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Trump denies knowing of 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russians


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12 minutes ago, quandow said:

We can't take that for granted. His supporters either ignore ALL facts (those are the ignorant/stupid) or forgive him because he is bringing biblical Armageddon to fruition (the evangelists). They will defend him to the death - literally!



I am not that much into US politics that is why I rarely comment on Thrump and his politics. I would imagine that this time around a lot of voters would go for someone else. I could be wrong and the US voters are even dumber then I thought. 

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Know Nothing

The Native American Party, renamed the American Party in 1855 and commonly known as the Know Nothing movement, was an American nativist political party that operated nationally in the mid-1850s. It was primarily anti-Catholic, xenophobic, and hostile to immigration, starting originally as a secret society. The movement briefly emerged as a major political party in the form of the American Party. Adherents to the movement were to reply "I know nothing" when asked about its specifics by outsiders, thus providing the group with its common name.


The Know Nothings believed a "Romanist" conspiracy was afoot to subvert civil and religious liberty in the United States and sought to politically organize native-born Protestants in what they described as a defense of their traditional religious and political values. It is remembered for this theme because of fears by Protestants that Catholic priests and bishops would control a large bloc of voters. In most places, Know Nothingism lasted only a year or two before disintegrating because of weak local leaders, few publicly declared national leaders and a deep split over the issue of slavery. In the South, the party did not emphasize anti-Catholicism, but was the main alternative to the dominant Democratic Party.






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3 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

Trump and Guilian in April, Michael Cohen is a fine and honorable man.


Yesterday, Liar, Liar pants on fire.


Yes...….I read in my local newspaper that, in replying to the latest bombshell re Russian involvement, Giuliani stated, "well we all know that Cohen is a liar".


And Trump is not???????????????????


You couldn't make this stuff up!

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3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

It’s not your opinion that matters, it’s what the says and what prosecters can prove.

Do not care if it matters. Still going to voice it in a free forum. If you do not think it matter, then simply do not care or react to it. Easy, right?

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3 hours ago, xylophone said:

Yes...….I read in my local newspaper that, in replying to the latest bombshell re Russian involvement, Giuliani stated, "well we all know that Cohen is a liar".


And Trump is not???????????????????


You couldn't make this stuff up!


It's so easy to rumble Trump. If he aggressively attacks somebody who once was "tremendous", a good friend, extremely competent... (the list goes on)

 and suddenly is

a liar, a monster, incompetent, traitor etc.

than it's obvious this moron deserves the title  LOTUS, Liar OF The United States. Then there is no doubt he is lying.


There are a lot of people who he slandered and who can or could improve he deserves this title, i.e.

  • Michael Cohen - concerning Trump Tower etc.
  • James B. Comey
  • Playmate McDougal
  • Stormy Daniels
  • Andrew McCabe
  • John Brennan
  • ............
  • ............
  • last but not least:  Melania Trump, if she wouldn't be afraid of losing the Trump-advantages of a private "deal".
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2 hours ago, Get Real said:

Do not care if it matters. Still going to voice it in a free forum. If you do not think it matter, then simply do not care or react to it. Easy, right?

Please don’t misunderstand me.


If you feel the need to expose your disconnection from reality on the internet, I have absolutely no objection to you doing so.


But please don’t expect the rest of us to swallow the denial laced nonsense you’ve bought into.

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3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Please don’t misunderstand me.


If you feel the need to expose your disconnection from reality on the internet, I have absolutely no objection to you doing so.


But please don’t expect the rest of us to swallow the denial laced nonsense you’ve bought into.

Is it the proud talk of an american that lost the last election I hear? :cheesy:



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7 hours ago, Get Real said:

Once again we had another one advising law school. Some people just don´t get it. Can´t care less about the law you talk about. I vioced my opinion which I clearly stated. Let thta be the end of it and move on.

"Let thta be the end of it and move on."

We got ourselves a self-appointed moderator.

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5 hours ago, robblok said:

I am not that much into US politics that is why I rarely comment on Thrump and his politics. I would imagine that this time around a lot of voters would go for someone else. I could be wrong and the US voters are even dumber then I thought. 

Well, sorry to quote --


Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

H. L. Mencken
US editor (1880 - 1956)  


Edited by Jingthing
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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Trump personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani called Cohen a liar on Thursday night after the CNN report on the Trump Tower meeting. "He's been lying all week, or for two weeks - he's been lying for years," Giuliani told CNN. 

 All week, for two weeks, for years, Rudy??


Personally, I obviously don't know whether Cohen is telling the truth or lying about Trump and the Russia meeting.


But if Cohen has been lying for years, he certainly learned it well from the master / his client / the current President of the U.S., who's been doing nothing but lying for a very long time.


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6 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:




Inside the Mind of Donald Trump

He’s grandiose, deceitful and paranoid—but don’t let him drive you crazy.



That's a SCARY, SCARY place.... Really don't want to think about that!!!



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56 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

"Let thta be the end of it and move on."

We got ourselves a self-appointed moderator.

Yep and a self-appointed person spending his saturday contributing with absolutely nothing relevant. Yep, I was referring to you.

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20 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Yep and a self-appointed person spending his saturday contributing with absolutely nothing relevant. Yep, I was referring to you.

What exactly is a "self-appointed person"?

A self-appointed moderator would be a person who without official sanction, acts as though he had the authority to limit discussion in the forum.

So does that mean that a self appointed person would be a person who without official sanction appoints himself to act as a person? Who issues those sanctions? Could it be you?

Edited by bristolboy
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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

What exactly is a "self-appointed person"?

A self-appointed moderator would be a person who without official sanction, acts as though he had the authority to limit discussion in the forum.

So does that mean that a self appointed person would be a person who without official sanction appoints himself to act as a person? Who issues those sanctions? Could it be you?

And it was not an act out of any authority. It was an advice to move on, because the discussion was leading nowhere. The only one not understanding that, was probably you. How does that feel? Knowing that you kept on dicussion about a remark by you that was created by misunderstod information by you from start. Can´t be satisfying, right? Now I am moving on. Have a nice evening.

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9 hours ago, xylophone said:

Yes...….I read in my local newspaper that, in replying to the latest bombshell re Russian involvement, Giuliani stated, "well we all know that Cohen is a liar".


Yet less than three months ago Giuliani called Cohen "an honest, honorable lawyer."




Edited by attrayant
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5 hours ago, heybruce said:

Interesting.  I scanned four pages of comments and didn't see a single Trump fan who stated "If Trump denies it, I believe it." 


I think that, at this late date, Trump's sins, lies, character faults, lack of empathy, scant intelligence and idiotic tweets are "baked in" to the psyche of the Trump "supporter". At this point they're all in, and will likely never admit they wasted their votes. Suburban, college-educated white woman seem like the only ones who've acknowledged their mistake?


Richard Nixon won in a landslide in 1972 (520 electoral votes, all states except MA and DC), and enjoyed MASSIVE support of the "silent majority" right up until ~ 2 weeks prior to his resignation.




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