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White House press secretary says asked to leave restaurant for working for Trump


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Wow. I see that the Tommy Robinson appreciation society members have really shat their pants over this one.


Apparently not serving a gay couple or signing off on their marriage certificate is perfectly okay. 


But the poor petals do their nut when someone refuses service to them for who THEY are. 


Entitlement much? 



Edited by samran
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Shunning Sarah.




Sarah Huckabee Sanders and the lost art of shunning

By Jennifer Rubin

"Nevertheless, it is not altogether a bad thing to show those who think they’re exempt from personal responsibility that their actions bring scorn, exclusion and rejection. If you don’t want to provoke wrath, don’t continue to work for someone whose cruel and inhumane treatment of others rivals the internment of U.S. citizens and noncitizens of Japanese descent during World War II. And yes, I’d have hollered at then-California Attorney General Earl Warren, who pushed for the roundup of people of Japanese ancestry, even American citizens."




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15 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Wow, Americans Love The Donald,,, don't they?   


One restaurant owner speaks for all Americans? It tells you a lot more about the anti-Trump brigade than anything else.


Will this improve her business, or dimish it, that is the question.

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19 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 Sorry to disagree with you on this my friend.

First it is not her job, her job is to brief the press . She does not work for Trump she works for the American people.She does not have to agree or disagree with anything , her opinion in these matters  is inconsequential, she simple has to report the facts to the press so they can in turn report them to the public, when she is knowingly lying she is failing at her job and doing a disservice to the American people. 

If she lies on her own she should be fired, and if she is asked to lie, she should say that this is not the job she was hired to do , and should resign!

That's an interesting theory, but I'm calling bs on it.


Name a press secretary that outed the administration they worked for and kept their job.


You're also extremely naive to think the press is reporting without bias. It's all spin, in one direction or another.

Edited by tropo
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I've watched very many of her "press" conferences.

They aren't real press conferences.

I wonder if the press should boycott them. 

They are really not much better than nothing.

They impress me as fake "press" conferences you would see in a fascistic dictatorship.

An American style one. 

The disdain people have for her and her demented boss is entirely understandable and entirely rational.

But I just don't like giving the evil "trump" regime any gifted ammunition.



But the truth is that she’s better at it than Spicer, who seemed to be tripped up by his lies. Perhaps his stumbles even betrayed his sense of guilt, whereas Sanders shows nothing. She is superior to her predecessors, and thus infinitely worse for the country. This is why her placid gaze is so disturbing: It is the face of a White House whose deceptions and outrages have become all too normal.



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12 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't often agree with you, but agree with that 100%.

 As long as Trump and his gang remain in the White House, it's going to be pretty hard for any living human being to avoid being confronted by lies and discussion of White House lying. For him and them, lying is like breathing. So you'd better get used to it.



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8 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

 As long as Trump and his gang remain in the White House, it's going to be pretty hard for any living human being to avoid being confronted by lies and discussion of White House lying. For him and them, lying is like breathing. So you'd better get used to it.



Do you have anything to say about the topic?

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1 hour ago, tropo said:

That's an interesting theory, but I'm calling bs on it.


Name a press secretary that outed the administration they worked for and kept their job.


You're also extremely naive to think the press is reporting without bias. It's all spin, in one direction or another.

There is a difference between spin and outright lying

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46 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

So where did the Huckabee Sanders party eat after they were tossed out? People need to know for the historical footnote.

No worries, the Huckabillies did just hee haw fine. Seems Sarah married into the Colonel's family and gets a discount on their buckets at KFC.

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17 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Wow, Americans Love The Donald,,, don't they?  Guess the love for his staff is a different

beast. Apple Pie, 2nd Amendment, Guns for all attitude,  and dam, all those school shootings.

  Good Luck with your future America, oh and do you still have those houses for sale,  nothing down

and foreclosure in a year policies in your banks?

Just wondering


The last round of housing foreclosures got snapped up by the greedy (aka opportunists) or flipped for a profit. But trump's tariffs are sure to create a landslide of job losses soon .... many more houses coming available.

"Wow, Americans Love The Donald,,, don't they?" Only SOME Americans love trump. Others have feelings just as strong but 180° to "love".

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


No, it's not. There is truth, and there are facts that exist in the real world. The fact that some people, like Trump, choose to disregard and demean them doesn't change that.


And anyone who says "it's all spin" is just buying into the Trumpian/hard-right narrative that the entire news media is biased and untruthful in its reporting (except for Fox News, of course). By pushing that line, they hope to, and have made progress, in discrediting serious journalism that every day fights to bring truth to the American public.


Cable TV news, unfortunately, lends itself to being labeled as "spin" because it's devolved into endless panels of pro-this and con-that talking head panels, and news staffs and anchors who present their political orientation's spin on the news. You can credit Fox News with perfecting that trend. But cable TV news is not the entirety of journalism.


