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2 hours ago, The manic said:

It has changed for the worse. Early closing, elimination of street life and enterprise. It's vacuous and sterile with a heavy police presence. Random piss tests and shake downs are not the sign of a cosmopolitan city and the freedom of movement that goes with it. That's just third world nonsense mainly imposed by an unelected authority.  I used to live in Bangkok but had to leave as the regime gutted it.

Nonsense, you can still drink very late, still is a lot of street life and police presence is only in a couple of places. Never had to take a piss test or had a shakedown. I do live in BKK.

  • Like 1
5 hours ago, The manic said:

Just because you were an anti social  trouble maker does not mean a whole town should change. You seek to deny to others that which you enjoyed.

I am not seeking to deny anyone anything (and I also wasnt an "antisocial trouble maker") .

12 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Nonsense, you can still drink very late, still is a lot of street life and police presence is only in a couple of places. Never had to take a piss test or had a shakedown. I do live in BKK.

Where can you drink late? The pop up bars and restaurants from Soi 3 to 21 have swept away.  They used to set up early evening and rock till 3 or 4am. That has gone. The police presence is Plain clothed as well as uniform.  So you have never had to do a piss test. Big deal. Others have and risk of false positives are high. Lower Suk is a depressing shell of what it used to which was a fabulous cornucopia of the wierd and the wonderful. It was so much fun. Now it's like an empty night club...no use to anyone. It has all.the attraction of a broken, used condom.

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29 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Its quite odd then, that every other local Government chooses to not be like Pattaya

They do not choose. They are not allowed to have the degree of independence that Pattaya has. You live in a fantasy land of your own projected values.

  • Like 1
4 minutes ago, The manic said:

They do not choose. They are not allowed to have the degree of independence that Pattaya has. You live in a fantasy land of your own projected values.

What "independence" does Pattaya have , that the rest of the Country doesnt have ?

The local authorities in CM have actively been trying to dissuade the  drinkers and whoremongers from visiting CM , its only the people who profit from them (bar owners, prostitutes, tuk-tuk drivers) who oppose the changes , the 95% of the rest of the population are in favour of the changes

  • Like 1
24 minutes ago, The manic said:

A rowdy noisy drunk in a gang of similar drunks is more or less how you described your self. Disturbing and annoying people till the early hours of morning. In other words an anti social trouble maker.  You repeatedly think other people are the same as you.and think the same as you. My friends and I like late night life in clubs and bars. We like to  have the choice.  But that does not make us annoying, rowdy, loud drunks who disturb people. We are in our 60s.We have money. We retired here to have fun and freedom not to be nagged by henpecked expats cuks who are trapped into a Thai marriage and expect everyone to conform to their values. I repeat: you are an interloper with no right to talk as if you represent the indiginent people of Chaing Mai. All the ones I talked to wanted a freer city with less army presences. They hold a particular loathing for farang who support the regime and farang who are anti Taksin. You are tolerated,  that's all.


I did say that I was usually part of a drinking group , and drinking groups often make some noise , especially in open fronted bars when theres a football game going on .

   I wouldnt classify myself as an "anti-social trouble maker" , , as I was quite content sitting in a bar , playing pool and watching football , sometimes going out clubbing until sunrise .

  And there where hoards of drunken rowdy westerners disturbing the peace all night long , usually not deliberately .

  I do not think that everyone is like me and I know that not everyone thinks like me and I,m also not nagging you and Im not stuck in a marriage .

  Please continue as you are , but we would prefer it if you would stay in Pattaya , we dont want you sort up here in CM . 


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9 hours ago, The manic said:

Anybody who thinks Thai bar girls are vunerable is deluded. Nor are they in the habit of ripping people off. Its rare.



Would you like to be a prostitute ? One presumes you are male ? 

So would you like to hang around in a bar- ( to earn some money ) and have to go with with any unsavoury guy who wants to <deleted> you up the a**e 


You delude yourself ( perhaps because you use prostitutes ) that it’s just ok to abuse another human being .  

9 hours ago, The manic said:

Anybody who thinks Thai bar girls are vunerable is deluded. 

I do think that in that line of work , it can cause them emotional harm .

Having a different guy every night may lead them to being unable to form proper normal relationships in the future , which means they are vulnerable to emotional harm

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On 8/26/2018 at 8:41 PM, samsensam said:

sounds like your complaint is due to your involvement in the sex industry,  the solution is obvious.



In this instance, it was his mates' involvement in after hours drinking, singing and their unfulfilled hope of a bit of leg-over.  Mind you, they did get nicely screwed.  Oh and two wrongs don't make a right.  Those crooked bars unfortunately work on the bus timetable principle.   No point in trying to build up steady business with tourists who will be gone in a day or three.  Get it while you can.  "There will be another one along in 10 minutes"


Three guys that show up after hours in a tuk-tuk, that (apparently) can’t tell the difference between shots of Scotch and half-shots of colored water.


