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Thai team to explore North Pole to better protect ecosystem


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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I think the headline is a bit misleading, they are not going to the North Pole,

but to  Norway’s Svalbard islands, which has population,hotels,ect,so I think

they will survive OK,

regards worgeordie


still a pretty cold place, not too bad in the summer though (that also applies to the actual North Pole (not far away))

several Thais live/work in Svalbard - in fact the 3rd largest population group on the islands is Thai (only beaten by Norwegians and Russians)

(why Thais in this remote outpost? Work permit and visa not needed)


strange place this Svalbard - worth a visit though



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A THAI TEAM will be the first from Asia to explore the North Pole on a mission to conduct underwater exploration and the impact of microplastics on marine life.


Just an excuse for a good "Jolly" if they really wanted to study the effects of micro plastics on marine life they could dive off many beaches here in Thailand and get first hand knowledge of what happens!!!

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6 hours ago, peperobi said:

13? this number remember me something...maybe we will see another rescue action....

And why do you think they choose to go on an expedition with exactly 13 people ?  Thais are superstitious , now 13 is a lucky number after what happened in CR. 


Says it all really. Stay home is my advise. 



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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

I think the headline is a bit misleading, they are not going to the North Pole,

but to  Norway’s Svalbard islands, which has population,hotels,ect,so I think

they will survive OK,

We've had tourists at Svalbard been eaten alive by polar bears in the past , so I wouldn't bet on it.  BTW I am from that region.  But they will probably be fine. Lots of big Norwegians with rifles up there. 


Brit 17, killed in polar bear attack




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1 hour ago, melvinmelvin said:

- in fact the 3rd largest population group on the islands is Thai (only beaten by Norwegians and Russians)

(why Thais in this remote outpost? Work permit and visa not needed)

Haha , good point , I don't know why this happened , maybe a couple of the women married Norwegians and moved to Svalbard. Then they found out we need more food choices so within a couple of years a group of Thais were cooking food.  Then others followed .   Funny place Svalbard. 


Anyway the "expedition" will feel at home there with the "local" Thai food. 


Edited by balo
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4 minutes ago, balo said:

Haha , good point , I don't know why this happened , maybe a couple of the women married Norwegians and moved to Svalbard. Then they found out we need more food choices so within a couple of years a group of Thais were cooking food.  Then others followed .   Funny place Svalbard. 


Anyway the "expedition" will feel at home there with "local" Thai food. 






most of 'em working as cleaners in hotels and the like I guess, but there are some exceptions

not long ago a Thai lass was elected to (let us call it) the city council - hence, now an official bureaucrat of Svalbard


why thais there? visa/work permit not required - taxes are very low - salaries are very good



Edited by melvinmelvin
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34 minutes ago, upu2 said:

Have they actually ever been in conditions as cold as that part of the world has on a daily basis? They are in for a big, big shock


summer time is no challenge really

0 degrees no challenge

-5 degrees no challenge


just a matter of proper clothing and footwear

(no sweat really)



when you start talking -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 degrees things change a bit

not all humans have respiratory organs that can hack that - at least not without considerable training



there are a fair amount of reindeers in Svalbard, these creatures are somewhat different from those you find in

Norway - Sweden - Finland - and Russia

the Svalbard ones are generally smaller and with shorter legs (i e closer to the ground)


and their breathing organs differ from their sisters on the mainland

the nose/mouth part is particularly designed for the extremely low winter temperatures


the "face" has the opposite of an intercooler - it has a pre-warmer, before the air is dragged into the lungs





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now is a very comfortable time of the year to visit Svalbard

no blizzards no need for wading through snow in order to get your fags and 6-pack - reasonably civilised the place is now



the Thai team may enjoy bright sunshine round the clock (24/7) the sun is shining - might make an impression on them


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This Thai team has already done a visit to the South Pole, so this northern visit should hold few unknown challenges weather wise.


A foundation sponsored by Princess Sirindhorn is funding this expedition, so I guess they've got good intentions, but it's difficult to know what they hope to achieve in 3 weeks that has not been thoroughly researched already.


If they find a couple of BigC bags floating at the North Pole, I guess that will justify the trip very nicely. 

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Actually, I don't really see a problem with this. If the government or the Thai people will not take action on things until there is proof, proof observed by other Thai individuals, then let them go. Worst that can happen is the status quo stays the same, best is that it is leading towards a society who is beginning to take a look at the impact they are having on the world, thus making the appropriate changes. Now if it were the government saying a "war on Plastic," then I actually think nothing will be done than lip service. Here, everyday Thai's are stepping up to look at the impact they are having on the world. The best change happens at the grassroots level.


What I'm wondering is how the Thai people will survive without Thai food, or are they bringing their own. I've never been around such picky eaters.

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

A THAI TEAM will be the first from Asia to explore the North Pole on a mission to conduct underwater exploration and the impact of microplastics on marine life.

They messed up Thailand. Why do they have to mess up the North Pole too? Hope, they get eaten by polar bears!

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22 minutes ago, curlylekan said:

What I'm wondering is how the Thai people will survive without Thai food, or are they bringing their own. I've never been around such picky eaters.

Thais crave Som Tum. Being without it for more than 48 hours, they will be suicidal. Do they expect that som tum is sold at the North Pole? They will be back in Bangkok less than 72 hours after leaving for the North Pole!

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Thais crave Som Tum. Being without it for more than 48 hours, they will be suicidal. Do they expect that som tum is sold at the North Pole? They will be back in Bangkok less than 72 hours after leaving for the North Pole!
Please read the whole thread will you ? We have just confirmed they are not going to the North Pole but to the Svalbard islands, and there is a small Thai population there , working in restaurants, so there is a good chance they can eat Som Tum anytime they want.
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