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Another warrant issued for Thaksin’s arrest


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24 minutes ago, robblok said:

You got it Eric the political part is ignoring corruption of your allies not the charging of others like Thaksin in real cases.  Finally we agree the case against Thaksin is not political, but not going on with Suthep is. I am happy you finally saw the light.



The political part is going after your political foes in order to prevent them from contesting elections and whipping your arse. 



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27 minutes ago, pathologix said:

Not sure if this was for me? As I said in my last post, I have absolutely no opinion on whether the charges are political or not. But I can understand why Interpol might not want to get involved, based on the possibility that enough people might perceive it as such. 

Hi Robby baby..of course the others might consider you you be a long term junta propagandist-but I don't.Your commitment to "gumbyism"-total elasticity deserves to be highlighted if nothing else.


Please add another 20 kgs to the  weights that you are using-then you'll  make "Sly" look like a martial accountant.

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The case itself was not political it was clear that corruption was omitted, this change of the law was political but I actually like the change because its stupid that criminals can wait out their crime outside of Thailand, they should have included others not just political positions. You are right though that doing something retroactive is not how it is done in other countries. Still I think its a real good change but should have been applied far wider.

The reason it wasn't applied far wider is because they do not care about being able to put criminals that are out of the country on trial, it was changed specifically for Thaksin.


In any case, by applying this law retroactively, any conviction in this case would be viewed unjust.


Now the junta isn't completely stupid, they know full well that any new arrest warrant is futile. The only reason this happens now is Prayuth's ambition to become PM after the next elections. This is just stage one of their plan to achieve this. More stages will follow.


Anyway denying this is political is like saying the world is flat. The evidence stares us all right in the face!!!!


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18 hours ago, pornprong said:

Everything is political.


The norm in Thailand is most certainly not to convict people who are corrupt, that why it so rarely occurs. In fact, the only reason it is occurring now is not to rid Thailand of corruption but simply to rid the Junta of its electorally more popular foes.


Confusing, rambling nonsense here.

If the only people being hunted for corruption on trumped up charges are your political foes - then it is political.


The international community of governments have clearly got a completely different view of the validity of the charges against Thaksin than you do.


I wonder who is wrong?

You or the collective governments of the world?



What seems to continually elude you is the political witch hunt of Thaksin and his allies is being done to achieve just one aim - the continuation of the elites complete and total lack of accountability to the rule of law and the electorate.

POTY candidate right here.

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18 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

The reason it wasn't applied far wider is because they do not care about being able to put criminals that are out of the country on trial, it was changed specifically for Thaksin.


In any case, by applying this law retroactively, any conviction in this case would be viewed unjust.


Now the junta isn't completely stupid, they know full well that any new arrest warrant is futile. The only reason this happens now is Prayuth's ambition to become PM after the next elections. This is just stage one of their plan to achieve this. More stages will follow.


Anyway denying this is political is like saying the world is flat. The evidence stares us all right in the face!!!!


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How can a clear case of corruption be political that is just how you want to see it. If they made up evidence sure.. political. Here a clear case of corruption if i ever saw one and you call it political. Do you deny the facts then ?

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19 hours ago, pornprong said:



What you are missing is that there is more to it than simply proclaiming Thaksin was corrupt and everything he did was to line his own pockets. In this case there was high level Amercian (government) involvement. 


You and your kind have allowed yourselves to be so heavily dosed by junta kool aid that all you see are the twigs in Thaksin's eye whilst somehow miraculously remaining completely oblivious to the forrest of logs in the junta's eye.


Any list of what ails Thailand is topped by the junta and its anti-democratic allies.

Whether Thaksin is second on that list or a hundred and second does not change the fact that the most pressing issue in Thailand is ridding itself of the corrupted, oppressive and greedy military/elite cabal that has so devastated the nation and its people.


A patient lays upon a gurney before you suffering from two ailments. His heart has stopped beating and he has a paper cut on his little finger. You, Dr Robblok, in all your wisdom, are tending to the paper cut. The rest of us are fully aware of the paper cut but see more wisdom in first treating the cardiac issue.






