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A litany of broken promises


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3 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

I had only been in Thailand for one year at the time of the 2006 coup and had never seen anything like it in my country of birth. I didn't know what to expect but knew it wasn't really my business, I followed the news coverage and learned about Thaksin changing the law to allow the sale of Shincorp to a foreign company without paying tax. I didn't know about the previous coups but I watched the peaceful protests to the coup. People were in the streets, some put flowers in soldiers gun barrels and chanted their opposition, I didn't comment. In 2010 when the protests were coordinated by Thaksin and violence was commonplace I joined Thai Visa and spoke out. I was sickened, Thais killing Thais and cheering their deaths all so one billionaire could cling to power. I have asked before, why does it have to be this family, why can't the opposition find someone else? Seems to me that it's about the money, no leader with a passion to better the lives of his or her countrymen has emerged.

You seem like a decent person with a wish to understand.I have to say however that though your good will is apparent, your post is simplistic and uninformed.You are not going to get an understanding of Thai realities through this forum (it's censored for understandable reasons) though it's interesting to get expatriate perspectives sometimes.The background is available - a lot of it online - but it takes time and effort to assimilate it.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I prefer anything to Thaksin.

Before him, Thailand was really wonderful, but he destroyed it.

In what way did he destroy it. Genuine question thaibeachlovers. Just what did he do?

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2 hours ago, jayboy said:

You seem like a decent person with a wish to understand.I have to say however that though your good will is apparent, your post is simplistic and uninformed.You are not going to get an understanding of Thai realities through this forum (it's censored for understandable reasons) though it's interesting to get expatriate perspectives sometimes.The background is available - a lot of it online - but it takes time and effort to assimilate it.

I have looked at the history, I have read the banned books and I am still not satisfied that there isn't a better alternative. You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. I came from a democracy and my inclination is not to support a military government, I would like to see a party that is determined to help Thai people, not line their pockets. I haven't seen that in the time I have been here. To support the corrupt Shins is not, in my opinion, to support democracy. Thais can do better, hopefully they will.

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3 hours ago, KiwiKiwi said:

Not very much, it's a basket case and ninnies like the self-appointed PM and his dim buddies are to blame.People bang on about the redshirts, especially the juntaphiles and Shin-haters, but from where I'm sitting, the yellow shirts did far more damage to Thailandand created far more turmoil.


Now that the junta has disbanded the yellowshits, they have complete the only useful (for Thais) objective and should go. Bring in someone who has the cojones to reform the country, starting with the army, the police, the civil service and the judiciary. This is the sine qua no for Thailand.


Do it and embrace a new world don't do it and sink beneath the waves, crying all the way to the bottom.

The problem is: that person would have to be bullet- proof, immune to poison and basically indistructable!

Good luck in finding him/her!

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3 minutes ago, DM07 said:

The problem is: that person would have to be bullet- proof, immune to poison and basically indistructable!

Good luck in finding him/her!

So sink beneath the waves, crying all the way to the bottom. I won't raise a word in objection and you won't hear my voice raised to say "no, stop, don't..."


Thais are already one of the most despised peoples on the planet according to the developed world immigration control people. Let them sink. Make the world a marginally better place.

Edited by KiwiKiwi
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12 minutes ago, KiwiKiwi said:

So sink beneath the waves, crying all the way to the bottom. I won't raise a word in objection and you won't hear my voice raised to say "no, stop, don't..."


Thais are already one of the most despised peoples on the planet according to the developed world immigration control people. Let them sink. Make the world a marginally better place.


KK you shouldn't go off your pills like that.



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12 hours ago, webfact said:


-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-05-21



The Nations is the Media Division of the Democratic Party. They were quite Happy 4 years ago when the boys in green moved in and removed their hated and oh so popular rivals. If they have come to this public position .... time to stock up on the microwave popcorn 

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13 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Excellent article; I am surprised that it was allowed to be printed, but now that it has I sincerely hope it is seen by many.


Where does one begin to comment?


"...In its four years – equivalent to the term of an elected government – it has turned Thailand into a bureaucratic polity with the military playing a vital role in weakening the power of politicians and other political institutions, scholars said..."


The sentence above is a good summary of the last few years, and while seeming innocuous is truly frightening. Damaging and destroying Institutions by itself is a scary prospect; these are the things that societies rely on for continuance and day-to-day management of affairs. And when those same institutions break, it can often lead to a breakdown in a society; if people don't share institutions, what do they share? What does a southern fisherman share with a Bangkok-based street food vendor? What does a Issan rice farmer share with a northern Bangkok factory worker?


Further, what do the Military and the Bureaucracy, as institutions, share in terms of Humanity? An institutional view that the individual doesn't matter much. I don't mean that the military and bureaucracy are 'anti-people'; or some other nonsense, but their institutional outlook doesn't value the individual very much. And when institutions that govern don't value the individual much, you get a scary State that is prone to massive abuses. People don't like politicians, (that it easy to understand), but it is the politician who puts the individual into the State as they are the ones in contact with their voters.


What will the future hold in Thailand? I think there are four general possibilities.


1. The Junta 'wins' the election (by whatever means) and entrenches itself further. This leads to a Burma-style situation where the government/State becomes a "wet-blanket" stifling life in the Kingdom and snuffing out creativity and 'joie-de-vivre'; we can all see that happening already to a certain extent.

