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Police launch major crackdown on foreigners on Soi Cowboy - scores of English teachers and visa overstayers arrested


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30 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

I did two master's degrees and taught at universities and companies from Japan to Dubai to Equatorial Guinea for 30 years. No wonder among my colleagues "backpacker" teachers are so disparaged. What losers, some of them. Others are just naive, starry-eyed little undergraduates who think they can earn their way around the world imparting their world language. And they spend their time in Soi Cowboy?? Anyway it's too late to start a career in EFL with any kind of gainful employment no matter what your qualifications--unless you think $2000 a month in China is a great deal. Probably good for 25-year-olds who want Chinese gfs. Can't blame them there. I married a Chinese (from KL).

nice slur against english teachers in general, however , had you read the article, you would likely be aware that these weren't run-of-the mill undergraduate transient english teachers, but rather exclusively people of various colours and natinalities staying in thailand living and working illegally under cover of a series of spurious types of employment.

but i suppose that's hardly relevant when you have an axe to grind.

Edited by HooHaa
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Without explaining in further detail they said that the illegals came from Uganda, Rwanda, India, Uzbekistan, Canada, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Burma, Laos and Cambodia.

Good to see that English is being taught by native speakers. Little wonder that the standard here is so bad.

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6 minutes ago, The Teacher said:

Hahahahaha There is not one Native English speaker among them, makes it look bad for ones doing a great job in their schools trying to bring the country out of the dark ages. Deport and never let them back, such a bad disgrace to the Teaching fraternity !!!!!!!!:post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976:

The Thais should grant you a knighthood for tirelessly doing "a great job trying to bring the country out of the dark ages" as you put it.  


LOL, your name betrays your bias. There are many many illiterate drifters from western countries also who moonshine as teachers in various asian countries, to pursue their passion for mongering, alcohol, drugs etc. Just coming from a native english speaking nation is not the end of it.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

scores of English teachers and visa overstayers arrested

And they wonder why the educational system on ALL levels is a farce...I have taught in several countries and the educational institutions I was involved with tell you up front that if you are hanging out in bars and the school finds out about it you're done...

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Thumbs up to the Royal Thai Police.  No doubt quite a bit of intelligence work goes in before the raids take place.  Dark people aren't exempt from police attention and if they have become a major problem for Thailand then raids and arrests are in order.  I would like to know how many from bordering countries were among the lot arrested.  A breakdown would have thrown more light on the problem as I suspect there are far more from those countries than we think.  Being African or Indian makes it hard to blend in but coming from Laos etc makes it much easier and far more work for the Police Intelligence Units.


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40 minutes ago, The Teacher said:

Last time I looked there wasn't any schools on Soi Cowboy , hahahahahaha:shock1::shock1:

Well, there is a bar called Playskool or Playschool. I wonder what sort of nice people that attracts? Otherwise there are a couple of schools around in the corner in Soi 23.

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4 hours ago, Essecola said:

Is this supposed to be something new? Isn't it they go on round ups of "dark skinned" people at least a couple times a year and always in the same areas? Not exactly new news. Some ppl must never get tired of reading the same news articles over and over.

i never get tired of reading these articles and would happily read them 10 times a day until all those scum bags are deported

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Without explaining in further detail they said that the illegals came from Uganda, Rwanda, India, Uzbekistan, Canada, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Burma, Laos and Cambodia.

I suspect that the ones from Vietnam, Burma, Laos and Cambodia were girls from the bars.  Maybe they can be excused as they supply such an essential service in the area :smile:

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18 minutes ago, DonaldBattles said:

If the immigration rules and laws were tighten up you could dramatically reduce the number of criminals they let in. But doing so would damage Bangkok sex industry.

Don it would not matter Soi Cowboy is where a lot of the local expats hang, teachers, business people and all the ones I know are legal and not criminal

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8 hours ago, HooHaa said:

Not quite sure how dna is going to help keep them from returning unless they begin testing in situ.


Makes a nice sound byte though...

Fake Passports, Fake visas, Fake professions, Fake asylumseekers - so yes, it is a certain risk that it will be collected Fake DNA's as well.....:coffee1:

Edited by ttrd
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16 minutes ago, ttrd said:

Fake Passports, Fake visas, Fake professions, Fake asylumseekers - so yes, it is a certain risk that it will be collected Fake DNA's as well.....:coffee1:

Every one of these still probably better than genuine holier-than-thou and racist attitudes in the thread.

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