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Shinawatra siblings ‘should be ashamed’, says Prayut


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2 minutes ago, backtofront said:

30B gets you world class medical care as well as a democratically elected government? Who are you talking about when you say "their"? What is it that "they" want besides cash and empty promises? An opportunity? You subscribe to the cash for votes ballot system? Democracy? 


It is far from perfect in the country. But it is way better than it was.


And I think her name was Supinya Klangnarong. It would be interesting to talk to her.

I am sorry, but the above is simply gibberish apart from the line "It is far from perfect in the country. But it is way better than it was" which is subjective anyway. What you mean is that you are quite happy and don't care that others aren't. 

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

I am sorry, but the above is simply gibberish apart from the line "It is far from perfect in the country. But it is way better than it was" which is subjective anyway. What you mean is that you are quite happy and don't care that others aren't. 

No. What I mean is that I asked you if you believe that cash for votes is a fair, equitable and democratic system. I asked who "they" are. The ones who have no say in how the country is run.

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11 minutes ago, baboon said:

"No it isn't "their country" while the population have no say in the way it is run."

Now; does anybody else have trouble with who I mean by "their"? Is it that difficult to fathom? 


I am not even going to bother answering rhetorical questions about vote-buying which was debunked ages ago.

Yes, I believe that two separate scholarly studies found that in fact there was more vote-buying on the part of the Democrats than by the Reds. I know for a fact that my own Thai partner - a Democrat - was approached several times over the years and given money by Dems for his vote ...

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Talk about the height of ludicrous satire - for THIS man to be complaining about political 'criminals' who should feel 'ashamed'! It's OK, though, to take over a whole country by threat of force, tear up its Constitution, clamp down on every conceivable liberty and right, and lie, lie, lie - all the way to the Bank! That's fine. Nothing shameful about any of that!


Edited by Eligius
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6 minutes ago, Eligius said:

Yes, I believe that two separate scholarly studies found that in fact there was more vote-buying on the part of the Democrats than by the Reds. I know for a fact that my own Thai partner - a Democrat - was approached several times over the years and given money by Dems for his vote ...

Really a no brainer. Dem has the most paid members and supported by deep pocket financiers and corporations. People called the Dem Party a party of the rich in Chuan’s Time and even now. The vote buying has been debunked by even their own leaders like Korn and Alongkorn. This golden nugget just refused to be flush away by the Thaksin haters/junta fan men. 

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19 hours ago, xylophone said:

Not sure whether you meant immunity or impunity, however they both fit.............


They overthrew a democratically elected government; have promised to crack down on corruption but as yet will not let their own financial affairs be investigated; have at the moment decided that no action will be taken against the DPM regarding the watch debacle when it is patently and blatantly obvious that the man is a liar; have squandered Thailand's money on unnecessary tanks and submarines; have suppressed gatherings and to certain extent, freedom of speech............ and so much more.


What particularly grates is the fact that Yinluck (and I'm not a supporter of the Shinawatras) has been judged guilty because the rice scam/fiasco/theft happened on her watch, however we are now seeing that the distribution of many millions of baht of government funds to the poor has been pilfered/diverted by corrupt officials and this is under the little generals watch, so is he any different and will he be prosecuted??


Your last paragraph isn't logical. There is evidence to suggest that the theft of millions of funds for the poor has been going on for some time before the Junta seized power. And those who have been thieving have been caught on the Junta's watch. No matter how hard anyone tries determined thieves steal. No hopefully they'll all get caught and punished. We shall see.


In Yingluck's case, she appointed herself head of the scheme, she chose never to bother turning up and chairing any meetings, she asserted on several occasions that there was no corruption in the scheme, and that she and only she was in charge; and although she sacked her corrupt commerce minister she didn't bother to do anything about the corrupt deals which had seemingly benefited a close friend of her brother. Hardly similar context, now is it?

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47 minutes ago, baboon said:

"No it isn't "their country" while the population have no say in the way it is run."

Now; does anybody else have trouble with who I mean by "their"? Is it that difficult to fathom? 


I am not even going to bother answering rhetorical questions about vote-buying which was debunked ages ago.


