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It's Highway Robbery! Thais scream in protest at new fines calling them an excuse for more police corruption


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17 hours ago, Darcula said:


Concerned about high fines? Don't break the law.

Also, with this in place, if you get your license taken away for another infraction, and then drive anyway, it's a double whammy if caught w/o it.  I see it as a step forward.  Next is the matter of consistent enforcement (in SO many ways).     And yes.. it won't be a problem if you have the license!   

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What planet is this guy from???


DLT director-general Sanith Phromwong confirmed the DLT is pressing on with the enforcement. 'The proposed changes to the new bill have been floated to promote responsible driving, and reduce the road' 


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12 minutes ago, pattayadgw said:

Just another tool for shaking down tourists or expats living here... wait and see!!

And why do you think that tourists should be allowed to drive without any license? I'll bet they don't do it in their home countries, why here?

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Who was it that showed that consistent enforcement of the law (knowing the chances were you would be caught) was more efficient than the severity of the punishment (if chances are you won’t be caught)? I’m thinking, if current law is enforced it would go a lot farther in gaining the desired ends than by raising the fines to the level of causing Thais not to be able to afford and chasing tourists away. IMHO

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16 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

Next step raising the fines for red light and over speeding.

That should have been the first step if they are serious about reducing deaths on the road IMO. Add to that driving against the flow, driving under the influence, and you might see a difference in death numbers.


Enforcement of current laws would work as well. This I believe covers the necessity of having a driving license in the first place; the reason many don't have that license is that they have been allowed to get away with it for so long.


People think it is cute that some officers would have people doing press-up by the roadside rather than going through due process; which is great until the person doing the press-ups ends up dead the next day and parents have to be told that he died because he/she didn't know what they were doing on the roads. But were fit and healthy when they died.

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16 hours ago, jimmyyy said:

10 year olds on motorbikes, try 6 years old up here.  Damn kids are always hitting stuff and falling over.,

Absolutely, if the existing penalty was used to stop all the under-age motorbike riders. Existing legistlation is not used.

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This country will never change as long as the laws and punishments do not change. Growing pains indeed, and this society needs to grow out of a developing 3rd world status. However, a big part of me relishes in the fact that it is still a developing nation, it has a charm and feels more free than back in the West. 

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26 minutes ago, pattayadgw said:

Just another tool for shaking down tourists or expats living here... wait and see!!

I think you're totally wrong in this assumption. Thais who have been driving without licences for years are the target here and that's why it's they who are up in arms on social media sites.


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It's already very sad that Thailand is using the western evils like camera's for lane changing and speed camera's , now ridiculous western standard high fines . Thailand is not "the land of the free" anymore. I sure don't want the western repression on drivers to fill the state of police coffers . Safer roads ?  Very unlikely . Thailand number 1 on road accidents ... depend on which numbers you believe : http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/cause-of-death/road-traffic-accidents/by-country/

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17 hours ago, webfact said:

While people including a top online lawyer are demanding:


Have any studies been done? Will it work in reducing road accidents?


And,specifically, will it stop drunk drivers?


Most important of all, will it change the "CRAPPY ATTITUDE AND PRESTIGE TREATMENT" of the "RICH AND INFLUENTIAL" ?


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17 hours ago, Small Joke said:

No one screaming about the death toll?

Not even the literally millions of bereaved relatives?

Let's face it,  "east is east,  and west is west,  and never the twain shall meet."

I think that was Kipling... whoever it was, described the situation to a T.  


The problem is that the driving test is an absolute joke so even if they did have a licence I cannot see any decrease in the death toll. I also think it’s more to do with the drink especially that cheap cheap whiskey they all drink all day long some of them are so pissed they struggle to get on their bike or open the door to the pickup .

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The law is you are required to have a driving license to drive any vehicle. So why complain if fine is high . The problem is drivers with no license have no respect for other road users because they have no license they also have no insurance so if they cause an accident and kill or injure another person the other person normally has to pay for medical care . For to long people in Thailand people have no respect for the law they think it should only apply to other people . I hope this is the start of trying to stop so many deaths on Thai roads, but at the same time fines for not using a crash helmet should rise to 5000 baht . These laws are not to get money off people but to try and keep Thai roads safe how much should the fine be if a person without a license kills one of your family . 

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Wow... u lot have changed your tune.

When it was announced the general line of thought here was that it is a silly idea that wont stop accidents.. and would open up more road side corruption. now its  dont break the law... you bought it on yourselves... I sometimes feel thai visa is a place for farang to just go the opposite to anything thai and moan.

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For a Thai on a wage of 300 B a day such fines would be disproportionate. For richer Thais and most expats this may be the level that is necessary but when you have such an income divide how can you set the level for everyone?


Furthermore there is so little trust in the police, a service which is regarded by many as an income earner.


So however good intentioned such measures may be you can understand the 'outrage'. Mind you I sometimes think social media is there to ferment outrage

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25 minutes ago, lust said:

The written test in Canada is easier than the written test in Thailand. The driving test is longer in Canada, but they ask the same requirements. Parallel parking, turns, etc. 

I think they use the K.I.S.S system in Canada

for obvious reasons. !!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheesy::giggle::cheesy:.

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