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Bikeshare Seen As Step To Stop Smog In Bangkok, Chiang Mai


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Stop smoking stop complaining or move out of the city... Any city.. Including suburbs of London or new, York... It's just the I'll educated malcontents demonstrating cultural Marxism ....most SJW who complain about Inner city pollution moved there voluntarily..

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This will prove very popular, Thai's will leave the status symbol car at home and take to the congested, smoggy polluted air of Bangkok in droves on their bikes and in a month the air will be crystal clear. Yes, makes a lot of sense! :wacko: The good ideas just keep coming! :whistling:

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Good luck with that Bangkok. China thought it was the answer to a prayer to reduce air pollution in the cities. Now they have a bike share pollution problem on top of the air pollution problem.

Beijing-based Mobike is simply offloading their problem from Beijing to Bangkok.



Edited by Cadbury
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A better solution would be to encourage people to use small cc motorbikes. Incredibly fuel efficient and non polluting, very convenient and helps reduce congestion and parking issues. The best thing is loads of people already own them. 


But no, instead of creating motorcycle lanes and bike parking to encourage this solution, these small motorcycles are seen as poor people's vehicles so they are banned from bridges/overpasses and subjected to daily shakedowns by police. It's one of the reasons I often leave my congestion beating, environmentally friendly motorcycle at home and drive my car every day (with no passengers). That way the police don't bother me and I can lose an hour sat it traffic while adding to all the problems.


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would be better to build a real bus system and

ban anything larger than a swift.


Scooters pollute more than lorries

Scooters give off thousands of times more smog-causing pollutants than larger vehicles, according to research



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from same article:


"Using average two stroke scooter emission factors... suggests that two stroke scooters contribute to around 60 per cent of roadside POA in Bangkok, where they account for 10 per cent of fuel consumption."



i'd love to cycle here in the city, but it's just crazy.  too many dead-end sois,

only way to travel is on the 2 or 3 lane roads.  with 3 lanes of traffic, you get

4 lanes of crazy scooter drivers.  but 4 lanes still isn't enough, they try to

cut between cyclists and parked cars, or speed by in the gutter between

the cyclist and the kerb.

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This idea of getting people out on bicycles in Bangkok at the present time is totally ludicrous! Vigorous exercise in the Bangkok 'air' (even with a mask - whose protection is dubious at best) is the very LAST thing that should be counselled.


As someone who has recently been suffering from the sharp recent rise in BKK air pollution, I can say that the best thing is to stay well clear of bicycling in Bangkok streets. It's a recipe for a health disaster (if not a traffic one too!).


Edited by Eligius
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1 hour ago, ChouDoufu said:

would be better to build a real bus system and

ban anything larger than a swift.


Scooters pollute more than lorries

Scooters give off thousands of times more smog-causing pollutants than larger vehicles, according to research



Very old article based on 2 stroke engines that does not reflect todays bikes.

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2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

would be better to build a real bus system and

ban anything larger than a swift.


Scooters pollute more than lorries

Scooters give off thousands of times more smog-causing pollutants than larger vehicles, according to research



A very misleading article that gives a shocking, attention grabbing headline and then halfway through admits that the scooters they are referring to are in fact dirty old 2 stroke scooters. I wonder what would happen if they turned the tables and compared a modern, 4 stroke Euro 4 110cc motorcycle with 40 year old Diesel cement truck that had never been serviced (coincidentally, exactly like the ones you see in Bangkok!). You think those trucks/buses belching huge plumes of black fumes everywhere are cleaner than a 2018 Honda Wave? 


Euro 4, 4 stroke "scooters" are incredibly clean and efficient.

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would be better to build a real bus system and

ban anything larger than a swift.


Scooters pollute more than lorries

Scooters give off thousands of times more smog-causing pollutants than larger vehicles, according to research

Next time please do your research before posting old articles.
95 % of the motorcycles in BKK and Thailand are 4 stroke engines.

Taken from the data sheet of Hondas SH 125 scooter.
2.4 l on 100 km
Euro 4 emissions level
54 g/km CO2 emissions

It's roughly half of a compact car.

That is already good if you riding it only with one person.
With two people it is probably the most efficient individual transport except electric vehicles or bicycles.
Not calculated the time and emissions you save by not stuck idle in traffic jam.
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On 23-3-2018 at 11:51 AM, PatOngo said:

This will prove very popular, Thai's will leave the status symbol car at home and take to the congested, smoggy polluted air of Bangkok in droves on their bikes and in a month the air will be crystal clear. Yes, makes a lot of sense! :wacko: The good ideas just keep coming! :whistling:

I have loads of thai neighbours with the most expensive bicycles and outfits....and they really use them but only in the moobaan..

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2 hours ago, CLW said:

Next time please do your research before posting old articles.
95 % of the motorcycles in BKK and Thailand are 4 stroke engines.

Taken from the data sheet of Hondas SH 125 scooter.
2.4 l on 100 km
Euro 4 emissions level
54 g/km CO2 emissions

It's roughly half of a compact car.

That is already good if you riding it only with one person.
With two people it is probably the most efficient individual transport except electric vehicles or bicycles.
Not calculated the time and emissions you save by not stuck idle in traffic jam.

Yup BKK needs a special lane for scooters like that...no congestion, fast transport, no parkingproblems, no smog, saves fuel....


With a special lane many more people will start driving scooter instead of the car so it'll be better for everyone.

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Yup BKK needs a special lane for scooters like that...no congestion, fast transport, no parkingproblems, no smog, saves fuel....
With a special lane many more people will start driving scooter instead of the car so it'll be better for everyone.
Vietnam has it already and it's fantastic
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32 minutes ago, CLW said:
1 hour ago, Thian said:
Yup BKK needs a special lane for scooters like that...no congestion, fast transport, no parkingproblems, no smog, saves fuel....
With a special lane many more people will start driving scooter instead of the car so it'll be better for everyone.

Vietnam has it already and it's fantastic

In Amsterdam they want to block ALL cars in the city, at least that's a proposal. London has the 25? quid charge to enter the citycentre by car.


Also Amsterdam has loads of those rentalbikes now, so many that they even block sidewalks so the city wants to get rid of them.

Those bikes also occupy bicycleparkinglots when not in use and normal cyclist can't park their bike now because of that.


But cycling in BKK is very dangerous, better drive a scooter so you're not the slowest vehicle on the road.


My scooter drives 45 km on a litre in BKK, 55 outside BKK..


But to stop pollution there's so much that can be done in BKK..the problem is the government won't do it.

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