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Why Thailand needs the death penalty


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I'm overall in favor of capital punishment, however, the amounts of asterisks that requires is a whole different issue from actually permitting the goverment to do it. Chances are most people would be all up in arms discussing the "what ifs" but totally neglect the part with giving the goverment such power.

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Does Thailand want to be the Hub of Death Penalties in southeast Asia?

It has the death penalty for 35 crimes1 including regicide; sedition or rebellion; offenses committed against the external security of Thailand; murder or attempted murder of a foreign head of state or a member of the royal family; bribery; high treason; espionage; terrorism acts; terrorism; arson; rape; murder; aggravated murder; drug trafficking; kidnapping; robbery resulting in death; certain military offences; illegal use of firearms or explosives.


Who can say that many of these crimes have been deterred by capital punishment?

1 https://www.fidh.org/IMG/pdf/Thailand411-2.pdf

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

There are no sure thing for everything we do in life, for the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed, perpetrators of heinous crimes where it was proved to be a crime of disproportions and unnecessary cruelty, should be met with capital punishment, not only as a deterrent, bus as in the bible, an eye for an eye, a life for a life....

Oooooh...the bible!

Or as I call it "God's big book of bad ideas"!

Since you follow the bible, your neighbors must live in a state of terror every Sunday, when you try to stone them, for working on the Lord's day!


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5 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

When you allow the State to kill someone, you can not fix it later if there is a mistake.

Well, in this case, the perpetrator stabbed his victim 24 times with a knife. Mistake, I don't think so.

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4 hours ago, Lungstib said:

I dont think this statement tells the story. It's not about deterring other offenders, it's about dealing with the one you are holding.

Which is perhaps the main part of the story. Should a person who shows no sign of reforming their ways be kept in prison for 50 years at the taxpayer's expense? Its a dilemma with no obvious easy answer. 

I dont like the idea that a govt has the right to put someone to death, especially in a system so open to abuse as the Thai one. But I still dont know what we should do with an obviously dangerous psychopath. Add religion into the mix and the argument will go on for a long time!

So are you saying that once they’ve dealt with, i.e. executed, all the people on death row, they can stop capital punishment?

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45 minutes ago, TEFLKrabi said:
5 hours ago, Lungstib said:

I dont think this statement tells the story. It's not about deterring other offenders, it's about dealing with the one you are holding.

Which is perhaps the main part of the story. Should a person who shows no sign of reforming their ways be kept in prison for 50 years at the taxpayer's expense? Its a dilemma with no obvious easy answer. 

I dont like the idea that a govt has the right to put someone to death, especially in a system so open to abuse as the Thai one. But I still dont know what we should do with an obviously dangerous psychopath. Add religion into the mix and the argument will go on for a long time!

So are you saying that once they’ve dealt with, i.e. executed, all the people on death row, they can stop capital punishment?

Not sure how you derived that from my post. The article is about Thais being angry over people disagreeing with this persons death sentence. Hard working, poor farming Thais who get very little from their govt maybe dont think its right that a killer should get a room, bed, 3 meals a day and maybe more, for the rest of his living days. I can understand that feeling despite not wanting to sentence him to death myself. In a country where 26,000 deaths from road accidents a year seem to be acceptable, I'm not surprised that Thai citizens have no wish to spend millions of baht on a killer. I never actually made a statement at all. I didn't give a personal opinion, just tried to understand the locals point of view.

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7 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Somchai only understands the big stick.

it needs to be used on many different levels in Thailand.

This place is special.



There, there - the char wallah will be along in a moment with a soothing cup of Darjeeling and tiffin.

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I do not believe that capital punishment is a "deterrent", however, I believe it is revenge and closure for the family. Society needs revenge and the family deserves closure, Lethal injection is humane and no worse than being put under for an operation (except you don't wake up. Those who are opposed to the death penalty are doing no favours for society.

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'Thailand last year'

A person was arrested in connection of the rape and murder of a 3 year young girl, which the parents left in their car unattended........he confessed to 3 (or 4) more rapes and murders, all children between 3-7........his only explanation was .....

"I was drunk and aroused seeing the girls alone".

He hanged himself after being convicted to die.

Too early ,he should have been put to death as punishment!!



Edited by hgma
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Monkey-brained Somchai knows all too well that a wai, some cash and one week of monk-hood solves everything.


This is why the death penalty may be the only effective deterrent in Thailand for some crimes -

rape, voluntary manslaughter and homicides committed under jealous acts of rage


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35 minutes ago, Ks45672 said:

The bodies laid out would stretch from bkk to chang and back again if they executed all the corrupt people in positions of power

Well they did manage to cut the necks of 40k last time around.. just bring back the good old shaving kit:




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5 hours ago, Vacuum said:

Well, in this case, the perpetrator stabbed his victim 24 times with a knife. Mistake, I don't think so.


How can you be so sure ?  You only read about it. Now they're talking about a second suspect still at large. Maybe he was the killer.


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