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Did you know you're a daddy? >..<


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I currently know three women who have each had a baby with a foreigner. None of the men know that they made a girl pregnant and obviously don't know they are the father of a child. 

The girls all say they didn't want to have the man know because, in general, "It's my baby, not his," or words to that effect. Even when I point out that the father ought to know and there is some moral obligation to help the woman and her child, they all flat out refuse. 

Two of the men were sex tourists (one was on holiday away from his girlfriend, who was/is blissfully unaware of anything) and one is a DJ in Thailand. 

I have come across this situation before too, when I lived in the South and I don't think it's all that uncommon. 


I wonder what goes through the mind of a man who has unprotected sex and finished the act inside. Everyone knows this is how you make babies. To do this seems like wildly irresponsible behavior. 


Anyway, if some of you out there (in Thailand or just parachute visitors) has done this with some woman (or two or more), be aware that you might actually be a father. 

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So just to confirm.....the girls have no need to take any responsibility?.....


Som nom nar.


If I was a girl and (for some reason) I had unprotected sex with a stranger,  and allowed him to come inside me,  I would consider myself to be primarily responsible for any ensuing pregnancy.


Additionally, I would want to be in control of what happened to my body.

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10 hours ago, sanemax said:

Could be that the girls have no idea who the father is ?

Most likely. As my old grandpappy used to say; "If you backed into a buzzsaw, would you know which tooth cut you?"  It is more likely, if the girl knew who the father was and that he was still in Thailand, she would have visions of ATM--and rightly so.

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4 minutes ago, Juan B Tong said:

Yeah, so...what's your point?

Is this an 8th grade sex ed review

The OP obviously thought some needed it. And, I believe some do. The smarter girls will take precautions; like demanding condoms, or in the likelihood the john refuses, use birth control. The dumber ones will get pregnant. Some will see it as wanting to have a baby to love; others will just blunder into motherhood knowing momma or grandma will take care. 

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8 hours ago, Jip99 said:

So just to confirm.....the girls have no need to take any responsibility?.....


Som nom nar.


If I was a girl and (for some reason) I had unprotected sex with a stranger,  and allowed him to come inside me,  I would consider myself to be primarily responsible for any ensuing pregnancy.


Additionally, I would want to be in control of what happened to my body.

So, you consider a pregnancy as the woman's fault?

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1 hour ago, DoctorG said:

Strange topic.

Why would guys be concerned if they know nothing about it?

Why are you trying to press your Western morals on these girls who really do not give a damn?

Why would guys know nothing about it? Did they not know they had unprotected sex, or did they just assume the girl took protection, or did they simply not care?

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9 minutes ago, smotherb said:

So, you consider a pregnancy as the woman's fault?

i much prefer that she see to it that i wont be having a bloodline,

but if she still insist, i dont want anything to do about it,

and this is the one case i am actually willing to relocate to another country

to make sure i wont be having anything to do with it

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1 minute ago, poanoi said:

i much prefer that she see to it that i wont be having a bloodline,

but if she still insist, i dont want anything to do about it,

and this is the one case i am actually willing to relocate to another country

to make sure i wont be having anything to do with it

So, you do think it is only the woman's responsibility. And, if she doesn't protect herself, it is not your problem? So, if she has your child, you feel no sense of responsibility toward it. Nice, and all too common.

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9 hours ago, Jip99 said:

So just to confirm.....the girls have no need to take any responsibility?.....


Som nom nar.


If I was a girl and (for some reason) I had unprotected sex with a stranger,  and allowed him to come inside me,  I would consider myself to be primarily responsible for any ensuing pregnancy.


Additionally, I would want to be in control of what happened to my body.

If a Male paid a female for sexual services and also supplied her with alcohol , then a resulting pregnancy would be the responsibility of the male .

    Its like if you hire a car for the day , crash the car and then blame the car for getting crashed .

  Its the hirers and drivers responsibility 

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1 minute ago, poanoi said:

not at all...i gave consent to suck my dick, that is all,

i never gave consent to give birth to my child and never will,

if she goes on to give birth to my child against my will, she is my biggest enemy,

and for sure i will retaliate if she on top of that steal my money

It seems you simply cannot reason with a duck. Surely, they will never understand.

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Sounds like the Op got up on Sunday morning and had an epiphany regarding where babies come from and connected it to the rather 'looser than the West' sexual morality that is prevalent in SE Asia as a whole, Thailand in particular.   It happens.  A younger acquaintance of mine who'd been living in country for close to a decade suddenly suffered a breakdown and had a crisis of conscience and returned to his home country.  Last I heard was he'd become a hard-core born-again Christian.  It happens.  Thailand can crush those who are ill prepared to handle and accept her proclivities.  Perhaps the Op is on the verge of going over the edge and we are hearing a 'still small voice' crying out in bewilderment?
And regarding those engaging in unprotected sex.  In this day and age it's not the smartest thing to do.  But there is a lot of difference between picking up a bar girl, in which case latex is your friend, and men and women hooking up after work or school which is a setting where both often know the other's background history and end up doing the horizontal mambo after getting tipsy at the office or school party.  And in the heat of the moment there often is miscommunication about birth control -  And then -- "Kids Happen".  It happens in the West too!  In fact, it happens anywhere their are men and women!
Hopefully over time the Op will develop the maturity to simply understand how things truly work in 'the real world' without taking it personal and getting hung up on it enough to then start proselytizing to the TV brethren about their 'sinful behavior' and it's consequences.  Most of us already know. :wink:

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38 minutes ago, smotherb said:

It seems you simply cannot reason with a duck. Surely, they will never understand.

yes, according to your confused logic,

if a girl gives consent to a ladydrink, then she automatically also gives consent

to anal sex, cause, err, one thing can lead to another.

wake up and smell the coffee

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14 hours ago, Trujillo said:

... I wonder what goes through the mind of a man who has unprotected sex and finished the act inside. ...

Personally it's pretty awesome but most of my orgasms are, even the not-so-good ones.

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12 hours ago, Jip99 said:

If I was a girl and (for some reason) I had unprotected sex with a stranger,  and allowed him to come inside me,  I would consider myself to be primarily responsible for any ensuing pregnancy.

... but you're not and they don't.

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