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Here come the Thai moral sex crusaders: Students forbidden from doing anything naughty anywhere anytime!


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14 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

You've just turned around students having sex with each other into farang teachers are the ones doing most of the damage.

Nonsense. Kids are having sex of their own volition.

There isn't a vast conspiracy of Thai and farang teachers violating students. Does it happen?


Is it nearly on the scale of student with student sex?

no where near.

I make a guess that you are a 'Farang Teacher' yourself...... In any case you certainly do need to LEARN TO READ.......... You try to defend 'farang teachers AS IF I am attacking them...... RE-READ my reoly and try to understand it...... I NEVER mentioned 'Farang teachers at all..... I DID mention as a matter of comparison 'Foreign criminals' fitting in so well in Thailand.......

Nowhere did I say the Kids having sex among themselves was bad....... On the contrary it is perfectly normal and is much of what makes the world go around (I might suggest the need for more pregnancy prevention councelling).......

My total intent was, and I thought it was clear to see, That the pressure being put on the kids was not needed nearly as much as some pressure being put on the responsible ADULTS who use their position above the students and take advantage of the students sexually for self-gratification.......

No mention of farang teachers..... Mine is directed at Thais (locals).........

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3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

My heart goes out to all Thai students. It is the last place in the world I would want to be a student. Unless and until they are able to say to their teachers: "You are wrong. is why I think this is the correct answer", things will never change. 


They are teenagers. They want to have some fun. And the fact that their classmates are some of the prettiest women on earth does not help them to behave! Let them have some fun. Oppressing them makes the forbidden fruit even sweeter. 


That is virtually impossible here. Instead, they are addressing this from the outside in.


The goons in charge are focusing their efforts in all the wrong areas. They are trying to make Thailand a Quaker State. A land of purity. Total BS. Nonsense. Misplaced priorities, and wasted efforts. They should be focusing their efforts on rebuilding the educational system from the ground up. And working on traffic and public safety, easing import tariffs, making visa policy simpler, and more friendly, boosting Western tourism, real crackdowns on slavery, and illegal fishing instead of nonsensical hyperbole, cleaning up the water, the air, the rivers, and the beaches, and other things that actually improve lives.


Little P. Not making Thailand great again. And moving the nation backwards at an astonishing and alarming pace.





How do soldiers know what's wrong with the whole educational circus? First, you'd have to get rid of the junta, find knowledgeable employees who are specialized in educational fields and then start to dismiss all the wannabe teachers who believe that students shouldn't be allowed to ask questions.


If they want to catch up, students have to fail if they are not good on important subjects. No student would like to repeat a class, which would be pressure enough to study, without just copying it from a classmate.


The superteachers who don't teach their subject in class and believe that giving them homework does the trick should be dismissed, without getting a chance to find employment at another school.


The unwritten law by the MoE that students may not ask questions, just because the teacher would lose face if she/he doesn't know the answer is a better joke. 


All new teachers who started this year have to pass a TOEIC examination, even the PE teachers. But the Thai English teachers, where most of them can't even put one sentence together can continue their Stonehenge lessons without any further punishment. 


If the Thais don't stand up, even if there'll be many victims, the country will continue to be one of the biggest jokes on this planet.


Teachers must be employed based on their knowledge and not how much they can pay for being a government employee. My son studies at a technical college and after three years of studying electronics, it turned out that he couldn't even switch a lightbulb. 


The whole system is messed up starting from Anuban up to tertiary level. Please go to a local Rajabhat and try to find a good English speaking senior student. And that after "studying English" for 17 + years. Shame on the MoE, the generals and admirals who make a fortune.


IMO< the level of English hasn't changed in 14 years, even with all the NES, and NNES speaking teachers. The majority of them are Filipinos who are slightly better in English than their Thai counterparts. They're good in making boards, etc...but not in teaching English. Please don't tell me that people who can hardly speak English are able to teach any subjects successfully. How do you teach subjects if you can't speak English? It doesn't work and more and more schools go the cheap way and hire the ones who call everybody Ajarn. 


Many NES are employed who didn't even finish high school back home. That can hardly be beneficial to be a great teacher. To be able to be a good language instructor, there's a lot more behind it. Psychological knowledge, knowing if the students can understand them, knowing educational techniques, understanding what students go through when their body is changing. 


I've heard a lot of teachers saying that they never had to study English grammar because they've learned it through speaking. If a foreigner went to university, he/she'll have studied grammar as well and that's not just the case with the English language. 


The agencies with their cruel contracts who hire anybody who's from an English speaking country without any educational knowledge are part of the exodus. No educated guy would work for 30 K/month without getting paid for three months, no personal leave, no sick leave, no holidays paid. I'd love to post such a contract, but I could also ask my HRM for immediate dismissal. 




Edited by jenny2017
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6 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:


The Filipinos are only slightly better in english than their Thai counterparts? I have alot of friends who each english for a living. Most of the Thai people they work with, who teach english cannot hold a conversation. They spend the entire class having their students copy english text. They are learning nothing. Most Filipino english teachers can hold a conversation about history, anthropology, science, you name it. They blow away 99% of all native Thai english teachers.


