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'Together Against Trump', thousands protest peacefully in London


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9 minutes ago, stud858 said:

Yes, a good manager will do those things to get the job done. Would you prefer someone who talks politely,  follows all the rules and is honest if it means at the end he is liked but it won't get the job done.  It's a tuff life.  Trump is a tuff S O B. Go get em trump, if at the end of his term his results are crap, then vote him out. Not because he is impolite, though.  Or a liar. Put your hand up.who hasn't lied. 

You're acting like "trump" is a normal president. Nope. He lies ALL THE TIME. There has never been a more bizarre, more lying president in American history and he doesn't even like democracy, he likes dictatorships. 




"The problem is that it refuses to see, or to entirely register, the actual nature of Trump and his actions. Our problem is not Trump Derangement Syndrome; our problem is Deranged Trump Self-Delusion. This is the habit of willfully substituting, as a motive for Trump’s latest action, a conventional political or geostrategic ambition, rather than recognizing the action as the daily spasm of narcissistic gratification and episodic vanity that it truly is."

Edited by Jingthing
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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If you have a strong military, other people don't attack you. Carry a big stick and walk softly etc. The stronger the military, the less likely it will need to be used.

Trump wants the US to disengage from outposts around the world.. So what does he need a bigger military for? Are Canada and Mexico plotting an invasion?

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2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Trump wants the US to disengage from outposts around the world.. So what does he need a bigger military for? Are Canada and Mexico plotting an invasion

i think it's more to do with the economy.  The world is becoming more automated.  There is discussion regarding a universal salary for everyone.  I prefer this but politicians and the rich like the idea of keeping the poorest working.

More military is more jobs.

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9 minutes ago, stud858 said:

i think it's more to do with the economy.  The world is becoming more automated.  There is discussion regarding a universal salary for everyone.  I prefer this but politicians and the rich like the idea of keeping the poorest working.

More military is more jobs.

Actually not, The US military has moved away from massive armed forces. It's much more about robotics and other smart and very expensive technology.

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So yesterday it was "......against Trump"....and when he will be out,  they will go for ".....against May"....and once she is gone they will need something else and perhaps whine     "....against Capitalism".....and since nobody will give them a second look they may go for    ".....against global warming in my fridge"....until they turn up with something else.......hilarious clowns !

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18 minutes ago, stud858 said:

Yes, a good manager will do those things to get the job done. Would you prefer someone who talks politely,  follows all the rules and is honest if it means at the end he is liked but it won't get the job done.  It's a tuff life.  Trump is a tuff S O B. Go get em trump, if at the end of his term his results are crap, then vote him out. Not because he is impolite, though.  Or a liar. Put your hand up.who hasn't lied. 

 i guess the depends upon the definition of what the "job" is.

If by "job" you mean , lower America's standing in the world, make us a laughing stock,make a mess of the illegal and legal immigration issue, hire people for his administration that are either indicted or resign in disgrace, dismantle the Affordable Care Act  and make health insurance too expensive for many. run roughshod over the Emoluments act , allow a foreign  power to interfere in the democratic process, etc.  Then you are right.


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'Together Against Trump', thousands of unemployed losers protest peacefully in London all the while knowing their protestations are vapid, impotent and meaningless.




Guess there's nothing to protest about in London, England or UK. Life is good.

Edited by Number 6
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It's not like protests could affect anything is it, you lefty shirkers will be claiming next they could cause coups or something.
It's encouraging to "trump" opponents in the USA to see such strong international support and understanding that the disgusting con man does not speak for the majority of Americans. Thank you UK!

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

It's encouraging to "trump" opponents in the USA to see such strong international support and understanding that the disgusting con man does not speak for the majority of Americans. Thank you UK!

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

 Sorry this was irony, I forget I need to signal it sometimes.


The point is that protests ARE useful and have a point, and that protests DID cause a coup in Thailand when I was there.


So they are not useless at all, and I scorn all the people calling them useless and "lefty".


I live in England now, and I was at this protest!


It was the best kind, (really funny placards), peaceful, and made its point beautifully.


EDIT: also for the record I use the words "lefty shirker" as a deliberate  criticism of similar offensive language in other posts- especially insulting to me, since I have both joined the Labour party, and am unemployed (though not on social security)!