So what’s the point of pouring short-shots of colored water anyway?



Is there a full moon due soon ? We seem to have more than our fair share of nutters crawling out of the woodwork just recently eg: the driving around with your drivers window down and now expecting sympathy for being conned at a Karaoke at 2 am, sheesh, I really need to start filtering what threads I read ? 

3 hours ago, sanemax said:

What "independence" does Pattaya have , that the rest of the Country doesnt have ?

The local authorities in CM have actively been trying to dissuade the  drinkers and whoremongers from visiting CM , its only the people who profit from them (bar owners, prostitutes, tuk-tuk drivers) who oppose the changes , the 95% of the rest of the population are in favour of the changes

The municipal structure of Pattaya, historically, had been more independent with less central government control and more autonomy with regards to a wide range of laws. The night life business supports a whole host of other related businesses, Food and Beverage,  Hospitality,  Hotels   restaurants,  bars,  guest houses, laundrys, transportation including taxis, shops, clothing outlets  building construction etc. These all generate wealth at many diffent levels. That is why Pattaya is so  successful and wealthy.  There has been no real municipal drive by an elected local government against anybody in CM. That's just your fantasy. It's a garrison town occupied by men with guns and uniforms against the will of the people. May I ask: do you get a sense of self validification by referring to the girls as prostitutes? Feel it puts you on the moral high ground?  Makes you feel superior?  Stops the pain, doubt and regret?  Good luck.


  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, The manic said:

It's a garrison town occupied by men with guns and uniforms against the will of the people. May I ask: do you get a sense of self validification by referring to the girls as prostitutes? Feel it puts you on the moral high ground?  Makes you feel superior?  Stops the pain, doubt and regret?  Good luck.

The last of the soldiers left about a year ago , havent seen a soldier since .

In that regard, Pattaya is in exactly the same position as CM , both under the same Government .

I have no idea what the will of the people is , as its not a topic that is widely disused anywhere and neither do you know what the will of the people is , so, stop pretending you do (speaking to a few of your friends doesnt give a comprehensive opinion)

   I refer to prostitutes as prostitutes, because that is what they are .

Why dont you refer to prostitutes as prostitutes ?

Does the term bargirls make you think to yourself that they are not prostitutes ?

  • Thanks 1
5 hours ago, The manic said:

Where can you drink late? The pop up bars and restaurants from Soi 3 to 21 have swept away.  They used to set up early evening and rock till 3 or 4am. That has gone. The police presence is Plain clothed as well as uniform.  So you have never had to do a piss test. Big deal. Others have and risk of false positives are high. Lower Suk is a depressing shell of what it used to which was a fabulous cornucopia of the wierd and the wonderful. It was so much fun. Now it's like an empty night club...no use to anyone. It has all.the attraction of a broken, used condom.

Sukhumvit is just a tiny part of BKK. 

57 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The last of the soldiers left about a year ago , havent seen a soldier since .

In that regard, Pattaya is in exactly the same position as CM , both under the same Government .

I have no idea what the will of the people is , as its not a topic that is widely disused anywhere and neither do you know what the will of the people is , so, stop pretending you do (speaking to a few of your friends doesnt give a comprehensive opinion)

   I refer to prostitutes as prostitutes, because that is what they are .

Why dont you refer to prostitutes as prostitutes ?

Does the term bargirls make you think to yourself that they are not prostitutes ?

The term prostitute tends to be deliberately degrogatory enabling the user to feel morally superior.  Sex worker seems more polite. The use of the term prostitute is a form of woman hate dictated by a patriarchal controlling view. Men who use such crude terms are threatened by all independent women not just sex workers.  They are usually morally dubious with something to hide. You seem to have lived in Thailand and learned nothing of value but reinforcement of your prejudices. . We all sell our bodies.  I don't buy into your spite.  I'm glad the army have left. CM. Although the army has moved into Pattaya it still has a different municipal structure to other cities and more independence. Let's hope it stays that way and that CM returns to it's erstwhile incarnation instead the tired sterile dump it has become.  After free elections...if you believe in.such things. There is one thing I'd like to ask you: Is your name Sanemax related to women's hygiene products? Or hadn't you noticed.  


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40 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Sukhumvit is just a tiny part of BKK. 

They are doing the same social cleansing in KSR and many other places. Dreadful. But at least you allow the fact of ruination of Lower Suk. Please tell me where there are pop up bars and restaurants open til 4 am as there used to be on Lower Suk. I really want to know.

12 minutes ago, The manic said:

They are doing the same social cleansing in KSR and many other places. Dreadful. But at least you allow the fact of ruination of Lower Suk. Please tell me where there are pop up bars and restaurants open til 4 am as there used to be on Lower Suk. I really want to know.

