm not somebody who comes to Thailand for a week every year. I live here for 15 years. 



Jenny....... I think you missed my point completely...........

Here in this OP we have the Prime Minister Appealing to the public to do away with Prostistution (the OLDEST profession) .... when this cop and probably most officials including 'He himself' (PM) and most other politicians.......... This cop and all those are 'supposedly' working to end the oldest profession and yet that cop and so many of his co-harts are the MOST guilty of promoting it......... after 15 years here you seem to have a fairly good grasp of 'what life is in Thailand' and the Thai girls' in general.......... After 37 years here I have learned a bit myself......... I have come to love the 'Thai Poor - Issan people' and at the same time I have come to hate those who like to take advantage of those poor, whether it be foreigners wanting cheap girls for personal pleasures or HiSo Thai's wanting cheap labor house maids............

The post was about ending prostitution and my comment was to show how this PM's own staff are the worst abusers and promoters.......... 

But I appreciate your post and opinion...........

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23 hours ago, Khun Han said:


There will probably be a revolution before there's a democratically elected government :sad:.

I do know what you mean but I hope you are wrong.


JT that you are exchanging posts with seems to misunderstand the link between police and Hi-So corruption and the prostitution business here, and that the media are fully aware of what is going on.



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3 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:



JT that you are exchanging posts with seems to misunderstand the link between police and Hi-So corruption and the prostitution business here, and that the media are fully aware of what is going on.



Bizarre that you got that from my posts. What you said has NOTHING to do with my posts on this topic. I suggest you post your own opinions rather than smearing falsehoods about what other people think or don't think. Speak for yourself. Do not speak for me. 

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"Thailand will not be seen as a sex destination by foreign tourists."

However, he says nothing about most of the customers being Thai. Once again all that needs to be done is to enforce the present laws. How difficult is that for him to understand?

Edited by jaltsc
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32 minutes ago, jaltsc said:

"Thailand will not be seen as a sex destination by foreign tourists."

However, he says nothing about most of the customers being Thai. Once again all that needs to be done is to enforce the present laws. How difficult is that for him to understand?

I don't think you understand. Farangs are 2nd class citizens. What Thais do behind closed doors is irrelevant. They want to clean up the farang stuff to present a better image to attract more high end tourists who spend 5 times more on hotels.

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I don't agree. If they did the obvious, as I mentioned, Thailand would almost instantly lose it's reputation as the leading SEX TOURISM destination on the planet and instead have a reputation of a country that arrests sex tourists. That's what they want -- they CAN do it.
Again, everyone knows that they won't. 
What could they arrest "sex tourists" for? Paying for sex is not illegal in Thailand. They do arrest foreigners for paying for underage sex which is illegal; and they do arrest prostitutes who are soliciting openly which is also illegal.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Its really a whole different angle that is necessary here. There is one and only one way to reduce prostitution and that is to build schools, hire teachers and build an economy where young people can earn a living wage. Until you do that, it is entirely a "face" and "lip service" issue...

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14 minutes ago, pattayaorganic said:

Its really a whole different angle that is necessary here. There is one and only one way to reduce prostitution and that is to build schools, hire teachers and build an economy where young people can earn a living wage. Until you do that, it is entirely a "face" and "lip service" issue...

They have good schools. 

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4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

What could they arrest "sex tourists" for? Paying for sex is not illegal in Thailand. They do arrest foreigners for paying for underage sex which is illegal; and they do arrest prostitutes who are soliciting openly which is also illegal.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

They could make new laws. Really easy and quick to do with the form of government currently in Thailand.


I have never said they will or should do such things.

Just saying that whining about the sex tourism reputation of Thailand is silly. IF they really wanted to change that reputation in a fundamental way, they could do so.

Imagine if there were mass arrests of foreigners for buying sex. It would be front page news globally. Sex tourists would cancel their bookings en masse. Thailand would get ANOTHER kind of reputation if they did that. Also negative but a different kind of negative.

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On 2/28/2018 at 5:22 AM, Somtamnication said:

LOL. More than 40% of the GDP and he wants to shut it down? Reminds me of a Supertramp song "dreamer, nothing but a dreamer"......

Actually it's 100% of the GDP,  plus 110% including the scams imbedded with it. 

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3 hours ago, pattayaorganic said:

Its really a whole different angle that is necessary here. There is one and only one way to reduce prostitution and that is to build schools, hire teachers and build an economy where young people can earn a living wage. Until you do that, it is entirely a "face" and "lip service" issue...

