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Ekkapol Chanthawong – Parents are refusing to blame him


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Ekkapol Chanthawong – Parents are refusing to blame him

By The Thaiger



PHOTO: From video of Thai Navy Seals Facebook page


Eight out, five to go. But Ekkapol Chanthawong, the assistant football coach of the Mu Pa team, trapped in Tham Luang cave since June 23, is being credited with keeping his young team alive during their ordeal. He’s 25, the rest of the young team are between 11 and 16 years of age.


Thai media, ever searching for the dramatic, has been in a lather over whether he deserves praise or is the devil in the story. Some media want to blame him for the team’s predicament as he led the 12 football players on an excursion into the caves after scheduled training on Saturday, June 23. They’d been there before.


A torrential downpour, and subsequent flood waters flowing into the caves, forced them deeper into the bowels of the Chiang Rai mountains.


Full story: https://thethaiger.com/news/chiang-rai/ekkapol-chanthawong-parents-are-refusing-to-blame-him

-- © Copyright The Thaiger 2018-07-10
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6 hours ago, sweatalot said:

The sign said closed from July on

They entered in June

Was it really obvious that the cave would be flooded so sudden? I doubt.


I wouldn't blame him.

He is a victim himself and he did great in helping the boys.

In my eyes he is a hero not a cuprit

I wrote about the sign as well last time, is looking to me that those media peoples can't read! I'm sure that the eleven took the decision to go inside the cave together!

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Let's wait until the story why the kids went into the cave and why they were so deep in it gets clear. They are locals as far as I've understood and must've known the cave and that it floods during rain, if they did it on a dare .. well, dumb.

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8 hours ago, djjamie said:

Unless there was a sign at the cave entrance saying "Do not enter due to monson seasan" then he is a hero that deserves acollades, medals, rewards, praise and eveeything else a hero gets.


Of course if he can look into the future and he still went into the cave with the kids he should go to jail. So the question is can he see into the future?

On the sauce tonight Jamie.


Its hard to be judge and jury when the facts are not known. Very simplistic observation to a critical situation.

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8 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Great read Bruno. I want to adopt the junior coach. There is a lot of jockeying for a position at a table that present bountiful profit and prestige. I lived in Chiang Rai for 12 months and have been back. It is such a gracious experience to be received by very warm, humble people. They more than likely just want their children back home. They understand how hard it is to live in the area. I feel sorry for some TV members that can't understand what is going on in the world about this tragedy. What news I am reading and seeing on the TV does involve some politics, does ask why the Governor is being replaced in view of his role and how people overseas would like to see the survivor's as a way of closure. They have all prayed and hoped for this miracle of the 13 being rescued.


After 8 days I gave up and was asking the question of the coach leading them into the cave system. His actions may have saved these kids. Its strange watching a lynch mob.


But again Bruno great article and I thankyou for posting it.


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1 hour ago, chama said:

The plan was to build more team spirit and physical endurance. There is no way he planned to get stuck in that cave but once there he did everything to protect the boys. He refused to eat any of the food they had brought into the cave himself leaving it for the boys causing him to be one of the two deemed to be "yellow" for extraction. This young man kept 12 active kids together, kept their spirits up through ten dos of total darkness and uncertainty. He taught the boys to drink the water dripping into the cave rather than the contaminated water in the pools surrounding them. He kept their spirits up with stories and admonished them to remain somewhat still (hard for kids this age) to conserve calories. Basically he did everything right after becoming trapped and is probably the only reason those boys are alive and fairly healthy. Arrest him? No, go arrest the people running the dive boat operation instead.

100% On-point.

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Firstly I feel blame should be proportioned.


And the real villains are those who are responsible for the safety of the caves surely someone is?


Those caves and many others in Thailand need locked gates, either on the entrance or inside to prevent anyone entering areas that may be dangerous.  


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1 hour ago, Brunolem said:



I live in Sisaket, quite far from Chiang Rai, which I have visited in the past.

I will go again, when the fever will have subsided, because I feel a need to meet all these children and their coach.


Beyond all the drama, there is something spiritual in this story...a former monk/ coach and 12 disciples/children brings memories of Jesus and his 12 apostles (I am neither a christian, nor a religious man)...seeing them in such good spirits after 10 days in the dark and complete isolation was nothing short of a miracle (in the sense of unnatural or supernatural).


What this coach has done with his team is absolutely fascinating!


Nobody seems to have noticed how special is this group.

I mean, here we have adolescents who dedicate their time to sport and nature discovery, while moving around on bicycles.

Meanwhile, the norm for adolescents nowadays is to destroy their bodies with alcool and cigarettes, and their brains with so-called smartphones connected on social websites 24/7, while risking their lives riding motorbikes with no helmets.


This group is like a survivor of bygone times...

Amazes me the kids Mental Strength and Fortitude... Perseverance
CAPTIVATED THE WORLD...these kids...meditation was the key to there endurance...Coach was a monk for 10 years,,,

However some these kids are christian .alot of christians there in north Thailand

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