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Cops wages should be raised to combat corruption and bribery


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Hiking up salaries won't reduce corruption on its own. Even at the new levels it won't finance the lifestyle many have become accustomed too. 

The idea that someone ever becomes too wealthy so doesn't need corruption has been shown to be false before. Greed breeds more greed. Hiking salaries might have an initial impact, for a short time but even that's doubtful given to money sloshing around.


Whilst you have a justice system that treats people differently, allows individuals to be arbiters of if and how to enforce vague laws, and doesn't deal with things timely, then corruption will never go away. 

And politicians, the law makers will never change that because they want it that way.

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

You're right, a step in the right direction, but increased wages alone won't do it.


In addition to providing a livable wage, the gov must also enact strict corruption laws which will result in jail time, not a transfer or forced retirement.  This would provide both a positive reinforcement and negative consequences.  But like everything else, changing the police "culture" will take some time. 

Not the "Police Culture" that needs to change. It's THAI CULTURE 

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2 hours ago, JAG said:

Whilst I accept that 7K a month is a deridory wage, even for someone fresh from training, corruption is so embedded that a significant salary rise will merely serve to increase the "prices" paid for appointments, and therefore the need for more extortion to recoup that "investment".


Perhaps the only answer is to start again, creating a new police force, smaller, better paid, trained and properly led.


Something along those lines was done in Hong Kong in the early 1980s, transforming the "best police force that money can buy"!

Anti corruption squads Hong Kong in the 80s. Planned and run by mainly seconded British Police Officers. Supported by a Law that (basically) stated "If you can't prove where the money legally came from. Your guilty and you lose the money/property" 

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3 hours ago, Ossy said:

A wage increase of over 100%. This could only happen in Thailand. Next, they'll look at ways of getting the lazy sods off their asses . . . at least whilst their smart-phones are charging.

So you think its OK for the cops to be earning less than the minimum wage do you?


Do you also 'tip' them on occasion, thereby topping up their insubstantial earnings but contributing to the problem? 


Decent wages attract decent people (even though the widespread graft will not be addressed as its endemic from the top down). Pay peanuts and get monkeys.

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4 hours ago, nausea said:

It's a step in the right direction. They might want to look to Australia for ideas. I remember some Australian guy telling me that Australia's police force was historically corrupt but they introduced a package of measures (including salary increases) that mostly put an end to the corruption culture.

The main reason it worked in OZ was the chances of being dobbed in at about 100% and it is against the Australian way. 

Recently there has been a greater tolerance of corruption by migrants but if caught they are criminally prosecuted and loss of pension and ALL entitlements and jail as it is considered that crime by police is at the most serious end of the scale. 

Police are reasonably well remunerated too. 

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It's a good idea and why where I live in Singapore corruption isn't really an issue as police officers aren't paid a pittance, they're paid reasonably well and a big part of why it's such a well-run country and very safe to live in terms of crime.

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I used to think this as well in my earlier naive days here, increase the salary and it will work towards cancelling out some of the corruption.


Until it was pointed out by a good friend at the time (Thai) that if you increased the wages of the police, they could then afford a second mia noi. But to keep the balance, they would need to look in more places for their tea money, making the situation worse not better.


Have to admit, I'm not sure if that is right, but now-a-days it seems to make a lot of sense. IMO increasing wages will not stop that which has been ingrained for so long. It is habitual.

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1 hour ago, Psimbo said:
4 hours ago, Ossy said:

A wage increase of over 100%. This could only happen in Thailand. Next, they'll look at ways of getting the lazy sods off their asses . . . at least whilst their smart-phones are charging.

So you think its OK for the cops to be earning less than the minimum wage do you?

Now, how did you read that meaning into my words, which were intended only to express my surprise at the huge increase, given the general perception that rookie cops are paid peanuts? I do agree with the 'underpaid' gist of your post, though. If wage increases could be matched by training and motivational upgrades, that would be terrific for everybody.

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16 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Why should they be paid more? They hardly even enforce any laws! Just look at the number of riders without helmets for a start...

OMG.  So, you are basing the competency and pay of a police force on no helmet laws???

That is the most minor of offences do you have a clue?

Seems so trivial and baseless......

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I have read that the present police chief listed his assets at some 900million baht, the past one over 400m. If these figures are anything like correct then no wage increase however fantastic will beat the present path to riches.

