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In Supreme Court pick, Trump can push conservative social agenda


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2 hours ago, DM07 said:



Finally a chance to all them faggots and negros and them women- folk back in their places!

Full speed ahead, back to the 50's, when a man was still a man and decent white people could own someone!

>sarcasm off<



I've always wondered about the "great again" part of the slogan. Like there is some point in America's history that was the absolute best period. When exactly was this? What year (or years) are they trying to get back to? Is it the 1950's? The 1920's? The 1880's? Maybe someone can explain exactly when? Before gay marriage? Before the civil rights act of 1964? Before women's right to vote? The Jim Crow years?


The MAGA crowd probably watches "The Handmaid's Tale" and thinks that is how life is supposed to be. They probably use it as a Utopian model.

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27 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

2020 Keep America Great #MAGA

Okay..."keep" or "make"?

Which one is it?

And while we are at it: what is so "great" about 'Murica?

All the gun deaths?

The fact, that the USA is in 8 (if I counted correctly) wars, at the moment?

The ever growing gap in wealth- inequality?

The fact that you have no real healtcare and that education becomes more and more a question of rich vs poor?

The high numbers in STD's or teenage- pregnancy, especially in "conservative" run states?

The quality of drinking water in Flint?

The fact that 64% of 'Muricans believe, that a T-Rex was pooping on Adams and Eves front lawn...and that Adam and Eve were real people, to begin with?


I am eager to learn!


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On ‎6‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 10:33 AM, attrayant said:

They should apply the Mitch McConnell rule: If an election is a year away or less, wait on new supreme court picks and let the people decide.

??????? That only applies if a new president is to be inaugurated. Trump will still be president after November.

It may have escaped your notice, but the presidential election is over 2 years away.

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11 hours ago, Silurian said:


I've always wondered about the "great again" part of the slogan. Like there is some point in America's history that was the absolute best period. When exactly was this? What year (or years) are they trying to get back to? Is it the 1950's? The 1920's? The 1880's? Maybe someone can explain exactly when? Before gay marriage? Before the civil rights act of 1964? Before women's right to vote? The Jim Crow years?


The MAGA crowd probably watches "The Handmaid's Tale" and thinks that is how life is supposed to be. They probably use it as a Utopian model.

The US was "great" in the same way that Britain was "great". It isn't any more, just like Britain isn't great anymore.


America was "great" when it came out of WW2. It was the most powerful nation in the world, and went on to defeat Russia in the cold war, put a man on the moon, and have the most successful economy in the world.

Started to go downhill when they had an unwinnable war in Vietnam, and elected some very unfortunate presidents.



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18 hours ago, DM07 said:

The fact that 64% of 'Muricans believe, that a T-Rex was pooping on Adams and Eves front lawn...and that Adam and Eve were real people, to begin with?

total ignorance about T-Rex.




marc bolan for president!!!!

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21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

??????? That only applies if a new president is to be inaugurated. Trump will still be president after November.

It may have escaped your notice, but the presidential election is over 2 years away.


Can you quote the text from the McConnell rule where it says that, or are you just appending your own rules to it?  McConnell didn't say anything about it applying only to presidential elections; he simply said that, since 2016 was an election year...


“The American people are perfectly capable of having their say on this issue, so let’s give them a voice. Let’s let the American people decide.”


2018 is also an election year, and the people certainly are going to have their say.  It's hypocritical to say the people should only have a voice in years where there is a presidential election, but not in years where there are congressional elections.  The senate's right to provide advice & consent is every bit as important as the presidents right to nominate.  You're going to have to explain objectively, why a rule that limits the president's right shouldn't also limit the senate's right under the same conditions.

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This pick is nearly a done deal already. What I'm waiting for is when that really old lady that can't quite sit up straight retires next year and President Trump gets a 3rd pick in 3 years. Heads in here and the DNC are going to explode. :wai:

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On June 29, 2018 at 1:14 AM, Silurian said:


I've always wondered about the "great again" part of the slogan. Like there is some point in America's history that was the absolute best period. When exactly was this? What year (or years) are they trying to get back to? Is it the 1950's? The 1920's? The 1880's? Maybe someone can explain exactly when? Before gay marriage? Before the civil rights act of 1964? Before women's right to vote? The Jim Crow years?


The MAGA crowd probably watches "The Handmaid's Tale" and thinks that is how life is supposed to be. They probably use it as a Utopian model.

Likely the 1850's. The SCOTUS of that time ruled owning slaves was constitutional.I'm waiting for a southern state to reintroduce slavery.  No doubt the Trump SCOTUS would do likewise.

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" 'It looks all-American'  What is emerging is a process unique to Trump as potential nominees are increasingly running two different campaigns: one aimed at the president and one aimed at senators.“Beyond the qualifications, what really matters is, does this nominee fit a central casting image for a Supreme Court nominee, as well as his or her spouse,”


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On 6/30/2018 at 12:13 AM, thaibeachlovers said:


America was "great" when it came out of WW2. It was the most powerful nation in the world, and went on to defeat Russia in the cold war, put a man on the moon, and have the most successful economy in the world.

Started to go downhill when they had an unwinnable war in Vietnam, and elected some very unfortunate presidents.

oh yeah? but the US defeated communist Russia AFTER they lost the Vietnam war. eat it ))


the US became not great when American society was infected by leftism, self-righteousness and the idea of superiority. when they started to spread their harmful ideology of political correctness (which was created by the communist party of the United states), multiculturalism, affirmative action, positive discrimination, white guilt, identity politics, feminism, welferism and globalism.


I hope the US will be great again with the help of Trump and will again spread the idea of freedom, capitalism and personal responsibility.