Do you consider threatening people that "if your area doesn't vote for us and we win, you won't get any public money spent in your area" to be vote buying?


Or paying village headmen a nice reward, and spending money on the village providing all voters in that village, 100% vote for your party?


Or encouraging peer pressure to ensure everyone votes as the "village decides" rather than individuals?

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13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Do you consider threatening people that "if your area doesn't vote for us and we win, you won't get any public money spent in your area" to be vote buying?


Or paying village headmen a nice reward, and spending money on the village providing all voters in that village, 100% vote for your party?


Or encouraging peer pressure to ensure everyone votes as the "village decides" rather than individuals?

No to all three.

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4 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

Firstly, Taksin didn't flee the country in 2008. While at the UN general assembly in 2006 a coup has overthrown his government and he never returned from that trip.


Next - all those favoring Taksin either have not been in Thailand during his period of ruling, or don't remember how it was back then or simply didn't pay attention to what was going on...

True, Taksin didn't have "article 44" in his arsenal. However he had sh**t loads of money to tackle his opponents and criticizers.

He never handled nor solved any crises, he usually just covered up and lied about them, zigzagging his way out once it was proven the crises actually existed. Need some reminders? Starting with a "minor" crises -  the chicken flu. When rumors about such a disease started going around, in order to defy them Taksin hosted a chicken BBQ event for all members of parliament at Sanam Luang as a proof that no such disease existed, which was of course proved to be false statement later on.

Around 2006 a reporter of an English newspaper (I think not allowed to mention its name here) reported about cracks in the runway of the not yet opened Suvarnaphumi airport, along with photos and a testimony from an engineer who worked on the site. Taksin sued the reporter + the editor for 40 million THB for defamation... The article was withdrawn, the reporter and editor were fired. And of course there were cracks on the runway and many of the parking bays at the airport - all had to be fixed before the airport was opened.

Taksin owned among other things a TV station which only praised him and his doings and was actually a propaganda tool. If any other news outlet dared to say something against him - they suffered the consequences. I don't remember exact details, but a reporter of TV channel 5 was fired for reporting (real) news not in his favor. 

What about corruption? well, just 3 stories for now...

1) in 2001, shortly after forming his first government Taksin pushed for open skies law. A day after the law came into effect Taksin owned Thai Air Asia...

2) During his first administration Taskin took many members of his government on an official visit to Myanmar. In the same official airplane, he brought along the top executives of his very own Shin Corporation. He arranged for the executives business meetings with Myanmar's officials who then bought satellite services package for about 1 billion THB. The Myanmar government didn't have the money. So upon return to Thailand, Taksin arranged a Thai government loan for the Myanmar government for the full amount............................

3) Around 2005 or 2006 Taksin sold his Shin Corp (that included AIS, the TV station and Thaicom - the Thai telecommunications satellites to a company owned by the Singaporean government (ridiculous to say the least and very irresponsible) for 2 billion US$ CASH, and refused to pay any tax at all. 


There is much more, by this reply is getting too long as it is......

Agree everything, butslight correction. Thaksin did come back to Thailand, but found he was going to be in deep Sh***. I think he then took himself off to some gamessomewhere pronising he would come back.................

Also, remember the open Red/green light traffic idea? The notices of "NO" held up for press questions, the rigged false assassination storyline in order to beef up sympathy and his army for control, the suppression of the Media, the massacre at "Bok,,????, the suffocation of 70 muslims in the truck down south, the murders of some 2,000 "supposedly drug runners" and his final attempt to become "Caretaker" PM with the intent to continue as a dictator? 

There is much more again - but my response is also getting too long! 

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22 hours ago, petermik said:

Beggars belief what the PM comes out with.......:whistling:


clean up your own backyard first would be a good idea.....:thumbsup:


22 hours ago, petermik said:

Beggars belief what the PM comes out with.......:whistling:


clean up your own backyard first would be a good idea.....:thumbsup:

Correct...They never blatantly killed people and still walk the streets like the Red Bull coward Boss, that they can get extradited back because of his crime,but don't because the brown envelopes have been passed out by Daddy! TV Crews and reporters k ow where he is,but Interpol and the RTP dont!!!! TIT. 

