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U.S. quits U.N. human rights body, citing bias vs Israel, alarming critics


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2 hours ago, DM07 said:

Stop lecturing me, what I should and should not do and - just for reference- have a look at one of the last tweets from your darling President! The one where he calls immigrants "animals" and says" they are infesting" the country and maybe have a look, at what happens in the child- internment camps.

...among many other "nicely played" attacks on Human Rights, freedom of speech and expression etc.

'Murica is on the way to become a totalitarian state, with less and less regards for Human Rights, so I find it fitting, they leave the UN Human Rights- body!

If you don't understand sarcasm (or a "joke" your President is so good at!), that is not my problem!


Do you follow the real Donald or some other account as i was not able to read the statement you mentioned.  I found infesting but not mention about animals. Or you a Fake news creator?  I would say Europe is infested with illegals too which will have more ramification over there then in us at the moment. Not in the long run.

Edited by rtr4
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1 hour ago, oilinki said:


I suppose USA is the only first world country, which continues to support Israel.


It's funny how much power Israel has in USA, as the Jews only count for 1% of the US population. 


People like to claim that one country or another is a "puppet" of the United States. That has never been my observation. I think the reverse is true and the United States is instead the "puppet" of many countries. Most notably Israel, Europe, and China. Everything in the US is for sale.

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11 minutes ago, rtr4 said:

Do you follow the real Donald or some other account as i was not able to read the statement you mentioned.  I found infesting but not mention about animals. Or you a Fake news creator?  I would say Europe is infested with illegals too which will have more ramification over there then in us at the moment. Not in the long run.

DMO7 has already provided an example, which also includes a disgusting proven lie regards the Democrats; refer below. 



Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!
Trump is unfit for the Office of the President of the USA.

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23 minutes ago, rtr4 said:

Do you follow the real Donald or some other account as i was not able to read the statement you mentioned.  I found infesting but not mention about animals. Or you a Fake news creator?  I would say Europe is infested with illegals too which will have more ramification over there then in us at the moment. Not in the long run.

Post #27...enjoy your big glass of shut up- juice!

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26 minutes ago, stevenl said:

I'm not a big fan of Israel's present politics. But calling Oilinki's posts anti-semitic, is simply based on nothing. And now implying the same for me ?.

Apparently calling anyone who questions Israel's current politics and how USA is linked to it, is labelled as anti-semitic. I guess that's an attempt to stop the conversation. 

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12 minutes ago, oilinki said:

Apparently calling anyone who questions Israel's current politics and how USA is linked to it, is labelled as anti-semitic. I guess that's an attempt to stop the conversation. 

Here's what you wrote:

"I suppose USA is the only first world country, which continues to support Israel.

It's funny how much power Israel has in USA, as the Jews only count for 1% of the US population. "


Actually, if you had any real knowledge of the situation, you'd know that it's the Evangelicals who are part of Truimp's core, who this is intended to please. As you clearly don't know, American Jews voted overwhelmingly against Trump. Doubt he's doing anything to please them.

But if you're a person who believes that Jews ultimately control government policy, then you're clearly an anti-semite.


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4 hours ago, BobBKK said:

Interesting that the vehement anti-Trump posters who are very pro-Israel are silent. The UN might not be perfect but the USA has lost all credibility with it's pro-Israel and hypocritical pro-Saudi stance.

The UN might not be perfect?

Quite so.

If an international body that should be open and honest shows blatant disregard for huge wrongs made in the Muslim world and singles out the one country all the Muslim countries dislike, yes that is not perfect.

By doing that this body loses its credibility and should be abolished.


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Just now, hansnl said:

The UN might not be perfect?

Quite so.

If an international body that should be open and honest shows blatant disregard for huge wrongs made in the Muslim world and singles out the one country all the Muslim countries dislike, yes that is not perfect.

By doing that this body loses its credibility and should be abolished.


And, pray, what has the UN done?  sent troops? sanctions maybe?  I do not believe the UN is anti-Israel but I know you, and few others, believe it is not PRO enough.  Haley is a hypocrite or have you suddenly converted into a Trump supporter? 

