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What do Thai Wives (& their husbands) think of losing their Australian Husbands for 2 years because of a new Centrelink law requirement being for him to live 2 years in Australia to collect his aged pension entitlement from the Australain government

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I certainly am not too happy about it. I've lived most of my adult life in Australia and have worked as a tradesman there for almost 30 years, knowing that I'd recieve an aged pension at 65 years of age. Well that recently went up to 66 & half years for me. I've lived with my Thai Wife almost 10 years unbrocken now before I learned of new laws, that I think are, absurd, and disrespectful to a man & his dependents, so what is she supposed to do in the 2 years he is away?, or can she join him & travel back with him to live the 2 years together in Australia? Because I had always intended for my marriage to continue & that I live as an Australian outside of Australia when I qualify for the Australian aged pension.

I certainly am not too happy about it. I've lived most of my adult life in Australia and have worked as a tradesman there for almost 30 years, knowing that I'd recieve an aged pension at 65 years of age. Well that recently went up to 66 & half years for me. I've lived with my Thai Wife almost 10 years unbrocken now before I learned of new laws, that I think are, absurd, and disrespectful to a man & his dependents, so what is she supposed to do in the 2 years he is away?, or can she join him & travel back with him to live the 2 years together in Australia? Because I had always intended for my marriage to continue & that I live as an Australian outside of Australia when I qualify for the Australian aged pension.

Why not take your wife back with you for all or some of the time?
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I feel for you, and it is really disrespecful by Australia to break the news to you, and you find out, all over night, about this.


May it be like you have overseen to learn about the present rules in Australia???



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Your pension can be significantly reduced if you live in Thailand and married to a Thai. I had planned on getting married here until I was advised that when Centrelink find out my pension would be cut.

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6 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

I used to tell this to any girl that was getting serious. Worked as a wonderful excuse. :smile:

I went as far as getting the letter from the embassy, proof of divorce for previous marriage, translations etc, cost me more that 10,000 baht before I was advised that I could lose some of my OAP. Needless to say my partner was a little disappointed, but she's got over it.

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This has been on the cards for some time now, and fortunately you have found out in time to make an informed decision.


You still need to research things further, i.e. if you meet the assets test because if you have too much money your pension will get reduced even further, maybe right down to zero.


Time to play the system while these politicians take from you so they can have a bigger retirement.


My plan is to go back alone, file for divorce, once the divorce is done and dusted, I will tell the Mrs its time for her to come over through the back door so to speak, and stay with me under the radar, and when I apply, and if they ask the question, do you intend on returning to Thailand, well yes of course, I have kids I want to see, how long will you spend there, well, how long is a piece of string, I also intend on travelling to other countries, so as not to be too far from the kids, and of course return to my home, Australia.


In other words, sometime you got to lie, i.e. didn't I just give you some chocolate, hmmm, nope :passifier:


Now there would be a downside to this, i.e. if I croak, and naturally I will one day, she won't get the pension, but that's ok, because she will be looked after from my insurance policy and 2/3rds of the will goes to the kids, while the other 3rd goes to my kid, I mean adult back in Aus


They can try and make things difficult by moving the goal posts, we just have to be patient and try to score tactically if you get my drift, remember, patience prevails if you allow it.


Good luck

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, giddyup said:

I went as far as getting the letter from the embassy, proof of divorce for previous marriage, translations etc, cost me more that 10,000 baht before I was advised that I could lose some of my OAP. Needless to say my partner was a little disappointed, but she's got over it.

Great minds think alike, already discussed it with the Mrs, and the plan is in place 10 years out though, forward thinking gets you to where you want to be :partytime2:

17 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

 Now there would be a downside to this, i.e. if I croak, and naturally I will one day, she won't get the pension, but that's ok, because she will be looked after from my insurance policy and 2/3rds of the will goes to the kids, while the other 3rd goes to my kid, I mean adult back in Aus 

I doubt if a Thai wife would be eligible for an Aussie pension. She would have to qualify same as everyone else by living in the country for quite a number of years to even get a part pension. She won't get one living in Thailand that's for sure.

  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

Are they new? I certainly knew about this 2 year rule several years ago from an Aussie friend.

No, not new.


What ever you do DO NOT give centerlink any excuse to check in to your background. i have been living in Chiang Mai for over 12 years ,went back to aus at age 60 , found it hard at first (not the Australia i remember) did 60 as i thought it would be easyer to get work, this was the best dicision i made.

