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Big Joke turfs out more than 70 foreigners - champion had near six year overstay


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Irina Mesheryakova, 40, from Uzbekistan. Living in Chonburi she had overstayed almost six years - 2,002 days. ???

Nearly Six years !!! no wonder criminals like to flee to Thailand !

If you play it smart you can stay as long as you please with a bit of luck !!!

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4 hours ago, spectrumisgreen said:

So.. they kick out people who won't follow immigration laws (even on the understanding they'd get kicked out if caught) and its just 'demonizing foreigners'? Oh you poor, poor victim (even when its not you in the firing line, anyway.. but hey, why ruin a good bullshit moan, yeah???).. <deleted> BS-ing know-alls.. why not just go 'home'???

A go home post.

That's original  :cheesy:

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15 hours ago, rascalman said:

I am a elderly disabled US veteran who has lived here over 11 years. Never bothering, breaking laws etc.. Last year doing my yearly passport stamp talking to an agent of Immigration telling her its physically difficult spending nearly all day accomplishing this. She smiled saying sometimes ambulances bring some to do their update.

This is impossible to comprehend. I am a good citizen, spend nearly all my money here yet No efforts to help those like me. Not amusing to me, what can be done besides dying or just stop doing this? Why do these people make it so difficult to live peacefully in Thailand? I am 67years old! 

I feel the same way Rascalman!

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23 hours ago, stanleycoin said:


Think it's more about  demonizing foreigners.

Plenty of real crime they could get on with here.

Nah, just arresting people for breaking the law, not "demonizing" anyone.


This is a real crime, as it is in many other countries. We all know that it's illegal.


Overstayers are easy targets,  solving real crime? Thailand doesn't have an effective rule of law, they'd have to sort that out first & foremost. 

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18 hours ago, Get Real said:

Out with the pack. Looks like everybody belives it´s just to travel to Thailand and stay as long as they want.

TV had a survey that said a lot of foreigners stay in Thailand on smaller than 40K baht a month, I suggest they send that info to Immigration.

Staying long time legally in Thailand requires a Non-O longstay visa. That is connected to a minimum of 40K per month.

Just throw all that can show that out of the country, if not on tourist visa and onlt having holiday in Thailand for a month or two.

Looks like everybody belives it´s just to travel to Thailand and stay as long as they want.


Not that I support it but its actually been like that. Who fault is that....they who use the opportunity to do so or..........?

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2 minutes ago, Felt 35 said:

Looks like everybody belives it´s just to travel to Thailand and stay as long as they want.


Not that I support it but its actually been like that. Who fault is that....they who use the opportunity to do so or..........?

I saw a documentary featuring the Spanish coastguard a while ago. They were tracking boats bringing illegals across the Med by radar.


The guy said the majority of illegals in Spain entered legally, many probably on holiday, student visas being another popular scam (rather like in the UK).

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17 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Most people who "over stay" are people who are trying to stay here on a tight budget ie cannot provide adequate financial status to take care of themselves, do not have spouses etc to qualify for marital status, or are not 50+ to get a retirement visa

or worse trying to evade detection from being here because of activities from their home or other country...

any overstay is trying to hide for some reason and is illegal

they should be deported end of story.. it's not Big brother it's border control!!


Some just left a greedy ex that claims alimony at home.

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On 8/10/2018 at 12:33 PM, FritsSikkink said:

Actually the previous government didn't like foreigners, this one is making staying here easier

Thailand is a great country for those people who want to stay here, but only if you buy an Elite Visa and keep renewing it every time it runs out, and to do that you will have to be very very rich. Otherwise be prepared to be treated like a criminal.

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On 8/10/2018 at 1:24 PM, Tiredofglasshalfemptyexpat said:

Why? Nothing more easy than having money in the bank and a picture of your wife in the house .. Much easier than nearly any other country in the world. 

and that's all there is to it?

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23 hours ago, nausea said:

If you follow rules and don't look on them as guidelines, you shouldn't be in Thailand, there are other countries for that. Now tell me - if the little man was red and the road was obviously 100% clear, would you cross, or wait for him to turn green.

If you do not wear underpants.:cheesy: No! seriously.

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23 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Quote; Whinge all you want,

Your status sounds as if you have a PR but hard to tell. Yes know the rules, now maybe time to talk to some friends in high places. Just have been holding off but am getting tired of jumping. 

"you knew the rules when you came". Oh really! So some rules have not changed drastically in the 13 years I have stayed here?? What about the guy who said "yes I will buy my house in my girlfriends name, I only have to travel to the border every ninety days which would be a nice day out for her and me" . No complications or hoop jumping there. Not like today.

The guy I'm referring to now lives in a neighbouring country because he did't want to get married.

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32 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Thailand is a great country for those people who want to stay here, but only if you buy an Elite Visa and keep renewing it every time it runs out, and to do that you will have to be very very rich. Otherwise be prepared to be treated like a criminal.

You have to be well off, not very, very rich. There are other visa's available too: investment, retirement, marriage, having a Thai kid, working.

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Promote the guy to National Police Chief and maybe the country can get rid of some corruption!


Oh..he might also get the RTP to do their work properly, what they are paid to do!


Is it the 1st April today? :thumbsup:

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22 hours ago, Media1 said:

Thailand 4 has really taken off with these superior Thai websites that don't work. It's really quite unbelievable that you can't do it online. A real pipe dream Thailand 4

But Colin wants to be able to do his 90 day reporting my post. Khon Kaen immigration will

not even allow that.

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21 hours ago, colinneil said:

 Well mate i was in hospital on life support, wife went to immigration to do my extension, i was 35 days overstay due to being in a coma, immigration told my wife she had to arrange an ambulance to get me to their office as they did not believe her.

After taking 20.000 baht off her and reading the doctors letter did they relent.

Each year since she takes me to immigration, goes to do my extension and an officer comes out and takes my photo.

I feel for you Colin, what more can I say? 

Edited by possum1931
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21 hours ago, Dogmatix said:


Sorry about your predicament but what exactly do you expect them to do?  Thailand is a country that studiously avoids doing anything for its own disabled who cannot use public transport easily or get around the broken up sidewalks that serve as shortcuts for policemen on motorbikes. 

I will tell you what they could do, there are cases where the severely disabled could be shown some compassion and grant them Permanent Residence.

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38 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

"you knew the rules when you came". Oh really! So some rules have not changed drastically in the 13 years I have stayed here?? What about the guy who said "yes I will buy my house in my girlfriends name, I only have to travel to the border every ninety days which would be a nice day out for her and me" . No complications or hoop jumping there. Not like today.

The guy I'm referring to now lives in a neighbouring country because he did't want to get married.

Ouch. It is getting more difficult all the time

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Obey the rules and there will be few, if any, problems with staying here. If you fail to meet the income requirements then don't come. They are there for a reason, so that Thailand doesn't have to support a pile of penniless foreigners. There is no excuse for no having a visa or overstaying the one you have. The same applies to working without a visa. 

If you are here without a visa don't complain if you get thrown out...chances are the citizens of your home country don't want to be swamped with illegal aliens either.

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On 8/10/2018 at 2:27 PM, StayinThailand2much said:

It's a sign of the time; more and more countries getting tougher on people who don't follow the rules. Just watched a clip on Youtube about Australia kicking out unwanted New Zealanders: criminals, wife-beaters, biker-gang members (who weren't even convicted of any crime). And these two countries have close ties...

Oh you're talking about those lovely people that New Zealand says they don't want back either

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