2. The Junta is soundly defeated by the Democratic element in the election and it is of such magnitude that the message is received by the PTB that the military goes back to the barracks.

3. The Junta wins the election by a narrow margin/manages to get the numbers in the legislature by a narrow margin and claims a mandate. This would lead to further fighting and further oppression as both sides are roughly evenly matched. See 1992.

4. The forces of Democracy win the election and begin the battle of rooting out the military influence, beginning with the constitution. There is a long period of stagnation as each side battles the other rather than deal with issues.


None of the scenarios above seem like a bright future to me; no matter what occurs, I think Thailand is going to be focused inward for the next several years dealing with itself. And, her neighbours will be focused outwards gaining wealth, strength and influence.


It is a sad future as none of the possibilities sees Thailand as a proud nation looking out to the world with confidence and determination.




Very well summarised and I am sorry to say I think you are correct. 

I say this from the Philippines where I now live. 

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11 hours ago, starky said:

 I can't really see any "tipping point" like some posters would imagine anytime in the distant future and certainly not relatively soon.


Nobody ever does.


If they did there would be no revolutions, no wars, no overturning of dictatorships, no Independence Days to celebrate.


What's happening in this video?..........apparently nothing......until:


Stress/strain test - YouTube


(Listen to the predictions on the soundtrack......only one of them is correct)



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4 hours ago, Enoon said:


Nobody ever does.


If they did there would be no revolutions, no wars, no overturning of dictatorships, no Independence Days to celebrate.


What's happening in this video?..........apparently nothing......until:


Stress/strain test - YouTube


(Listen to the predictions on the soundtrack......only one of them is correct)



Well if nobody ever does its definitely not happening as this supposed tipping point has been predicted by Thailand pundits long before this forum was around. So if you suggest it is the unexpected uprising that is going to happen here you have already lost the battle. This ain't France, Russia or the US. This is Thailand where those who can not be named are the ones that will stop any revolt and is the main reason the people won't turn against a junta. In other revolutions they turn against the state, the system and the crown. This is forbidden here. They might boot the military but they aren't ever going to overthrow the other which is frankly why the <deleted> same cycle keeps repeating...if you think that is possible you don't understand Thailand, regardless of what your physics videos may suggest. Thailand is more a wet noodle than an iron bar, very forgiving.

Edited by starky
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17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

How quickly people forget!

Thaksin was the most corrupt person, ever ( IMO ), to be in charge of Thailand, and I cheered when he was removed. Every attempt to form a civilian government since was merely to reinstate his theft of LOS.

Let's not forget that his henchman Purachai was responsible for destroying farang night life, and it has not yet recovered its previous glory.


I for one, will support anyone that keeps Thaksin or his cabal of crooks from returning to power.

Such a noble thought. Full support for a government that will reinvigorate foreign rights to dalliance with bargirls!! lol

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On 5/21/2018 at 2:09 PM, ramrod711 said:

I would like to see a party that is determined to help Thai people, not line their pockets

Then you haven't been paying attention. There is only one language in Thailand, and it isn't Thai. It's money. No money - no power, end of.


The sooner you understand that one thing, the sooner you'll be able to hang up your 'hate Thaksin' boots and stop being twitter and bisted. Thais deserve what they get. Although I despise coup-makers, I've understood that all Thais (excepting perhaps a very small minority which will sink without trace, same as all the rest),  are either coup-makers, coup-supporters, or coup-tolerators. As such, they just aren't worth the candle. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Thais, I just don't see any value in them. Worthless is the probably the best word that springs to mind. I mind my own business and look after my family, the rest can go fish.


Better perhaps to stay in a state of un-informed-ness and think the world complies with your mores, than to give up and see no value in any of them, and have that shine through your every interaction with them. I crossed that rubicon a while ago. Sometimes I wish I could go back to a time where I understood a lot less but when I thought I understood a lot more.



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On 5/21/2018 at 2:09 PM, ramrod711 said:

I would like to see a party that is determined to help Thai people, not line their pockets


Then you haven't been paying attention. There is only one language in Thailand, and it isn't Thai. It's money. No money - no power, end of.


Thais chose to build their country this way, and now they get to live in it. No point agonising and wishing it were different, that's the way it is, and if Thais had the same choices to make again with the same education and intelligence, they'd make the same mistakes again and again. They don't seem to mind, why should we?


The sooner you understand that one thing, the sooner you'll be able to hang up your 'hate Thaksin' boots and stop being all twitter and bisted. Thais deserve what they get. Although I despise coup-makers, I've understood that all Thais (excepting perhaps a very small minority which will sink without trace, same as all the rest),  are either coup-makers, coup-supporters, or coup-tolerators. As such, they just aren't worth the candle. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Thais, I just don't see any value in them. Worthless is the probably the best word that springs to mind. I mind my own business and look after my family, the rest can go about their own business, it really isn't my problem..


Better perhaps to stay in a state of un-informed-ness and think the whole world complies with your mores, or would be a better place if it did, than to give up and see no value in any of them, and have that shine through your every interaction with them. I crossed that rubicon a while ago. Sometimes I wish I could go back to a time where I understood a lot less but when I thought I understood a lot more.



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On 5/21/2018 at 6:37 AM, colinneil said:

Every elected politician lies, this bunch were not elected, they seized power at the point of a gun.


and some months ago the big boss said "I DO WHAT I WANT TO DO" anyone remember THIS ???

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