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U.S. Republicans to Trump - Let Mueller do his job


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U.S. Republicans to Trump - Let Mueller do his job

By Susan Cornwell and Doina Chiacu



FILE PHOTO: A combination of file photos showing Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow, Russia, January 15, 2016 and U.S. President Donald Trump posing for a photo in New York City, U.S., May 17, 2016. REUTERS/Ivan Sekretarev/Pool/Lucas Jackson/File Photos


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican senators warned President Donald Trump on Sunday not to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and said the president must let federal investigators looking into Russian meddling in the U.S. election do their jobs.


The Republican president has renewed his Twitter attacks on both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Mueller's probe since the firing on Friday of the bureau's former deputy director, Andrew McCabe, two days before he was eligible to retire with a full pension.


Republican Senator Jeff Flake, who has criticized Trump harshly, said the president's latest comments appeared to be aimed at the firing of Mueller. Senator Lindsey Graham, another Republican, said if Trump were to dismiss Mueller it would mark "the beginning of the end of his presidency."


AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, said: "As the speaker has always said, Mr. Mueller and his team should be able to do their job."


The comments underscored the risks for Trump if he goes too far to thwart the federal probe.


"I don't know what the designs are on Mueller, but it seems to be building towards that (firing him), and I just hope it doesn't go there, because it can't. We can't in Congress accept that," Flake told CNN's "State of the Union."


"So I would expect to see considerable pushback in the next couple of days urging the president not to go there."


In a series of tweets over the weekend, Trump accused the FBI leadership of lies, corruption and leaking information. He called the Russia probe a politically motivated witch hunt.


"The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime," Trumpsaid on Saturday. On Sunday, he attacked former FBI Director James Comey and McCabe, top officials who were involved in the Russia probe and subsequently fired.


The U.S. intelligence community has concluded that Moscow conducted an influence campaign aimed at swaying the 2016 presidential election to Trump over Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Mueller is investigating the Russian meddling and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign.


On Saturday, Trump's personal lawyer John Dowd urged the Justice Department official overseeing Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, to "bring an end to alleged Russia Collusion investigation manufactured by McCabe's boss James Comey."


Republican U.S. Representative Trey Gowdy criticized Dowd in an interview with "Fox News Sunday."


"I think the president’s attorney, frankly, does him a disservice when he says that and when he frames the investigation that way," Gowdy said. "If you have an innocent client, Mr. Dowd, act like it."




White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said the Trump team was fully cooperating in the Mueller investigation and that the president was expressing his growing frustration with how long the probe has lasted.


Graham, a co-author of legislation that would make it harder for a president to fire a special counsel, said it was very important that Mueller be allowed to proceed without interference and that many Republicans share this view.


"The only reason Mr. Mueller could ever be dismissed is for cause. I see no cause when it comes to Mr. Mueller," Graham said on CNN.


Another Republican, Senator James Lankford, said he does not believe Trump would fire Mueller.


Trump also drew criticism from fellow Republicans on Sunday over the firing of McCabe, who said he believed he was targeted because he corroborated Comey's claims that Trump tried to pressure Comey into killing the Russia probe.


"I don't like the way it happened. He should've been allowed to finish through the weekend," Senator Marco Rubio said on NBC's "Meet the Press."


Rubio, who supports the special counsel probe, said the decision to fire McCabe was made before the release of the Justice Department inspector general's report that Attorney General Jeff Sessions cited in his dismissal. Sessions said the report concluded McCabe leaked information to reporters and misled investigators about his actions.


On Twitter, Michael Bromwich, McCabe's lawyer, hit back at Trump's tweets about his client, calling the president's comments "childish, defamatory, disgusting & false."


"The whole truth will come out in due course," Bromwich wrote. "But the tweets confirm that he has corrupted the entire process that led to Mr. McCabe’s termination and has rendered it illegitimate."


(Reporting by Susan Cornwell; Writing by Doina Chiacu; Editing by Lisa Shumaker, Caren Bohan and Andrea Ricci)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-03-19
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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

Senator Linsey Graham was called a liar on this forum over the Joint Memo he released with Senator Chuck Grassley, pointing out irregularities in the infamous FISC warrant applications. It's clear from said memo and the op that he is (as if ThaiVisa's honest posters didn't already know) a man of integrity.

