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Brace for a possible "Brexit meltdown" but don't panic, UK's Johnson says - BuzzFeed


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Brace for a possible "Brexit meltdown" but don't panic, UK's Johnson says - BuzzFeed

By Costas Pitas


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Britain's Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson speaks during a news conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 22, 2018. REUTERS/Marcos Brindicci/Files


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's foreign minister Boris Johnson warned there could be a Brexit meltdown but it will be "all right in the end" and said that U.S. President Trump would take a tougher stance were he leading the talks, according to BuzzFeed.


Johnson's comments were secretly recorded at a dinner on Wednesday evening and released on Thursday by the news website, just hours after ministers found a compromise on a backstop Brexit plan for the Irish border.


Johnson said Prime Minister Theresa May was beginning to take a harder line but that there would be a need for level-headedness as talks became more difficult in the months ahead.


"I think Theresa is going to go into a phase where we are much more combative with Brussels,” Johnson was recorded saying.


"You’ve got to face the fact there may now be a meltdown OK? I don’t want anybody to panic during the meltdown. No panic. Pro bono publico, no bloody panic. It’s going to be all right in the end."


Johnson said Trump, who is locked in a battle over metal tariffs with European allies including Britain, would take a stronger approach if he were in charge of the negotiations.


"Imagine Trump doing Brexit,” said Johnson.


"He’d go in bloody hard ... There’d be all sorts of breakdowns, all sorts of chaos. Everyone would think he’d gone mad. But actually you might get somewhere. It’s a very, very good thought."


May reacted defiantly to Johnson's comments, stressing that he was not the only one with strong views on Brexit.


"These are complex negotiations. Boris has strong views on Brexit but so do I," she told Channel 4 news during an interview at the G7 summit in Canada.


Earlier a spokeswoman for May had said the Prime Minister has confidence in Johnson.


"The PM believes that her cabinet and her government are working hard to deliver on the will of the people and working hard to take back control of our money, laws and our borders," she said.


Johnson also appeared to criticise finance minister Philip Hammond, who is regarded as one of the most pro-European members of May's cabinet and has drawn criticism from eurosceptics.


The Treasury is "basically the heart of Remain" and is trying to stop Britain from having full freedom on trade policy after Brexit by keeping it tied to the EU's customs union and to a large extent the single market, Johnson said according to BuzzFeed.


On Friday, Hammond said that a collaborative approach was better than a confrontational one in negotiations with the EU.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-06-09
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I have long suspected that T May - a remainer at heart - reluctantly agreed to pursue the wishes of the 17 million plus UK electorate to leave the EU.   It has been written in a recent newspaper article that she would have made an excellent civil servant, but as a politician, she is below average.   Reading the current news I am increasingly concerned that she - having surrounded herself with members of the cabinet who are remainers and senior civil servants, in particular The Treasury 'The heart of the remain camp', and they have planned a conspiracy to ensure that the final deal offered on Brexit, will be unacceptable to the UK electorate, and a second referendum will take place where the choice will be one of acceptance or non-acceptance and remaining in the EU.   


If I am correct then it will be the greatest case of conspiracy and the Conservatives will pay heavily at the next election.


I am a lifelong Conservative voter, but should this concern realise itself, I will never vote for them ever again.   

It is not too late to retrieve the situation and achieve the full-blown Brexit that the majority voted for..  However it requires a politician who has the 'balls' to openly challenge Mrs May and if need be force her to step down and who is prepared to tell the non elected bureaucrats in Brussels exactly what the majority of the electorate want and if they say no tell them we will not pay any further money, and that negotiations are over and we will pursue our own destiny without any deal from them.


As I write this I see that Micheal Portillo has expressed the same view on the majority of the above.


I don't fear another General Election which is based on a single theme the EU and our relations with it and a new Conservative leader, because Labour is divided and have sold out those who voted to leave the EU and the Liberals are, well, just the Liberals with an old aged pensioner as a leader.


So I wholly support Boris Johnson when he says we need a leader of the calibre of Donald Trump but I fear we are stuck with the bunch of self-seeking individuals that currently sit in Parliament.


Maybe Nigel Farage could be persuaded to return to lead the fight back.