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8 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

But if you're a person who believes that Jews ultimately control government policy, then you're clearly an anti-semite.

Really, questioning why Israel has so much power over USA's foreign policy, is now being anti-semitic. If that's the case, I guess I must be one. Is it a bad thing to oppose policies of a country, which occupies foreign lands and behaves like a bully towards people, who have different religions or cultures?


You make anti-semitism sound like a good thing to support.  Support anti-semitism = support human rights?


Or perhaps you just overuse the word anti-semitism?


Now, can we get back to the topic so we all could understand the strong link between Israel and USA. 

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1 minute ago, oilinki said:

Really, questioning why Israel has so much power over USA's foreign policy, is now being anti-semitic. If that's the case, I guess I must be one. Is it a bad thing to oppose policies of a country, which occupies foreign lands and behaves like a bully towards people, who have different religions or cultures?


You make anti-semitism sound like a good thing to support.  Support anti-semitism = support human rights?


Or perhaps you just overuse the word anti-semitism?


Now, can we get back to the topic so we all could understand the strong link between Israel and USA. 

You're the one who brought up the subject of American Jews.

"It's funny how much power Israel has in USA, as the Jews only count for 1% of the US population. "

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4 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

The decision probably has more to do with human rights abuses it the US, a nation that now boasts child concentration camps.


Unless mistaken, this was mentioned even during Trump's campaign. Certainly long before the current Mexican border issues. While the latter may have provided the final push, "more to do" is, IMO, inaccurate. If anything, it is "more to do" with Trump's agenda of disengaging the US from international commitments.

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3 hours ago, dexterm said:

>>"Look at the council membership, and you see an appalling disrespect for the most basic rights," said Haley, citing Venezuela, China, Cuba and Democratic Republic of Congo. She did not mention Saudi Arabia, which rights groups pushed to be suspended in 2016 over killings of civilians in the Yemen war.
...well that notable absence would be because the US sold $350 billion to Saudi Arabia... another great bastion of human rights. Sheer hypocrisy.


Indeed. But then "sheer hypocrisy" would also be you complaining about the US's "sheer hypocrisy" not criticizing the likes of Saudi Arabia, while previously expressing full support for UNHRC resolutions relying on votes from such countries.



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1 hour ago, dexterm said:

Yet again, the only country congratulating the USA on this move is Israel.

By isolating itself again and denying itself a voice, it only harms US interests and the victims of human rights abuse.

It appears it is more important to the US to defend Israel against criticism than to be able to speak out against the victims of human rights abuse in many other countries.


Throwing the baby out with the bathwater all to please the tail that wags the US dog.


And this coming from someone going on about "sheer hypocrisy". Oh well....


If you actually had much interest in human rights, other than when it applies to the Palestinians (or rather, your one-sided take of), you'd be able to admit that the UNHRC does focus on Israel in a most unbalanced way. Not as if there's a shortage of other crises and issues, yet a vast part of the agenda revolves targets Israel.


It appears it is more important for you to bash Israel and the US, then to actually speak out for the victims of human rights abuse in many other countries.


What you lament, I think, is the loss of a handy bashing construct, nothing more.


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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Way back payment metrics were agreed by member countries with the UN. US agreed to pay 22% of the UN budget. It should be noted the US has a history of holding back payments, at times more than billion dollars to enforce policy positions.More details...





I agree with other Western country leaders, it is deeply regrettable that the Trump Administration is on a continuing trajectory of pulling out of or undermining  international forums. 


Unless mistaken, many other countries fail to meet their financial obligations to the UN for whatever reasons. The US agreed to pay this and that a long while back. Don't know this is written in stone.


In general, I agree with your latter comment. With regard to the current move? Hard to say that the body in question is an effective one, or that it isn't biased in the way asserted. As an agenda, disengaging the US from international frameworks might be misguided. But somehow doubt this holds true with regard to each and every case. The current example, is IMO, not a particularly significant one.

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48 minutes ago, otherstuff1957 said:

The UN is far from perfect, but it is better than nothing.  Over the past 60 years the UN has helped push the nations of the world towards democracy and basic human rights.  There is still a long way to go, but starting with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the world has generally moved toward democracy and an expectation that humans should have basic rights.



