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Hang Lay?


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had sum ob de hanglay still in de pot an' was gettin' a bit peckish...went next door to mama's to get sum cooked rice to find that no one was there :D ...de wife went off to U Thong to look at 2nd hand minivan transmissions an' took de whole crew with her...I said, this calls fer urgent yankee ingenuity, so TAA DAA!!!, hanglay on toast!!! de nice greasy, spicy sauce goes down a treat widde bread...highly recommended if yer rice cooker breaks down at an inopportune moment... :o

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Hehe. So I am not the only one. I prefer Hanglay on wholemeal toast, meself. :o

hanglay on toast???...hanglay on toast!!!, good god almighty, hanglay on toast!!!...a significant culinary fusion breakthrough an' ye saw it first here on thaivisa...(shall we congratulate ourselves, sweetball? :D )

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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I know quite a few Thais who like to eat leftover curry on toast, esp southerners, perhaps because it's a lot quicker than making fresh roti, and Bangkokians, for whom it may just be a western affectation. :o

sa-kroo thais an' their western affectations...let's make falang culinary revolution! :D

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The Hung Lay powder you buy in small packets

Love it. The wife has just had some packets sent to her here in Sydney from her sister in CM. We did mange to find Hang Lay sauce in Coles here and the wife added bits and pieces to it and it was pretty good. But now she has the real thing. MMMMMMM

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