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Video: Yet again! Car driver refuses to pull over for ambulance as heart patient struggles for life


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Get the good General to have a look at this.

He has vowed to fix the road carnage & here is a start for him to try to understand what is going on inside his country peoples heads.

The mentality of Thais when they get behind the wheel of a car has to be seen to be believed.

If he can find this key in their minds we have half a chance

Now that I am on this rant, the driving laws need to be strictly enforced 24/7/365 which is a lot of the problem

I live in a one way street which may as well not be. Motorbikes drive the wrong way on our new footpath with impunity cars drive up the wrong way, taxis & cars park in "no parking "zones making pedestrians 

having to take evasive action &  buses have to wait for idiots to move their illegally parked cars to get past.

What do officials do,,,,,,,,,,,,nothing ,,,,, which starts a mindset when they hit the main roads they think they are immune to laws because they get away with it everyday.

Interesting finale    I spoke to 2 taxi drivers about their drinking of alcohol whilst on their shift

Answer    " It is just while we are waiting for a passenger "

Where do you start ??????????


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6 hours ago, joeyg said:

How do you know they were Thais.  If you mess with Americans we will bomb the s$$t out of you.  Top that...

Maybe because they were pictured driving in Thailand? Balance of probabilities...

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1 hour ago, marquis22 said:

Is asking a task for drivers to observe any happenings on the road by looking in the rearview mirror.

What with checking FB and looking at the road ahead through the array of amulets.

Also cannot hear the siren for the loud chattering going on between all passengers.

Ah yes, the 50-metre chat. A quaint custom, and so charming...

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Nope. The rule is: Always find excuses for stupidity among Thais. You'll feel all good and liberated and politically correct and stuff - the foreigners on TV will all admire you and want to be your friend and the Thais will think you're wonderful and try to be just like you. Not. Lot to learn about Thais methinks.


Sometimes I just feel tired with all the PC nonsense.

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5 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

Where does it say its a lady driving the car ?

only incompetent drivers are capable of not giving way to ambulance, fire brigade, police with sirens on..
Then again, I have not heard one effective siren/horn in Thailand yet, and keeping an eye on the rear view mirror is not compulsory according to my observations, moreover many of the minibus drivers look like an ambulance so there is no way to know that en EMC vehicle is behind the car. 
automatically flashing head lights would draw attention though.
And, maybe, NYFD can donate a few horns that make one want to get as far away from that overpowered cruiseship horn as you can and soonest possible .

Edited by KKr
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7 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Maybe its time for all ambulances to be fitted with missile launchers....Nothing else seems to get the message across.

Send the license number to the cops and they block the car for a month.
Invite the moron driver to assist in an ambulance car for several days/nights.

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WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? what is the dear leader going to do? what is the police chief going to do? they have the licence number, and the prior offense with two health care professional in it? this is disgusting and the thai people should be ashamed of themselves for ALLOWING this type conduct to continue, you try this crap in the civilized world and you would be in a world of hurt in court if the patient died. in the U.S. the ambulance driver calls in the license and the highway patrol has his ass  in a tick tok!


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In Rayong, the ambulance uses the siren and lights on the ambulance every day to shuttle the Bangkok Hospital clinic workers in Ban Chang back to the Rayong hospital. This type of abuse and overuse of the sirens and lights causes people not to recognize that there might be an emergency when there actually is one. 

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8 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Maybe its time for all ambulances to be fitted with missile launchers....Nothing else seems to get the message across.

I was think more along the lines of a snowplough and just tip the selfish Bs off the road. 

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What I think that’s fair is at least 10,000 baht fine sent to driver and give them 6 months to pay it.if not pay impound car till pay in full...

a lot this watch news every day so they should have an educational commercial and tell them 10,000 fine and can loose car.

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Honestly please find the parents and make sure they can't give birth again  .JAIL immediately 3 months mandatory. Are there any police working in this country or to busy standing at the watch man's house. JAIL these <deleted>.

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3 minutes ago, sean420 said:

What I think that’s fair is at least 10,000 baht fine sent to driver and give them 6 months to pay it.if not pay impound car till pay in full...

a lot this watch news every day so they should have an educational commercial and tell them 10,000 fine and can loose car.

No jail they don't pay fines

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I never will understand, the police, ambulance run all the time with lights on!  Only with sirens blasting arrive they on a call! Does not see right!

Take their license and fine them heavy!  Must stop!

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I think they need louder sirens and really strong flashing lights and really get right behind them close then they will soon pull over. When drivers look in there mirror and see then right on they’re ass they tend to shit themselves. A matter of driver training for the ambo driver. 

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15 hours ago, worrab said:

There should be an edict out to all ambulance drivers only to use blues and twos when going to or returning with an emergency patient. Not all day long because it looks good and they should be fined if they do so. 

Sadly this is a problem (not just in Thailand), you can't tell a real emergency from a driver who is late for lunch.


As a Brit an emergency vehicle always gets the benefit of the doubt of course, but many have become complacent.


Back home an electric-blue strobe in the mirror is unmistakable and unmissable (for those who have never seen a UK emergency vehicle, nothing else carries them and they are BRIGHT), none of these wimpy red and blue roof bars.


EDIT And if you see a vehicle on blues (even without the twos) he absolutely IS on an emergency, no doubt, ifs or buts!

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25 minutes ago, Monkeyrobot said:

I think they need louder sirens and really strong flashing lights and really get right behind them close then they will soon pull over. When drivers look in there mirror and see then right on they’re ass they tend to shit themselves. A matter of driver training for the ambo driver. 


I'm so used to seeing passenger vans 5' off my back bumper at 100 km/hr that I doubt it phases most of them.  So close that all I see is the grill and the bottom half of the windshield in the rear view mirror.  Maybe the lights will help, but so many vehicles run around with all kinds of flashing colored lights, that I doubt they'd make much difference.  



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8 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

Install a proper good HD dash-cam witch is able to read/ record plates also in every ambulance and then together with the vdo footage make a complaint at the proper police station. Maybe is helps a bit in future. It's not expensive nowadays.


How long have you been in Thailand? Do you really expect the police to do anything? Really? Their answer would be that it's happened and in the past so why bother. That would be Thai logic.

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4 hours ago, hansnl said:

Are there laws that say you have to give way to emergency services?



On another thread a member couldn't arse himself to provide the link but here it is in all its glory:





Oh oh.   Same thread but  my statement stands.


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You don’t pull over for an ambulance with lights and sirens - usually heavy heavy fine and penalty points - (same as fire engines etc) - even in Philippines they will move onto the path to let emergency vehicles through 

unfortunately in Thailand Mai bpen rai - sad but true - and I hope Ambulance’s keep doing this and posting it online 

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10 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

To be fair the car was on the road first and second at the next red light not an option all perfectly reasonable as the driver felt fine and was in no pain. 

Yes and also, wait for the usual: "All those ambulances do it all the time when there is no emergency so I am not pulling over for one, ever."  

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A couple of big problems is that here in Thailand anyone can stop on the side of the road and buy red and blue flashing lights and fit to there vehicles plus there are too many different types of vehicles being used as ambulances. What needs to be done is to make it law that the only vehicles to use red and blue flashing lights are emergency vehicles and to have one standard vehicle specially built for ambulances so that there can be no confusion about what vehicles is coming up behind you. Australia has a special Mercedes Benz as an ambulance

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