What thumped up charges,  the charges are right and guess what there are many more cases to come to show how corrupt the guy was. Corrupt people should be punished no matter what color shirt they wear. 


I never said they should not go after corruption in the junta I applaud it if it gets exposed and punished. That is the difference between us. You do your best to shield a corrupt politician while I want all corrupt politicians and junta to be punished. Only by punishing corruption can you ever hope to make a dent in it. By allowing people to get away with it it keeps on going.


Instead of defending your corrupt master, you should use your energy to attack corrupt practices of the junta. People should pressure the junta to go after corruption at their own side too. That is far more productive then to defend someone who is clearly corrupt. Whoever is corrupt should be dealt with not wasting time on people who are corrupt by defending them like you do. That is the hallmark of a red fanboy. 

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How can a clear case of corruption be political that is just how you want to see it. If they made up evidence sure.. political. Here a clear case of corruption if i ever saw one and you call it political. Do you deny the facts then ?

Oh please, nowhere am I trying to deny he did not do it. In fact I do not care. What I do care about is the fact that the junta changed the law to get rid of the statue of limitations and making trials in absentia possible, ONLY for political office holders. Barely a few days after the law was in effect, they re-open two cases involving Thaksin. Of course it is political, it cannot be denied.


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30 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

Oh please, nowhere am I trying to deny he did not do it. In fact I do not care. What I do care about is the fact that the junta changed the law to get rid of the statue of limitations and making trials in absentia possible, ONLY for political office holders. Barely a few days after the law was in effect, they re-open two cases involving Thaksin. Of course it is political, it cannot be denied.


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I agree that part is political, the original charge however is not and like you i think he is guilty as stated. I just get bored that they call all cases against Thaksin political. We got him bribing judges.. political ? There is an other case with a huge bank loan also coming up.. also not political.  I would not be surprised here with the red supporters (not you) that they would call it political if Thaksin murdered someone and got prosecuted. 


IMHO its far mor logical to accept that the guy is corrupt and accept he has to be punished for it and then use all other energy there is to put pressure on the junta until they do go after people like Prawit and his watches. I just can't accept the viewpoints here that say he should go free because others did not get convicted / prosecuted.  That is just bad reasoning and would lead to the total abandonment of the law. Far better to put pressure on the junta (or whoever is in power) to also go after their own. IMHO its better to complain about corruption cases stalling and keep the pressure there so that more officials get convicted then to try to set them all free even if they are guilty. At least what I am suggesting is aimed at change and improvement instead of legitimizing political corruption. 

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41 minutes ago, robblok said:

agree that part is political, the original charge however is not and like you i think he is guilty as stated. I just get bored that they call all cases against Thaksin political.

All rulers get to steal and line the pockets of their families.

That's called a perk, doesn't worry me, at least the people voted for Thaksin to steal from them.

He didn't need to rule at gunpoint.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

All rulers get to steal and line the pockets of their families.

That's called a perk, doesn't worry me, at least the people voted for Thaksin to steal from them.

He didn't need to rule at gunpoint.

It might not worry you but it does worry plenty of people and it is against the law. The reason Thailand is a such a mess is because people want to be in power because it pays so good (corruption) stop that and you will have a lot less problems and political tension in Thailand. 

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Just now, robblok said:

It might not worry you but it does worry plenty of people and it is against the law. The reason Thailand is a such a mess is because people want to be in power because it pays so good (corruption) stop that and you will have a lot less problems and political tension in Thailand. 

Name one western country where a leader didn't steal or kill to make money for themselves or their family.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Name one western country where a leader didn't steal or kill to make money for themselves or their family.

Weak one almost all of Western Europe is quite free of MAJOR corruption nothing on the scale of Thaksin / junta. America might be different can't talk about that as i know too little. 


Here in Thailand the violence is because of the fact that once they are in power they can make money, that is also why there are coups. So only solution is to fight corruption so its less profitable to be in power. That way they wont send their minions out to bomb and kill people to get in power, the army won't be send out to clear streets with all the casualties that follow. 