Oh is he now...  :sleepy:

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Graham, a co-author of legislation that would make it harder for a president to fire a special counsel, said it was very important that Mueller be allowed to proceed without interference and that many Republicans share this view.


"The only reason Mr. Mueller could ever be dismissed is for cause. I see no cause when it comes to Mr. Mueller," Graham said on CNN.


Graham already gave himself an out with the "for cause" comment. Graham currently states that he sees "no cause" but if/when Mueller is let go, you can bet Graham will change his tune to one that he now does see "cause" for Mueller's dismissal. Graham is wishy-washy on the current reality TV president. I expect more of the same waffling behavior in the future from Graham.


Edited by Silurian
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

White House legislative affairs director Marc Short said the Trump team was fully cooperating in the Mueller investigation and that the president was expressing his growing frustration with how long the probe has lasted.

The (supposedly) worlds most powerful man is co operating fully, by using intimating and bullying practices, including firing people and viciously attacking their character.... yep... fully cooperating.


in a new twist on the queens funny wave at the motorcade car window, trump waves just one finger... and no, I’m not talking thumbs.

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55 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, he MUST go!


In other words: let the child/moron fire Mueller, he soon after that will be next.

Rehire Mueller and have him put the moron and some of his friends in jail.

Mission accomplished.

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On 3/19/2018 at 9:42 AM, smotherb said:

Well, it is apparent that some Republicans are not aligning themselves to Trump or his practices.


I am still amazed that so many so-called American patriots do not want to see the results of this investigation. Is patriotism along party interests only; or worse yet, only along Trump's interests? If he is innocent, why is he fighting so hard to stop the investigation? Trump claimed there was no Russian meddling with the 2016 election, then he claimed that the meddling was not in his favor--well we all know those are not true, the Russians did meddle and Hillary was the brunt of their attacks. Now, did the trump campaign collude with the Russians? That is the question that needs to be resolved. How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed?


Anyone with an ounce of sense ought to see some of the other bull Trump throws out-- “Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?” Trump wrote on Twitter.  Hell Mueller is a registered Republican, Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee and his boss is Jeff Sessions, a Trump appointee. When Mueller was FBI Director, he was appointed by George W. Bush another Republican, remember him?


And, then all the bull about the investigation has gone on for more than a year without any results, absolute crap. Mueller was appointed May 17, 2017 after Comey was fired, and remember, Comey was not investigating Trump. Mueller's investigation has proven Russian meddling in the 2016 elections with trash against Hillary--gee, even the most ardent trumpets ought to be able to see who that helps. And, there have been four indictments against Trump associates--Flynn, Gates and Papadopoulos plead guilty and Manafort will go on trial. Others, no doubt are in the line-up. Will trump be included; that is what we should all want to know.


Quit sunburning your butts and get your heads out of the sand; demand a thorough investigation.

You are referring to what I call "false patriotism". It is very easy to wave a flag. It is easy to spout nationalistic platitudes, with nothing behind them, as is the case with Tiny Don, on a daily basis. A true empty suit, if I have ever seen one. But, what are you willing to do when you butt is on the line? In Tiny Don's case, he got five deferments, from service to his nation.  That was the best way he could demonstrate his patriotism, and commitment to his nation. In McCain's case, he does not have to spout nationalistic platitudes. He showed it with his courageous service. And what did he get for that? Insults from the deflector in chief. Little Don had the audacity to criticize Captain McCain for getting captured! After he suffered torture and years in captivity. Trump's biggest sacrifice to his nation is avoiding going to Mar a Lago for the weekend, therefore saving the nation hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs. What was McCain's?


As a naval aviator, McCain flew attack aircraft from carriers. During the Vietnam War, he narrowly escaped death in the 1967 Forrestal fire. On his twenty-third bombing mission in October 1967, he was shot down over Hanoi and badly injured. He subsequently endured five and a half years as a prisoner of war, including periods of torture. In 1968, he refused a North Vietnamese offer of early release, because it would have meant leaving before other prisoners who had been held longer. He was released in 1973 after the Paris Peace Accords.



Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. Like The appointment of Lynne Patton, a wedding planner and longtime Trump family associate, to head the Housing and Urban Development's office for New York and New Jersey, and the talk show host that he just appointed as a chief economic advisor, because he talk smooth and looks good on TV. Good one Don.


