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do you live in the past or future


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28 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

That's true, your present abilities were learnt in the past and are stored in the present but the past no longer exists and the future is yet to be, the present is so fleeting, soon to be the past, that one could say that the present doesn't exist either, what is the present moment, the now, this very second, this thousandths of a second or millionth of a second ?  there is only the timeless now, you are the space in this now in which things happen but you are not what happens, you are the witness, the space in which it happens, what happens 'is' you are not the doer, you are the presence, the witness of what is.

I am a witness of what is happening at present in the form of a person who sees that present in the concepts of what I have experienced in the past. 

I cannot see my present without my past.

But my own present emotions, desires  and thoughts influence how I see the present.  


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16 minutes ago, bannork said:

I am a witness of what is happening at present in the form of a person who sees that present in the concepts of what I have experienced in the past. 

I cannot see my present without my past.

But my own present emotions, desires  and thoughts influence how I see the present.  


That is an interpretation of the mind, of that which is form, what are you when you cease to think ? That is possible, I've become quite good at it, at first it required meditation, sitting in the dark and concentrating only on breathing, how the breath feels going in and going out, utter concentration on breathing stops all thought, you have to work your way up from 5 minuet's to an hour, takes months and can be boring but now I can walk around without the minds ceaseless chatter, what are you then ? you are just 'being'.

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Time is real but the flow of time is an illusion - it's an effect of your 'present' and very near present memory being presented to the brain all at once - at least Max Tegmark seems to think so, but in terms of what I term 'the statue of spacetime' all of this is real - past present and future, all of it has been deduced across a multiverse of possibilities. Instantaneously - it was all deduced by the creator (quantum processor a.k.a. god) outside of time and we are just like an old cassette tape experiencing it again and again - we are real all over the statue of spacetime, past, present and future - it's heavy shit jim. 

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Just now, Hummin said:



Great, and now what? Im a free soul, here and now!? Im not bound by anything or anybody, just me and myself. That is the future of todays living humans. We have all seperated from the IT

No, you still live in the world of form and have to function as such, you have responsibilities, a wife, children, debt, bills to pay but now you have presence, you can function without incessant thinking, better even, pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day, 90% is rubbish, trivial, harmful maybe. A greater intelligence can operate through you when you aren't continually blocking it with thoughts of what was or what could be or how bad things are now, 'just being' accept what is as it is, there is only this happening now but it is only happening now in this space,this temporary form I call me, what is happening isn't me, I am the space around it, you can rely on the intelligence acting through you how to deal with life's situations, that doesn't mean bad things don't happen, you are not the doer, but you are no longer caught up in the drama of it all, watch it with interest.

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5 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

No, you still live in the world of form and have to function as such, you have responsibilities, a wife, children, debt, bills to pay but now you have presence, you can function without incessant thinking, better even, pay attention to your thoughts throughout the day, 90% is rubbish, trivial, harmful maybe. A greater intelligence can operate through you when you aren't continually blocking it with thoughts of what was or what could be or how bad things are now, 'just being' accept what is as it is, there is only this happening now but it is only happening now in this space,this temporary form I call me, what is happening isn't me, I am the space around it, you can rely on the intelligence acting through you how to deal with life's situations, that doesn't mean bad things don't happen, you are not the doer, but you are no longer caught up in the drama of it all, watch it with interest.

I would have loved to catch up with you in a earlier stage, but now Im trough all thinking, searching, and found the easy living here and now. Nothing at all makes a difference except what I do today, and tomorow. I have my load to carry, but it is getting easier and easier year by year because I realized it is up to me. Of course I have responsibillity to take care those who is close to me, and I have bills to pay, but it will not change tomorow, if I do anything different except to me and my close ones. Im also dependendent on those who is close to me, and the surroundings, but I can change that when needed. The earth the universe is travelling the space as it is ment to do. Im nothing at all in the big picture except to myselves. 

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10 minutes ago, Alan Whickerbasket said:

Time is real but the flow of time is an illusion - it's an effect of your 'present' and very near present memory being presented to the brain all at once - at least Max Tegmark seems to think so, but in terms of what I term 'the statue of spacetime' all of this is real - past present and future, all of it has been deduced across a multiverse of possibilities. Instantaneously - it was all deduced by the creator (quantum processor a.k.a. god) outside of time and we are just like an old cassette tape experiencing it again and again - we are real all over the statue of spacetime, past, present and future - it's heavy shit jim. 