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1 hour ago, partington said:

It's not like protests could affect anything is it, you lefty shirkers will be claiming next they could cause coups or something.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump i think they like me a lot" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "trump i think they like me a lot"

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8 hours ago, The manic said:

Depends on their legal status, their culture values,  their ability to integrate etc etc. But these wealthy economic immigrants who pay thousands of pounds to gangster to cheat the system are not welcome. Let's prioritise based on merit. The Yazids, and Christians should be given priority. Not the bearded thugs who have overrun our cities and groomed and raped our children.  Good guys in bad guys out. Trump was right when he spoke out regarding the damage done to Europe by uncontrolled illegal immigration and false asylum seekers who already have asylum.


so christians dont commit crimes and rape?

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8 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

"He will say or do anything. It does not matter, as this man has no relationship with truth, integrity, honesty, morality, and will never do the right thing."


I have no doubt this is true - but, again, this is a problem for the americans - not the brits. (so far).


So why were the brit. protesters out in force?

many reasons, one of which is the vile separation of very young children from their parents. I realize its hard for you to understand protesting the mistreatment of children that arent part of your tribe but thankfully not everyone  believes as you do

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10 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

so youre anti-refrugee?

Depends on their legal status, their culture values,  their ability to integrate etc etc. But these wealthy economic immigrants who pay thousands of pounds to gangster to cheat the system are not welcome. Let's prioritise based on merit. The Yazids, and Christians should be given priority. Not the bearded thugs who have overrun our cities and groomed and raped our children.  Good guys in bad guys out. Trump was right when he spoke out regarding the damage done to Europe by uncontrolled illegal immigration and false asylum seekers who already have asylum.

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1 hour ago, AYJAYDEE said:

many reasons, one of which is the vile separation of very young children from their parents. I realize its hard for you to understand protesting the mistreatment of children that arent part of your tribe but thankfully not everyone  believes as you do

Selective outrage. Obama evicted 3 million illegals including kids....The deluded ineffectual left has lost the plot and speaks for no one.


Therapy for lost souls

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1 minute ago, The manic said:

The issue is that these middle class lefties did not demonstrate against St Obama.  But demonstrate against Trump. Hypocritical Selective outrage

they demonstrated against a guy who ordered the removal of children from their parents and locking them in a cage. plus various other vile behaviours

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12 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Actually not, The US military has moved away from massive armed forces. It's much more about robotics and other smart and very expensive technology.

Yes making more jobs to make things automated. Then thinking up more things to do to make more jobs. The cycle Continues.  Same thing. 

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1 minute ago, stud858 said:

Yes making more jobs to make things automated. Then thinking up more things to do to make more jobs. The cycle Continues.  Same thing. 

Please. Manufacturing is also in the midst of a robotics revolution and automation.Particularly high tech. One of the major points about the ludicrousness of Trumps promise to bring back manufacturing jobs is that the majority of the jobs that were exported couldn't be regained even if those industries came back because technological advances have made those jobs reduntant.

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11 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

British humour at its best!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Most were just pointlessly insulting, not humorous at all IMO.  But I did love the 'This is all terribly upsetting' placard!  Now THAT is brit. humour at it's best IMO ?.

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Most were just pointlessly insulting, not humorous at all IMO.  But I did love the 'This is all terribly upsetting' placard!  Now THAT is brit. humour at it's best IMO [emoji16].
But it's not. That was a rip off from anti-"trump" protest signs in the USA. Y'all don't own humor my Lords.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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17 hours ago, bristolboy said:

According to YouGov’s polling, 11 percent of Britons believe Trump is a great or good president. But 67 percent, a vast majority, believe he is a poor or terrible president.


Maybe you forget YouGov's Poll also said 50% said Trumps visit should go ahead and 37% said it should not. But who believes Polls anyway?  if we did Hillary would be POTUS.

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13 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

I don't mind having a strong military, I just don't want us getting involved in more wars.

Well, that's a good reason to support massively increasing the military budget. You don't mind.

And as you are a self-professed conservative, you don't mind increased deficits either? Maybe what you really are is a weaponized Keynesian.

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