The art of not being able to fill vacancies, and leading a nation, without the help of key appointees. The Trump administration will usher in the second quarter of its presidential term with hundreds of vacancies still left to fill in departments throughout the administration. According to the Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service, only 241 key positions requiring Senate confirmation — out of 633 — have been confirmed as of Jan. 18, with 244 positions still without a nominee. The 633 key positions are a small portion of over 1,200 total positions requiring Senate confirmation, the Post noted. Trump’s sluggish staffing stands in stark contrast to his predecessors. According to the Post, Trump had 301 total confirmed nominees by Jan. 18, as compared with 452 confirmations by former President Barack Obama, 493 by George W. Bush and 471 by Bill Clinton at the same point in their terms. 

Edited by spidermike007
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As Lindsay Graham said, If and when Trump decides to fire Mueller, that will be when we Republicans align against him. That is the red line. That will be the end of his administration.


One can only hope Tiny Don makes that fateful decision. Please. Please fire him!

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Five (5) Republicans meekly making milquetoast mumblings is hardly a sign of sea-change?


Until he's found with his hands around a dead hooker's throat, I doubt the 'publicans will say much. And even after such an event they'd probably just say "that's Trump being Trump", and evangelicals would say "she had it coming".





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36 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

You are referring to what I call "false patriotism". It is very easy to wave a flag. It is easy to spout nationalistic platitudes, with nothing behind them, as is the case with Tiny Don, on a daily basis. A true empty suit, if I have ever seen one. But, what are you willing to do when you butt is on the line? In Tiny Don's case, he got five deferments, from service to his nation.  That was the best way he could demonstrate his patriotism, and commitment to his nation. In McCain's case, he does not have to spout nationalistic platitudes. He showed it with his courageous service. And what did he get for that? Insults from the deflector in chief. Little Don had the audacity to criticize Captain McCain for getting captured! After he suffered torture and years in captivity. Trump's biggest sacrifice to his nation is avoiding going to Mar a Lago for the weekend, therefore saving the nation hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs. What was McCain's?


As a naval aviator, McCain flew attack aircraft from carriers. During the Vietnam War, he narrowly escaped death in the 1967 Forrestal fire. On his twenty-third bombing mission in October 1967, he was shot down over Hanoi and badly injured. He subsequently endured five and a half years as a prisoner of war, including periods of torture. In 1968, he refused a North Vietnamese offer of early release, because it would have meant leaving before other prisoners who had been held longer. He was released in 1973 after the Paris Peace Accords.



Tiny DT. The art of moving America backwards, and lowering the quality of life for the average American. 

The art of I cannot make a deal to save my life. 

The art of losing talent in droves, and replacing them with sycophantic fools, devoid of talent or experience. Like The appointment of Lynne Patton, a wedding planner and longtime Trump family associate, to head the Housing and Urban Development's office for New York and New Jersey, and the talk show host that he just appointed as a chief economic advisor, because he talk smooth and looks good on TV. Good one Don.


The art of not being able to fill vacancies, and leading a nation, without the help of key appointees. The Trump administration will usher in the second quarter of its presidential term with hundreds of vacancies still left to fill in departments throughout the administration. According to the Washington Post and Partnership for Public Service, only 241 key positions requiring Senate confirmation — out of 633 — have been confirmed as of Jan. 18, with 244 positions still without a nominee. The 633 key positions are a small portion of over 1,200 total positions requiring Senate confirmation, the Post noted. Trump’s sluggish staffing stands in stark contrast to his predecessors. According to the Post, Trump had 301 total confirmed nominees by Jan. 18, as compared with 452 confirmations by former President Barack Obama, 493 by George W. Bush and 471 by Bill Clinton at the same point in their terms. 

