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13 minutes ago, johng said:

What if its a Doberman,Alsatian,Pitbull or rabid BanKeaw fighting breeds out for blood ?

If that were the case the OP would not have been able to speed up and get away in the first place.

4 hours ago, meechai said:

Toss him a meatball full of sleeping pills


Then go back when he is passed out & spray paint his nuts fluorescent Pink

He will be so embarrassed he will never want to run out on the road to chase anything again :thumbsup:

Good one. I laughed. You do know dogs are color-blind, right?

18 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

Ride slower, if the dog takes after you just come to a stop, and switch the engine off. Beckon the dog over to you, give it a few snacks, it will soon be you're friend. Main thing is that it gets used to your bike, it will soon leave you alone but the worst thing to do is accelerate away if it goes to chase you. You will find the dog is all bark and no bite if you stop.

Yeh right. Give it some special chicken

9 hours ago, MartinL said:

We live in a small single-track, dead end soi in town. It's quiet and used only by the ten or so families who live in the soi or their visitors. People, young and old, walk up and down, kids play in the road, dogs wander about.


The vast majority of traffic travels very slowly and our 4 dogs very rarely react from behind the gate. However, there's one frequent visitor who insists on gunning his bike up the soi at high speed and the dogs have learnt to recognise the sound of his bike. Whenever they hear it, they go nuts. The bloke has been asked to drive more slowly because of the playing kids but the requests have been ignored. 


Three of our dogs are very placid, one can be a bit unpredictable but they all seem to dislike this bloke on his bike above all others. Maybe he scared them sometime in the past when they were outside and that stays in their minds, who knows.


I'm sure they'd make friends with the person , given the chance, but still hate the sound of the bike and react to it.





Trust your dogs instinct Martin 

If your dog doesn't like him don't trust him, they are smarter than us humans, you cant con them

I had a new person move into our street and my dog ( even though she is a nasty biatch ) just wont have anything to do with him

I found out recently he is not a very nice person.. dog was right all along


Sorry, my serious suggestion would be immediately removed by moderators. Who is the boss here? If you let animals control you I think you have your priorities wrong. Why are you even asking?

15 minutes ago, helloagain said:

Yeh right. Give it some special chicken

If you start trying to poison peoples pets then don't be surprised when some enraged idiot comes for you with a machete. It's a personal choice though.

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, smccolley said:

Sorry, my serious suggestion would be immediately removed by moderators. Who is the boss here? If you let animals control you I think you have your priorities wrong. Why are you even asking?

Anybody who sees a dog as such a problem to his perceived or self imagined authority has some bigger problems that they need to address first, probably in their own household and relationships would be a good place to begin. A lot of insecurity their no doubt.

  • Like 2

Although the food ideas sound good in theory, and may even work in practice, is it really such a good idea to willingly get a dog close enough to you to feed or have the dog follow you in a country with a rabies outbreak? Isn't that how the person died in Surin, feeding dogs? I am sure they were very friendly for the food also (which is when rabies can be risky, accidentally licking open wounds, non-biting so not worrying about interaction). 


Collared doesn't mean vaccinated, especially if the owners allow them to roam. One of many reasons why I refuse to ride scooters here, already enough distractions.

Personally, I would just speak to the neighbours. Almost on every thread people advise against it, but rarely have actually ever tried it. Every time I have done it (re burning, music too loud etc), it is met with an apology and the issues have been resolved.

  • Like 1

An inflammatory post has been removed. 


Baiting posts have been removed. 


Some more posts advocating illegal activities have been removed. 


I had the same problem

Women reared 4 pups across the rd 

You need to watch Dog Whisperer 

Do this whilst in the street with the dogs & giving treats 

I don't have a problem now & can fully control them 

Eg : My son went to get a ball a little close to them (but dogs can tell when you are afraid ) you have to be assertive 

I can click my fingers or yell a stern warning & they know they have done wrong 


But with all animals tomorrow is another day


On a side note : Friend went to Moo Baan shop where these dogs are across the road from me (lives in next Soi & dogs not know them )

He went to enter shop & dogs were at his & sons heels so I had to be stern & walked straight over to the dogs & had all of them sitting on the footpath so friend could go to shop

23 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

Ride slower, if the dog takes after you just come to a stop, and switch the engine off. Beckon the dog over to you, give it a few snacks, it will soon be you're friend. Main thing is that it gets used to your bike, it will soon leave you alone but the worst thing to do is accelerate away if it goes to chase you. You will find the dog is all bark and no bite if you stop.

That's about the dumbest idea I can imagine stopping and approaching an aggressive dog. Nice way to get bitten and risk rabies shots.


Had this same problem. What worked for me is I eventually got real pissed off when the dog killed a couple of my kittens.


he showed his face again and I took after him with a chain and a rock.


hes a good dog now. He does his thing somewhere else. And he sure gets out of the way when he sees me coming.



