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The "beautiful Thai girl" myth?


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9 hours ago, Senseo said:

It was my first time in Thailand and one of my first experiences with Thai women. I just knew her for a few days and wasn't comfortable saying that to her. Shouldn't they already know that it's a turn off? Just like every man knows that not having shaved your balls is a turn off for most women in the west. 

get a hairless one, there's plenty of them .. don't ever think you can change a Thai girl, this is third world, femininity is more like an innate gift here, not something grown into them by exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

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10 minutes ago, oruaM said:

get a hairless one, there's plenty of them .. don't ever think you can change a Thai girl, this is third world, femininity is more like an innate gift here, not something grown into them by exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

A lot of people think that shaving encourages more hair.  I suspect it's more about the sharper ends on the hair after shaving.  No matter, plucking or waxing would mean that when hair returns it would initially be more vellous and feel natural.

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9 hours ago, Senseo said:

It was my first time in Thailand and one of my first experiences with Thai women. I just knew her for a few days and wasn't comfortable saying that to her. Shouldn't they already know that it's a turn off? Just like every man knows that not having shaved your balls is a turn off for most women in the west. 

I used to have a saying back in the old country, no matter how good looking the girl/woman was, "if it's not off, it's not on", then when I caught the yellow fever about 13 year ago, I didn't care, I actually preferred the black bean brussel sprouts.


My most recent delicacy is this 23 yo that I have been seeing of late, much to my surprise last week, as I removed a particular item, no to get TVF members salivating or me being suspended, its was as good as a plucked chicken, no more black brussIe bean sprouts, I was going to say it was off, however knowing how twisted most are here, that would leave me wide open, so to speak, and much to my pleasure, the plucked chicken tasted just that much better without the black brussel bean sprouts ????


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1 hour ago, oruaM said:

get a hairless one, there's plenty of them .. don't ever think you can change a Thai girl, this is third world, femininity is more like an innate gift here, not something grown into them by exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

...exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

:cheesy:Would you recommend the TVF for the exposure of classy and sophisticated environment you are from?

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2 hours ago, oruaM said:

femininity is more like an innate gift here, not something grown into them by exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

Just because you haven't any idea where to find these women in Thailand, doesn't mean they aren't here.

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4 minutes ago, ravip said:

...exposure to classy and sophisticated environments like in more developed Asian countries or the western world.

:cheesy:Would you recommend the TVF for the exposure of classy and sophisticated environment you are from?

maybe I should refrain to reply you .. if you don't get the meaning of my post you are probably the perfect partner for those Thai girls that start dating farangs because not even a mototaxy driver give them the time of day , enjoy your life mate.

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On 1/23/2019 at 1:45 AM, GinBoy2 said:

Well that is just another piece of your BS.


Total Thai expat population of the entire US is only 250K, so I'm assuming, and I'm 'sure' you will correct me, that they don't all live in California. Khon Kaen, 120K give or take

80,000 Thais live in LA.  5.6 million Asians live in California?  How many are Thai? 


Yes of course missed the point again and jumped on an opportunity to flame me about an inconsequential detail. 


My point was that there are a lot of Thai/Asian women in America so one can't say they prefer American woman because many are Thai and Asian.  




I think I speak for the majority who will attest to the foolishness of taking a Thai woman out of Thailand or a Texas girl out of Texas.  The rest of the country seems about the same. 

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15 minutes ago, Hummin said:

All that lovely smelly pubic hair  have a function! Anyone know?

Many functions.  1.  In Thailand it's not smelly because Thai women bath more than you do.  2.  It acts as a shock absorber so they don't get the sensitive parts harmed when engaged in athletic copulation.  3.  It is a home for other of god's creatures.  4.  It is an medium for artistic expression for the talented beautician.  5.  Real men like hirsute women as you can tell them apart from the fru fing moo ming types. 

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

All that lovely smelly pubic hair  have a function! Anyone know?

Yeah pheromones.  And to be more sure you are less likely to be kiddy fiddling, fake ID's being a second hurdle.  Facial wrinkles aren't always a good indicator of age here until much later in life.

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30 minutes ago, Shiver said:

Yeah pheromones.  And to be more sure you are less likely to be kiddy fiddling, fake ID's being a second hurdle.  Facial wrinkles aren't always a good indicator of age here until much later in life.

