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BKK entry refusal

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On 14/04/2018 at 11:20 AM, StayinThailand2much said:

As I understand it, the OP doesn't want to live in either, Thailand, or another Asian country.


And as for 'contributions of foreigners to Thai society' you mentioned, they don't want that! Contrary to other countries in the region, you as a foreigner, cannot even majority-own a company here. In Thailand you will always be just a tourist, even if you live here for decades, pay taxes, speak fluent Thai, do charity work, etc. The only foreigners who managed to be 'accepted' as equals in Thailand were Chinese 100 odd years ago.

I cannot understand any fairminded person disagreeing with this post, we cannot even buy a house or land in our name.

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22 hours ago, JackThompson said:

This is an improvement over the treatment of others. 


Sad story, though.  Given what the OP probably spent here - multiples of an annual Thai salary - Immigration just forced another Thai business to close, and forced the family out of the middle-class and back to subsistence-farming.  What a way to "help" their fellow Thais, eh?

How very very true.

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20 hours ago, oldskoolbeatz said:

To the O.P - Did they ask for your permission first if they could look into your phone before they searched your facebook photos?


"To the O.P - Did they ask for your permission first".

Thai immigration have no respect at all for ordinary people coming into Thailand, there is no way they are going to ask your permission for anything, they will just tell you what they are going to do.

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Thailand is a very welcoming country, no doubt on this.

At the same time, remember that you have absolutely no right when trying to enter the country without a visa.

Immigration officer can deny you entry anytime they want. There's no need to find a reason for the refusal (contrary to holding a visa), they can just say NO.

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20 hours ago, overherebc said:

Can anyone tell me where it was posted the OP has a business here?

Having read through again I see someone mentioned something about a family losing it's income but a few have jumped on this and assumed.

The OP has never mentioned being married and having a family or a business.

Give it a break.


People are responding to this post where StayinThailand2much starts with the nonsense about Thailand not welcoming expats.



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13 hours ago, JackThompson said:
15 hours ago, scorecard said:

Wow, you win the annual award for 'many wild assumptions'.

The math is pretty simple - we know the avg Thai salary.  At the very least, people will be "let go" from jobs as a result. 


What people will be let go from their jobs just because one tourist is denied entry?

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On 4/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, StayinThailand2much said:

As I understand it, the OP doesn't want to live in either, Thailand, or another Asian country.


And as for 'contributions of foreigners to Thai society' you mentioned, they don't want that! Contrary to other countries in the region, you as a foreigner, cannot even majority-own a company here. In Thailand you will always be just a tourist, even if you live here for decades, pay taxes, speak fluent Thai, do charity work, etc. The only foreigners who managed to be 'accepted' as equals in Thailand were Chinese 100 odd years ago.

You are misinformed, according to the Amity treaty between Thailand and the USA a US citizen can own the majority of a company. If you work here long enough , learn to speak and write Thai you can aply and become a Thai citizen get a Thai passport. Look up the name William Heinecke ,  he is the owner of The Pizza Company who was born in the USA. His father became an ambassador but when he returned to the US  William stayed (was only 17) worked and later became a Thai citizen. So not only were the Chinese accepted so have others.

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6 hours ago, Fish Head Soup said:

Yes that states that you can make an appeal to the Minister (using TM11) but that the decision of the Minister can't be challenged.


Section 12:1 does not state that someone trying to enter on a visa free stamp doesn't have the right to appeal a IO's order.


It's just saying that conditions for visa issue and those entitled to visa exempt come under the control of the 'Minister' 

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30 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

You are misinformed, according to the Amity treaty between Thailand and the USA a US citizen can own the majority of a company. If you work here long enough , learn to speak and write Thai you can aply and become a Thai citizen get a Thai passport. Look up the name William Heinecke ,  he is the owner of The Pizza Company who was born in the USA. His father became an ambassador but when he returned to the US  William stayed (was only 17) worked and later became a Thai citizen. So not only were the Chinese accepted so have others.


Many non-Thai folks have attained Thai citizenship.


Is the Amity treaty really alive and well, does it contribute significantly today to either Thailand or the US?



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1 hour ago, seancbk said:

What people will be let go from their jobs just because one tourist is denied entry?

Take how much they spend.  Subtract that money out of the market.  Consider an average Thai salary in industries serving tourists.  Some paychecks have to "go away," or profits will be lost, to make up the difference.  Businesses usually opt for the former.


