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UK voters should make final Brexit decision if talks with EU collapse: poll


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20 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

It may have escaped your notice that the clip had been carefully edited, no doubt leaving out all the people who pointed out that you can't give a sensible answer to a stupid question.

Not so carefully edited, for example:

@ 0:19 - woman first responds "No idea," then says 'democracy?' as in a question and not as a statement. When pressed why she answered democracy (which she didn't really answer), she responded "Can't you stop me there?" - seemed confused as to the question put to her originally.

@ 0:30 with a man and woman where the man responds, "That question doesn't make any sense."

@ 0:39 "What is a MEP? Seems not to understand what the EU Commission is

@ 2:21 to the "girl in the pink coat," man says, "You're an ignorant law student."

That short clip was somewhat interesting but not conclusive of anything except maybe that the question was either meaningful, confusing or ridiculous.

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3 hours ago, vogie said:

Most remainers don't even know why they voted remain, except they are worried about the disruption it may have to their holidays in Torremolinos and we have the Brits that have property in the Continent that may be concerned, probably quite rightly, but brexit is not about them. I think that the people that voted remain are more concerned about themselves whereas people that voted leave are more concerned about their country.

And I truly believe that by making derogatory remarks about leavers adds very little to your notion that you are much more superior and indeed more intelligent, it does get a little tedious after a while grouse. Surely even by reading ThaiVisa would quell any notion that the remainers are more intelligent than the leavers.????????

I wouldn't really agree that most Remainers didn't know why they voted, and did so for selfish reasons; those are contradictory reasons in any case.


I believe - I don't know- that Remainers are just a little better at assessing reality.  We might call them pessimists or merely cautious if you will.  


At heart I bet most of us wanted to leave because we want our country to be strong and independent, so in that respect I am definitely a leaver.  I was reticent to vote leave because I felt there would be awful turmoil- I was right, wasn't I?  I also questioned the timing, thinking that inevitably it would add to the economic strife we had already been experiencing.


As an aside. Although a predominant trait among depressed patients is pessimism, they tend to score higher in reality testing- in itself rather a depressing phenomenon????

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1 hour ago, Stupooey said:

It may have escaped your notice that the clip had been carefully edited, no doubt leaving out all the people who pointed out that you can't give a sensible answer to a stupid question. She may as well have asked "Do you want the EU Commission or a banana pancake", it makes as much sense. There are many layers of democracy. EU Commissioners are appointed by elected governments. That is one of them.

Of course it was edited.


Aren't many video clips edited before posting, even on the remain side?

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58 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Not so carefully edited, for example:

@ 0:19 - woman first responds "No idea," then says 'democracy?' as in a question and not as a statement. When pressed why she answered democracy (which she didn't really answer), she responded "Can't you stop me there?" - seemed confused as to the question put to her originally.

@ 0:30 with a man and woman where the man responds, "That question doesn't make any sense."

@ 0:39 "What is a MEP? Seems not to understand what the EU Commission is

@ 2:21 to the "girl in the pink coat," man says, "You're an ignorant law student."

That short clip was somewhat interesting but not conclusive of anything except maybe that the question was either meaningful, confusing or ridiculous.


The law student and her (perhaps she would prefer 'its' as she seemed to be upset at being referred to as a woman) editors were probably under the delusion that the EU Commission is some sort of subversive group that has taken over Europe, whereas in reality most of them have held high office in the governments of their respective countries. As they exist to (ideally) benefit Europe as a whole, rather than just serve the interests of their respective countries, it is wholly appropriate that they are not directly elected. They would have thought that the question was valid, so people who were confused by it were ignoramuses.

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36 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Of course it was edited.


Aren't many video clips edited before posting, even on the remain side?


Yes, I expect we could find similar clips depicting Brexit supporters in a similarly negative way. It's just that we wouldn't bother to post them on what is (hopefully) an adult discussion.