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The lines between legal and illegal, moral and immoral, legitimate and illegitimate are fuzzy and relative at best. 
The PM's indignant rhetoric is akin to the pot calling the kettle 'black.' 
I don't see any of the power players actually standing on the moral high-ground.

Edited by connda
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8 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Many here have no clue about Toxin's reign. I remember it well and with loathing. It was also the beginning of the end of the best nightlife on Earth. He and his Minister of the Interior, Purachai, started iron fisted enforcement of early closing times for most night spots, "entertainment areas" and nearly all after hours discos and clubs...putting many right out of business. Banned drinking on the street and put an undeserved end to all night fun. Also putting thousands out of jobs. It was a dark time indeed. 

If you stayed here long enough, you will know that Bangkok was renowned for its 24 hours club scene up till 2002. Also saw the increase in drug and alcohol related crimes. Thaksin initiated new social order to clamp down on the dramatic increase in these social ills which the police was reaping benefits by turning a blind eye. His enforcement of clubs to close at 12 midnight during weekdays and 1 pm during the weekend is still now enforced even in this junta government. I think it is a good policy but seem you think otherwise. 

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I don't know Prayut, from a great friend of the Shins you've now turned out to be nothing but a back stabber,  two face  arsole , in saying that you didn't get to be CIC through talent thats for sure.........................:bah:

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

But but he can be voted out if the citizens want to. Question is why didn’t they got voted out. Maybe their policies resonated with the voters. Parties like the Dem was voted out for bad policies and corruption

in the past. So Thailand did have a precedent of citizens voting out bad corrupt government. In contrast we got now the military that seized power and refused to have election and stay indefinitely. Their corruptions are blatant and policies poor. People unhappy but can’t do anything because they they can’t be voted out. See the difference?

Yawn.  Maybe  ??Dems--bad polices  ???...indefinitely ??---not see that many unhappy--they not care.  TRUE.....

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10 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

If you stayed here long enough, you will know that Bangkok was renowned for its 24 hours club scene up till 2002. Also saw the increase in drug and alcohol related crimes. Thaksin initiated new social order to clamp down on the dramatic increase in these social ills which the police was reaping benefits by turning a blind eye. His enforcement of clubs to close at 12 midnight during weekdays and 1 pm during the weekend is still now enforced even in this junta government. I think it is a good policy but seem you think otherwise. 

Ya think?!?  :vampire:

Emphatically...YES...thought otherwise then and still do. Thaksin Shin was a disaster. No better than the Junta and probably more corrupt. 

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21 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:
37 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Many here have no clue about Toxin's reign. I remember it well and with loathing. It was also the beginning of the end of the best nightlife on Earth. He and his Minister of the Interior, Purachai, started iron fisted enforcement of early closing times for most night spots, "entertainment areas" and nearly all after hours discos and clubs...putting many right out of business. Banned drinking on the street and put an undeserved end to all night fun. Also putting thousands out of jobs. It was a dark time indeed. 

If you stayed here long enough, you will know that Bangkok was renowned for its 24 hours club scene up till 2002. Also saw the increase in drug and alcohol related crimes. Thaksin initiated new social order to clamp down on the dramatic increase in these social ills which the police was reaping benefits by turning a blind eye. His enforcement of clubs to close at 12 midnight during weekdays and 1 pm during the weekend is still now enforced even in this junta government. I think it is a good policy but seem you think otherwise. 

Those closing hours are not enforced in Pattaya and never have been. The night is barely getting started at midnight.


It's certainly not a good reason to berate Taksin. 

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Your last paragraph isn't logical. There is evidence to suggest that the theft of millions of funds for the poor has been going on for some time before the Junta seized power. And those who have been thieving have been caught on the Junta's watch. No matter how hard anyone tries determined thieves steal. No hopefully they'll all get caught and punished. We shall see.


In Yingluck's case, she appointed herself head of the scheme, she chose never to bother turning up and chairing any meetings, she asserted on several occasions that there was no corruption in the scheme, and that she and only she was in charge; and although she sacked her corrupt commerce minister she didn't bother to do anything about the corrupt deals which had seemingly benefited a close friend of her brother. Hardly similar context, now is it?