That is a sentiment I identify with. But doubt it holds true for each and every UN body or initiative. It may have been a fine idea at the time, but hard to deny the UNHRC embodies much of the issues the UN is often criticized for.


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47 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

And, pray, what has the UN done?  sent troops? sanctions maybe?  I do not believe the UN is anti-Israel but I know you, and few others, believe it is not PRO enough.  Haley is a hypocrite or have you suddenly converted into a Trump supporter? 


What you "believe" is all very fine. Now go check how many UN country specific resolutions target Israel. Even by the UN lopsided standards, the UNHRC (and predecessors) take the cake. 

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I am not a US citizen


2 years ago they say America first, now we can say its America alone. From almost any organization the US has withdrawn  and the result is that the also lose their credibility. They are not the world leader anymore where everyone looked up to. I think that they are making a mess but time shall tell

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19 minutes ago, Morch said:


And this coming from someone going on about "sheer hypocrisy". Oh well....


If you actually had much interest in human rights, other than when it applies to the Palestinians (or rather, your one-sided take of), you'd be able to admit that the UNHRC does focus on Israel in a most unbalanced way. Not as if there's a shortage of other crises and issues, yet a vast part of the agenda revolves targets Israel.


It appears it is more important for you to bash Israel and the US, then to actually speak out for the victims of human rights abuse in many other countries.


What you lament, I think, is the loss of a handy bashing construct, nothing more.


Please don't spin my words and presume to think for me.
The topic concerns criticism of human rights abuse in Israel. When the topic relates to human rights abuse in other countries I will gladly comment.

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Just now, matta said:

I am not a US citizen


2 years ago they say America first, now we can say its America alone. From almost any organization the US has withdrawn  and the result is that the also lose their credibility. They are not the world leader anymore where everyone looked up to. I think that they are making a mess but time shall tell

The USA is taking a new direcftion - to the 'right'.  Public organisations like UNHRC and the UN itself have been going 'left' for decades. Now they are so far left that Lenin jimself wouldnt know what they are doing. That Burundi, Egypt, Rwanda, Cuba, Venezuela, China, India, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are sitting members of the UNHRC is a ridiculous farce.


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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


That is a sentiment I identify with. But doubt it holds true for each and every UN body or initiative. It may have been a fine idea at the time, but hard to deny the UNHRC embodies much of the issues the UN is often criticized for.


True, but to walk away IMO is counterproductive, as for the moment nothing to replace. UN Human Rights has some achievements that are worthy of recognition and investing resources to build upon. As you know the current voting structure of the UN leads to some really challenging logic appointees.



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3 minutes ago, dexterm said:

Please don't spin my words and presume to think for me.
The topic concerns criticism of human rights abuse in Israel. When the topic relates to human rights abuse in other countries I will gladly comment.


I did not spin your words, and what I've posted does rely on your posting history.


Your post direly referenced international human rights abuses:



...It appears it is more impimportant to the US to defend Israel against criticism than to be able to speak out against the victims of human rights abuse in many other countries...


Guess it's only "ok" to bring this up when it supports your narrative.



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Just now, Morch said:


I did not spin your words, and what I've posted does rely on your posting history.


Your post direly referenced international human rights abuses:



Guess it's only "ok" to bring this up when it supports your narrative.




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14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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6 minutes ago, simple1 said:

True, but to walk away IMO is counterproductive, as for the moment nothing to replace. UN Human Rights has some achievements that are worthy of recognition and investing resources to build upon. As you know the current voting structure of the UN leads to some really challenging logic appointees.




We'll have to disagree as to how much the above list is a self-pat-on-the-back, vs. real world changes applied.



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The USA is taking a new direcftion - to the 'right'.  Public organisations like UNHRC and the UN itself have been going 'left' for decades. Now they are so far left that Lenin jimself wouldnt know what they are doing. That Burundi, Egypt, Rwanda, Cuba, Venezuela, China, India, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are sitting members of the UNHRC is a ridiculous farce.

If you go to the left or the right, apparently it doesn't work without any conflicts. Apparently, the dialogues aren't possible anymore. I think the reaction is pathetic and childish.

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