Edited by Matt96
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7 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

oh yeah? but the US defeated communist Russia AFTER they lost the Vietnam war. eat it ))


the US became not great when American society was infected by leftism, self-righteousness and the idea of superiority. when they started to spread their harmful ideology of political correctness (which was created by the communist party of the United states), multiculturalism, affirmative action, positive discrimination, white guilt, identity politics, feminism, welferism and globalism.


I hope the US will be great again with the help of Trump and will again spread the idea of freedom, capitalism and personal responsibility.

Yes, MAWA.

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30 minutes ago, Matt96 said:

I hope the US will be great again with the help of Trump

If it takes an unintelligent, sexist, racist, liar and cheat to do it, then heaven knows what "great" will look like! 

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:04 AM, pegman said:

Likely the 1850's. The SCOTUS of that time ruled owning slaves was constitutional.I'm waiting for a southern state to reintroduce slavery.  No doubt the Trump SCOTUS would do likewise.

If you want to talk about slavery in the US, remember that it was Democrats that fought to keep slavery, and a Republican that fought to abolish it.

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16 hours ago, Matt96 said:

oh yeah? but the US defeated communist Russia AFTER they lost the Vietnam war. eat it ))


the US became not great when American society was infected by leftism, self-righteousness and the idea of superiority. when they started to spread their harmful ideology of political correctness (which was created by the communist party of the United states), multiculturalism, affirmative action, positive discrimination, white guilt, identity politics, feminism, welferism and globalism.


I hope the US will be great again with the help of Trump and will again spread the idea of freedom, capitalism and personal responsibility.

If you look at what actually happened, it's more that the Soviet Union collapsed from within rather than being "defeated" by external forces. Such is the cause of every empire's collapse- they destroy themselves.

The present divisions within US society, IMO, are destroying the US as a nation and unless someone unites the US it's ending has begun.

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15 hours ago, xylophone said:

If it takes an unintelligent, sexist, racist, liar and cheat to do it, then heaven knows what "great" will look like! 

People, IMO, have been confusing "great" with moral. America was "great" when it was the most powerful military nation after WW2, just as Britain was great when it's navy ruled the world. It wasn't "great" in the sense of being a moral leader. The oppression of blacks during the 50's makes that clear, IMO, and the Vietnam war was very immoral, IMO.

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Lmao this is great.  The travel ban was upheld, and now we're about to have the SCOTUS locked down for decades.


What makes this whole thing hilarious is that Democrats could have prevented it 5 years ago.  Ginsberg, Kennedy, and Breyer should have resigned, and Obama could have appointed 3 young liberal justices to take their place.  But nope, Ginsberg and Breyer, along with Hillary and the DNC were so arrogant and couldn't envision a Trump victory that the aforementioned justices stayed and now Democrats will pay the price, for generations.


Still not tired of winning

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you look at what actually happened, it's more that the Soviet Union collapsed from within rather than being "defeated" by external forces. Such is the cause of every empire's collapse- they destroy themselves.

The present divisions within US society, IMO, are destroying the US as a nation and unless someone unites the US it's ending has begun.

The Soviet Union collapsed because economically it couldn't compete with free market economies. It simply couldn't generate enough wealth. If the rest of the world was run under a similarly dismal  economic system, most likely the USSR would still be around today. So it wasn't a collapse from within but competition that did the USSR in.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you want to talk about slavery in the US, remember that it was Democrats that fought to keep slavery, and a Republican that fought to abolish it.

Do you believe that the South voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964 because he was an ardent fighter for civil rights?

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On ‎7‎/‎6‎/‎2018 at 5:42 PM, bristolboy said:

The Soviet Union collapsed because economically it couldn't compete with free market economies. It simply couldn't generate enough wealth. If the rest of the world was run under a similarly dismal  economic system, most likely the USSR would still be around today. So it wasn't a collapse from within but competition that did the USSR in.

LOL. There was a huge conflict in Afghanistan which was costing large, plus they were spending far too much on their military to try and keep up with the Americans.

Of course it collapsed because it's economy was rubbish, but that doesn't mean that I'm wrong. It collapsed from within, like every empire in history.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. There was a huge conflict in Afghanistan which was costing large, plus they were spending far too much on their military to try and keep up with the Americans.

Of course it collapsed because it's economy was rubbish, but that doesn't mean that I'm wrong. It collapsed from within, like every empire in history.

Really, the Persian empire comes to mind. It was doing fine until Alexander the Great came along. 

Rome and Carthage is another

The Islamic empire centered in Bagdad was doing great until the Mongols destroyed it.

The Aztek empire

The Inca empire.


I'm sure there are many others. It's just ridiculous to think that the only situation that arises in the downfall of an empire is when it's internally collapsing. Sometimes 2 powerful empires collide and one is destroyed.

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23 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Really, the Persian empire comes to mind. It was doing fine until Alexander the Great came along. 

Rome and Carthage is another

The Islamic empire centered in Bagdad was doing great until the Mongols destroyed it.

The Aztek empire

The Inca empire.


I'm sure there are many others. It's just ridiculous to think that the only situation that arises in the downfall of an empire is when it's internally collapsing. Sometimes 2 powerful empires collide and one is destroyed.

Sorry. Getting too far off topic to continue.

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On 7/8/2018 at 8:54 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

Which has nothing to do with the Democrats in the 19th century supporting slavery.

Which has no relevance at all to the present political situation with the South becoming Republican.. Whereas Goldwater's stand on civil rights certainly does.

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All I know is as soon as President Trump gets a solid 6-3, 7-2, vote rolling in his favor the DNC will cease to exist, the illegal immigrants will start to be controlled, the liberal courts will stop wasting time on frivolous cases knowing they'll be over ruled by common sense higher up and the nut jobs will start to dry up or be locked up. :wai:

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