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Trump abandons 'defective' Iran nuclear deal, to revive sanctions


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It looks like Trump is preparing for the 2020 election!  If all goes according to plan we should see war kick off between Saudi Arabia and Iran about 4 - 6 months before the November elections.  After all, nothing boosts political support like a good war. :sick:

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21 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

Here's what happens next....


Iran is given a new deal that insists it halt it's support of terror organizations in the region - of which there is no question. A  deal that does not expire in 2025, at which point they are free to enrich weapons grade Uranium.


Right now, Iran has a lot more money with which to fund terror organizations because of this deal. They just have to delay their nuke program for 7 years.


The Obama deal was basically great news for Hamas and Hezbollah. That's the real problem and it does need to be resolved. 

Here's what happens next...


Iran, the DPRK and whoever else is upsetting the hawks in the Pentagram arm themselves to the teeth in the full knowledge that any deals made with the US aren't worth the paper they are written on.

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3 hours ago, Kiwiken said:

The Iranians were not developing nuclear weapons before the agreement. Why would they waste scarce resources on them now? As others have pointed out why would North Korea trust the USA now? If Iran want Nukes they need not develop their own simply exchange oil for technology with NK. Well done Trump put us on a firm path to conflict. Israel and Saudi Arabia may bay their support but their populaces are the Ones the US action puts in the firing line.

The US seems to be fostering conflict with many at the moment (Russia, China) plus Trumps policies are alienating his key allies (Europe Britain and Japan).

Many may laud his Hawkish approach but it is the innocents on all sides who will pay.


Iran is the enemy of Trumps friends Israel and Saudi Arabia. The latter two despise Iran. Besides which Iran won't kiss Trump's arse which he seems to relish.



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5 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Neither you nor Trump understands that oil is a highly fungible commodity.  It moves smoothly in and out of countries and their stockpiles; and gets traded again and again.  Iran will sell their light crude to other countries who may, in turn, resell it to us.  Or we could buy Canadian & Venezuelan crude which is heavier and requires much more refining.


Light Arabian oil is one of the most sought after in the world.  Iran won't have any trouble selling it.


Yes they will.


The whole world wants access to US consumers.


If US turns off that tap to any country buying oil from Iran, then Iran wont be selling much oil.

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1 minute ago, pedro01 said:

If US turns off that tap to any country buying oil from Iran, then Iran wont be selling much oil.


Can you explain how the USA can stop other countries from buying Iranian oil?  Even our allies have said pulling out of the Iran deal is nuts-o-cuckoo.  Do you think they're all going to hold hands with us on international sanctions?

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3 minutes ago, pedro01 said:

Iran has not been destabilized. You should check your facts.


Iran is destabilizing other nation and sponsoring vicious terrorist attacks all over the Middle East.


Maybe you should move there for a bit - seeing as how great you seem to think their leaders are.

No, you really don't understand. Wiki is quite good for the history of Persia and Iran. Have a read and then we can continue the dialogue 


BTW, there are some very beautiful women there ?

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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Can you explain how the USA can stop other countries from buying Iranian oil?  Even our allies have said pulling out of the Iran deal is nuts-o-cuckoo.  Do you think they're all going to hold hands with us on international sanctions?

They can just buy in Euro and not go through an American bank. I'll manage it through my SCB account.

Edited by Grouse
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4 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Because Trump did it.  There are three members here who have multiple orgasms over anything Trump does, no matter how obviously stupid it is.  You'll never get an answer when you ask for justification.  The best we can hope for is a copy & past from a Fox "news" opinion.


The latest nonsense poster thinks that one country refusing to buy Iranian oil is somehow going to hurt Iran.  In reality it'll come back to bite us since we'll just end up buying the same oil through an international middleman at a higher price.


Good move, Donald.



Off topic, but anything that increases the price of oil is good as it encourages alternatives to oil use. I thought all Climate Change believers wanted to stop using oil.

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You know what would be funny, is if North Korea in a gesture of goodwill disclosed some of the details to the US about who they have been exporting their nuclear wepons technology to. It has long been rumored that Iran was a buyer. But if NK really were going to denuclearize (which I doubt), intelligence on all the deals they made in the past would be part of the bargain I would think. You're going to find Iran on that list. Never a dull moment.

Edited by lannarebirth
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13 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Because Trump did it.  There are three members here who have multiple orgasms over anything Trump does, no matter how obviously stupid it is.  You'll never get an answer when you ask for justification.  The best we can hope for is a copy & past from a Fox "news" opinion.


The latest nonsense poster thinks that one country refusing to buy Iranian oil is somehow going to hurt Iran.  In reality it'll come back to bite us since we'll just end up buying the same oil through an international middleman at a higher price.


Good move, Donald.




Good thing we're energy independent more or less.

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