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Trump casts doubt on planned summit with North Korean leader


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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

It was too good and too quick to be true, Mr. ' i'll huff and puff and rain nuke missiles on your heads and blowe you to kingdom come' all of a sudden the bad boy is releasing prisoners, , visiting downtown Seoul, dismantling this and that and being friendly with high ranking US diplomats, just like his father and grandfather who were brutal and ruthless tyrants, this man can't be trusted....

Maybe...however Bolton is the problem here.  Why would Kim not back out when there is a continued reference to Libya.

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5 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Kim is undoubtedly playing poker.


Shame the US has a weak President who tries to bluff after already exposing his empty little hand.

... you mean his diplomatic hand is empty

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3 hours ago, AsiaHand said:

You do not read very well do you or have little understanding 

Well there is a kind of reading I don't do well - it's called mind reading and I would need that ability to figure out what you mean to say as opposed to what you actually do say. So Trump isn't bluffing. He's sent a flotilla with lots of nuclear weapons to the vicinity of North Korea. Apparently, again according to what you say to either retaliate against or preempt a nuclear attack from North Korea. And this is because such an attack is imminent? Because nuclear attacks are part of a negotiating strategy? 

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

Certainly Kim playing the buffoon Trump but the POTUS just can't see it.

He acts like a buffoon, yes,is very undiplomatic and far from a regular politician, but he is making progress, and in a way I believe the USA will benefit from. Getting North Korea to even negotiate is major! North Korea and South Korea are on a better footing, I believe because of Trump's actions.


I don't believe he is a pushover though.

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Just now, jacko45k said:

He acts like a buffoon, is very undiplomatic and far from a regular politician, but he is making progress, and in a way I believe the USA will benefit from. Getting North Korea to even negotiate is major!

How is he making progress, please explain.

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6 minutes ago, stevenl said:

How is he making progress, please explain.

If you do not see the decommissioning of the nuclear test sites, and foreign journalists being allowed to see them, a willingness to talk with the South and to Trump (they were bandying insults back and forth not so long ago) I am sure I cannot explain it to you.

Next, the reduction of the trade imbalance with China!

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Just now, jacko45k said:

If you do not see the decommissioning of the nuclear test sites, and foreign journalists being allowed to see them, a willingness to talk with the South and to Trump (they were bandying insults back and forth not so long ago) I am sure I cannot explain it to you.

The North was decommissioning a site that had suffered grave damage due to testing. It may be that they gave up nothing of value there. And this is the first time that North Korea has been willing to talk to South Korea? They did get Trump to hastily agree to a meeting without consulting with the experts first. What do you think that told them? Predictably he ate up all the Nobel Prize talk from Moon. Everybody knows what a glultton for praise Trump is.. Or should I say Trump drank it up and got drunk on the possibility of winning a Nobel Prize. He even acceded to the North's wish to not deploy B52s. I believe that's another first to be credited to Trump.

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28 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

You need to stop going on about those two crooks and losers, this is about the current President and a summit with North Korea which we hope will bring peace, something not achieved, even close, by the previous administration. 

LOL! I see your grasp on reality is as tenuous as that of the man-child you support. In case you already forgot it was you who brought up the Clintons. Let me refresh your failing memory:




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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

If you do not see the decommissioning of the nuclear test sites, and foreign journalists being allowed to see them, a willingness to talk with the South and to Trump (they were bandying insults back and forth not so long ago) I am sure I cannot explain it to you.

Next, the reduction of the trade imbalance with China!

That testsite was destroyed by his tests, Olympics accomplished talks, despite Trump's objections. Further I see only negatives from his presidency, but do agree that something needs to be done about the trade deficit with China.

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Would it not be obvious by  now that the back room  boys and girls  that  allow and  even encourage Trump to dribble  on  as if he is in  some  form of  rational comprehension of reality itch  for  some new venue that  adds a new  gong to the  uniform?

Such  is the  gross arrogance  of  that  desire that  they  fail to understand that  the USA  has not and  never has had any  superiority in  any form politicaly  or   militarily.

The  era of   being  the  focus of self  indulged acclaim  reliant  on trusting  allies is all  but  over.

If it were  to  come down  to  a  globally  involved   contest there  would   be  no winner if it involved  the  use of   nuclear weapons.

NK  has   demonstrated  a capacity in defiance.

As  have  many  other nations.

The  basis of  the  issue  is  simple.

Nuclear  weapons  of  indiscriminate destruction  are by  international definition illegal.

If any  major   nation  which  possesses such a  weapon and  holds  that that  gives  it  some  superiority is  already  in  breach  of convention.

Any   minor  nation that  manages  to  acquire a  similar weapon on  the  basis  of  defence is  no  more  or  less guilty of an   unlawful  act in  the  face  of that/ those politically  opposing nations until such  times  as they deploy  it in  any  situation   other  than  retaliative  defence.

