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Tesco Lotus discount cashiers scam


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Was caught by this scam today at Lotus Tesco but the eagle eyed Mrs spotted it on the receipt. I made Her go back to the Information counter and report it as this cashier must be making thousands of baht a day by scamming the customers of the discounts they are due. This is an outline of how it is done:-


The till shows a running amount, (EXCLUDING any discounts), until they press the total bill.

So in a hypothetical example, the running total on the till is 2500.00 but there are discounts of 100.00 to come off this figure. The cashier does NOT press the total button and asks for 2500.00 (the running total as shown on the till-before discounts) and you give them say 3000.00 expecting 500.00 change. The cashier totals the bill (2400.00 after discounts) and enters only 2400.00 as the amount you have given ie receipt says no change due. The cashier then gives you 500.00 change instead of the 600.00 you should have after discounts. The 100.00 you have just overpaid must then somehow mysteriously disappear. Tesco is none the wiser as their till receipts are OK but its their customers who have been conned.


The only way to catch this one is by checking your receipt to make sure the total amount you were asked for (and given change for) is the same as the total amount after discounts on the receipt. 


Unfortunately TIT so check your receipt next time you shop with them!



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4 minutes ago, CHdiver said:

Did you read everything in the first post? First "mistake" was to forget to press total in time. Second "mistake" was not put in the correct amount given. I guess you still believe in Santa Claus. 


Btw. same thing happen to me at Central Festival Foodmarket (Tops or whatever it is there).

Still only one instance. To suggest it is a scam it would need to be done more often. I don't see anyone else complaining.

Edited by puchooay
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2 hours ago, peterrabbit said:

So in a hypothetical example, the running total on the till is 2500.00

7-11 too, 2 bags of 20bht Lay crisps, discount 10bht.

They ring in the 40bht, don't press the final button, then don't hand you the receipt.

My local 7-11 runs that one on me every day, I have to stay at the till with my hand out until they hand 10bht over.

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When I  shop,i have a list of what i am going to buy,and

write the  amount next to it,add other things i might buy

to the list,before check out i total the amount, 


Quite often the amount the cashier asks for does not

tally with the total i have, it is usually 20-50 THB,but 

also up to 200 THB and once 325 THB,mostly caused

by the price on the shelf been different than what's in 

stores computer,BUT  i have never been under charged.


In Makro its because the check out girl has scanned

an article twice in the trolly. 

regards worgeordie


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3 hours ago, peterrabbit said:

The only way to catch this one is by checking your receipt to make sure the total amount you were asked for (and given change for) is the same as the total amount after discounts on the receipt. 

I keep a running total in my head of what my bill will be as I put things into my basket. And I always check all till receipts no matter where in the world I am.


In Thailand I check them twice, and I find more mistakes here than I ever have anywhere else.

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If it was a mistake the cashier would have blindly put in the amount that was given to her in full and gave back the correct change


to mentally deduct the discounted amount and short change you takes mental arithmetic and intent, the cashier would then have to keep a running total of how many customer and how much they have scammed and how much total to take out of the till at the end of her shift, or stash the amount somewhere.


I've had case in 7-11 where the cashier was suprized that there's discount for multiple items and asked for 'too much' from me only to gave it back once she pressed the total key.

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Never been scammed at Tesco, but their discount system is not easy to understand when you read the slip. So I always check when there is a promotion that they give me the right amount back.

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