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1 hour ago, JackScarlett said:

I have long suspected that T May - a remainer at heart - reluctantly agreed to pursue the wishes of the 17 million plus UK electorate to leave the EU.   It has been written in a recent newspaper article that she would have made an excellent civil servant, but as a politician, she is below average.   Reading the current news I am increasingly concerned that she - having surrounded herself with members of the cabinet who are remainers and senior civil servants, in particular The Treasury 'The heart of the remain camp', and they have planned a conspiracy to ensure that the final deal offered on Brexit, will be unacceptable to the UK electorate, and a second referendum will take place where the choice will be one of acceptance or non-acceptance and remaining in the EU.   


If I am correct then it will be the greatest case of conspiracy and the Conservatives will pay heavily at the next election.


I am a lifelong Conservative voter, but should this concern realise itself, I will never vote for them ever again.   

It is not too late to retrieve the situation and achieve the full-blown Brexit that the majority voted for..  However it requires a politician who has the 'balls' to openly challenge Mrs May and if need be force her to step down and who is prepared to tell the non elected bureaucrats in Brussels exactly what the majority of the electorate want and if they say no tell them we will not pay any further money, and that negotiations are over and we will pursue our own destiny without any deal from them.


As I write this I see that Micheal Portillo has expressed the same view on the majority of the above.


I don't fear another General Election which is based on a single theme the EU and our relations with it and a new Conservative leader, because Labour is divided and have sold out those who voted to leave the EU and the Liberals are, well, just the Liberals with an old aged pensioner as a leader.


So I wholly support Boris Johnson when he says we need a leader of the calibre of Donald Trump but I fear we are stuck with the bunch of self-seeking individuals that currently sit in Parliament.


Maybe Nigel Farage could be persuaded to return to lead the fight back.




Trump, Boris and Farage - just what the world needs!


You can trust them - all proven liars!

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7 minutes ago, terryw said:

Well done Boris for telling the truth. Now he needs to keep on confronting those members of the Government who are trying to block Brexit. May is trying to deliver Brexit with half the Government opposed to her.


The odds are increasing everyday that there will be No Deal and the lack of readiness for this outcome will have a profound effect on both the UK and European economies.



And what do you think should be done to prepare for it?



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13 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

This Tory split will drive many people to the loony Corbyn and much further left Labour Party.


Brexit will be a disaster if this Tory hard Brexit minority get their wish. Well, for everyone in the UK accept them and their rich supporters who will get richer as the UK returns to a wealth and class dominated society. Which is exactly what they want. In years to come, the Labour struggles of the past will be repeated with all the damage to the economy and society that comes with it.


Why would anyone trust Boris, a proven liar and disloyal team member, or Farage a coward and liar?




Please justify: 

Why would anyone trust Boris, a proven liar and disloyal team member, or Farage a coward and liar?


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1 hour ago, Morch said:

The Reuters markings on the pic make it seem like he is either drooling or fitted with a muzzle.

It's no optical illusion, he is drooling and should be fitted with a muzzle.



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2 hours ago, terryw said:

Well done Boris for telling the truth. Now he needs to keep on confronting those members of the Government who are trying to block Brexit. May is trying to deliver Brexit with half the Government opposed to her.


The odds are increasing everyday that there will be No Deal and the lack of readiness for this outcome will have a profound effect on both the UK and European economies. 


A profoundly negative effect on the British economy for the next at least 10 years, possibly 20, depending on how well the Brits manage themselves and their no doubt new federal system of government [which, on current performance, is likely to be: profoundly badly].


As for the Europeans, a small negative effect for the next 5 years, barely noticeable as a blip on the graph.


Conclusion: One of the drivers in all this is the British - and mostly English - continuing delusions of grandeur. In Europe they are useful & important, but not all-important. Out of Europe they sink to also-ran.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Trump, Boris and Farage - just what the world needs!


You can trust them - all proven liars!

Like Obama wasn't a liar?

Or maybe the terrorist lover Corbyn?

Or that mayor of Londonistan, maybe.

All proven honest and reliable men.


Excuse me, I just barfed in my lap.