NATO is   a  Big  Boy  Club  with  zero humanitarian legitimacy  in reality.

That  nuclear  weaponary  by   'lesser " can  be  attained   is a  demonstration  of  the  failure to  protect  the  illusion  of  superiority that  the  USA has  been  reliant  on.

As  the   single  largest   relatively  wealthiest commercial   market ( in  decline)  which  is  the  main  factor  of  global  policies consider  the  impact  of a new alliance which  creates a  larger  competative  alternative


So  the  US continues to  propose the delusion  of  supremacy in  social  protections as prescribed and  defined in  human  rights. 



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So far this has been a major failure as is most of Trump's foreign policy.   The reason is that in order to effectively deal with NK (or Iran or pretty much anyone else), it requires international consensus and agreement.   Trump has zero credibility and no support in the international arena.


Kim knows this and if he had any doubts, China probably reminded him that cooperating with them will be much more beneficial than cooperating with the US.   


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Could it be more to do with Kim not being aware that he needs to sent a big brown envelope to Trumps lawyers...


  Trump lawyer 'paid by Ukraine' to arrange White House talks

Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, received a secret payment of at least $400,000 (£300,000) to fix talks between the Ukrainian president and President Trump, according to sources in Kiev close to those involved.

The payment was arranged by intermediaries acting for Ukraine's leader, Petro Poroshenko, the sources said, though Mr Cohen was not registered as a representative of Ukraine as required by US law.


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Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

"Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,"


ump pulled out beThis summit meeting shouldn't have been scheduled so soon until all areas of agreement had been settled. Trump pulled out before he was humiliated by a contentious and unresolved meeting.

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17 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

"Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,"


ump pulled out beThis summit meeting shouldn't have been scheduled so soon until all areas of agreement had been settled. Trump pulled out before he was humiliated by a contentious and unresolved meeting.

Well frankly I don't mind his decision but the SOB (Presidentially used term) could have waited 24 hrs until all the Western Journalists had left NK after the show today to decommission the nuclear testing facility. He has put their safety in extreme jeopardy now. This has Boltons fingerprints all over it. Pair of frakking idiots.

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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well frankly I don't mind his decision but the SOB (Presidentially used term) could have waited 24 hrs until all the Western Journalists had left NK after the show today to decommission the nuclear testing facility. He has put their safety in extreme jeopardy now. This has Boltons fingerprints all over it. Pair of frakking idiots.


IMHO Kim is a lot smarter than Trump and Bolton thinks he is.


The reporters safety in N Korea was never in doubt.


Kim wants them on his side.

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Trump cancels, not surprised...


I could make a killing on the stock markets if only I knew what the prick was going to do or tweet tomorrow, there's only one person who does and I bet he is making a mint out of the stock markets.


One might say there's a method in his madness...

Edited by Basil B
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I'm very much not surprised.

Two reasons.

It was obvious "trump" wasn't doing much at all of the very hard prep work needed for such a summit.

Also, it became clear the best "trump" could hope for was more of an Iran style deal which he just cancelled!

So instead of a Nobel Prize, "trump" won't even get a participation trophy.

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Ignoring all the noise from Trump haters. This summit will most likely go off as planned. If there is positive progress from that meeting, we could see NK disarming during the remainder of Trumps first term and completed sometime during his second.

It will become much easier when the Dems get slaughtered this mid term elections. Even they will start getting on the Trump train with everybody else. Or get slaughtered again in 2020.


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He is truly terrible at diplomacy. He thinks he's clever though and so apparently do his feckless hard core true believers in the truly sick cult of "trump".




Surprise! Donald Trump is terrible at diplomacy.


So this is what Trump has gotten by trusting his fabled “gut”: two humiliating diplomatic defeats in the course of one week. The only surprise is that anyone is surprised, given that his infallible instincts had previously led him into six corporate bankruptcies. If Trump writes a book about his White House years it should be called “The Art of the Debacle.”





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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

He is truly terrible at diplomacy. He thinks he's clever though and so apparently do his feckless hard core true believers in the truly sick cult of "trump".






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Fact is to pave the way for this (cancelled?) summit there has been movement from the NK, release of prisoners (even if the crime was to be in the wrong place at the wrong time) and the decommissioning of it's nuclear test site (even though it is believed the last test did so much damage it could no be used again).


Yet what has trump done? nothing...


America (Trump) is acting like a big bully, and Kim (NK) is loosing face so facing up to him, it is not only NK that Trump is bullying and more nations are going face up to him.




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12 hours ago, dcutman said:

Ignoring all the noise from Trump haters. This summit will most likely go off as planned. If there is positive progress from that meeting, we could see NK disarming during the remainder of Trumps first term and completed sometime during his second.

It will become much easier when the Dems get slaughtered this mid term elections. Even they will start getting on the Trump train with everybody else. Or get slaughtered again in 2020.


The way you ignored the news that had already come out? Where do you get your information from? Or maybe a better question would be where don't you get your information from?

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