8 minutes ago, Dick Crank said:

That's about the dumbest idea I can imagine stopping and approaching an aggressive dog. Nice way to get bitten and risk rabies shots.

Where do I say to approach the dog? Oh that's right, I didn't and you just imagined that you had read it.


Slow down but keep moving so he remains 10-15 feet behind. As he tires slow more.

Hopefully, he will get 2-3 kilometers of exercise. After 3-4 exercise runs he will get

tired of chasing. Or perhaps he may get lost and not find his way home. 

4 minutes ago, yuiop said:

poison feed him/her

Under legislation passed on November 12 2015 by the National Legislative Assembly the act of deliberately poisoning a domesticated animal became an offense punishable by a fine of up to B40,000 and/or a prison sentence of up to 2 years.

  • Thanks 1
17 hours ago, MartinL said:

We live in a small single-track, dead end soi in town. It's quiet and used only by the ten or so families who live in the soi or their visitors. People, young and old, walk up and down, kids play in the road, dogs wander about.


The vast majority of traffic travels very slowly and our 4 dogs very rarely react from behind the gate. However, there's one frequent visitor who insists on gunning his bike up the soi at high speed and the dogs have learnt to recognise the sound of his bike. Whenever they hear it, they go nuts. The bloke has been asked to drive more slowly because of the playing kids but the requests have been ignored. 


Three of our dogs are very placid, one can be a bit unpredictable but they all seem to dislike this bloke on his bike above all others. Maybe he scared them sometime in the past when they were outside and that stays in their minds, who knows.


I'm sure they'd make friends with the person , given the chance, but still hate the sound of the bike and react to it.





If he 'sounds off' regularly with his bike, it 'sounds like a half kilo of sugar or a handful of moth balls in his gas tank might fix that problem.......I am sure a kid that hangs around the block needs a couple thousand baht to make that happen........just tell him it is a "Bike Additive" to make the Moto louder.

18 hours ago, meechai said:

Toss him a meatball full of sleeping pills


Then go back when he is passed out & spray paint his nuts fluorescent Pink

He will be so embarrassed he will never want to run out on the road to chase anything again :thumbsup:


You talking about the guy on the noisy motorbike ??


Offer to buy the dog and place that wild pice of crap outside the home of one of those “dog lovers” posting here. 


In fact, all crazy dogs should be placed there. 



A lot of people are suggesting that you win the dog's trust with food. This will work as long as the food is a distraction from it's behaviour.


However, on this thread alone, there have been also nearly as many condoning poisoning the animal. This through feeding it.


It has taken me almost a year to train my German Shepherd not to accept food from strangers for the very reason in the second sentence above. He doesn't run the streets and is always on a leash when outside the house boundaries, but now will 'react' if anyone tries to feed him.


Before trying to give the dog a treat, it might be advisable to talk to the owner first. And just for clarity, IMO anyone that lets their dog roam free over here is an irresponsible owner and should be punished for doing so. The animal is their responsibility, as are the animal's actions.

1 hour ago, chrisinth said:

A lot of people are suggesting that you win the dog's trust with food. This will work as long as the food is a distraction from it's behaviour.


However, on this thread alone, there have been also nearly as many condoning poisoning the animal. This through feeding it.


It has taken me almost a year to train my German Shepherd not to accept food from strangers for the very reason in the second sentence above. He doesn't run the streets and is always on a leash when outside the house boundaries, but now will 'react' if anyone tries to feed him.


Before trying to give the dog a treat, it might be advisable to talk to the owner first. And just for clarity, IMO anyone that lets their dog roam free over here is an irresponsible owner and should be punished for doing so. The animal is their responsibility, as are the animal's actions.

Good points.


I know we're in Thailand, and things are different here.


I remember back home, think it was the late 80's or early 90's, dogs were roaming free, took a few high profile attacks, like kids mauled, and media attention before law was passed. 


No barking this morning, seems to be a night thing.


He was chasing after my uber the other night... 


Not sure of the law here, if he bites someone, are there consequences for the owner? Fine, compensation?




I guess there are hunters and no hunters.   Animal lovers Is separate trait.   My hunter instincts rise first therefore I know how I would react.   

But I will think about wasting some bacon in the future as an alternative to try if he survives the first attack. 


I'm an animal lover.  Many trophies in my house to prove it.  I have loved several pets sincerely.  I believe in animals that are trained and behaved.    But uncared for dogs is such a crime.   You see this in Thailand do often.   unruly dogs running wild is against the rules in my mind or America where I reside.   In fact the city comes to take away cats I trap or will put down skunks or the coons.   One cat has been bailed out of cat jail 3 times.   I think he is wise one now.  A super virus cat I created by not using CO the first time.  He must have a chip.   The city used to gas them after 3 days but new policy is to spay or neuter and return to same location.    Is it ok for neighbors cat to come kill some of the 50 birds or more which come to my feeder daily.  As far as I'm concerned a dove or quails life is equal to a cat.   I don't mind the Hawks snatching their share but a domestic cat can not. 

