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Traffic points system will come in next year - red light infractions deemed only medium serious


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Traffic points system will come in next year -  red light infractions deemed only medium serious


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Image: Daily News

Police have said that the points system for driving offences will definitely be introduced in 2019.
But the categories of points might cause some raising of eyebrows especially for foreigners used to more severe penalties.
Going through red lights and going the wrong way are only classified in the "medium" problem bracket.
In total drivers and riders have 12 points to play with each year before getting a ban.
Category one features minor offences such as no helmet or non-wearing of seat belts. That's one point.
Category two is medium that includes going through red lights and going the wrong way on roads. 
Category three is described as serious and includes drink driving, driving under the influence of drugs, speeding and fleeing the scene of an accident. 
For that you will get three points. 
Collect 12 points in a year and you will suffer a 3 month ban.
Get three bans and you will be banned from driving for a year.
Get 12 points in a year again after that and you can kiss goodbye to your right to drive for three years and have to make a new one thereafter.
The measures were announced by Pol Maj Gen Ekkarak Limsangkat who chairs a committee looking into changes in the traffic laws.
A consultative meeting was attended by 500 members of the public in which the points system was revealed by the Maj Gen who said it would definitely come in next year, reported Daily News. 
Source: Daily News
-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-06-09

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points may be deducted unless of course you pay the appropriate fine which undoubtably will still apply.


If they were really serious about this start with the basics. no speeding, no drink driving, no reckless driving. Just focus on and enforce these. At the same time completely revamp the driving lessons and test process.


Until they start to do meaningful things nothing will change. but do they want to disrupt what is a very lucrative revenue stream with tea money?


It all just sounds peeing in the wind if you ask me

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1 hour ago, Misterwhisper said:

So let me get that straight: I can drive around stone drunk four times a year and the only consequence - little more than an inconvenience, really - is going to be that my license is suspended for a mere three months. During that period I will of course simply continue driving without license, and just as stone drunk as previously, without accruing more points as I've already maxed them out anyway.


Yup, that ingenious system is without doubt going to have a great impact on improving road safety.

i agree, drink driving should be an immediate arrest and ban from driving, simple as that. If caught more then once then a jail term applies, this is how it is everywhere else. 


I say again, do they really want to do this? If enforcement really did change driving habits the tea money dries up. 

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No accident, no damage, nobody hurt = no fine, no penalty, nothing


If accident, if damage, any body hurt = big fine, big penalty


Don't like anyone getting punish for not causing harm. Think about it

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And to make the problems go away....


You can use this guide to negotiate at the roadside.


Category one features minor offences such as no helmet or non-wearing of seat belts. That's one point =300Bt
Category two is medium that includes going through red lights and going the wrong way on roads.= 500Bt
Category three is described as serious and includes drink driving, driving under the influence of drugs, speeding and fleeing the scene of an accident = 1000Bt
For that you will get three points. 
Collect 12 points in a year and you will suffer a 3 month ban = 2000Bt
Get three bans and you will be banned from driving for a year = 3000Bt
Get 12 points in a year again after that and you can kiss goodbye to your right to drive for three years and have to make a new one thereafter= 5000Bt
Foreigners can add the usual percentage in line with the two tiered system.
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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

For starters, the points per offence are nowhere near enough, especially for red light jumping and going the wrong way down a highway.

The points are enough, the enforcement won't be though....we all know your avarage Thai will fill 12 points in no later than a week lol

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After reading the article, I thought it was about a new board game being advertised.  Then, I realised that I was in Thailand, and it all made sense.


Nothing more I can say that hasn't been said a hundred times before.


God help us all!!!

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The measures were announced by Pol Maj Gen Ekkarak Limsangkat who chairs a committee looking into changes in the traffic laws

After successful implementation of this exceedingly auspicious system, I suspect he will be promoted and put in charge of a much needed trafficking penalty system. Wonder how many points the boat captains receive per foreign slave worker.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

They have to be joking right? For starters, the points per offence are nowhere near enough, especially for red light jumping and going the wrong way down a highway. There is no enforcement, so people will be able to continue to drive like reckless idiots, and I suspect very few if any, will ever rack up enough points to actually get banned.

I didn't notice the punishment for no license, which covers a few million and for driving whilst disqualified.

There is no pleasing some people on this forum, <deleted> man its a start 

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Driving without number plate or fake plate or overpainting plate? Number plates are the official document and when someone changes it or do not use it shut to get a big punishment and several points.


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