No pop up bars, normal bars. Not going to tell though otherwise they will be swamped with tourist in no time and after that the will be shutdown too.


A couple of years ago I hired a 15 seater minibus, we parked up just off second road, pattaya (cant remember the exact street) and 3 hours later we returned to find the wheel had been clamped and a parking ticket for 3,800 THB plus 400 THB for every hour spent so that was 5,000 THB in total... My Thai wife took the ticket, jumped on a motorbike taxi and went straight to the cop shop...

20 minutes later she returned and said she ended up paying them 700 THB. 5 minutes later an officer took the clamp off.


They tried it on but luckily the wife was with me ?

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Most of us expat's living here accept the fact that foreigners will always get ripped off ....... it's the "nature of the beast here". Most vendors view us as "cash cows" & will extort as much money from you as they possibly can. They do not see us as long term customers, hence it's a rip off each time you buy something ......... especially if you try to shop on the local scene. I personally use the supermarkets now where everything is marked/bar coded as I'm tired of being ripped off by local vendors. It avoids any misunderstandings & I like to keep my days free of any aggro. I do not blame them one bit as it really is "survival of the fittest" here in Thailand ... you can see more frustration now on the streets & markets with the influx of Chinese tourists .... life is becoming more & more difficult for local vendors. I keep away from all tourists areas now as I've started shopping at local shops run by expats that have all the "comforts of home" ....... imported foods at very fair prices, which suits me fine .......... a good variety of homemade curries, pies, bacon, fish etc, plus all the different kinds of cheeses you could ever want. I only shop locally for veg & bread now ........ without the "Thai hassle" it certainly keeps my blood pressure normal & life's become a breeze .... fact. 

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33 minutes ago, Daveyh said:

I keep away from all tourists areas now as I've started shopping at local shops run by expats

I never shop, drink or eat anywhere owned by expats, they always charge far more than locals.

Where I live there's only Thais, and plenty of the shops have all items clearly priced.


If you avoid tourist areas, how come there are expat shops?

  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, The manic said:

The use of the term prostitute is a form of woman hate dictated by a patriarchal controlling view.

What a load of old rubbish, if I hated women, I certainly wouldn't be paying for their company.

5 hours ago, sanemax said:

In that regard, Pattaya is in exactly the same position as CM , both under the same Government .


Chiang Mai is occupied territory, in the war of repression by the Siam people against the Laos/Lanna people.

Every election the ethnic Laos/Lanna win, then get overthrown by the military might of the Siam.

14 hours ago, The manic said:

Pattaya is quintessential Thailand. It's not rural Thailand. But it is the only truly international  cosmopolitan city in Thailand.  The foreign visitor demographics changes and the elderly retired crowd are outnumbered by Chinese and Indian visitors. Next- London isn't England, Paris isn't France. 



  • Thanks 1
Most of us expat's living here accept the fact that foreigners will always get ripped off ....... it's the "nature of the beast here". Most vendors view us as "cash cows" & will extort as much money from you as they possibly can. They do not see us as long term customers, hence it's a rip off each time you buy something ......... especially if you try to shop on the local scene. I personally use the supermarkets now where everything is marked/bar coded as I'm tired of being ripped off by local vendors. It avoids any misunderstandings & I like to keep my days free of any aggro. I do not blame them one bit as it really is "survival of the fittest" here in Thailand ... you can see more frustration now on the streets & markets with the influx of Chinese tourists .... life is becoming more & more difficult for local vendors. I keep away from all tourists areas now as I've started shopping at local shops run by expats that have all the "comforts of home" ....... imported foods at very fair prices, which suits me fine .......... a good variety of homemade curries, pies, bacon, fish etc, plus all the different kinds of cheeses you could ever want. I only shop locally for veg & bread now ........ without the "Thai hassle" it certainly keeps my blood pressure normal & life's become a breeze .... fact. 

I always hear this but it just has not been my experience.

I guess there are just a lot of guys walking around with “chump” tattooed on their forehead.,,
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On 8/26/2018 at 9:38 AM, zzaa09 said:

Poor Farang.

Always a victim.

Amazing how many people can't take responsibility for their own mistakes*


* = Nothing good happens after 2am


You ain't learned that by now at your age? ?

Amazing how many people can't take responsibility for their own mistakes*
* = Nothing good happens after 2am
You ain't learned that by now at your age? ?

Plenty of good happens after 2am, just not when you’re walking around a rough neighborhood, hammered with money hanging out of your pockets...
18 hours ago, The manic said:

It shouldn't. It's straight forward. Whether real or imagined I do not like his version of Pattya. It sucks.


Sir,  once again what he posted was scarism and you replied to it as if he was serious.     He was  sarcastic  so your perceived version of HIS  Pattaya is strange, at least to me.

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