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Cave group to be ordained into monkhood for nine days


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After being dragged to the temple on a couple of mind-numbing occasions when I first met the wife, there's no way she'll ever get me near one again. Saying that, apart from weddings and funerals, you won't get me in a Christian church either.

Mind you, if it's a choice between a retreat and going to school, I reckon these kids would choose the retreat every time.

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1 hour ago, bluesofa said:

I thought their coach already taught them meditation in a quiet (almost relaxed) environment.

Perhaps they should have their retreat in a cave again - it's the only way to avoid the press and get away from the government - well initially anyway.


Exactly what I was thinking, Bluesofa: we were constantly told (whether it is true or not is another matter - as a number of earlier claims are now revealed as false - such as that none of the boys could swim) that the Assistant Coach trained the boys in meditation. Doing this inside a cave for nine days is a classic Buddhist meditation venue. Could not be better (according to ancient Pali Buddhist texts).

And now they have to go to a temple to 'learn how to meditate'?!! It's surely like carrying coals to Newcastle!

I agree with other posters who say that where the boys now belong at this point in time - is with their families and friends.

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2 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Unbelievable. Now they are going for commercialization of Buddha. All the kids want to do is be kids and eat and play. Interviews are fun for them. I would think 9 days of forced monk hood would be like 9 days back in the cave. 1 full day at the temple is even a lot.


Whose idiotic idea for this one?

I wholeheartedly agree... this is Buddhism trying to get in on the cave boy train. How low can they go? 

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They should be put into an IQ school as not to repeat stupidity. We are glorifying idiotic decisions that cost a diver  his life. Wake up people we are making heros and stars out of children who followed an idiot deeper onto caves when they should have not been there in the first place.

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

I reckon in years to come it will be seen as  child abuse...Im just way ahead of my time, children need to learn facts  not mumbo jumbo I personally find it disgusting up there with female mutilation etc etc

Me thinks you might be drawing somewhat of a longbow comparing to female mutilation.

But hey, just my opinion.

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27 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Following on from that metaphor, one can only wonder who will be operating the pumps to divert the floodwater!! ?

Rest assured, in this case no international help is needed.

Edited by Lupatria
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32 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

Leonard Cohen became a monk.. and said it didn't present a conflict with his Jewishness.. Buddhism isn't about worship.. it about finding peace through meditation..

Very true but this has nothing to do with Buddhism and much more to do with spin and publicity. CNN will love it, nice pics of the boys in saffron robes chanting.

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2 hours ago, mok199 said:

with all due respect sir ,what have they been through?? they walked into a cave and were carried out famous....this dog and pony show is just beginning and these thai boys love the attention...but they like any commodity have a manager...and they will jump smile and dance when and where they are told too..they are now thailands little ''puppet show''..have a good day

 agree this is only the start they will totally  exploited 

you will be reading more of this in the weeks / months ahead

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18 minutes ago, connda said:

Very nice.  Now if the junta will ordain 'the indigenous but stateless' into the holy land of Thai citizenship..................

More like the Holy Grail of Thai citizenship.

Q: WHAT is your favourite colour?

A: Yellow.

Q:WHAT is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

A: Burmese or Thai?

Q: I don't know that...Whoosh......


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12 minutes ago, peterb17 said:

The kids are going to become novices for a few days - and if it helps them to stay somewhere quiet and out of the limelight for a while - excellent . 

...but you don't see that this 'event' and subsequent media hype is exactly the opposite?

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I was expecting to see them do the same amount of days in the temple, as what they did in the cave!

 - sort of a symbolic thing...


it isn't as Monks, as that would have meant 3 months (if doing it towards being ordained)


Another way of seeing it wouldn't be the monk thing at this stage; is that it would have then used up their 'coupon book options' in avoiding Army conscription later!

- as that would have then blocked their way into becoming Navy Seals 


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