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PM says “sucking” of ex-MPs is part of Thai democracy


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The PM's rationale on "sucking" as a time-honored democratic practice in Thai politics may or may not be true, as we all know the PM is by no means an expert in Democracy, or Thai Politics according to his own numerous statements to the effect. In my opinion, "sucking MPs" is unnecessary, as MP's and even whole parties are known to change allegiances and reverse ideologies at the drop of a hat when it suits them and therefore picking and choosing new allies is easy.

On the other hand, maybe the PM wants to convince the Thai people, that a "sucked MP" is a "good Politician" and a "unsucked one" is not, in other words: if you are not sucked, you suck.

Be it as it may, I suggest for the PM to practice on a lollipop prior to committing to the act.

Edited by klauskunkel
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4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...The government, said the prime minister, is not in a position to stop politicians to quarrel with one another, but what it can do is to start political reform step-by-step.

Without mentioning name, he lashed out at a former MP who accused the government of misusing state fund to the tune of tens of billions baht form a political party to support him as the next premier.

Accusing the ex-MP as shepherd’s boy, he said the former did not have evidence to back up his allegation..."


"Start political reform step-by-step"?


Er... haven't you been claiming that was the reason for the coup four years ago? And you are starting now? 


BTW, how is referring to another politician as a "Shepherd's boy" cleaning up politics?


Using state funds to go on a recruiting trip with government jobs as the lure doesn't seem like reforming the political system to me, rather it seems like you are hypocritically practicing the opposite of what you preach.


God help Thailand; it'll take years if not generations to undo the damage Prayut has caused...




You're right but don't worry. This is just a part of the growing-up process. One day the party will end and this guy will run for the hills. Thais have the government they deserve, and however much you and I know it's a joke in very poor taste, Thais are quite partial to jokes in very poor taste. Look at the police...


Gotta love 'em, they keep trying but they just can't even get the first principles right.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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2 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:


You're right but don't worry. This is just a part of the growing-up process. One day the party will end and this guy will run for the hills. Thais have the government they deserve, and however much you and I know it's a joke in very poor taste, Thais are quite partial to jokes in very poor taste. Look at the police...


Gotta love 'em, they keep trying but they just can't even get the first principles right.


Sadly the Thai people actually DON'T have the government that they deserve as they deserve a proper, transparant government.


What they do have and have had for many years is a collection of prima donna elitists pretending to be a real government for the people.


What they are and always have been are  a greedy bunch of money grabbing, power hungry <words deleted by me> who control the country simply by having vast amounts of money to make even more money with and "who cares about the poor peasants anyway".


The poor will always be there and I can always assauge my conscience (if I had one) by giving them a job if they can afford to buy the job in the first place.


That is my honest opinion on the elite and rulers of Thailand.

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34 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Sadly the Thai people actually DON'T have the government that they deserve as they deserve a proper, transparant government.


What they do have and have had for many years is a collection of prima donna elitists pretending to be a real government for the people.


What they are and always have been are  a greedy bunch of money grabbing, power hungry <words deleted by me> who control the country simply by having vast amounts of money to make even more money with and "who cares about the poor peasants anyway".


The poor will always be there and I can always assauge my conscience (if I had one) by giving them a job if they can afford to buy the job in the first place.


That is my honest opinion on the elite and rulers of Thailand.


Which pretty much coincides with my view as well, and that of many other guests in this country. 'A population gets the government it deserves' is an old and (in my view) a largely true observation, but let's be honest, it often translates as 'A population gets the government it's prepared to accept'.


My view of Thais is reasonably clear, I think that, by and large they are unintelligent, lazy and feckless; many others think they are peacable,  pleasant and even spiritual but I don't agree and think that view is based on a carefully cultured appearance, not to appeal tpo foreigners but to keep themselves safe from harm in a rapacious kleptocracy, the one which they have allowed to dominate them by using various psychological manipulations.


The 'twain will probably never meet, to me, the Thais have been manipulated, tricked and bamboozled into repeatedly meekly accepting a bunch of thugs with guns that the people pay for, solely in order that the 1% of the population may prosper. The cap of the pyramid is indeed made of gold. I see nothing quaint or charming about the Thais, I see little that many misinformed or delusional foreigners regard as a charming 'Shangri-La', it's a scruffy country with few natural resources except a cheap and compliant population for the largely Chinese-descended immigrants to exploit.


It does however seem to be the way of the world, that much I will grant. Sadly. I agree with the others who have said that the only way the current situation will change is by large-scale violence and uprising, but I doubt it will happen; an essentially lazy people and dishonest who are content to be exploited because it's easier than asserting themselves, will not rise up and take control. Too hard.


I don't entirely blame the 1%, they're the same everywhere, USA, Europe, Australia, it's all the same criminality in evidence. I blame the 99% for allowing it to happen and meekly acquiescing. Human nature will conquer all it seems. It took me some years to understand that the Bangkok Thais commonly call the countryside Thais 'kwai' (stupid, lazy and dirty) for a reason. Don't blame me, I didn't start it, I merely watch and try to understand.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

I'm teaching democracy to some friends around the house.