Also, this pattern has driven out thousands, and informed the decision of many more to never come in the first place, so the effect is cumulative.  I was told by people on the other side of the planet not to bother going to Thailand, other than a short visit, because their immigration was not friendly, and would arbitrarily not allow people to return, to spite having a nice place to live, etc.  This was years ago, before it got even worse.  This stupid policy has cost untold numbers of Thais a good living from foreign-sourced capital spent by people who are not reliant on a brick/mortar job for their incomes.

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On 14/04/2018 at 10:20 AM, poohy said:

Sadly  ! suspect the colour of your skin ( i am only surmising  here dont be offended)had a great of bearing on the decision 

Yes a cowboy that knows it was a tourist pic. Don't give anybody access to your phone. it's personal. You don't have my finger print to access for that exact reason LOL. Unfortunately they targeted you. 

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On 14/04/2018 at 10:27 AM, Polaky said:

Seems rather harsh, suvarnabhumi   is not as stern as don muang, there has to be a reason other than the tuktuk.

No reason needed it's depends on which cowboy is in the saddle 

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To the OP:


it looks like you came to Thailand multiple times in one year, albeit for a short duration each time.


Immigration does not generally like this, and may consider it evidence of you being a bad person (guilty until proven innocent)


They don't want to take a risk of letting you in and being held responsible. everything else they did was to find an excuse to back their decision.


Remember: In Thailand, all foreigners are bad criminals, especially dark colored ones. If you come more than once per year, you must be doing something illegal.


Or So goes the mentality.


I recommend applying for an SETV each time, or limitting trips

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On 14/04/2018 at 10:40 AM, StayinThailand2much said:

Yeah, I see Americans driving tuk-tuks in Thailand all the time... Jerks! Tokyo Immigration shouldn't be a problem; perhaps you might have to explain that Thailand doesn't particularly like repeat tourists, esp. if the tourists don't have a prearranged visa. If it is within your budget, I would just spend a good time in Japan. Contrary to Thais, the Japanese are all very friendly and polite; even the Thais rave about that. And Japan is a beautiful country!

Yes immigration are now worse than ever under the JUNTA banner. Sad for Thai tourism. They have no idea the damage they are inflicting and don't care. They will all loose. Vietnam is the future.

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2 minutes ago, overherebc said:

Nope, it won't make even the smallest dent in tourist numbers or income to Thailand.

Incorrect badly. Thai people don't see sweet FA from Chinese. The only people that earn is the JUNTA and key businesses. The grass roots Thai business want UK AU USA EURO. 

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22 minutes ago, Media1 said:

The grass roots Thai business want UK AU USA EURO. 

This depends on which businesses - but the saddest part, is it isn't an "Either / Or" proposition.  There is no shortage of "Supply" of anything for foreigners in Thailand.  It is not as though this guy being let-in was going to displace a Chinese tourist. 


Unless this fellow was a known criminal, this was a "loose-loose" move for Thailand by Immigration.  This person wasn't even staying semi-continuously, so could not possibly have been taking a job illegally (which would likely have been "English teacher" - desperately needed - anyway).

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Has anyone heard of Japanese people getting problems if they want to come to Thailand for a short holiday a few times a year using a 30 day exempt stamp? Or is it just people from western countries getting crapped on at airports here nowadays??

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On 4/14/2018 at 11:10 AM, Expatthailover said:

Not withstanding expats have contributed nothing to thai society 

Here you go again, what a stupid sweeping generalisation to make, and what have you actually contributed to Thailand ? apart from being Grump of the Year, i am not surprised the Japanese shunned you, i have lived in Japan and found the people to be very kind and treated me with great respect, especially the Women, ( Thats another Story ) your frequent Holier than Thou Posts only serve to boost your very fragile Ego, i suspect you have few Friends, and i do wonder why you even post on here seeing as you seem to loathe the Expat community so much, i suspect you probably have nowhere else to go you sad sad Man, or maybe Woman, who knows.

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i suspect these "X-ray fugitive foreigner"  and  "black eagle" so called crackdowns

 give these IMMs a chance to weild their tiny man powers.


but if you have a look like a dark suntan or a "chocolate"...shade (is Thai saying, not mine)

you are best to get visa and have a better chance of no trouble.


trying for many VEs over 2/3 years, for sure you will get tagged sooner or later.


but really you cannot blame them for thinking these guys are vagabonds or upto no good.

what the cost of a SE visa?  is not huge.


the IMMs probably ask themself, why these guys must keep trying for free visa?


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On 4/14/2018 at 10:20 AM, poohy said:

Sadly  ! suspect the colour of your skin ( i am only surmising  here dont be offended)had a great of bearing on the decision 


Excuse me! Keep your narrow minded opinion privately. In NYC, some of the most beautiful girls I have met are from the Caribbean. There’re many Whites and Chinese living there for centuries.

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