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Trump, White House deny wrongdoing after Cohen plea deal


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10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Which was not my point. Please don't partially quote to change the meaning.


Deleted quote after quoted post was deleted.

sorry, not meant to change the meaning, but to avoid confusion.  was to show which part of the post was being replied to.


anyhoo, i'm done.  no point in continuing if being accused of trolling. 

Edited by ChouDoufu
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3 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

sorry, not meant to change the meaning, but to avoid confusion.  was to show which part of the post was being replied to.

So quote the post in full, and copy the part of the quote you're replying to in your answer, recognisable as a quote.

And yes, you leaving out a big part of the quote did change the meaning.

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11 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

the current topic is the legality of payments to the ladies,


This is a complex issue. Watching Dersh on Fox from Martha's Vineyard may not be the best choice? This can't be reduced to a glove analogy or an insulin injection.


The "intent" behind the payments may support a charge of illegal activity.


The "action" of the payments may be illegal.


The "act" of making the payments may be illegal.


The "cover-up" of the acts/actions may be illegal.



Obviously, if these payments were "legal" one assume tRUmp would be very open and forthcoming about them. Instead, we're left with this sort of behavior...





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36 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


I confess I have no idea what "reality" you are experiencing?


Did you read the plea agreement and indictment?




Laws were broken.


Blackmail (Extortion) has not been asserted.


Hush agreements are CONTRACTS. tRUmp and his minions are the Promisors.


I honestly don't know how the money flowed between tRUmp, Essential Consultants, CEEP, AMI, Stormy/McDougal.


I am pretty sure there will be flow sharts to show how the money was funneled, so maybe be patient. Cohen supposedly paid Stormy out of his own funds, but then was reimbursed by tRUmp. No clue which slush fund tRUmp used?


Not seeing a "set-up" here?


Just low-level organized crime activity gone awry. Reality TV show stuff.





Lawfare rocks

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6 hours ago, AlexRich said:

The biggest liar in the US issues a denial, and his inbred base lap it up ... sad.

Whenever I see the phrase "he denied any wrongdoing" I am reminded of the famous Mandy Rice Davies quote "well he would, wouldn't he?".

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Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis' mention, quite in passing, about his client being able to document that tRUmp knew in advance of the DNC/Russian hacking, has people talking.


Cohen sought, and received, reimbursement from the Trump Organization in the amount of $50,000 for "Tech Services" related to the Campaign, in January, 2017.




The Dodgy Steele Dossier also has an interesting mention about Michael Cohen playing a key role in the TRUMP/Kremlin "relationship".


$50,000 seems cheap for the Russian hack, but tRUmp is known to be notoriously cheap so maybe that makes sense?











Edited by mtls2005
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3 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Delivered ?   Trump has broken most of the Commandments.  He is a liar; he is an adulterer; he is a thief in that he uses his Presidency to enrich himself.


He has divided the country like no other President in history.  He is despised by people of  color; the disabled; Americans of foreign descent and Immigrants of all stripes simply because they see a President who is a racist; discriminates and doesn't care about them..


As far as the rst of the population- his tax cut has done little to help them- a few extra dollars a day will not make any difference to people trying to purchase a home or looking for work.


He has no Immigration policy except to deport everyone inlcuding separating children from parents.


He has no healthcare bill and tried to join with Republicans to pass a bill that would have driven millions into the roles of the uninsured. It was stopped by a single vote- John McCain, an American hero who has been denigrated by Trump. 


Trump's foreign policy is horrid- he publicly rebukes American allies; withdraws from the climate treaty the only country to do so and  cancels an agreement between Iran and the US which pushes  America closer to another conflict.


Actually, I don't care if he had an affair with anyone but his modus operandi is to continue to lie about it and deny he paid the people off.   Clinton was impeached for similar actions but Clinton  did not sell his soul to the Russians but apparently Trump supporters do not care whether Trump did.



They don't care about the man or his actions, as long as he delivers. Conservative SC, planned Parenthood cut budget, oppose anything they don't like. Taxes, adultery, Russia etc, is totally immaterial to them atm.

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Trump, without batting an eye and with his mouth full of cookies, would deny having his tiny hand in the cookie jar, right as he was being caught with his tiny hand in the cookie jar. The man can simply not not lie.

Edited by rudi49jr
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2 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Trump, without batting an eye and with his mouth full of cookies, would deny having his tiny hand in the cookie jar, right as he was being caught with his tiny hand in the cookie jar. The man can simply not not lie.

And shortly after would accuse his accuser of being a lowlife trash cookie thief sleazeball.

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17 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

"...The White House pushed back forcefully on Wednesday against suggestions that a plea deal struck by President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen implicated Trump in a crime..."


You can push back as long and as hard as you like, but it isn't going to make a difference.


Once again a person who entered into Trump's orbit has gone down to the sewer, gasping for air. Flynn, Manaforte, Cohen, Papadapolous, etc. And, for all who are working at the White House, your time is coming as well; you likely thought upon entering the White House that you were doing a noble thing of helping your country. However, you didn't count on Trump forcing you to wallow in the muck and the taint of being in the Trump White House will never, ever leave you.


I have said it before and (sadly) will say it again;


Donald Trump is an ever-expanding cloud of toxic waste that defiles everything it touches.


God help us all.



And most Republicans are complicit 

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4 hours ago, Get Real said:

You just can´t be that unknowing. Everyone knows that he has and is breaking the laws. It´s just that it has to take so long time before it comes out in the light.


That the little joke of a man is a president too, just doesn´t make it easier.-

The cases need to be airtight-yes

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On 8/23/2018 at 5:38 PM, mtls2005 said:

tRUmp tweets at 1:10 AM:




Near the end, it was said that Nixon (by Hammerin' Hank Kissinger I think) was roaming the Whitehouse talking with various portraits.

like this:


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