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2 hours ago, JackScarlett said:

Please justify: 

Why would anyone trust Boris, a proven liar and disloyal team member, or Farage a coward and liar?


ok same as all leftie slaggers please clarify who should take their place ? No good spouting hate without giving a solution . thats the baby keyboard warriors stance

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2 hours ago, terryw said:

Well done Boris for telling the truth. Now he needs to keep on confronting those members of the Government who are trying to block Brexit. May is trying to deliver Brexit with half the Government opposed to her.


The odds are increasing everyday that there will be No Deal and the lack of readiness for this outcome will have a profound effect on both the UK and European economies.


Boris was addressing Tory sponsors so I assume that apart from dissing May and Hammond he also felt he had to add the "don't panic, it will be alright in the end".


It has often been said that May was a reluctant Brexit PM and therefore somewhat surprising when she came out with all those red lines and the hard stance from the start.  She simply backed herself into a corner with those unrealistic claims.  If her plan was to scupper Brexit then she was making it much harder for herself from day one.  Then there was her mistake to bring in major Brexit supporters into the cabinet meaning that there was always going to be conflict in her inner circle.  Making Johnson FS was bizarre.  I know there is an argument for keeping your enemies close but to give him a role with such a high profile allows him carte blanche for his constant criticism.


The other thing you have to ask is that as May has become so weak in her position as PM, why haven't those heavy weight Brexiteers like Johnson and Rees Mogg launched a leadership challenge?  Certainly an easy call and the obvious solution, at least in the Brexiteers eyes. By removing May they would then surround themselves with like minded members and run Brexit the way they think it should be run.


Also strange that, when Boris had the ideal opportunity to become PM after Cameron resigned, he didn't go for it.  Kind of reminds me of something he wrote about Churchill.  He said that politicians were basically gamblers. They weigh up every situation and then go with the side that they think will serve them best.  I am paraphrasing but that is the gist of it.  I am sure you can google it.


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Brexit either back or forth.
But there is no reason to go to a hairdresser every now and then.
So bad he probably will not earn, as a minister, or are the hairdressers so expensive on the island?

Edited by tomacht8
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4 minutes ago, dragonballz said:

ok same as all leftie slaggers please clarify who should take their place ? No good spouting hate without giving a solution . thats the baby keyboard warriors stance

Just as it is lazy to slot people into boxes like "lefties".  Nothing lazier or a inaccurate as that.

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16 minutes ago, hansnl said:

Like Obama wasn't a liar?

Or maybe the terrorist lover Corbyn?

Or that mayor of Londonistan, maybe.

All proven honest and reliable men.


Excuse me, I just barfed in my lap.


So who are your "honest men"?

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 So he is basically saying, the shi# is going to hit the fan  , but trust him.

Who needs to have faceless scoundrels in Brussels running things when you have plenty of them back home. 


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Thats ok i am a lazy git but nothing lazier than slagging off people and ideas without giving the solution . Easy to say boris johnson is a liar and farage is a coward  and a liar without saying evidence  . Would it be ok if i called someone on here a murderer or pedophile without given anything to back up what i have said No of course not. Same as slagging an idea off with out saying what we should do instead.
 If he and you think johnson and farage is bad ( no idea what farage has got to do with it ) then please state who should be in charge so i can challenge your choice

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13 minutes ago, dragonballz said:

Thats ok i am a lazy git but nothing lazier than slagging off people and ideas without giving the solution . Easy to say boris johnson is a liar and farage is a coward  and a liar without saying evidence  . Would it be ok if i called someone on here a murderer or pedophile without given anything to back up what i have said No of course not. Same as slagging an idea off with out saying what we should do instead.
 If he and you think johnson and farage is bad ( no idea what farage has got to do with it ) then please state who should be in charge so i can challenge your choice

We are all lazy at times... especially after years of posting about the ongoing circus that is called Brexit.  Johnson and Farage are on the political platform unlike members here.  They therefore have everything that they say in public recorded somewhere or another.  I am much too lazy to look up contradicting quotes from either of them but there are lots out there.  It is pretty much accepted these days that all politicians lie.  Those two were being used as examples but they are in good company when it comes to being liars in public life  

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Oh dear me, the British FS and another over hyped media tosh release and Brexit hate remainers are at it again.