Time is only real to the mind, in fact the mind doesn't understand anything else, mind is also form and it conforms to the illusion around it and will reject anything that endangers the egoic existence which is why those few great teachers in the past were so misunderstood. Jesus said ''don't look for the kingdom of heaven here or there, it is within you'', not understood of course, you are the one, every one of you, you are just cloaked in a manifestation and the one true consciousness that is your true essence can't reach you, can't bring you into its peace because a little tortured 'me', the ego wont listen, it is afraid of its own demise, it will only give up at the point of death. 

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15 minutes ago, Hummin said:

I would have loved to catch up with you in a earlier stage, but now Im trough all thinking, searching, and found the easy living here and now. Nothing at all makes a difference except what I do today, and tomorow. I have my load to carry, but it is getting easier and easier year by year because I realized it is up to me. Of course I have responsibillity to take care those who is close to me, and I have bills to pay, but it will not change tomorow, if I do anything different except to me and my close ones. Im also dependendent on those who is close to me, and the surroundings, but I can change that when needed. The earth the universe is travelling the space as it is ment to do. Im nothing at all in the big picture except to myselves. 

You are the universe, that is your true essence, we are all that, we are one but it can't be understood intellectually. Start by accepting fully what is with no internal argument, ''this is all wrong''  ''it shouldn't have turned out this way'' etc. just say YES, with true acceptance there is peace because the ego has nothing to fight anymore. Practice it in little things, like a traffic jam, don't get annoyed, listen to music, look at the people walking by, smile at a pretty girl, oh I'm still breathing, I'm sitting comfortably, what else would I be doing otherwise, just sitting somewhere else, I might as well be here,its not bad. It can become a habit until nothing bothers you anymore.

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Just now, Hummin said:

There is no more such things as "traffic jams" in my life, so Im on my way ? 


Have a good evening sir. 

Ha !! nor in mine, but I sometimes have to go round a water buffalo outside the front gate. way past my bedtime, good night.

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looking  at the past i have done some stupid things when i was immature/ only looking at that day 

now retired\ i wake to see and plan for the future days

with computer brains\ and medicine 

might have to plan for next 100 years

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21 hours ago, soalbundy said:

Ha !! nor in mine, but I sometimes have to go round a water buffalo outside the front gate. way past my bedtime, good night.

Haha, yes the buffalo in the morning and in the evening, it is a tough one. I have quit struggling with minor problems, du to what you wrote before. I have no problems just being in the moment, even in traffic jam or the local vendor trying to cheat me. Im in balance, and it took awhile, but I managed. Of course I get pissed off stil, but not so much, and I feel the world sometime, but not so much anymore. What happens, happens, thats it, and I can only hang on to my planet doing its stuff as it supposed to. What I do, is not important, but important to me and my close ones. So do your thing Soalbundy, I do mine ?

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12 hours ago, opalred said:

looking  at the past i have done some stupid things when i was immature/ only looking at that day 

now retired\ i wake to see and plan for the future days

with computer brains\ and medicine 

might have to plan for next 100 years

Most of us still do stupid things up and into old age, hence the saying 'there's no fool like an old fool' that only stops when we stop reacting on the egoic level and let things be as they are and embrace life as it is now without desiring it to be different. Plans are only there to be thwarted, still every little catastrophe needs a basis to work from?

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  • 4 weeks later...
6 minutes ago, William C F Pierce said:

Wrong, you clearly do not understand much about science and center of gravities to make it work with your nervous hands.

As the person posted this on the 30th of May,55 BC he/she may not be around any longer and is probably collecting a pension and living in the Maldives..

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2 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

Wrong, you clearly do not understand much about science and center of gravities to make it work with your nervous hands.

Who would not have nervous hands, living in the uncertain worry that we might be living on an aspheroidal boulder spinning pointlessly in an infinite vacuum.  If you can blank that fear out of your mind and carry on oblivious, who knows to what imminent disasters you can turn a blind eye?

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3 hours ago, William C F Pierce said:

Wrong, you clearly do not understand much about science and center of gravities to make it work with your nervous hands.

Gravities? There’s more than one? We may be spinning endlessly like a spyrograph pencil forever tracing unknown shapes in the cosmos subject to multiple invisible distortions in the fabric of space, ready ever to be torn asunder like the stitching on a big girl’s blouse?  At last I have a reason to drink

Edited by StreetCowboy
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