Pheromones, better hygenic for the girls, less bacteria, and the hairsack gives the brain impulses when have sex. 

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1 hour ago, Hummin said:

Pheromones, better hygenic for the girls, less bacteria, and the hairsack gives the brain impulses when have sex. 

No one mentions that pubic hair is also a good flosser for your teeth and it keeps the pussy moist. Secondly, you don't get scratches at the edges of your mouth when shes going back and forth. Thirdly, having a bush is a sign of maturity. I don't want to see or feel like i'm banging a 6 year old's kids pussy cause it's so clean shaven. 

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10 hours ago, Hummin said:

All that lovely smelly pubic hair  have a function! Anyone know?

A Google search will supply lots of reading material for you. The net is great for beginners who wish to learn in privacy.

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On 1/22/2019 at 10:56 PM, bkk6060 said:

Geez, you not have the nads to ask her to shave her legs? Man up..

Unlike the West my experience is if you ask them to change simple things like this they will do they want to make you happy.


Especially from KK.

Clearly you have not met my wife...also from KK


She possesses that Thai female Lakorn gene which enables her to scream at me, or anyone else for that matter, at incredible volume for anything that generally pisses her off!


I would ask her to change anything, at my peril LOL


To quote her current boss, a USAF Major at this years xmas party, "I don't mess with that woman"...he did laugh 

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8 hours ago, Senseo said:

No one mentions that pubic hair is also a good flosser for your teeth and it keeps the pussy moist. Secondly, you don't get scratches at the edges of your mouth when shes going back and forth. Thirdly, having a bush is a sign of maturity. I don't want to see or feel like i'm banging a 6 year old's kids pussy cause it's so clean shaven. 

Posts like that might get interpol at your door asking questions about 6 year old's ...


Back on topic tho, a nice shaven haven displays the merchandise better than a big bush... ???? 










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I asked my missus (she's the one with the looks) to say hello to a UK friend on a video call last night.  Today she said he looks younger than you.  I said that's because he is a lot younger than me (we don't all only talk to people of the same age you know!).  His missus is 13 years older than him, western, and the bread winner.  I commented on that with my missus and the conversation came to a screeching halt Lol.  Not sure why. [ahem].

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On 1/21/2019 at 2:51 PM, oruaM said:

mate, my place of reference is Bangkok,  the less said about Pattaya the better. I prefer not to set foot in rural Thailand but I doubt that those country pumpkins in flip flops are better looking than the average bangkok office girl. cheers


That's if you can make them out behind their breathing masks!!

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On 1/22/2019 at 7:24 AM, BobbyL said:

Bangkok has a good % of attractive women. I don't mean ones you'll find on Cowboy or Nana, just everyday women going to work etc.


I wouldn't say Thai women are the most beautiful I have ever seen, but they do exude a real femininity and sex appeal. I guess the weather and lifestyle here definitely helps.


I would say 90% or more of the Thai women (normal ones, not P4P) I have had in Bangkok before I was married have all been pretty damn good when it mattered, and their hygiene and cleanliness is far superior to most of the women I had previously in England. 


Being a young single guy in Bangkok with something about you makes it an absolute goldmine. I miss being single here ????

I miss being young ????....

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On 1/25/2019 at 2:36 AM, Ks45672 said:



Back on topic tho, a nice shaven haven displays the merchandise better than a big bush... ???? 










Just is so boring to me.

Hair adds some interest and character to the moment. Shaven mostly all look the same.

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On 2/2/2019 at 8:23 PM, bkk6060 said:

Yes, which is something I would rather not see.

Elephant flaps are not appealing.

I like elephant flaps (beef curtains).  I like anything that is female to be prominent and not CGI'd or photoshopped out on the front of a magazine.  If you ever look on youtube with (primarily Japanese, but also other Asian regions) were they have eye, hair, jowls tighteners, tooth overlays etc, and the do a transformation from omg 'n' 'o' no, to wow, is that really possible? then you can see the fakery (they look like Anime cartoons), and want to take them for a swim to see if it's all water proof.  Asians with blue or green eyes look great, until you take a second and realise the lie - you're not interacting with a person, but a pre A.I. organic robot.