You seem to be a Brit, give me an example of government corruption in the UK that went unpunished. I am talking large amounts of money in clear cases. Just like Thaksin his case.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

What thumped up charges,  the charges are right and guess what there are many more cases to come to show how corrupt the guy was. Corrupt people should be punished no matter what color shirt they wear. 


I never said they should not go after corruption in the junta I applaud it if it gets exposed and punished. That is the difference between us. You do your best to shield a corrupt politician while I want all corrupt politicians and junta to be punished. Only by punishing corruption can you ever hope to make a dent in it. By allowing people to get away with it it keeps on going.


Instead of defending your corrupt master, you should use your energy to attack corrupt practices of the junta. People should pressure the junta to go after corruption at their own side too. That is far more productive then to defend someone who is clearly corrupt. Whoever is corrupt should be dealt with not wasting time on people who are corrupt by defending them like you do. That is the hallmark of a red fanboy. 

The choice is simple.

Real democracy yes or no?

You choose no.

How depressingly sad for you.

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On 7/5/2018 at 5:23 PM, robblok said:



The case is valid.. Americans or not Thaksin forced a bank to give a loan below cost losing 640 million baht. The loan was so that an other country could buy stuff from Thaksin his company. So he directly benefited. That is called corruption.


Your so blind defending your hero you can't see how wrong you are. 


You should complain about cases like Sutheps, and mr Watch man Prawit not going on. All corruption should be prosecuted not just Thaksins. But that does not mean Thaksins does not have to be prosecuted or that he is innocent. Just means that the junta protects the corrupt people in their ranks. That is totally unacceptable. Going after Thaksin on a valid charge is the right thing to do as its corruption.

You want the case to be valid.

Nobody is defending Thaksin.

Decent folk are opposed to fascism and for democracy.

The only way to end corruption is to have democracy and independent institutions.

The two main things the junta are opposed to are democracy and independent institutions.

Anyone who does not vociferously oppose the junta above all else is an ass.



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22 minutes ago, pornprong said:

What is it that you find so difficult to understand.

Thaksin is simply a junta created bogeyman to deny democracy.

Any and all talk about Thaksin, his crimes and misdemeanours, whether real or imagined are nothing other than a distraction to the real topic - should Thailand be a democracy or not.


Any clown incessantly harping on about Thaksin is aiding and abetting the anti-democracy side.

Shame on these poor, ignorant, prejudicial misguided souls! (otherwise known as Fanboys).


Total absolute rubbish.


You seem to forget, or perhaps your a new script writer and unaware, that the paymaster, nor his sister, were promoters or unholders / protectors of democracy. 


".....misdemeanours, whether real or imagined are nothing other than a distraction to the real topic....."


There is already proof that he broke several serious laws, not a figment of anybody's imagination and that all happened years before this and other juntas came into the picture.



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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

Total absolute rubbish.

You have wonderfully summarised your post with just three words, well done.



You seem to forget, or perhaps your a new script writer and unaware, that the paymaster, nor his sister, were promoters or unholders / protectors of democracy. 

Both were elected and when confronted with street protests, both dissolved parliament and called fresh elections.

They are by far Thailand's most democratic Prime Ministers.

The current Prime Minister is by far Thailand's least democratic  - why are you so silent on this fact?



".....misdemeanours, whether real or imagined are nothing other than a distraction to the real topic....."


There is already proof that he broke several serious laws, not a figment of anybody's imagination and that all happened years before this and other juntas came into the picture.

Proof, or propaganda.


Here's an interesting article for you to peruse.





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7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Where did you find that gem. Now the truth of the hate Thaksin brigade has been revealed. Amen to that. 


9 hours ago, pornprong said:

You have wonderfully summarised your post with just three words, well done.


Both were elected and when confronted with street protests, both dissolved parliament and called fresh elections.

They are by far Thailand's most democratic Prime Ministers.

The current Prime Minister is by far Thailand's least democratic  - why are you so silent on this fact?


Proof, or propaganda.


Here's an interesting article for you to peruse.





