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Speed limits in and outside urban area under change to curb traffic fatalities and facilitate driving


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In my opinion speed is the leading cause of most accidents. I see motorbike and cars going 60/70 km on the road outside my house. In the U.S. this would be a posted 30 mile per hour limit due to heavy residential area and cars and motorbike are constantly pulling out into the street from side roads.

There is no way in hell a car or motorbike is going to stop in time. Have already had several motorbike and car accidents. Otherwise the carnage will continue.

They need to lower the speed limit in residentil areas and enforce the law.

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Another suggestion from leaders who just have no idea?

When it comes to speed in this country I seriously doubt it can be answer when and where?

Several years ago, a Porsche driver speeding down a Soi? not a Hwy 120KM/H, hits and cuts a 16 year old girl in half, it was commended that the newer vehicle have safety feature that driving at that speed is no problem.

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A number of countries have considered raising the speed limit, including the UK when there was an arguement that slower drivers hogging the middle lanes caused frustration amongst other drivers, leading the other drivers to make rash maneuvers thus causing accidents.


Maybe raising the speed limit isn't as daft as it seems, do drivers here stick to the speed limits anyway?


We've all seen slow drivers in the middle lanes bunching up traffic and been undertaken and overtaken dangerously so maybe increasing the speed limit is an option, along with enforcing a law that slower drivers should stick to the inside lanes along with a complete ban on undertaking, which also should be robustly enforced. 

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27 minutes ago, madmin said:

Speed kills the faster you go

Not nesessarily. Slow vehicles in the middle or outside lanes are much more dangerous than driving at 90kph in the clear inside lane.

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If they raise the speed on the highways they need to raise minimum speeds too I think.  I see fully loaded trucks pulling trailers with equal loads. Most of these trucks are not that large and would not be seen pulling full trailers in other countries.

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Actually I hope this goes through in a timely manner. They also need to have a minimum speed on what used to be called super highways... On the good roads unless there are police people are running 100 to 120 already. Then you get someone or two cars or trucks doing 40 to 60 KPH and blocking normal traffic flow.. "Oh I need to make a U-turn in 3 kilometers so I will just drive in the fast last doing 40 or less, because the U-Turn might sneak up on me"! ...


After a while people get tired and start taking chances.. Last week a friend had to head for the ditch because two cars were passing a truck on a blind curb. The truck was going around 30 KPH and had probably been doing that speed since it entered the road..

Yes speed kills but so does stupidity....


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18 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

With all the carnage on the roads, we need a solution.......................... raise the speed limits ! :coffee1: Bizarre !

This is purely not have to issue Speeding tickets. This is also why this country is the laughing stock of the world. Whenever I think I have seen it all it get surprised again.

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I haven't seen a speed checkpoint for at least 15 years, although I got caught on speed radar camera twice last year. They sent a nice picture of my truck by mail and I had to pay 500 Baht each time. Nobody drives at 80-90 on the four-lane highways. 

The Chonburi expressway is fun because there are all these electronic signs showing everything between 80 - 90 km/h, then there are the 120 km/h fixed signs, and every now and then you pass other fixed signs showing 90 km/h. And then, you pass that sign with the speed camera warning that says 120 km/h right after a fixed sign showing 90 km/h.

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This move will greatly decrease one of the major reasons for the huge road death toll here!  Speeding.

It was recently revealed in another thread about GPS monitoring that there were more than 17,000,000 speeding offences discovered.

Increasing the speed limits will cut this unacceptable figure way back and no doubt result in less carnage. It will also save much of the manpower required for staffing the safety centres, checking stations and discussion committees.

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14 hours ago, Thian said:

She doesn't care for 200 baht though, she rubs that on her nose every night from Lancome.

Is this your affluenza defense?




This is also why this country is the laughing stock of the world.


If there is a laughing stock it is the small minded people who continually whinge about the country they live in. 

Edited by VocalNeal
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Just have more speed signs and enforce current laws. It's simple really....and accurate signs would be nice. On a high speed road where I live there as signs stating 40km/h (probably a relic of some original road work). 

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Speed doesn't kill. It's the sudden stopping that does. The problem in Thailand is drivers' mentality, attitude and education and, on the other side of the divide, law and enforcement. Get all these right, and everything will be fine.

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Great Caesars Ghost, this is going to be like taking a revolver out of a child's hand and replacing it with an automatic weapon. Many of them are already travelling at 100+km/h so they'll continue to do same...without breaking the law.

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One of the main issues with Thai style drivers is their lack of indicators for one - they hardly ever signal their intentions - the actual purpose of using an indicator.  And the most dangerous is the way they have all been taught to edge out their vehicles into a lane to let people know they want to move into that lane.  That's where the chaos and carnage happens frequently and I see it daily people then seeing a vehicle pull out into a lane partially and stop causing oncoming vehicles to swerve into the next lane or hit the brakes hard or those not paying attention reacting way too late.  Plus of course the absolute speeding maniacs in pickups and motorbikes not travelling at a safe speed according to road conditions and belting through built up areas like absolute idiots.  Ok my rant finished.  

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19 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

With all the carnage on the roads, we need a solution.......................... raise the speed limits ! :coffee1: Bizarre !

Perversely, there is a considerable body of evidence which suggests that raising the speed limit on certain roads, and in Western countries, does reduce the number of accidents (less tailgating and 'bunching' on motorways, for example). However, this being Thailand, the chances are overwhelming that the initiative will be seized upon to drive even more recklessly than ever.

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