So so many beautiful people, all natural, and I wonder how they get the mental distortion to want to Orange-utan their hair, piece, tattoo, whiten, silicone etc.

I saw a young girl on our street yesterday morning when the dogs demanded that it was walk time about 5:15am (not even light yet, "and you missie are not the alpha"), but eventually I do what blokes do and comply.  This girl was incredibly pretty, lean, had something about her (way too young for my fat western ass and my wedding ring, but I was just looking).  She was so shy, and our little pup really wanted to meet her, taking me for a walk as much as she could pull the leash.  She was scared of the pup (she can't bite really, it's a rat on stilts), but she smiled that nervous smile.

The point being, this is not an old blokes daydream, it's that she didn't have fashion braces, silicone, hair colour change, impolite clothing and she was very unsure of herself, which was truly beautiful.  I guess I'll see her in 5 years somewhere in summertime, when her elders have told her how it should be done, and she'll be just another broken commodity.

How I wish I'd got here at 18 with resources and met someone that was similar to the above, but as they say "too soon old, too late smart".


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On 1/19/2019 at 9:03 PM, Fex Bluse said:

Let's be honest here. Thai girls are often pretty, but they are terrible in bed (like most Asian women) and horrific to talk to. On the other hand, they are cheap, plentiful and available. 


It all balances out. 

Man, you’re hanging out with the wrong girls. And I’m not talking about bar girls. American women are far worse in bed than Thai girls from my experience, and I don’t rent them.

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On 2/4/2019 at 2:40 PM, Shiver said:

I like elephant flaps (beef curtains).  I like anything that is female to be prominent and not CGI'd or photoshopped out on the front of a magazine.  If you ever look on youtube with (primarily Japanese, but also other Asian regions) were they have eye, hair, jowls tighteners, tooth overlays etc, and the do a transformation from omg 'n' 'o' no, to wow, is that really possible? then you can see the fakery (they look like Anime cartoons), and want to take them for a swim to see if it's all water proof.  Asians with blue or green eyes look great, until you take a second and realise the lie - you're not interacting with a person, but a pre A.I. organic robot.

So so many beautiful people, all natural, and I wonder how they get the mental distortion to want to Orange-utan their hair, piece, tattoo, whiten, silicone etc.

I saw a young girl on our street yesterday morning when the dogs demanded that it was walk time about 5:15am (not even light yet, "and you missie are not the alpha"), but eventually I do what blokes do and comply.  This girl was incredibly pretty, lean, had something about her (way too young for my fat western ass and my wedding ring, but I was just looking).  She was so shy, and our little pup really wanted to meet her, taking me for a walk as much as she could pull the leash.  She was scared of the pup (she can't bite really, it's a rat on stilts), but she smiled that nervous smile.

The point being, this is not an old blokes daydream, it's that she didn't have fashion braces, silicone, hair colour change, impolite clothing and she was very unsure of herself, which was truly beautiful.  I guess I'll see her in 5 years somewhere in summertime, when her elders have told her how it should be done, and she'll be just another broken commodity.

How I wish I'd got here at 18 with resources and met someone that was similar to the above, but as they say "too soon old, too late smart".


We used to call them gammon steaks.... ????

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13 hours ago, fordguy61mi said:

Man, you’re hanging out with the wrong girls. And I’m not talking about bar girls. American women are far worse in bed than Thai girls from my experience, and I don’t rent them.

I'm not sure why you chose American women to measure against. And, anyway, there is a great diversity amongst American women. It's the most racially and culturally diverse country on earth. I've played hide the sausage with so many nationalities, I lose track, but big differences between average


Italian and Irish girls 

Chezslovakia and Polish girls 

Benin and Nigerian girls 

Colombian and Argentinan girls 

Brazilian and Peruvian girls

Filipina and Laos girls 

Khazak and Russian girls 


By far, the hottest women in bed, in my experience, have been South American women. French women are also pretty nasty and will do almost anything which I like. Also tried a Benin African woman once and almost lost my mind. The inside of her was much hotter temperature than average. She made quick work of my steamed sausage. 


Thais are very far down the list on the bed factor. No breasts, no hips, no butt, superficial, generally fairly vapid. But, they are pleasant to look at as a package and very feminine. But, most of all, most blokes like Thais because they are cheap and resemble teenage girls.


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