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Elon Musk calls British diver in Thai cave rescue a 'pedo' in baseless attack


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4 hours ago, Eligius said:

I don't know the details of Musk's family life, etc., but he seems to come out with some seemingly VERY extreme statements - even about his own father. This is something he has said, for example, about his dad:


'"My dad will have a carefully thought-out plan of evil. He will plan evil. Almost every crime you can possibly think of, he has done. Almost every evil thing you could possibly think of, he has done. It's so terrible, you can't believe it," said the man who harbours plans to create habitable colonies on distant planets.'


Pretty strong stuff!


His father spend any time in Thailand? May explain things.

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 Disappointed in EM.  I halfway defended his sub as a valid attempt at trying to be useful but now  I I'm not sure at all.   As for Americans with passports,. I think 100% of the Americans I know have passports except maybe my parents.  There is some sort of stigma associated when thing Americans you have been traveling to Thailand.  All this comes from some child smuggling shows that aired on TV in the last few years.   I know no other Americans who have traveled here except divers from my dive club 20 years ago.  The " scuba" diving has declined in quality from what I have seen. 

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1 minute ago, carmine said:

Oh God, here we go    Another Australian bashing the Brits.......i presume you are chums with Old Croc!!!


Try and stick to the subject matter, theres a good chap.

LOL> bashing is the subject matter here.

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4 minutes ago, carmine said:


Another Aussie with a massive chip on the shoulder....the land of bitters!!!!  Grow a pair, old chap!!

No chip whatsoever. What you need to do is grow a sense of humour. It is you with the "massive chip on the shoulder"... and stick to the subject matter, which is what you were harping on in the first place, please...

Edited by tropo
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1 hour ago, mikeymike100 said:

Musk should not have said what he did say, but Vern Unsworth should not have said Musk can stick his submarine where it hurts in the first place. However what your proposing is ludicrous about suing for defamation. Musk is in the USA and not Thailand, so not subject to Thai law, he is also a billionaire, so even if he was sued guess what happens in Thailand, remember Red Bull heir???

Musk was in Thailand. So he left already? File the charges and arrest him upon ever again entering the Kingdom! I don't like these Silicon Vally tech barons they have ruined the San Francisco Bay area and need to be taken down a notch. Arrogant to the core.


"The evil will fall in front of the good and the evil will come to the door of the righteous".

Proverbs 14:19

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What a terribly defamatory thing to call someone...and on WHAT grounds?? I understand that Tesla wants to promote their product, but this kind of statement is unprofessional in the extreme.

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Yes F' him. If you will excuse my Trumpian French.


And yes. Time to stop buying his products. The publicity stunt submarine should go in to a museam of ridicule. Dosn' t he know any thing about  wild caves ? ... No he knows about publucity. And not manners either.


I was looking at buying some Tesla stocks. Well realisticly they are a bad buy any way I think, but I will not even consider them now. ... ( on on ? Ali baba for people with manners. ( And brains ?) )... Buy them instead.

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3 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

I like o'l Vern, but he sure doesn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed either. Insulting rich and powerful people in a media interview. What did he expect was going to happen? 


Vern was just telling the truth.


only trump and musk would be offended by that

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5 hours ago, harrycallahan said:

What would the hero divers have done if one of the kids was incapacitated? Elon's plan was viable and his presence was potentially life saving. The divers (some) were unnecessarily antagonistic from early on in the piece, so now it's come to this. 

A five foot six inch rigid object was viable was it, to go through 15 inch gaps!!!!?  


It was nothing more than a ludicrous PR stunt.

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So do you think that Elon Musk will be coming to Thailand again and bucddying up to, and bullshiting the PM again ? I hope not ! ... Or a sutable "Not Welcome" greeting ceremoney can be aranged.


And time to forget him and his malicous Pig Ignorance.

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