What ever you do do not let CL know you are married Will cut $200 per forghtnight from your pension. They have no way of checking if you are married inThailand, keep them in the dark. i was sending 20 g back every month when they inquired about this i told them it was for rent of my house and up keep.

You have  2  ways of doing you sentance

1 go back before, you can then travel back and forwards to Thailand as much as you whant.

2 Go back @ 66.5 you will get the pension BUT you cant leave for more than 6 weeks a year , they will STOP your pension and you will have to reapply .  

Sorry but they what  you to spend your money in Aus, not live a comfortable life any where else.


Im a 67yo Kiwi. I am allowed out of the country for no more than 6 months, ie: I need to spend one day more in NZ than Thailand. If I overstay mt pension will be stopped and, heres the kicker, I WILL be required to pay back whatever has been paid. Unfortunately, Thailand is not one of the countries I can take my pension too. Sucks.

9 minutes ago, 2BOB said:

I know several KIWIS living in CM for over 10 years but do non have to go back!!!!


Maybe they aren't getting pensions.

21 minutes ago, 2BOB said:

What ever you do DO NOT give centerlink any excuse to check in to your background. i have been living in Chiang Mai for over 12 years ,went back to aus at age 60 , found it hard at first (not the Australia i remember) did 60 as i thought it would be easyer to get work, this was the best dicision i made.

What ever you do do not let CL know you are married Will cut $200 per forghtnight from your pension. They have no way of checking if you are married inThailand, keep them in the dark. i was sending 20 g back every month when they inquired about this i told them it was for rent of my house and up keep.

You have  2  ways of doing you sentance

1 go back before, you can then travel back and forwards to Thailand as much as you whant.

2 Go back @ 66.5 you will get the pension BUT you cant leave for more than 6 weeks a year , they will STOP your pension and you will have to reapply .  

Sorry but they what  you to spend your money in Aus, not live a comfortable life any where else.

ummm, hiding it will be bad if it ever comes out later... criminal-wise


secrets never stay secret forever, as eventually, secrets talk...


even in AUS, going from a Single, to a one-pensioner-within-a-Couple; will lose you much more than 200/Fn - assuming one one was already on the Full Rate


When caught, there are no Statute of Limitation, as to how far back that they can go in your past, to re-coop their $$$


The best way to keep CL from chasing you, is for you to be in their face, to barrage them with all those masses of relevant info, before they come to you for it 


Keep all your 'Income and Assets' Reporting up to date, even Weekly... Flood them with it


About that 6 weeks thing... only the Supplements fall off.

The OAP itself does not cease(although a DSP willCease after 13 weeks abroad over a rolling 12mths period)


In paprallel to the OP about OAP:

If you are Ex-ADF, and on a DVA White/Gold Card pension; it also gets cut from a Singles, to a One-in-a-Couples rate too.

If you don't keep them up to date with correct info, you could stuff yourself, for life not just the era after 60...



You are right about the six weeks, but that applies to pensioners that have not lived overseas and are applying for first time


The asset test is the killer, Australian penision is not a entitlement, but a safety net, according to centrelink,

3 minutes ago, flynn said:

The asset test is the killer, Australian penision isn’t not a entitlement but a safety net, according to centrelink,

I only get approx 50% of the pension because I paid into a super fund, and every dollar I earn in interest on a savings account I lose 50 cents from my pension. To add insult Centrelink deems interest at around 4%, I'm struggling to get 2.5%.

1 hour ago, 2BOB said:

What ever you do DO NOT give centerlink any excuse to check in to your background. i have been living in Chiang Mai for over 12 years ,went back to aus at age 60 , found it hard at first (not the Australia i remember) did 60 as i thought it would be easyer to get work, this was the best dicision i made.

What ever you do do not let CL know you are married Will cut $200 per forghtnight from your pension. They have no way of checking if you are married inThailand, keep them in the dark. i was sending 20 g back every month when they inquired about this i told them it was for rent of my house and up keep.

You have  2  ways of doing you sentance

1 go back before, you can then travel back and forwards to Thailand as much as you whant.

2 Go back @ 66.5 you will get the pension BUT you cant leave for more than 6 weeks a year , they will STOP your pension and you will have to reapply .  