You are providing facts that many Trump supporters do not want to hear. I was trying to appeal to all Americans, no matter their political beliefs. But yes, I am quite sick of presidents who did not go to war putting down opponents who did. As you say, Trump belittles McCain as not his type of hero. Well McCain did fight as you have recounted. George W. Bush belittled Kerry, and Kerry went to Vietnam too. To make matters worse, US military men, specifically the SBVT--swift boat veterans for truth--denounced Kerry's service. No matter the truth or fiction of the allegations, Kerry was in Vietnam and in the line of fire. He even deserves more credit in my book because he felt the war was wrong, but he still went. George Bush was in Texas or in Alabama instead of Vietnam; however, I will admit, neither Texas nor Alabama suffered Vietnamese invasion.  Kerry received three purple hearts--no matter how minor his wounds; they were received in Vietnam; no matter if you think he did not deserve them, the US Navy awarded them to Kerry. If Kerry and McCain are cowards; they are my kind of cowards, they may have been afraid, but they went.  I cannot see how men who actually faced harm's way--and I don't mean the vast majority of support people who talk a good war but never saw combat--can support those who used their contacts to stay out of combat and cast aspersions against those who went.

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8 minutes ago, smotherb said:

You are providing facts that many Trump supporters do not want to hear. I was trying to appeal to all Americans, no matter their political beliefs. But yes, I am quite sick of presidents who did not go to war putting down opponents who did. As you say, Trump belittles McCain as not his type of hero. Well McCain did fight as you have recounted. George W. Bush belittled Kerry, and Kerry went to Vietnam too. To make matters worse, US military men, specifically the SBVT--swift boat veterans for truth--denounced Kerry's service. No matter the truth or fiction of the allegations, Kerry was in Vietnam and in the line of fire. He even deserves more credit in my book because he felt the war was wrong, but he still went. George Bush was in Texas or in Alabama instead of Vietnam; however, I will admit, neither Texas nor Alabama suffered Vietnamese invasion.  Kerry received three purple hearts--no matter how minor his wounds; they were received in Vietnam; no matter if you think he did not deserve them, the US Navy awarded them to Kerry. If Kerry and McCain are cowards; they are my kind of cowards, they may have been afraid, but they went.  I cannot see how men who actually faced harm's way--and I don't mean the vast majority of support people who talk a good war but never saw combat--can support those who used their contacts to stay out of combat and cast aspersions against those who went.


Thanks for that assessment. Agree 100%, and agree that those who cast aspersions towards veterans, who were in the line of fire are the greatest form of cowards. When Tiny Don said he would have stormed into the Parkland school, with or without a weapon, that was a complete load of nonsense. He knew it, his administration knew it, and most Americans and people around the world knew it. A few of his devotees might have bought just another line of BS, from the deflector in chief, one of the biggest cowards, and probably the biggest liar, fool and circus clown, in American history. 


Little Don. Avoiding the facts, the truth, and reality, and lying, fibbing, deflecting, and obfuscating, every moment, of every day of his life. 


Though I stand 6'2", my equipment is small, and quite inferior for a man of my stature. Therefore, I have carried that insecurity, lack of self esteem, and lack of self love with me since I was a young man. Women have commented on my lack of prowess often. It is one of the reasons why I am such an incredible blowhard, and why I need to brag, and engage in bluster every time I open my foul mouth. As everyone knows, everything I say is false, so when I brag about things like my equipment, of course that is false too. Like my hands, everything else is small. I am constantly striving to make up for that in everything I do and say. 


The only people who have more skeletons in their closets than Tiny Don, are some of the Papuan Highlander cannibal tribes. 

Edited by spidermike007
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19 minutes ago, BobBKK said:


No one here will be offended if you vote against him in 2020.

It's well beyond worrying about what offends "trump" supporters. "trump" himself is a mean spirited potty mouth. Firing someone one day before their pension kicks in is the sure sign of a leader that wants to be more like Erdogan than Lincoln. He deserves no respect at all and in my view decent Americans shouldn't be giving him any. 

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On 3/19/2018 at 9:42 AM, smotherb said:

Well, it is apparent that some Republicans are not aligning themselves to Trump or his practices.


I am still amazed that so many so-called American patriots do not want to see the results of this investigation. Is patriotism along party interests only; or worse yet, only along Trump's interests? If he is innocent, why is he fighting so hard to stop the investigation? Trump claimed there was no Russian meddling with the 2016 election, then he claimed that the meddling was not in his favor--well we all know those are not true, the Russians did meddle and Hillary was the brunt of their attacks. Now, did the trump campaign collude with the Russians? That is the question that needs to be resolved. How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed?