Democracy in the U.S. depends on the good work of news outlets like the New York Times, the Washington Post, Reuters, Associated Press and others who every day present facts and news, and then separately the papers at least have their opinion sections. While they're not always perfect, and no one is, day in and day out, you can pretty much rely on them to seek out and present facts and the truth as best as it can be ascertained at the moment, especially if you read and compare those and various other sources.


Being a responsible, contributing member of a democracy requires some participation and awareness on the part of its members. Unfortunately, too many Americans have bought into the media spin lie and assume that nothing they see in the news that doesn't fit their preconceived notions is biased or untruthful. That's a bad trend for democracy, and in part explains why we have Trump  -- a reality show clown whose main character trait seems to be lying.

Whoops! Sorry! You got hung up on the "all". I should have said "most" or "a lot of". There's a lot of people here who like to split hairs and I should be more mindful of that. The comment was not about truth vs lies, but about "spin". There's a big difference. Most truth can be spun.


The original comment I made was in reply to a member show suggested the press secretary is always lying and the media are always telling the truth.

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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Stop watching cable news and start reading from professional news organizations. And your "spin" quota will decline markedly.


But as to your point, spinning the truth is one thing. Outright lying is an entirely different thing. The current gang in the White House are much more in the mode of outright lying, as has been documented countless times by now.


Watching the news is entertainment for me. I don't watch cable news to get all stressed out. I don't mind the spin. Watching everyone else's problems makes me forget about my own. It's escapism. I know some people spend nearly all day on the news threads on Thaivisa and take it all very seriously. Each to their own.

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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Stop watching cable news and start reading from professional news organizations. And your "spin" quota will decline markedly.


But as to your point, spinning the truth is one thing. Outright lying is an entirely different thing. The current gang in the White House are much more in the mode of outright lying, as has been documented countless times by now.


I've never put much stock in the "professional news organisations" since I read in a respected newspaper an article that they made up about me, despite never even interviewing me.

Far as I know, most politicians are economical with the truth, whatever their affiliation. Personally, I don't believe much they say.

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7 minutes ago, tropo said:

Watching the news is entertainment for me. I don't watch cable news to get all stressed out. I don't mind the spin. Watching everyone else's problems makes me forget about my own. It's escapism. I know some people spend nearly all day on the news threads on Thaivisa and take it all very seriously. Each to their own.


Then that probably explains why you think news is all spin, and why you don't bother to actually inform yourself from credible sources on the real versions of the news going on in the world.


And I wouldn't, BTW, put the typical international news posted on ThaiVisa forums as being a well-rounded version of what's going on in world or U.S. news -- more glimpses here and there.



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24 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Then that probably explains why you think news is all spin, and why you don't bother to actually inform yourself from credible sources on the real versions of the news going on in the world.


And I wouldn't, BTW, put the typical international news posted on ThaiVisa forums as being a well-rounded version of what's going on in world or U.S. news -- more glimpses here and there.



Putting words in my mouth again. Just because I see most of the media outlets spinning stories all day long doesn't mean I'm concluding that all news is spin, and I already apologized to you for upsetting you with "all". If a story interests me I always dig deeper for different accounts. You're not the only one who knows where to look, but you certainly come across as a know-it-all.


I was referring to the serious people who constantly argue here, not the quality of the news.


I'll leave it at that. No doubt you'll be having the last word. Bye!

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18 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Then that probably explains why you think news is all spin, and why you don't bother to actually inform yourself from credible sources on the real versions of the news going on in the world.


And I wouldn't, BTW, put the typical international news posted on ThaiVisa forums as being a well-rounded version of what's going on in world or U.S. news -- more glimpses here and there.



Since it seems that most journalists now present their opinions rather than report facts, it's very hard to find any credible source. Al Jazeera is about the only visual media that I respect now. The BBC lost it's reputation long ago, when it became infested by PC, and any Murdoch owned media isn't worth anything other than entertainment, IMO. Sky is so mad about weather reports, football and self promotion, it's surprising that it presents any news at all. Fox is basically opinion, but only in the small gaps between ads.

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Re: cable news - Michelle Wolf summed it up well at the White House Stenographers [aka "Press Corps"] Dinner:


 "The most useful information on CNN is when Anthony Bourdain tells me where to eat noodles.”

Edited by JimmyJ
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56 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

Re: cable news - Michelle Wolf summed it up well at the White House Stenographers [aka "Press Corps"] Dinner:


 "The most useful information on CNN is when Anthony Bourdain tells me where to eat noodles.”

Well, he won't be telling you where to eat noodles anymore.


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22 hours ago, stevenl said:

In principle I agree with you.


In her case I am very ambivalent though, she is imo not just an employee, she is responsible for selling Trump's actions and policies, and frequently veers from the truth with that.


Regarding 'right to eat', that is still under the courts, but Trump opinion is that vendors have the right to refuse customers.

To her it's just a good paying job and she does what to boss tel her to do and say.

Otherwise it's "you are fired"

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23 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Love him or loathe him this just reeks of a cheap publicity stunt

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It was publicized by Sara Sanders using her government Twitter account and not by the restaurant.

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