Sorry but they what  you to spend your money in Aus, not live a comfortable life any where else.

If I could go back to before I was married, I'd just have a village wedding to keep my wife sweet, but as not a legal marriage does not affect pension. 

However, in some countries, cohabitation over a minimum number of years is regarded as same as marriage.



Thank God I am swedish, I am more and more realizing how good system we have. I have never heard about any more stupid system than these 2 years and these NOT allowed to stay whereever you like too.....


In Sweden, we pay into our pension during our lifetime, just as you guys do, but then any comparizon stops.... Our pension is OUR pension and no one else can touch it in that bad manner you explained here.


Good luck.. But I guess there is much more to this than what you are admitting here. Like including in your pensions is favourable money garanties to help you out, while living in Australia. NOT means to apply if you live outside Australia, so if that is the case, maybe you guys should stop complaining, take the lower pension and smile...



5 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Thank God I am swedish, I am more and more realizing how good system we have. I have never heard about any more stupid system than these 2 years and these NOT allowed to stay whereever you like too.....


In Sweden, we pay into our pension during our lifetime, just as you guys do, but then any comparizon stops.... Our pension is OUR pension and no one else can touch it in that bad manner you explained here.


Good luck.. But I guess there is much more to this than what you are admitting here. Like including in your pensions is favourable money garanties to help you out, while living in Australia. NOT means to apply if you live outside Australia, so if that is the case, maybe you guys should stop complaining, take the lower pension and smile...



The difference is Australians don't actually pay into a pension fund per se. You will get the same pension whether you worked all your life or got the dole. The aged pension is paid out of general revenue. Now they have compulsory superannuation that everyone is required to contribute to, probably because with an aging population it's costing too much. Once you qualify for the aged pension you can choose to live wherever you like.

1 hour ago, sometimewoodworker said:

Are they new? I certainly knew about this 2 year rule several years ago from an Aussie friend.

My Aussie ex-brother in law faced the same problem about two years back.  He's now married to a Filipina,  living in the Philippines and had planned on collecting an age pension after working in Oz for so many years.

However, he was also hit with the 2-year rule of having to be in Australia for 2 years before claiming a pension.

It seems grossly unfair to me, as there is also another requirement that you must have worked in Oz for 35 years to collect the full pension.  Retirement age is, I believe, now 67.5rs.   Best to keep up to date by reading the 'News for Older Australians' on Centrelink pages.


The reverse side of the coin is that the Oz govt are doing ok while we expats are living in Thailand.   Along with all other expats, I am paying my own medical and pathology bills, surgery, dental, medicines, immunisations, and we are NOT claiming rental subsidies or power and phone supplements.    These are all available to anyone on a pension, not forgetting free public transport in most states plus Senior's discount cards.   QLD rail has just reminded me that I have not used my four free train trips to anywhere in the state.

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This is outrageous. 

I feel for anyone who is already here and has sold up and has no place to return to down under.

And I thought the UK situation was bad enough.

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

This has been on the cards for some time now, and fortunately you have found out in time to make an informed decision.


You still need to research things further, i.e. if you meet the assets test because if you have too much money your pension will get reduced even further, maybe right down to zero.


Time to play the system while these politicians take from you so they can have a bigger retirement.


My plan is to go back alone, file for divorce, once the divorce is done and dusted, I will tell the Mrs its time for her to come over through the back door so to speak, and stay with me under the radar, and when I apply, and if they ask the question, do you intend on returning to Thailand, well yes of course, I have kids I want to see, how long will you spend there, well, how long is a piece of string, I also intend on travelling to other countries, so as not to be too far from the kids, and of course return to my home, Australia.


In other words, sometime you got to lie, i.e. didn't I just give you some chocolate, hmmm, nope :passifier:


Now there would be a downside to this, i.e. if I croak, and naturally I will one day, she won't get the pension, but that's ok, because she will be looked after from my insurance policy and 2/3rds of the will goes to the kids, while the other 3rd goes to my kid, I mean adult back in Aus


They can try and make things difficult by moving the goal posts, we just have to be patient and try to score tactically if you get my drift, remember, patience prevails if you allow it.


Good luck

How will your partner be able to relocate to Oz without your sponsorship? BTW, remember Oz government  has sophisticated data matching / data mining capability e.g. ATO matches up car sales over a certain value to the purchaser to identify those under declaring income for tax evasion purposes

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