33 minutes ago, banagan said:

Good points.


He was chasing after my uber the other night... 


Not sure of the law here, if he bites someone, are there consequences for the owner? Fine, compensation?

It's better than fine and compensation here. The owner will politely apologise and you will all come closer, more friendly and more accepted by the family and the whole street if you handle it nicely. Compensation? probably not and hardly necessary, it'll cost a thousand bath to get the little wound cleaned and fixed up. Fine? What good would that do?


I've been in Thailand for 27 years now... Don't worry, like everything in Thailand, just be patient and it will be solved - if you want it solved by western "efficiency", go and live there :) Just a friendly banter, not seriously meant, some dear ThaiVisa members posting in this thread clearly do not deserve to live in Thailand and should go back to live in FarangWorld :)


What to do, already posted before the socially misplaced westerners woke up and posted their "solutions".

Do absolutely not accelerate more, do the opposite, always drive slowly. You are the criminal, remember that. You are being noisy and the intruder on the dog's street you know, not the opposite way around. I would not be threatening or anything as stupid as that, just stop and nicely ask the dog over, won't work in the beginning but it probably will one day. Biscuits work but sausages are king, mmmm, yummy. Throw the dog half a sausage if he won't come, then start again and slooowly drive off. A pack with 4 sausages from 7/11 are 35-40 baht or so, give half and that's 8 times. The dog will get used to you and stop.  


Congratulations to solving this like a Thai and post and let us know when it works :)


  • Thanks 1
22 hours ago, Max66 said:

Always makes me laugh when the advice is " buy it snacks/food , make friends with the dog " . Pathetic . Hey go but it filet mignon..5555. This miserable mongrel is aggressively chasing you more than likely  will bite if given the chance and YOU are told to play nice and placate!?. The ones that give that advice are the same ones who gave the school bully their lunch money everyday . Don't talk to the owner . Useless. Avoid that  road route altogether. If that's not possible then go the bleach route.

Which of the following options sounds most sensible, easy and less stressful?


a.  Throw a handful of cheap dry dog food on the ground as you pass the dog.

Dog will not react aggressively after a few days and problem solved.


b.  Sneak about late at night poisoning the dog, facing being spotted by neighbours and police called, charged with animal cruelty, everyone on the street hates you forever more and your will not like to live there.  Plus dog has slowly died in agony over several days from the poison.  


c.  Carry around with you whenever you are out a container of bleach.  When passing the dog slow down, find you bleach bottle, while driving take one hand off handlebar and air at the dog with bleach, taking your eyes off the road.  Might crash, fall of bike, dog will go either bite you or go howling and screaming away with pane of bleach in its eyes, noise will alert owner and neighbours... you will be seen as a person who is cruel and abuses animals and will get into trouble with the police.


Some of the people saying the cruel options were probably the school bully in their day.  


  • Thanks 2
11 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

by a fine of up to B40,000 and/or a prison sentence of up to 2 years.


Yes its cheaper  just to beat the living daylights out of the dog (not) owner !


Suggesting that taking a bite for good neighborlyiness is ludicrous. 

Similar to slow down your in the dogs street.  I ask all you animal lovers how much $ you have given to the preservation, habitat expansion or care for wild animals?  You answer is usually zero!!!  Sure proud of paying for that hip replacement for fido or that long term cancer treatment for the cat.   

I have a box of most of my hunting and fishing tags from the last 45 years showing my contribution to animals.    

I will try the nice route here in Thailand but I sure think a big mindset change on these wild , loose dogs need to occur. 


It's sad some of you were raised not knowing man's place in the chain of life.  Only vegetarians can condemn a hunter.  That mcnugget didn't grow on a tree. 

  • Like 1
On 08/04/2018 at 9:32 AM, MartinL said:

We live in a small single-track, dead end soi in town. It's quiet and used only by the ten or so families who live in the soi or their visitors. People, young and old, walk up and down, kids play in the road, dogs wander about.


The vast majority of traffic travels very slowly and our 4 dogs very rarely react from behind the gate. However, there's one frequent visitor who insists on gunning his bike up the soi at high speed and the dogs have learnt to recognise the sound of his bike. Whenever they hear it, they go nuts. The bloke has been asked to drive more slowly because of the playing kids but the requests have been ignored. 


Three of our dogs are very placid, one can be a bit unpredictable but they all seem to dislike this bloke on his bike above all others. Maybe he scared them sometime in the past when they were outside and that stays in their minds, who knows.


I'm sure they'd make friends with the person , given the chance, but still hate the sound of the bike and react to it.





We got one nut that has to go as fast as he can down the street and it drives these two dogs across the street crazy. They start barking when they hear him coming. I am sure he does it on purpose to aggravate them as speeds up even more at their house.

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