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Just now, stephen tracy said:

I've never really been sure what there job is.  Jail scapegoats and prevent the rich from going to jail?  I'm sure they'll still keep doing that, don't worry.

Right, my friend! I always say that actually Thailand does not have a police force at all - only a bunch of criminals dressed up in police uniforms and masquerading as policemen.


They do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING positive for the country! In fact, Thailand would be a whole let better off and much safer if the entire 'royal' Thai Police were abolished overnight.

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6 hours ago, seajae said:

what they need to do with the lower ranks is pay them a commission for traffic offenders they pick up/book, so many bad drivers/riders are on the roads breaking all the laws and getting away with it. If they made the police go out and patrol the roads picking up these offenders and then making them pay their fines and paid a commission to the officer/s concerned I am sure they would be chasing these bad drivers all over the country to boost their wages. Would remove many of the bad drivers/riders from the roads or at least make them obey the rules and stop a lot of the accidents we continually see. UNtil the police actually police the roads all the crap will continue, ranking officers can also be paid on the amount of fines their officers bring in, that will get them pushing the lower ranks to work harder too

Surely you jest. Pay them a commission for "traffic offenders"? Over night you would have checkpoints everywhere you looked and every motorist on the road would be a "traffic offender". They already set up their illegal little extortion checkpoints all over BKK, paying them an actual commission would give them carte blanche... it would effectively make police extortion legal and open.

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7 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Right, my friend! I always say that actually Thailand does not have a police force at all - only a bunch of criminals dressed up in police uniforms and masquerading as policemen.


They do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING positive for the country! In fact, Thailand would be a whole let better off and much safer if the entire 'royal' Thai Police were abolished overnight.

Hey then, the next time you need a cop call 1800 GHOSTBUSTERS.

Good luck with that let us know......

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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

Hiking up salaries won't reduce corruption on its own. Even at the new levels it won't finance the lifestyle many have become accustomed too. 

The idea that someone ever becomes too wealthy so doesn't need corruption has been shown to be false before. Greed breeds more greed. Hiking salaries might have an initial impact, for a short time but even that's doubtful given to money sloshing around.


Whilst you have a justice system that treats people differently, allows individuals to be arbiters of if and how to enforce vague laws, and doesn't deal with things timely, then corruption will never go away. 

And politicians, the law makers will never change that because they want it that way.

"Greed breeds more greed"... absolutely right. Just look at the previous and current governments. And if you need an even more glaring example of this, just look at who installed the current government. But we shan't mention any names here.

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Just now, bkk6060 said:

Hey then, the next time you need a cop call 1800 GHOSTBUSTERS.

Good luck with that let us know......

If I had a problem in Thailand the last people I would go to are the RTP. In fact, I did get ripped off for a significant amount of money in my first year here but I was advised at the time not to go to the RTP. Instead I paid someone a 10 percent commission privately to get it back. Had it back within a week minus 10 percent.  Very efficient.

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The lower ranked policemen are definitely underpaid !

Those Thai people working at Tesco and Big C earn more than a starting policeman.

If the present budget allocations can not cover a substantial increase in salary, then an increase in Police efficiency could produce a massive increase in income for the force, and certainly help pay.

Think about :

  • The sale of confiscated vehicles.
  • The sale of other confiscated property that was gained from criminal activity.
  • etc.
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The amount of corrupt money going around is ridiculous if you look at the actual salary of cops and other professions in Thailand. Even at the top rate of 69,000 you can barely support a family putting two kids through a decent school and also having a house and car. In doubt there are many "middle-class" people earning their wages fully honest when you see them driving around in cars that cost 2 years of full wages before other expenses and I doubt that the Pattaya Police Colonole drives a Honda Accord.

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Considering that the legal minimum wage is 300 baht a day I think that it should be raised.  Hell, the minimum I can pay a leaner for my school is 9k.  


Lets face it if you are not paying a living wage and these guys are not getting it it is hard to stop the corruption.  Let me see.


If I do not get caught I can eat and pay my rent.  


If I don't take a bribe i can eat but have nowhere to live.


If I lose my job I can always get one as a security guard and make the same pay plus the tips that the homeowners give me.


I think that if they are making a good salary and have a good benefits package it would be more of a deterrent to taking bribes as \\after the first 10 -100 people caught get canned and lose everything.





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