Sure making it a richer country with much less inequality could slowly change the culture. But you're talking generations. I was talking tomorrow. 

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"Thailand will not be seen as a sex destination by foreign tourists."
However, he says nothing about most of the customers being Thai. Once again all that needs to be done is to enforce the present laws. How difficult is that for him to understand?
Thai customers are not "sex tourists". He's worried about Thailand's international reputation as a "sex resort", not the domestic sex industry.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 minute ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Thai customers are not "sex tourists". He's worried about Thailand's international reputation as a "sex resort", not the domestic sex industry.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Exactly! That's been my obvious point all along.

Consider the USA. So many hos!

Yes the USA is not seen as an international sex tourism destination, except perhaps in Las Vegas.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Exactly! That's been my obvious point all along.

Consider the USA. So many hos!

Yes the USA is not seen as an international sex tourism destination, except perhaps in Las Vegas.

I think I remember a scene in "Down and Out in Las Vegas" (I might be wrong about the film title) where the main character is approached by a coloured prostitute. The conversation went as follows:-


He said "Pay for it? I've never paid for it in my life!"

She then asks "Honey, you married?"

He replies "Yes, I'm happily married with 2 beautiful small children"

She replies "Honey, you paying for it ALL da time!"


Funny, but true!

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On 3/1/2018 at 4:50 PM, Donotdisturb said:

People sell their body for money. 99% of prostitutes in thailand catering to locals or longnoses are POOR girls. Im not saying 100% because on tvf there's always 1 who will claim "he knew a girl who did it for the fun"... so if Prayutosaurus wants to deal with it he must deal with poverty. Unfortunately this man and his supporters NEED poverty (and ignorance) in order to exist. In other words: kin khao yang?

Prayutosaurus? A magnificent piece of wordsmithing.

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On 3/5/2018 at 6:51 AM, Jingthing said:

Bizarre that you got that from my posts. What you said has NOTHING to do with my posts on this topic. I suggest you post your own opinions rather than smearing falsehoods about what other people think or don't think. Speak for yourself. Do not speak for me. 

I would never presume to "speak for you" in anyway shape or form, but I stand by what I said, you seem to have little understanding of the depth of corruption here and a naive idea as to how it could be stopped, and Thailand's reputation could be changed.



Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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35 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

I would never presume to "speak for you" in anyway shape or form, but I stand by what I said, you seem to have little understanding of the depth of corruption here and a naive idea as to how it could be stopped, and Thailand's reputation could be changed.



You're wrong. You have completely misinterpreted my posts. I'm really disgusted by posts that make such moronic and incorrect personalized assumptions. Speak directly to the content. Do not try to analyze me again because the topic is not me, and also you are really, really BAD at it. 

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're wrong. You have completely misinterpreted my posts. I'm really disgusted by posts that make such moronic and incorrect personalized assumptions. Speak directly to the content. Do not try to analyze me again because the topic is not me, and also you are really, really BAD at it. 

If we are sticking to the topic, you missed the point.

Corruption here will see the situation continue and the police etc will do nothing as they are all involved... Tourism for sex will continue to fill Thai pockets, as the indigenous prostitution has for a hundred years.

Try some logic, not wishy-washy pie in the sky nonsense.

I will not waste more time on someone that is incapable of understanding the situation.



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4 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

If we are sticking to the topic, you missed the point.

Corruption here will see the situation continue and the police etc will do nothing as they are all involved... Tourism for sex will continue to fill Thai pockets, as the indigenous prostitution has for hundreds of years.

Try some logic, not wishy-washy pie in the sky nonsense.

I will not waste more time on someone that is incapable of understanding the situation.



So incredibly OBNOXIOUS.

Yes, please don't waste your time with your attempts to hijack this thread into a personal attack on me based on moronic assumptions. 

Again, you totally misinterpreted my POV yet you refuse to man up and admit it. Please bother someone else if you insist on personalizing topics. 

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Prostitution is here to stay, the low wages etc make for willing employees.

The rich and the authorities exploit the situation and take a big cut of the income. The 300m baht loan by Victoria's Secret massage parlour to an ex-police chief says it all

Without reform of the police and a determined effort to end corruption elsewhere the situation cannot change.

The question is: who can actually end corruption?


Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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