Dear me , oh dear! Talk about nonsense. You post an article from 2002 saying farangs don't like Thaksin because his interior minister Purachai clamped down on the sex industry. 

Purachai didn't like farangs full stop. He sent his kids to school in New Zealand, he bought a house there too, but as Interior Minister he refused to sign one application for Thai citizenship from any foreigner during his tenure. 

Forget Thaksin as your poster boy. The man himself said democracy was not his goal. He boasted how he ran Thailand lke a CEO. Dominate the opposition, buy them up (MPs), maintain a monopoly.  control the media, any  paper criticising Thaksin received no advertising revenue from the state. Joutnalists were removed from positions on TV stations.

And now the very MPs he bought up are being offered gold and silver to desert to Prayuth. Boo hoo!

His political parties were money politics, just the shell of democracy, everything else a dictatorship. 

Unless there is a revolution he is history.

Get over him. Find a true democrat. Not a coward who calls for revolution from an upmarket French department store.


Edited by bannork
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I agree that part is political, the original charge however is not and like you i think he is guilty as stated. I just get bored that they call all cases against Thaksin political. We got him bribing judges.. political ? There is an other case with a huge bank loan also coming up.. also not political.  I would not be surprised here with the red supporters (not you) that they would call it political if Thaksin murdered someone and got prosecuted. 


IMHO its far mor logical to accept that the guy is corrupt and accept he has to be punished for it and then use all other energy there is to put pressure on the junta until they do go after people like Prawit and his watches. I just can't accept the viewpoints here that say he should go free because others did not get convicted / prosecuted.  That is just bad reasoning and would lead to the total abandonment of the law. Far better to put pressure on the junta (or whoever is in power) to also go after their own. IMHO its better to complain about corruption cases stalling and keep the pressure there so that more officials get convicted then to try to set them all free even if they are guilty. At least what I am suggesting is aimed at change and improvement instead of legitimizing political corruption. 

Yes Thaksin was corrupt, he is a crook. However I only support him being punished, the minute the other side looses their amnesty and likewise stand trial for their crimes.


And no the watches are not what annoys me, that is just the tip of the iceberg.


How can a justice system work if the people that illegitimately control it, use it as a tool to fight their political enemies? That is precisely what is happening here. Punishment is not the concern, the concern is political power. Why do you think Yingluck's case was rushed through?, And in light of this, why did it take them more than three years to change this law?


The answer is obvious, it is timed around the next elections, as punishment is not the main concern, Thaksin's electoral popularity is. In this the junta is surprisingly transparent, the exception to the rule so to speak.


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20 hours ago, scorecard said:


Total absolute rubbish.


You seem to forget, or perhaps your a new script writer and unaware, that the paymaster, nor his sister, were promoters or unholders / protectors of democracy. 


".....misdemeanours, whether real or imagined are nothing other than a distraction to the real topic....."


There is already proof that he broke several serious laws, not a figment of anybody's imagination and that all happened years before this and other juntas came into the picture.



whilst both Thaksin and Yingluck might not have been defenders of democracy. They sure as hell were voted in democratically. Their power base if you will was limited to four years and subjected to checks and balances and various other "independent" agencies that try to meddle into their administration. That he  allegedly has broken serious laws is inconsequential, there is a fair and unbiased justice system to handle those, not staging coups. 


The question is entirely justified, does Thailand deserve a democracy, without anyone not holding a legitimate electoral mandate having power. It seems the Junta has answered that question with a very clear no. 


The charade in the OP is a classic example of how not to apply and seek justice. How anyone can defend the Junta misusing the justice system to settle a score with their enemies, and in this case trying to influence elections is beyond me. How much more clear do they need to become for you to wake up ? Unbelieveable. 

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7 hours ago, pornprong said:

Wow, you've got the complete junta laundry list of misogynist nonsense all in one post.

If we were to compare Yingluck's performance as Prime Minister of Thailand to your limited lack of success in regards to spelling and grammar in the above post, the winner is abundantly obvious to all.


If the Thai people were given the chance to vote for either Yingluck or Prayuth, who do you think would win and by how much?