Anyone with an ounce of sense ought to see some of the other bull Trump throws out-- “Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?” Trump wrote on Twitter.  Hell Mueller is a registered Republican, Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee and his boss is Jeff Sessions, a Trump appointee. When Mueller was FBI Director, he was appointed by George W. Bush another Republican, remember him?


And, then all the bull about the investigation has gone on for more than a year without any results, absolute crap. Mueller was appointed May 17, 2017 after Comey was fired, and remember, Comey was not investigating Trump. Mueller's investigation has proven Russian meddling in the 2016 elections with trash against Hillary--gee, even the most ardent trumpets ought to be able to see who that helps. And, there have been four indictments against Trump associates--Flynn, Gates and Papadopoulos plead guilty and Manafort will go on trial. Others, no doubt are in the line-up. Will trump be included; that is what we should all want to know.


Quit sunburning your butts and get your heads out of the sand; demand a thorough investigation.

 This talking narrative that someone is republican so they must be loyal isn't necessarily correct. Mueller is a Republican,have you ever heard of never trumpers!

 You said ,"How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed"?I think most want to see the investigation completed*(" TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE WITH THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND RELATED MATTERS".)Process crimes could be found, totally divorced from the campaign and during the Presidency, that have nothing to do with the scope of the investigation(Russian Interference). Your claim about Trump not being investigated,but there was a investigation before Mueller and it was confirmed by Comey over a year ago.


PT has hired a new council that is  Joe diGenova,he is  arguing that the Mueller probe stems from a vast FBI conspiracy against the president.

    "The motive for this alleged secret FBI plot to frame Trump, diGenova said, "is that they didn't like Donald Trump, they didn't think that he was fit to be president, and they were going to do everything within their power to exonerate Hillary Clinton. And if she lost, to frame Donald Trump with a false crime, because they didn't think he should be president."This is what the republicans are working on now,to discredit the FBI and the past admins DOJ.


And finally a article from the Atlantic sums it up, 

"What can Mueller do if he finds evidence of criminality involving the president?  He can and will (as authorized by Department of Justice regulations) file a report on his findings with the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein).The regulations are so vague (they say only that he “may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions”) that they, in effect, give Rosenstein plenary discretion to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the country".






Edited by riclag
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7 hours ago, riclag said:

 This talking narrative that someone is republican so they must be loyal isn't necessarily correct. Mueller is a Republican,have you ever heard of never trumpers!

 You said ,"How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed"?I think most want to see the investigation completed*(" TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE WITH THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND RELATED MATTERS".)Process crimes could be found, totally divorced from the campaign and during the Presidency, that have nothing to do with the scope of the investigation(Russian Interference). Your claim about Trump not being investigated,but there was a investigation before Mueller and it was confirmed by Comey over a year ago.


PT has hired a new council that is  Joe diGenova,he is  arguing that the Mueller probe stems from a vast FBI conspiracy against the president.

    "The motive for this alleged secret FBI plot to frame Trump, diGenova said, "is that they didn't like Donald Trump, they didn't think that he was fit to be president, and they were going to do everything within their power to exonerate Hillary Clinton. And if she lost, to frame Donald Trump with a false crime, because they didn't think he should be president."This is what the republicans are working on now,to discredit the FBI and the past admins DOJ.


And finally a article from the Atlantic sums it up, 

"What can Mueller do if he finds evidence of criminality involving the president?  He can and will (as authorized by Department of Justice regulations) file a report on his findings with the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein).The regulations are so vague (they say only that he “may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions”) that they, in effect, give Rosenstein plenary discretion to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the country".






The release of the Hillary material a few days before the election, tremendously helping Trump, proves otherwise.

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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

The release of the Hillary material a few days before the election, tremendously helping Trump, proves otherwise.

Sources ,I have no idea what your talking about

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8 hours ago, riclag said:

 This talking narrative that someone is republican so they must be loyal isn't necessarily correct. Mueller is a Republican,have you ever heard of never trumpers!

 You said ,"How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed"?I think most want to see the investigation completed*(" TO INVESTIGATE RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE WITH THE 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND RELATED MATTERS".)Process crimes could be found, totally divorced from the campaign and during the Presidency, that have nothing to do with the scope of the investigation(Russian Interference). Your claim about Trump not being investigated,but there was a investigation before Mueller and it was confirmed by Comey over a year ago.


