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Road carnage: You're all breaking the law, campaigner tells Thais.


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11 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Unfortunately you clearly don't seem to understand road safety basics - I guess it's a bit like assuming the world is flat because that's how it looks to you.

oh dear

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14 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Unfortunately you clearly don't seem to understand road safety basics - I guess it's a bit like assuming the world is flat because that's how it looks to you.

the key is to prevent stupids from being stupid - the roads in the UK are designed to do this on many levels.

The downside is that UK drivers because they have one of the lowest death rates in the world think it is because they are "good driver" when in actual fact it is the driving environment that keeps them safe.


Health and safety - a dirty word for many - is the art/science of PREVENTING crashes or injury, and it has been very successful in Europe, unfirtunately many people still don't understand how it works - including the gent in the OP and both your theories and his when accepted by those in authoritiy are part of the reason that Thailand is so slow to deal with the poor performance they have on road safety.

tell you what Einstien  - announce to the British public that from tomorrow all traffic laws will no longer be enforced and effectively be scrapped and see how that goes...................oh wait the road markings and signage will force everyone to adhere to the law ..... Right ?



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7 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Expect more carnage then, because they haven't listened so far and I don't see them having a sudden epiphany. Most of them don't seem to have the first clue what the road laws are anyway. The me first mentality and I am Superman, I can drive in any condition, at any speed seems highly prevalent.

Nail on the head

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1 hour ago, Cranky said:

Even when the cops are around they know a few baht or a phone call will get them out of trouble.  Road safety can only improve when there is education, a proper test to get a license and a system that actually penalises offenders in a real way - points on the license, bans, fines that hurt, jail time etc.


What is the point in blaming the offenders and asking them nicely to kindly change the habits of a lifetime and fix a broken, inadequate 'system'.  It would take years with a plan, but there clearly isn't one.



They only understand Money,  so hit the pocket big style

Big fines, Vehicle confiscated and crushed,

also Jail time on the end of the previous two.

The rest,   come back in 200 years time and  maybe. :jap:



Edited by stanleycoin
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7 hours ago, smedly said:

people will not follow the law (especially on the roads) unless they are forced to, and the only way to force them is by enforcing the law


Speeding - mobile use - drink driving and general reckless driving, add to that the general road worthiness of HGV and public transport vehicles not to mention drug taking


It all comes down to enforcement of the law and penalising those caught, no use setting up a road stop and checking for tax - that contributes nothing to road safety


What Thailand needs is solid proactive prevention policing and until that happens nothing will change 

Well your boys are in charge with unlimited power, what's the plomplem?


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3 hours ago, brucegoniners said:

This is especially true of young motorbike riders, most of which aren't wearing helmets.


Do these people have any idea what will happen to them in the likely circumstance where they fall and hit the pavement at 100 kph?



My friend,they don’t have the IQ to count up to 100 let alone understand the implications.

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This guy is a genius and deserves a Royal medal...

Tailgating is indeed a huge problem. l once accepted a ride from a charming lass from.BKK to Pattaya..All the way at 140km she was right up the ass of anything possible. Maybe she likes anal. l.do not know but please l asked slow down and keep distance. This sent her wild lol..They are crazy and can't be taught sorry. She said she knows what she is doing. With all due respect this is not the bedroom.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

He called ..... for the laws to be enforced.


And how will that be achieved, exactly? Everyone - 100 percent according to him - ignore the law because they are confident that there is a 99.5 percent chance it won't be enforced. Calling for the law to be enforced is completely pointless, as everyone knows it won't be. And driving habits won't change until there is a corresponding change of culture, together with a western-style driving test. That won't happen.


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7 hours ago, Thian said:

Just film ALL victims of accidents while they're bleeding and put it on tv before that national soapseries start...maybe that will wake them up!


Also closing ALL roadstalls without parkinglot will help a lot.


I'm glad this campaigner had the guts to tell them, it confirms that at least there's 1 decent Thai person in the country....


Also i don't understand how we can let Thai (with Thai driverslicense) drive in Europe/Japan...they absolutely have no clue at all about trafficlaws and safety.

well the ones ive met in UK  ( wives ) are very capable drivers, most of them have taken a UK test.  and in thailand you cannot blame the drivers, no laws being enforced, police telling them to break law ie sitting in back of pickups, no testing, on and on. any country would be the same under those rules.

