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Agama Yoga Founder Swami Vivekananda accused of sexual assault


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On 8/4/2018 at 5:02 PM, ethaniel said:

Tripadvisor reviews regarding sexual assaults date many years back, yet Agama "started" the internal investigation only now. haha.


I say we track down every teacher that ever worked there and put their names and photos up for public display.


mostly good reviews




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On 8/3/2018 at 2:01 AM, cyberfarang said:

"Kelly Anne did eventually end up being sexual with Swami at one point".


On reading that one sentence, my sympathy level for Kelly Anne or whatever her real name is, dropped from 10 to a minus 5. When she first met the guy and he began trying it on, should have sent alarm bells ringing in her head, but no, she continued on as a member of this cult. So what exactly was she expecting to get out of this? 

An orgasm ?

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