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French man busted for working without a permit


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2 hours ago, Tilacme said:

So long as its a job on a very narrow list and, you are not doing something a Thai can do, as in this case.

No, you are wrong. For a lot of jobs you wouldn't get a work permit. Many jobs are for Thais only. (doctors, pharmacists aso) 

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2 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

No, you are wrong. For a lot of jobs you wouldn't get a work permit. Many jobs are for Thais only. (doctors, pharmacists aso) 

That is what i am saying, apologies if i was not clear.

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Isn't his job description, one that a rich Thai person could have? I am not saying that any would want to

do what he was doing, just that it could be done by a Thai person. If that is the case he has no leg to stand on. Bye Bye Mr. French guy..


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38 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

???? And why you live here then???? 

I don't.  I live in a nearby country.  Thailand has some wonderful resources. It takes some patience but it is usually worth the wait.  The current officialdom makes life hard for everyone, including Thais. 

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3 hours ago, Xonax said:

Time to make it legal for foreigners on long stay to work in Thailand.


On what grounds?  Those who can prove that they do not take a Thai persons job can get a work permit, the rest would be a really bad idea for Thailand to allow as they would put Thai people out of work.  Imagine if they actually did what you are suggesting, there would be a massive new influx from neighbouring countries, basic labor wages would decrease and price the Thai working class out of their jobs, there would be massive unemployment almost instantaneously.  It actually might be a better idea to stiffen things up a bit, it would push the wages up in the sectors who use below minimum wage immigrants as they would need to pay minimum wage and there would be hundreds of thousands of vacancies, we would see a large reduction in unemployment.

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A post containing a series of slurs against the Thai people as a whole has been removed.

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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42 minutes ago, JSixpack said:


The usual nonsense. There are a lot of farang real estate agents in Thailand who do have work permits and may be seen working in their offices daily. The issue is that this guy didn't get one. It's so simple, really.

Yep, my chum runs one....:stoner:

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Just now, jumbo said:

Nice neighbors...

Probably half a dozen legitimate letting offices in VT condo's, all managing to make a living, all registered businesses, with employees, paying taxes, etc..


Hardly surprising that this guy was busted for working a flanker out of his condo.



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4 hours ago, JOC said:

Well done immigration.....keep up the good work....!!

The illegals are just making fools of people abiding by the law...

Have you try abiding by the law? Not playing dart or bridge, not wartxhing porn, reportingwhen you leave the province, employ 4 Thais that you have no use of, stop at the red light, not driving under influence, respecting the speed limit,.....? If you did let me speak to the Pope and make you a saint.

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7 hours ago, Rimmer said:

Gregoire was brought to the Chonburi Immigration Office where he told conflicting accounts of what he was up to

I guess they thought saying you were selling wreaths of onions , bikes and berets and giving away a free condo was far fetched.

Edited by RichardColeman
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5 hours ago, JOC said:

Well done immigration.....keep up the good work....!!

The illegals are just making fools of people abiding by the law...

LOL> Janclaes47 was talking about you in post #3.


Why do the odd "illegals" make fools of people like you? He took his chance, he got caught. It changes nothing. There will always be people willing to gamble. It's not easy for them as they always have to watch their backs in case jealous people like you dob them in.

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5 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

Sooner or later when you work illegally (clearly illegally since the business is in Thailand) -- that immigration will eventually find out and come for you. 

Sooner, later OR NEVER. Now we have it all covered.

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Just now, tropo said:

LOL> Janclaes47 was talking about you in post #3.


Why do the odd "illegals" make fools of people like you? He took his chance, he got caught. It changes nothing. There will always be people willing to gamble. It's not easy for them as they always have to watch their backs in case jealous people like you dob them in.

Ah..yes..Caucasian sneaks..plenty of 'em about.


Sleaze written all over 'em..


I would sooner trust a Thai.

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3 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Nothing wrong with reporting law breakers

There could be if they find out you are the one who reported them. "Mind your own business" is a better way to live here.

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2 hours ago, johnhw said:

Neighborhood Watch, it's called back home, a worthwhile program that allows a fed-up public to support law enforcement efforts. Of course when Thais do it here to farangs, it's immoral, disgusting, indicative of a backward culture.

I'll take these neighbors any day before many of the barfing, bar-brawling, drunken, tattooed caps-on-backwards knuckle-dragging farangs I've run into.


There was no indication in the OP that the neighbours that reported him were foreigners:


"Neighbors at the View Talay 7 tower called immigration police"


How well would your "neighbourhood watch" program go if it was foreigners or Thais reporting on illegal Thai operations?

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

There could be if they find out you are the one who reported them. "Mind your own business" is a better way to live here.



One should mind one's own business..


Orton Rd is quoting from the STASI handbook of 1984.


He seems quite comfortable  there,


Indeed many Europeans for the entire 20th century have been more than comfortable in dobbing their neighbours in (and killing them)


It's in their blood.

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4 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

Well yes, you can't seriously expect the Thai government to throw open the borders and let everyone who is unemployable in his own country take employment away from its own citizens. One of the main responsibilities of any government is look after its own citizens.

Very true, we see what is happening to the well qualified refugees in Australia and various EU countries.  Those governments have the audacity to provide accommodation in addition to a monthly stipend for people who have paid so much into the system. 

Meanwhile, Grannie eats cat food alone without funds to pay for her utilities.

Yes, the Thai's have it wrong= laughable common statements from the Thai bashers.

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2 hours ago, johnhw said:

Neighborhood Watch, it's called back home, a worthwhile program that allows a fed-up public to support law enforcement efforts. Of course when Thais do it here to farangs, it's immoral, disgusting, indicative of a backward culture.

I'll take these neighbors any day before many of the barfing, bar-brawling, drunken, tattooed caps-on-backwards knuckle-dragging farangs I've run into.


True, please add sleeveless shirts, unshaven and shifty eyes to your list of undesirable farang adjectives.

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Just now, Boatfreak said:

Have you try abiding by the law? Not playing dart or bridge, not wartxhing porn, reportingwhen you leave the province, employ 4 Thais that you have no use of, stop at the red light, not driving under influence, respecting the speed limit,.....? If you did let me speak to the Pope and make you a saint.

Struggling are we?

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