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Rise in human rabies deaths blamed on poor quality vaccines


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58 minutes ago, Hummin said:

And, what is the F about the sticks? The sticks just get the dogs more aware of you, and you are a target, more than before without! If a dog approach you stick your hands above your head, and walk slowly towards them. No angry movements or yelling! It works for me and my gf every time, and I learned it from another chap doing so. I se the angry ones walking with sticks, and become the target instead ?


Just a friendly tip, the stick doesnt help much, it might make you feel more safe, but you are not!

Stray dogs are usually cowards. They smell if you feel safe, and then turn away from you. So, getting youself armed with sticks (or stones) is not a bad idea.

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What may seem a some what difficult action to impliment, is in reality very simple.


Owners made accountable.


Stray dogs rounded up. Vaccinations and so on.


I'm not against animals, but life is life. Culling  plus better control should be considered.


Not rocket science.


Or maybe it is?!

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1 hour ago, micmichd said:

Stray dogs are usually cowards. They smell if you feel safe, and then turn away from you. So, getting youself armed with sticks (or stones) is not a bad idea.

I dissagree, but if thats what you need to feel safe, be my guest, 

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Round up the stray dogs. Give them to the veterinary colleges. The students can practise neutering, spaying and inject them for rabies. I’m sure the students would get plenty of training on that plus clearing up any other infections they have. 

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6 hours ago, bsdthai said:

Bad Vaccines? Corruption?......


The only real problem here is the rapid dogs roaming around. Its the only way to get a grip on this disease but commonsense isnt a thai trait. Just blame others.

To my mind a part of the problem is that there are many vets that refuse to neuter dogs ( on religeous grounds ) which would help decrease the soi dog population and the crazy rule which says that dogs with collars must NOT be removed by dog catchers as the collar indicates that someone owns it. The fact that the people that go around feeding the dogs put the collars on does not occur to them.   

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1. Get vaccinated. If you spend a lot of time in Asia, you will come in contact with animals and eventually bit bitten.  I've read up on it and it is good chance that once you are vaccinated it last for LIFE.  This is also the issue of immunoglobulin not available.


2. Avoid all dogs and other animals, including domesticated pets. Also stray cats, house cats, bats, monkeys, even donkeys..

Do not feed monkeys!


3. If you get bitten, use disinfectant immediately, it can kill the virus right away. Get your boaster or your shot right away. Even for scratches or licks on open wounds.


There are three type of dogs to keep in mind off:

1) stay dogs, obviously the biggest risk

2) Domesticated dogs, sometime puppies are not yet vaccinated and also not trained so they may bite! Avoid puppies.

3) Trained dogs, they can be show dogs, guard or service dogs. Be careful because they can react much differently...

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Dr Thiravat Hemachudha, head of the Emerging Infectious Disease Health Science Centre at Chulalong-korn University’s Faculty of Medicine, said that efforts to control the disease this year have been ineffective. 


Do we expect anything less from officials who couldn't scratch an itch on their a**e if it was irritating!!

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I'm disappointed in the map. The key to the color-coding is messed up. I really would like to know which provinces have the most cases of rabies, but the map, the way it's shown, only gives two categories. 

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10 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Exterminate the Soi dogs, Jail the feeders and do gooders

The problem will go away very quickly. 

People first, soi dogs last. 





I agree, but will never happen.This problem will be with us for a very long time to come.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

Rise in human rabies deaths blamed on poor quality vaccines

Don't blame it on poor quality vaccines,,,, Blame this on the Government,,,, If the Government had any Guts at all there would Not Be One Soi Dog running around in Thailand and All dogs would be Registered and have a proper vaccine  like  a Western Country .They also have Dog catchers that get the Soi dogs and lose running dogs of the road ,If the owners Don't collect their Dog (for a Fee) within 3 to 4 weeks  it will get Exterminated.

Get you're shit together Thailand Safe People Lives Get rid of Soi Dogs   ?  ?  

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13 hours ago, stanleycoin said:

Exterminate the Soi dogs, Jail the feeders and do gooders

The problem will go away very quickly. 

People first, soi dogs last. 





This is a Buddhist country. They believe EVERY living animal has a right to life.


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10 hours ago, masuk said:

RAPID dogs???   walking, running fast?    I'd be more worried about RABID dogs.


Every street and soi in the country has strays.  This is why "Western "countries have strict regulations about licencing dogs, higher fees for female dogs, and NUMBER of dogs on one property in the suburbs. Unlicensed dogs are collected.

Ignore the problems and the result is to be expected - a doubling of deaths in 6 months.

And there's a lot of female dogs here that's for sure ..

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1 hour ago, Ginner said:

This is a Buddhist country. They believe EVERY living animal has a right to life.


Thank you for that incite.


Now can you tell me why all the markets and shops are full of meat products then, Pigs, Chickens, beef, Fish and so on.

or is it,  all there,   just for those naughty Falangs ?

Those animals lives don't matter too ? or do some animals have better rights then others ?

Just a question if you want to play the Buddhist card in the way you have .  :jap:


Edited by stanleycoin
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