Boris is controversial, speaks out and occasionally pi$$es people off, even within his own Government. Good for him, Brexit is a serious matter, passionate to ensure PMTM is held accountable to her commitment and word and deliver Brexit to the electorate.


I'm no fan of him, however Trump, Farage et al have done more and better than countless nameless idiots I could mention that stuck to the status quo.



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3 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

Well said Boris. I entirely agree. I would go further however. May and Hammond are a disaster.

I think May has been a disaster too.  Completely clueless and weak.  If she had any  balls she would fire Johnson.  He obviously hasn't got the guts to take her on and trigger a leadership challenge and prefers to criticise her behind closed doors.  Hardly the actions of an Eton old boy!  Pathetic!

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10 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

This Tory split will drive many people to the loony Corbyn and much further left Labour Party.


Brexit will be a disaster if this Tory hard Brexit minority get their wish. Well, for everyone in the UK accept them and their rich supporters who will get richer as the UK returns to a wealth and class dominated society. Which is exactly what they want. In years to come, the Labour struggles of the past will be repeated with all the damage to the economy and society that comes with it.


Why would anyone trust Boris, a proven liar and disloyal team member, or Farage a coward and liar?



wahey the 1970's here we come , strikes  , loony left , power cuts  , rampant inflation capital controls a run on the pound and threats of a coup. Go to be fun for sure . For all of you on fixed sterling incomes you better have a plan b in your back pocket. 

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15 hours ago, JackScarlett said:


I am a lifelong Conservative voter, but should this concern realise itself, I will never vote for them ever again.   



Ooer.....I bet they're s*******" themselves.


The truth is that that is all you can do, more importantly that is all you, or anyone like you, will do.


And you won't even do that because it will mean the "other side" getting in.


But that's not really a problem anyway for the Conservative Central Office, because they know they'll have their turn back on the merry go round sooner or later.


Just as they know now that it will all have been worth it to (by hook or by crook) get the "right" result.


You people really don't have a clue do you?






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Other EU sources report that there isn't any solution for the Irish Border yet. May's plans were rejected by Mr. Barnier. 

The meltdown started already unless UK will stay but not leave. 

It might be that this is the final solution for May. Well done. 

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Other EU sources report that there isn't any solution for the Irish Border yet. May's plans were rejected by Mr. Barnier. 
The meltdown started already unless UK will stay but not leave. 
It might be that this is the final solution for May. Well done. 

IMO anything being released from the EU in relation to the NI border is to be taken cautiously, sceptically and not considered viable.

Take Brussel's out of the debate and equation & Dublin, Belfast and Westminster would be able to work a viable solution, it's the EU that are causing the dramas with demands, they want the border Eire,Belfast and Westminster don't.

Similarly to the Spanish/Gibraltar situation, Brussels want everything in its own favour, which explains rejection every UK proposal submitted to date, they're autocratic in every sense.

Brussel's thrives on Dominance and Authority mindset and despises being challenged at any level.

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1 hour ago, citybiker said:

IMO anything being released from the EU in relation to the NI border is to be taken cautiously, sceptically and not considered viable.

Take Brussel's out of the debate and equation & Dublin, Belfast and Westminster would be able to work a viable solution, it's the EU that are causing the dramas with demands, they want the border Eire,Belfast and Westminster don't.

Similarly to the Spanish/Gibraltar situation, Brussels want everything in its own favour, which explains rejection every UK proposal submitted to date, they're autocratic in every sense.

Brussel's thrives on Dominance and Authority mindset and despises being challenged at any level.

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That is not quite right! 

1. UK signed all EU treaties and rules. 

2. The so called beaurocrats are also UK officials. So if you beat them you beat yourself. 

3. There is an exit procedure. And UK, as initiator of Brexit has to follow. 

4. It's a fact to have borders between the EU members and others. 

5. It's definitely the end of cherry picking. 

I think a lot of people in UK (not here in Thailand necessarily unless the money will shrink on the account) will wake up soon when May will disclose her final agreement with EU. 

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