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Dutchman nabbed with three underaged boys and sex videos in Pattaya


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3 hours ago, dinsdale said:

Again I will say no ages are given. As for "to bring them for sex trade" this can just mean; to have sex. This was a police set up so we'll just have to wait and see. Would the police use children to "lure" the Dutchman into the sting operation? Maybe the BIB have been watching this guy or maybe it's another case of Pattaya BIB extortion. The fact is, from the report, we don't know.


Your reading skills are poor.  The police used fake customers to lure the Dutch man into producing his underage prostitutes that he was pimping out.

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16 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

i disagree. it has not been a safe haven for decades and you'll find most go to neighbouring countries such as cambodia which is easier. the British for example have had there own Police based in Thailand(CEOP) Child Explotation and Online Protection Unit for many years. So, no it is not a safe haven as you suggest, hence why this paedo has been busted as have many others over the years


If the CEOP prevent Thailand from being a safe haven for pedos why is it not working in Cambodia where they have been working for just as long?  

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9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


If the CEOP prevent Thailand from being a safe haven for pedos why is it not working in Cambodia where they have been working for just as long?  

as i understood it, CEOP were based out of BKK and that would cover Cambodia. they didn't originally have a physical base there and that may well have changed years ago. why is it not working in cambodia, i don't know that it isn't. maybe just catching up?  maybe still culturally more acceptable there, more poverty makes bribing easier and more target children?

**and i don't think cambodia is a safe haven either, just probably easier for them to get away with it there than here

Edited by Happy enough
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4 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

Why do you say that? Were they 11/12 or 17/18? There's a huge difference in implication. The boys rented the location, sounds like they were young adults, it could easily just have been a baited trap, with the cops waiting around the corner.

You need to read the article again paying attention to the details.  If they were underage it makes no difference what their actual age is. Also, the room where the arrest was made was rented by the 2 foreigners posing (for the police)as potential customers. 

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1 hour ago, hyku1147 said:

I would like to crush his head in a vice.

did you miss to paste the first word of the sentence ? "thereafter ...... .... ...  

Better allow the police, court, jail to do their job,
and not go down to the dirty buggers' level, albeit imho your suggestion is not as base as the crime.

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1 hour ago, CanuckThai said:

The fella that made this video had my attention, raising the issue of child sex abuse and pedophiles in SE Asia.  He lost me when he claimed "90-95% of white people travel to SE Asia to take advantage of the availability prostitution and child sex".  

that estimate is of course over the top, ( belonging to the privileged 5 - 10 % of normal people feels nice though ) 
but a lot of the things he is saying in his rather colorful language make sense.

To save a child for a day is better than doing nothing.

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2 minutes ago, diehard60 said:

yep, pataya is a great place NOT to go


2 minutes ago, diehard60 said:

yep, pataya is a great place NOT to go

pattaya is what it is,been there 12 years never had a problem,and never seen any paedo,s walking round with kids,thats the sensationalist english press chattin shit about something they know <deleted> all about to sell papers,im sure it does go on there,but it goes on in the U.K,europe the states and everywhere else,so why do they attack pattaya all the time?

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6 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

Why do you say that? Were they 11/12 or 17/18? There's a huge difference in implication. The boys rented the location, sounds like they were young adults, it could easily just have been a baited trap, with the cops waiting around the corner.

Like it says procuring underage. And even if he was baited. That's just to bad. One less ounce of shit on the streets. Hope he rots in hell. Should be more baiting lure and trap these scum

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If you are an expat, stop beeing a foreinger. Abbay the laws. Make friends with the thai population. Act like you wod in your one home country. Show respect. Join your neighbors, thai and farang. Be a source. Comunicate. And your life will be a lot easier.

Do it stepp by stepp. Rome was not build in a day. And yeah i know, Rome faultered, but not in a day.

Sabay sabay?

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6 minutes ago, Bendi said:

If you are an expat, stop beeing a foreinger. Abbay the laws. Make friends with the thai population. Act like you wod in your one home country. Show respect. Join your neighbors, thai and farang. Be a source. Comunicate. And your life will be a lot easier.

Do it stepp by stepp. Rome was not build in a day. And yeah i know, Rome faultered, but not in a day.

Sabay sabay?

i appreciate what you are saying,but the one thing is they never let you forget that you are a farang,and the laws change like the weather,if it was universelly enforced woudnt have a problem,but its a two tier system,thai laws and farang laws and until that changes we will never be equal

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Incorrect! If the boy/girl is aged 15 and above they can lawfully consent to sex. It is only if there is a financial incentive for performing the act, that it becomes illegal. So 15, 16 and 17 year olds can engage in sex as long as they are not being paid for it.

You're digging yourself a very dodgy hole with this argument.

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5 minutes ago, Just Weird said:

You're digging yourself a very dodgy hole with this argument.

thats a nonce,s view,if you think sex with a 15 year old is ok coz you aint paying for it then you need to ask yourself some serious questions,the first one should be"am i a peado"

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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Incorrect! If the boy/girl is aged 15 and above they can lawfully consent to sex. It is only if there is a financial incentive for performing the act, that it becomes illegal. So 15, 16 and 17 year olds can engage in sex as long as they are not being paid for it.

thats a nonce,s view,if yiu think its ok to have sex with a 15 year old coz your not paying for it then you need to ask yourself some serious questions,the first one should be "am i a peado"

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8 hours ago, LukKruengDam said:

Why do they all come mostly from Europe, is there something in Pattaya that attracts Europeans?

Really?  Paedophiles in Thailand come from many countries.  Plenty from the USA, Australia, Japan etc. And of course the many Thais who we seem to read about every day.  Maybe they are better at dodging arrest.  Of course they are attracted to Thailand and Pattaya in particular because there is a steady supply of victims, procured by low life Thais for ....money and as we know that is the number one motivation for just about everything in Thailand.


But the blame belongs on both sides.  The paedophiles for creating the demand and the pimps for supplying.

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2 hours ago, digger70 said:

There's something wrong with the system,,,,  All convicted and known rock Spiders Should have a  SPECIAL RED MARK in there passport so that the country where they trying to go to can REFUSE them ENTRY.

True but i think in the middle of their forehead would be better ie.branded so anyone can see what this scumbag is all about!

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