I apologise for large fingers on a small screen and Google "helping" me even after I re-correct their in correct corrections.  There was also meant to be a "not" before "her idea either."    Unfortunately or fortunately there is no chance in a play off between the two people you mention.  And that would be as bad as having to choose between Trump and Clinton.  Apart from that your reply had nothing useful to add and was verging on being off topic.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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3 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

I apologise for large fingers on a small screen and Google "helping" me even after I re-correct their in correct corrections.  There was meant to be a "not" before "her idea either."    Unfortunately or fortunately there is no chance in a play off between the two people you mention.  And that would be as bad as having to choose between Trump and Clinton.  Apart from that your reply had nothing useful to add and was verging on being off topic.

It is not off topic, as it highlights the exact reason for this thread. This is not about corruption at all,  it is about the Junta's fear for Thaksin's electoral popularity, nothing more and nothing less. A popularity that has been consistent for almost two decades. The junta must be green from envy ?

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3 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

It is not off topic, as it highlights the exact reason for this thread. This is not about corruption at all,  it is about the Junta's fear for Thaksin's electoral popularity, nothing more and nothing less. A popularity that has been consistent for almost two decades. The junta must be green from envy ?

Speculating on an impossible play off between the current PM and a run away ex PM (Yingluck ) neither of whom the topic was about (Thaksin''s new arrest warrent).  Yeah.  That would be pretty well on topic I guess. If you are desperate enough!!!

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5 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

whilst both Thaksin and Yingluck might not have been defenders of democracy. They sure as hell were voted in democratically. Their power base if you will was limited to four years and subjected to checks and balances and various other "independent" agencies that try to meddle into their administration. That he  allegedly has broken serious laws is inconsequential, there is a fair and unbiased justice system to handle those, not staging coups. 


The question is entirely justified, does Thailand deserve a democracy, without anyone not holding a legitimate electoral mandate having power. It seems the Junta has answered that question with a very clear no. 


The charade in the OP is a classic example of how not to apply and seek justice. How anyone can defend the Junta misusing the justice system to settle a score with their enemies, and in this case trying to influence elections is beyond me. How much more clear do they need to become for you to wake up ? Unbelieveable. 


"They sure as hell were voted in democratically. Their power base if you will was limited to four years and subjected to checks and balances and various other "independent" agencies that try to meddle into their administration. 


That's if you believe thaksins' and his puppets 'democracy' model is credible. 



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1 minute ago, bannork said:

The naivety of Thakisn supporters here is astounding. The man had money and power. He did everything possible to neutralise every check and balance at the time.


Plus he threatened and did sue several Thai reporters and journalists and often just refused to answer their questions.


His gem was when he was asked an awkward question by a farang journalist at a media event, the paymasters response was 'idiot scum' and the journalist was deported the next day. 


Not what most folks would associated with democratic principles.



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20 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

Speculating on an impossible play off between the current PM and a run away ex PM (Yingluck ) neither of whom the topic was about (Thaksin''s new arrest warrent).  Yeah.  That would be pretty well on topic I guess. If you are desperate enough!!!

I was referring to his electoral popularity, as is in black and white in your quote, talk about desparation !


In fact, the reason why that play off is not possible is also on topic, the topic is the Junta abusing the legal system to get rid of their political enemies. Or do you still maintain that the trail against Yingluck was fair ? 


Desparate to paint the Thaksins in a bad light, even if laws are being broken right left and center, the very issue you seem to have with him, absolutely indefenseable position. 

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9 minutes ago, bannork said:

The naivety of Thakisn supporters here is astounding. The man had money and power. He did everything possible to neutralise every check and balance at the time.

As opposed to the current lot, that completely abolished checks and balances, but this time without a valid mandate. 


The very fact that at least two PTP pm's have been put out of office further highlights the inaccuracy of your statement. Thaksin at no time had absolute power, at no time was able to remove checks and balances, was at any point in time accountable, and never threw out a constitution and replaced it with his own. Naieve ? Give it a rest, you have no leg to stand on. 

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