PT has hired a new council that is  Joe diGenova,he is  arguing that the Mueller probe stems from a vast FBI conspiracy against the president.

    "The motive for this alleged secret FBI plot to frame Trump, diGenova said, "is that they didn't like Donald Trump, they didn't think that he was fit to be president, and they were going to do everything within their power to exonerate Hillary Clinton. And if she lost, to frame Donald Trump with a false crime, because they didn't think he should be president."This is what the republicans are working on now,to discredit the FBI and the past admins DOJ.


And finally a article from the Atlantic sums it up, 

"What can Mueller do if he finds evidence of criminality involving the president?  He can and will (as authorized by Department of Justice regulations) file a report on his findings with the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein).The regulations are so vague (they say only that he “may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions”) that they, in effect, give Rosenstein plenary discretion to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the country".






Well, congratulations, you have at least used some research to try to support what you say.  However, allow me to provide reproof.

First, I said, “Is patriotism along party interests only; or worse yet, only along Trump's interests?” That is a question, and it in no way suggests all Republicans--or all Democrats or all Independents, for that matter—are more loyal to the party or to trump than to the US. Clearly, some Republicans are for the investigation—please note, I also said, “Well, it is apparent that some Republicans are not aligning themselves to Trump or his practices . . . “Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?” Trump wrote on Twitter.  Hell Mueller is a registered Republican, Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee and his boss is Jeff Sessions, a Trump appointee. When Mueller was FBI Director, he was appointed by George W. Bush another Republican, remember him?”  


Second,  I am happy to see you would like the investigation completed, as I said and you quoted, "How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed"

Furthermore, Comey stated on June 8, 2017, that Trump was not under investigation, here it is in video for you, just in case you are one of those Fake News aficionados:  http://www.latimes.com/politics/93527520-132.html

The scope of Mueller’s investigation is quite broad,  “In appointing Mueller, however, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave him broad authority not only to investigate "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated" with Trump's campaign, but also to examine "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."” http://www.businessinsider.com/mueller-authority-russia-investigation-2017-7


Yes, I know Trump and the Trumpets claim Fake News for anything detrimental to Trump and that any degree of evidential justification is labeled a Conspiracy. I leave that for you Trumpets to prove. So far you cannot stop the investigation against Trump and you cannot start a new one against Clinton; you poor unrepresented Republicans, you only control all three branches of government.


And your final point is quite naïve; you ask what can Mueller do and state that the DoJ regulations are so vague that Rosenstein has plenary—unqualified or absolute—discretion to do as he sees fit. How about just turning it over to the congress and let them decide if impeachment is the way to go?  Gee, I bet you Trumpets hope there is no conspiracy, don’t you?  However, as I said, “ . . . Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee . . .”


So, what was your point?

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45 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Well, congratulations, you have at least used some research to try to support what you say.  However, allow me to provide reproof.


First, I said, “Is patriotism along party interests only; or worse yet, only along Trump's interests?” That is a question, and it in no way suggests all Republicans--or all Democrats or all Independents, for that matter—are more loyal to the party or to trump than to the US. Clearly, some Republicans are for the investigation—please note, I also said, “Well, it is apparent that some Republicans are not aligning themselves to Trump or his practices . . . “Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?” Trump wrote on Twitter.  Hell Mueller is a registered Republican, Mueller was appointed by Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee and his boss is Jeff Sessions, a Trump appointee. When Mueller was FBI Director, he was appointed by George W. Bush another Republican, remember him?”  




Second,  I am happy to see you would like the investigation completed, as I said and you quoted, "How can anyone who claims to be an American patriot not want to see the investigation completed"


Furthermore, Comey stated on June 8, 2017, that Trump was not under investigation, here it is in video for you, just in case you are one of those Fake News aficionados:  http://www.latimes.com/politics/93527520-132.html


The scope of Mueller’s investigation is quite broad,  “In appointing Mueller, however, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein gave him broad authority not only to investigate "any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated" with Trump's campaign, but also to examine "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."” http://www.businessinsider.com/mueller-authority-russia-investigation-2017-7




Yes, I know Trump and the Trumpets claim Fake News for anything detrimental to Trump and that any degree of evidential justification is labeled a Conspiracy. I leave that for you Trumpets to prove. So far you cannot stop the investigation against Trump and you cannot start a new one against Clinton; you poor unrepresented Republicans, you only control all three branches of government.