Sorry, but I prefer to deal with the actual facts. You are right about the soldiers, and the army brass not having a clue about education. They do not have a clue about anything, other than perhaps troop formations, the use of a gun, and a few other military related things. This administration is so far beyond incompetent, it is impossible to even have a conversation about the extent to which they have, and continue to fail the Thai people. 


All I can say to the military and especially to Little P. is get out. Get out now. Leave. You are not useful, you are not wanted, you are not liked. Leave now.

But the biggest factor why a student is not allowed to ask the Thai teacher questions is because the Thai teacher does not know the answer him/herself. Lose face But love the part son going to electronics Mike and after 3 years could not even turn off a light bulb I can believe that lol lol lol His teacher probably could not either that's  why he was never shown 

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Cue:  Thai youth uprising or revolution?


It legitimises a wider disapproval by conservative factions, which is, is it not, how things work here?? Getting into the minds of the majority to exert control?


You compare it with the sexualizing of adolescents (and younger) through fashion, and questionable parenting, back home (UK), and by comparison Thai youth are already incredibly moderate. Another indicator, therefore, of a society with no comparisons discussed about the wider, global, picture?


What a pity. Because here, i have never seen so many unassuming female couples (adults) enjoying their chosen partnering, openly, without any in-your-face behaviour or fashion statements, you see back home, which I find refreshing - no Gay Pride here. An example of both tolerance and conducting themselves moderately.


A punitive measure in a society with strong familial sway and influence. So leave well alone!


(At grass roots)





Edited by Analogue Photographer
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7 hours ago, Mac98 said:

Does it? At what age are they allowed to decide for themselves about buying beer or cigarettes?


20 years old for alcohol and cigarettes.






However if Thais marry they can legally enjoy themselves if both have passed their 17th year.




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7 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Student job is to study, not have sex.


No it isn't.


A job is work. 


Studying is something completely different.


After classes it is the students own leisure time to do as THEY please, not what the government lays down, and certainly not what you say. 

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Just now, billd766 said:


No it isn't.


A job is work. 


Studying is something completely different.


After classes it is the students own leisure time to do as THEY please, not what the government lays down, and certainly not what you say. 


Sometimes expats like yourself think they moved to a "developing country" just because it has nice shopping malls.


Of course, I'm not being serious except the part that Thailand is 3rd world.



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17 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Student job is to study, not have sex.

Of course the big question on every student's mind is what exactly is sex!


There was confusion in the white house not so long ago. And different religions all have their opinions on the subject.


I prefer Professor Pigeon' s explaination on sex.

Edited by owl sees all
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5 minutes ago, billd766 said:


No it isn't.


A job is work. 


Studying is something completely different.


After classes it is the students own leisure time to do as THEY please, not what the government lays down, and certainly not what you say. 

Bromide in their tea Sarge' that'll fix the randy little devils.



I've heard that is a myth.

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20 hours ago, heybruce said:

Drinking age is 20.  You need to be 18 to purchase cigarettes.  That's not the focus of this topic.

My response was directed at what constitutes adulthood and the government putting restrictions on those "adults" under 20.

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4 hours ago, Mac98 said:

My response was directed at what constitutes adulthood and the government putting restrictions on those "adults" under 20.

I assume you agree these restrictions should not apply to adult students who are 20 or older.  That would be at least half the Thai university students.

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1 hour ago, 5633572526 said:

Maybe if they spent more money educating them they would not need all these ridiculous laws

If they need a college degree to work at 7/11.

And they still use calculators. 


What level do you need to be a politician or government minister?




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5 hours ago, dallen52 said:

If they need a college degree to work at 7/11.

And they still use calculators. 


What level do you need to be a politician or government minister?




I would say a corruption record of  about 2 pages would land you a good job with these guys

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13 hours ago, heybruce said:

I assume you agree these restrictions should not apply to adult students who are 20 or older.  That would be at least half the Thai university students.

They have such restrictions here in USA, but only at certain religion-based universities. I believe that if you are old enough to serve in the military you should be granted full adulthood, no restrictioms.

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9 hours ago, balo said:

The next law on its way is to prevent soi dogs from having sex in public.  I would cheer on that one.   It gives me nightmares. 




Well try telling my neighbor who is Thai  from banging his wife on the porch Its ok but she screams the house down Somebody might think she is being murdered, Is there any law preventing that yet

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They actually always had this in some parks. The funniest part is this is one of the few regulations that actually gets consistently enforced too. Guys breaking traffic laws 20 feet from the park on their motorbikes get away scott free. 

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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 1:33 PM, Misterwhisper said:

The question arises: Are these perhaps the very same "crusaders" who regularly frequent massage parlors and karaoke bars (a.k.a. brothels in disguise) and more or less clandestinely keep several "mia nois" around?


Jesus Christ, with these puritanical attitudes prevailing among the arch-conservative establishment it sometimes really borders on a sheer miracle that this country ever developed a population of well over 65 million people. Perhaps they all grew on trees...?  

Using the Lord's name in vain is not a good way to make your point!!! Try another approach! Thank you!!

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Using the Lord's name in vain is not a good way to make your point!!! Try another approach! Thank you!!

So you would rather see him use Buddhas name instead,....for Gods sake, try to be serious.


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