You make a fair point BB, however the military has been in power now for a few years and this corruption has continued unabated on their watch, so some portion of blame should be attributed to them.


It has already been shown by them that they are not keen to be put under scrutiny with regards to such things as corruption, personal assets, watches, and nepotism (with unlawful enrichment) so perhaps there's not a great deal of difference between Yingluck and her brother and the current regime.


Of course "the proof of the pudding" will be just how far up the line this probe goes, and who it implicates, and indeed what the punishment will be.

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14 minutes ago, Skeptic7 said:

Ya think?!?  :vampire:

Emphatically...YES...thought otherwise then and still do. Thaksin Shin was a disaster. No better than the Junta and probably more corrupt. 

Thaksin was corrupted. No disagreement. He has been charged and convicted and have to live in exile. Junta meanwhile is kicking corruption in its teeth. Blatant corruptions that have key perpetrators silenced, force into exile or simply ignored. How better? 

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8 hours ago, ginjag said:

I could  send you a string of the same my Thaksin democratic lover,   20 if you want.    Biased--you Sure,   My opinion is against both Thaksin and the Army,  voted for or  not I would not want the Shin family back to buy in power again,  would vote democrat every time--Remember Mark  ??     

by the way you said goodbye before    5555

please send?  even 1?   BTW you don't have a vote as I don't so no one could care less if you would vote for weak Mark and the un-Dems


You have AVOIDED answering that you live in a coconut?  you denied there were 'attitude camps' so either you are ignorant or what?  

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7 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

Firstly, Taksin didn't flee the country in 2008. While at the UN general assembly in 2006 a coup has overthrown his government and he never returned from that trip.


Next - all those favoring Taksin either have not been in Thailand during his period of ruling, or don't remember how it was back then or simply didn't pay attention to what was going on...

True, Taksin didn't have "article 44" in his arsenal. However he had sh**t loads of money to tackle his opponents and criticizers.

He never handled nor solved any crises, he usually just covered up and lied about them, zigzagging his way out once it was proven the crises actually existed. Need some reminders? Starting with a "minor" crises -  the chicken flu. When rumors about such a disease started going around, in order to defy them Taksin hosted a chicken BBQ event for all members of parliament at Sanam Luang as a proof that no such disease existed, which was of course proved to be false statement later on.

Around 2006 a reporter of an English newspaper (I think not allowed to mention its name here) reported about cracks in the runway of the not yet opened Suvarnaphumi airport, along with photos and a testimony from an engineer who worked on the site. Taksin sued the reporter + the editor for 40 million THB for defamation... The article was withdrawn, the reporter and editor were fired. And of course there were cracks on the runway and many of the parking bays at the airport - all had to be fixed before the airport was opened.

Taksin owned among other things a TV station which only praised him and his doings and was actually a propaganda tool. If any other news outlet dared to say something against him - they suffered the consequences. I don't remember exact details, but a reporter of TV channel 5 was fired for reporting (real) news not in his favor. 

What about corruption? well, just 3 stories for now...

1) in 2001, shortly after forming his first government Taksin pushed for open skies law. A day after the law came into effect Taksin owned Thai Air Asia...

2) During his first administration Taskin took many members of his government on an official visit to Myanmar. In the same official airplane, he brought along the top executives of his very own Shin Corporation. He arranged for the executives business meetings with Myanmar's officials who then bought satellite services package for about 1 billion THB. The Myanmar government didn't have the money. So upon return to Thailand, Taksin arranged a Thai government loan for the Myanmar government for the full amount............................

3) Around 2005 or 2006 Taksin sold his Shin Corp (that included AIS, the TV station and Thaicom - the Thai telecommunications satellites to a company owned by the Singaporean government (ridiculous to say the least and very irresponsible) for 2 billion US$ CASH, and refused to pay any tax at all. 


There is much more, by this reply is getting too long as it is......

Great post! ? And I agree. One correction...Thaksin did return and was in the Kingdom in 2008. He was absurdly "allowed" to attend the 2008 Beijing Olympiad, where they then skipped bail and fled to Britain.



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