And your final point is quite naïve; you ask what can Mueller do and state that the DoJ regulations are so vague that Rosenstein has plenary—unqualified or absolute—discretion to do as he sees fit. How about just turning it over to the congress and let them decide if impeachment is the way to go?  Gee, I bet you Trumpets hope there is no conspiracy, don’t you?  However, as I said, “ . . . Rob Rosenstein, a Trump appointee . . .”




So, what was your point?


Just because Trump  has republican appointees doesn't necessarily mean they don't have a agenda(Rosenstien) ,authorized one of those fisa warrants, that most people want revealed.

I want to see the Russian interference investigation completed,on just that,  Russian interference matter's that's related to the 2016 election, not some business deal Mr. Trump had 25 years ago,which isn't related to the 2016 election .


There is a IG investigation still going on with Clinton. The same one that just got McCabe fired.


I quoted a article from the Atlantic,it wasn't my opinion.But it seems very likely that this is entirely up to the DOJ and the regulations as stated in the article are vague for a criminal charge

The fact of the matter is Mueller reports his findings to the supervisor/manager(DAG)

The regulations are so vague (they say only that he “may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions”) that they, in effect, give Rosenstein plenary discretion to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the country".



I also like  that the Republicans are exposing that the past DOJ and FBI  conspired covering up the Clinton email investigation and trying to undermine the election of democratically elected President of the United States.   I like the new lawyer on the team to investigate the past admin 's DOJ and FBI.He recently hired Joe DiGenova a former federal prosecutor 


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5 minutes ago, riclag said:

Just because Trump  has republican appointees doesn't necessarily mean they don't have a agenda(Rosenstien) ,authorized one of those fisa warrants, that most people want revealed.

I want to see the Russian interference investigation completed,on just that,  Russian interference matter's that's related to the 2016 election, not some business deal Mr. Trump had 25 years ago,which isn't related to the 2016 election .


There is a IG investigation still going on with Clinton. The same one that just got McCabe fired.


I quoted a article from the Atlantic,it wasn't my opinion.But it seems very likely that this is entirely up to the DOJ and the regulations as stated in the article are vague for a criminal charge

The fact of the matter is Mueller reports his findings to the supervisor/manager(DAG)

The regulations are so vague (they say only that he “may determine that public release of these reports would be in the public interest, to the extent that release would comply with applicable legal restrictions”) that they, in effect, give Rosenstein plenary discretion to do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of the country".



I also like  that the Republicans are exposing that the past DOJ and FBI  conspired covering up the Clinton email investigation and trying to undermine the election of democratically elected President of the United States.   I like the new lawyer on the team to investigate the past admin 's DOJ and FBI.He recently hired Joe DiGenova a former federal prosecutor 


Like who you like. You have said nothing to dissuade the facts. You repeat the Atlantic article that, quite frankly, I see no support for your position--you say once again that Rosenstein has plenary discretion on the release of the evidence. Then your argument of FBI and DoJ conspiracy is weak, at best; you mention the DoJ-IG just fired McCabe and the investigation of Clinton is ongoing, but still say they are conspiring to cover it up. So why aren't your allegations against Clinton being pursued more formally in more Republican-friendly entities--oh, that's right the DoJ and the FBI are in Trump appointee hands? Why not get a Republican appointed special counsel to investigate Clinton, but this time to be fair and equitable, make sure the special counsel is a Democrat?

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2 hours ago, smotherb said:

Like who you like. You have said nothing to dissuade the facts. You repeat the Atlantic article that, quite frankly, I see no support for your position--you say once again that Rosenstein has plenary discretion on the release of the evidence. Then your argument of FBI and DoJ conspiracy is weak, at best; you mention the DoJ-IG just fired McCabe and the investigation of Clinton is ongoing, but still say they are conspiring to cover it up. So why aren't your allegations against Clinton being pursued more formally in more Republican-friendly entities--oh, that's right the DoJ and the FBI are in Trump appointee hands? Why not get a Republican appointed special counsel to investigate Clinton, but this time to be fair and equitable, make sure the special counsel is a Democrat?

What's your point?:smile:

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