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7 hours ago, smedly said:

people will not follow the law (especially on the roads) unless they are forced to, and the only way to force them is by enforcing the law


Speeding - mobile use - drink driving and general reckless driving, add to that the general road worthiness of HGV and public transport vehicles not to mention drug taking


It all comes down to enforcement of the law and penalising those caught, no use setting up a road stop and checking for tax - that contributes nothing to road safety


What Thailand needs is solid proactive prevention policing and until that happens nothing will change 


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1)  all fines are entered into the national computer base.

2)  Fines to be paid within 14 days

3) non-payers have vehicle registration suspended plus driver's licence.

4)  CCTV detects unregistered vehicles and usually drivers.  Police control room notified.

5)  Vehicle and driver stopped, keys confiscated.


This is the system used in many Western countries.   Adopt it here and save a few thousand lives per year!


NB   Get an active and efficient Road traffic police force!

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What is needed in Police out patrolling the roads 

Looking for tailgating people on mobiles exsesive speed 

All in all more Police Cars Police Motor bikes more visable out there fining 

Not excepting anything handing out tickets 

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2 hours ago, Howiehotspur said:

Just seen an ‘ incident ‘ about 30 min ago , A 4x4 reversing onto a road , one guy got out of the passenger side to stop traffic , fair enough, guided him out .. got back in , then the car reversed even more and reversed into a parked car on the opposite side of the road , about 10 people shouted as you can see what was just about to happen .. bang ! 

Then they just drove off , as if  nothing happened . Smashed the offside rear lights etc ... I drove up ( on my bike ) along side at the next junction and indicated what happened , answer . “ ok ok , it’s no problem “ .. drive off .. ?? ( a Farang was the passenger ) . 

You ain't seen nothing yet.


How about a 50 seater tour bus going in reverse for at least 300 meter in the middle of a highway 7 entrance road.

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9 hours ago, smedly said:

people will not follow the law (especially on the roads) unless they are forced to, and the only way to force them is by enforcing the law


Speeding - mobile use - drink driving and general reckless driving, add to that the general road worthiness of HGV and public transport vehicles not to mention drug taking


It all comes down to enforcement of the law and penalising those caught, no use setting up a road stop and checking for tax - that contributes nothing to road safety


What Thailand needs is solid proactive prevention policing and until that happens nothing will change 

not enough coppers to enforce the rules/laws of the road...so the carnage will continue for years

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Breaking the law, that includes the Police then as to9day in Udon Thani I saw at least two to three Police vehicles motorbikes and cars breaking the law, the public just follow suit.

There is ZERO enforcement , Thais see it as a Cash cow by he police .

Zero adherence to almost any LAW by anyone .

Thai Culture rules 

tell them off they lose FACE which is worse than breaking the law. 

Complete attitude change by everyone.....................will never happen . 

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Water off a ducks back! ......................... expect the same carnage as previous years, People just don't seem to care here or just don't see danger until it's too late. They certainly hate being told anything & take offence even when it's well intended. It will remain the most dangerous period of the year whilst the mindset remains unchanged. Can't se any change in the near future .... sadly ....... it's all going to end in tears again this year. 

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9 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

Water off a ducks back! ......................... expect the same carnage as previous years, People just don't seem to care here or just don't see danger until it's too late. They certainly hate being told anything & take offence even when it's well intended. It will remain the most dangerous period of the year whilst the mindset remains unchanged. Can't se any change in the near future .... sadly ....... it's all going to end in tears again this year. 

A Thai friend of mine, who I was teaching to drive, assured me the double lines on the road are "advisory only".

So it's only a suggestion that Thais don't have to keep left on a winding road and can cross the double lines at any time!

What a system if drivers really think that!!!

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17 hours ago, Thian said:

Just film ALL victims of accidents while they're bleeding and put it on tv before that national soapseries start...maybe that will wake them up!


Also closing ALL roadstalls without parkinglot will help a lot.


I'm glad this campaigner had the guts to tell them, it confirms that at least there's 1 decent Thai person in the country....


Also i don't understand how we can let Thai (with Thai driverslicense) drive in Europe/Japan...they absolutely have no clue at all about trafficlaws and safety.

Your average num nut driver here can not afford to travel abroad and drive, i have a few Thai friends that are educated and travel abroad, and they know in 1st world country's, they have to obey the laws or pay the fines, its called law enforcement!, the locals here have only complete disregard for traffic rules as most think the rules do not apply to them, and the fines are so low.

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11 hours ago, Thian said:

Just film ALL victims of accidents while they're bleeding and put it on tv before that national soapseries start...maybe that will wake them up!

Yes just follow them with your dash cam ON, breaking the laws with them, Just maybe your video will get first place! What was it 10,000 bht? Maybe you can be part of the Carninage also!

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