Good luck with that, if their Thai they'll likely conclude that you don't understand 'Thainess'. You should be thankful for that in my opinion.

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Thai "Democracy" is, thus far, a system which would be very familiar to someone from Italy in the late medieval/renaissance period.


The "politicians" who are involved in it follow the money and power (political "ideals" are irrelevant).


They are bought as mercenaries and will switch allegiance at the drop of a hat.



Edited by Enoon
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10 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:


Which pretty much coincides with my view as well, and that of many other guests in this country. 'A population gets the government it deserves' is an old and (in my view) a largely true observation, but let's be honest, it often translates as 'A population gets the government it's prepared to accept'.


My view of Thais is reasonably clear, I think that, by and large they are unintelligent, lazy and feckless; many others think they are peacable,  pleasant and even spiritual but I don't agree and think that view is based on a carefully cultured appearance, not to appeal tpo foreigners but to keep themselves safe from harm in a rapacious kleptocracy, the one which they have allowed to dominate them by using various psychological manipulations.


The 'twain will probably never meet, to me, the Thais have been manipulated, tricked and bamboozled into repeatedly meekly accepting a bunch of thugs with guns that the people pay for, solely in order that the 1% of the population may prosper. The cap of the pyramid is indeed made of gold. I see nothing quaint or charming about the Thais, I see little that many misinformed or delusional foreigners regard as a charming 'Shangri-La', it's a scruffy country with few natural resources except a cheap and compliant population for the largely Chinese-descended immigrants to exploit.


It does however seem to be the way of the world, that much I will grant. Sadly. I agree with the others who have said that the only way the current situation will change is by large-scale violence and uprising, but I doubt it will happen; an essentially lazy people and dishonest who are content to be exploited because it's easier than asserting themselves, will not rise up and take control. Too hard.


I don't entirely blame the 1%, they're the same everywhere, USA, Europe, Australia, it's all the same criminality in evidence. I blame the 99% for allowing it to happen and meekly acquiescing. Human nature will conquer all it seems. It took me some years to understand that the Bangkok Thais commonly call the countryside Thais 'kwai' (stupid, lazy and dirty) for a reason. Don't blame me, I didn't start it, I merely watch and try to understand.


I agree with some of your sentiments, others not. But why would someone so disillusioned as you remain?


Some of your opinions are reminiscent of culture shock. That doesn't have to be an initial reaction and can often occur after a prolonged time, built up in increments until it hits.


The fact that you think people with opinions that differ from yours are misinformed and delusional suggests you believe only your perceptions can be correct. That's something you should seek professional help with.


There are plenty of ups and downs, pros and cons, with living here. Just the same has in any country. You seem fixated with the negative. 


Yes, the small % of rich people around the world are becoming more and more focused on making sure they stay that way. The rich get richer, more powerful, more above the law which in turn is applied to others more strictly whilst influenced by them and of course control what we perceive as "democracy". The wealth divisions in the 'developed" countries are seeing an erosion of the middle class and a more polarized distribution of wealth. The geographic division of wealth, and opportunity leads to mass economic migration and illegal immigration attempts being seen.


The current political and financial systems in the world support these divides and will not create fairer societies world wide. Until that changes individual countries will continue to develop their own little culture and interpretations of those systems that suit the small % of their population that actual really run them.





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18 minutes ago, Enoon said:


Thai "Democracy" is, thus far, a system which would be very familiar to someone from Italy in the late medieval/renaissance period.


Those who are involved in it follow the money and power (political "ideals" are irrelevant).


The are bought as mercenaries and will switch allegiance at the drop of a hat.




Good analogy. Especially when one compares the rich powerful elite feudal families vying for power and share of the riches.

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12 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


I agree with some of your sentiments, others not. But why would someone so disillusioned as you remain?


Some of your opinions are reminiscent of culture shock. That doesn't have to be an initial reaction and can often occur after a prolonged time, built up in increments until it hits.


The fact that you think people with opinions that differ from yours are misinformed and delusional suggests you believe only your perceptions can be correct. That's something you should seek professional help with.


There are plenty of ups and downs, pros and cons, with living here. Just the same has in any country. You seem fixated with the negative. 


Yes, the small % of rich people around the world are becoming more and more focused on making sure they stay that way. The rich get richer, more powerful, more above the law which in turn is applied to others more strictly whilst influenced by them and of course control what we perceive as "democracy". The wealth divisions in the 'developed" countries are seeing an erosion of the middle class and a more polarized distribution of wealth. The geographic division of wealth, and opportunity leads to mass economic migration and illegal immigration attempts being seen.


The current political and financial systems in the world support these divides and will not create fairer societies world wide. Until that changes individual countries will continue to develop their own little culture and interpretations of those systems that suit the small % of their population that actual really run them.


Right. About what I expected.


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