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5 minutes ago, Stupooey said:


Yes, I expect we could find similar clips depicting Brexit supporters in a similarly negative way. It's just that we wouldn't bother to post them on what is (hopefully) an adult discussion.

I hope you bare that in mind when you are posting your rediculous whataboutery and whatiffery posts about 900,000 passing away etc etc.

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1 hour ago, mogandave said:


You could use the same argument the day after any vote.

People don’t like the way an election turns out so the demand another vote.

It’s like missing the ball and claiming you weren’t ready...



But of course it's not the day after the vote is it, we're talking about 2-3 years down the line. Comparisons with General Elections are irrelevant as they take effect immediately and have a maximum shelf life of 5 years. This is why the composition of the electorate for the referendum should have been different - voting age 16 (as in Scotland for a similar long-term decision) plus UK citizens who had lived in the EC for more than 15 years. There was even a case for allowing EC citizens resident in the UK, in addition to those from the RoI, Cyprus and Malta, to vote. Why was this not done? Cost! Which of course brings me on to the crux of the matter: why did the vote go the way it did? Because nobody (not even Leavers, be honest) believed that it would.


If the bowler bowls and you're not ready, you can always step away and make him bowl again. I know my cricket!


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4 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

why did the vote go the way it did?

Because the people of the UK wanted change.

They have been hurt by austerity, and the only way to achieve change was to leave the EU.

Staying in the EU would have just been more of the same.


You say leaving the EU would only make things worse, they thought things can't be any worse so might as well throw the dice. 

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9 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I too was slightly taken aback when she seemed to object to being referred to as a woman!


The eu commission/MEPs and the like are nearly always (?) those who have left or been rejected from their "high office in the governments of their respective countries".  In other words, it's mostly part of the 'jobs for the boys', crony system IMO.


They, like the vast majority of politicians, are only interested in their own wealth and status.  So I disagree entirely with your belief that they serve to benefit Europe as a whole.

I did say "ideally". The point I was making was that they are not appointed purely to look after the interests of their own countries, which they would be forced to do if they were directly elected (cf previous posts regarding MPs so-called duty to their constituents).

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

You’ve obviously not been following these threads.

I'm possibly one of the few people on here who can claim to have read all 7744 (?) posts on this thread. I cannot recall any similar clip attempting to ridicule Brexiteers. There again, I am very old, and the memory's not what it was...

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10 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I too was slightly taken aback when she seemed to object to being referred to as a woman!


The eu commission/MEPs and the like are nearly always (?) those who have left or been rejected from their "high office in the governments of their respective countries".  In other words, it's mostly part of the 'jobs for the boys', crony system IMO.


They, like the vast majority of politicians, are only interested in their own wealth and status.  So I disagree entirely with your belief that they serve to benefit Europe as a whole.


Just now, Stupooey said:

I did say "ideally". The point I was making was that they are not appointed purely to look after the interests of their own countries, which they would be forced to do if they were directly elected (cf previous posts regarding MPs so-called duty to their constituents).

Which brings us back full circle, to the fact that "ideally" is rarely the case in politics...

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4 minutes ago, vogie said:

Just because you make something up, that does not make it "The truth" you do understand this concept don't you?

What have I "made up"? I have just taken known facts and applied known statistics to them....which is why I used the word "about" to allow for margins of error.

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The only positive in this whole mess is watching the Conservative party tear itself to shreds. Hopefully we won’t see them back in power for a while after the next election.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app
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14 minutes ago, vogie said:

Are you serious about remainers not trying to ridicule leavers, some remainers have an Olympic Gold Medal in it. You are correct about your memory though.

I was particularly referring to clips trying to ridicule members of the public, not intra-TV banter, which has come from both sides. You may have noticed that one particular Leaver has, in the last couple of weeks, come up with more insults than the rest of us have managed over the whole thread. And don't get me started on the 'Remoaner' insult, coming as it does from people who have been moaning for 40 years. When a similar derogatory term was suggested for Leavers, all the toys came out of the pram within a few pages.

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