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German far-right protesters clash with leftists after Chemnitz stabbing


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57 minutes ago, Opl said:

So you are saying Europe is condemned to become Africa's/ME's suburb , and has no other choice than to submit to the conséquences of décades long - legal and illegal - mass immigration - only because of its democratic values.    


Not "Africa's/ME's suburb", of course, but part of what global economists call EMEA. With universal human rights as a basic value, at least equal chances for all.

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6 minutes ago, blazes said:

Cui bono?  

Civil servants in Brussels, surely.  Lucrative branch of government this migrant business.


I'll be more straightforward: how about the US ?

Divide et impera.


USA Plans the Decay of Russia & Germany by George Friedman

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7 minutes ago, Opl said:

do you really believe that people dreaming of Europe for economic reasons really do care for democratic values as we here in Europe understand them - regarding what their personal beliefs and traditions are - therefore claim for equality when it suits their self-interest as they consider Europe as no more than a milk-cow?      

Economic reasons are enough if they accept that money is based on labour. Guess most immigrants accept this. And then they are not only milking the cow, they are also feeding it. 


I worked all my life long, contributed to the social security system, and I don't give a damn who keeps this rotating system alive. 

But I certainly did not work for losers who claim alimentation because they are not able to feed themselves without social benefits (taxpayers' money) even at the age of 50. 

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12 minutes ago, Opl said:

Refugee reality: Germany admits 75% face long-term unemployment and life on benefits"


So what? Any idea how many native Germans (especially in Saxony) live on benefits (i.e. taxpayers' money)? Why should this white trash be treated better than coloured people? 

Not to be confused: Refugees are not labour immigrants, but they should have a chance to become labour immigrants. And that is what the mob in Chemnitz wants to prevent. 

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11 minutes ago, Opl said:

So what? Really?

"Ossies"  = "white trash" for you?

Do you really believe only "néo-nazis" are concerned by the impact of massive third world immigration on their societies? 



White Trash = the ones that never managed to make a living without alimentation from the German nanny state (i.e. taxpayers' money) 

Not only hard-core Nazis but also the countless bystanders. 

Btw there are hardly any new refugees coming to Saxony nowadays, so the mob will need other scapegoats. Pensioners who prefer to spend their money in sunny Thailand instead of icy Germany could be the next scapegoats on their list. I already had the chance to taste their attitude on people like me - and it was not hard-core Nazis that tried to keep me from emigrating. 

Not sure if you understand the German word "Vaterlandsverraeter" (traitor). That's what they called me - simply because they wanted the money that I had worked for, and ran mad when I told them that of course I would take everything with me and not leave them one penny. 

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27 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

What planet do you come from? Its taken hundreds of years to come to where we are in the west now ,why ? So we can let a bunch of people who mainly still live in the past in to destroy what we built? Thank God you are in a minority

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Irony of the week award.  Thanking your own sky fairy for the fact that there are more people who hate people because of their sky fairy than not. 

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38 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

What planet do you come from? Its taken hundreds of years to come to where we are in the west now ,why ? So we can let a bunch of people who mainly still live in the past in to destroy what we built? Thank God you are in a minority

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

I came from South Asia to the West before I started to study and work in Germany, and my world view is not yours.

I know how the West was built up because I've seen it: not only by your personal effort but also by the sweat and the blood of what Frantz Fanon once called "the salt of the earth" 

And now the West gets the bill. 

I'm a minority in Germany, yes I know, but here in Asia (the continent of the 21st century) I'm guest of a global majority. There's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Frustrating, isn't it?

Edited by micmichd
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Irony of the week award.  Thanking your own sky fairy for the fact that there are more people who hate people because of their sky fairy than not. 
Well it was an expression only as i do not believe in God or any other religous claptrap,thought up to control people at least the wests sky fairy has evolved unlike some others sky fairy that just believes in total control and domination

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5 hours ago, micmichd said:

Economic reasons are enough if they accept that money is based on labour. Guess most immigrants accept this. And then they are not only milking the cow, they are also feeding it. 


I worked all my life long, contributed to the social security system, and I don't give a damn who keeps this rotating system alive. 

But I certainly did not work for losers who claim alimentation because they are not able to feed themselves without social benefits (taxpayers' money) even at the age of 50. 

vietnamese being called the asian prussians, hence no wonder they fit well into german society as well as thais and chinese do also reflected in school or university results whereas from the 2015 onwards migrant stream 90 % are a cultural and social burden for they are hindering social and economic progress as their believe is medival and as horst seehofer said, their belief  did not belong to germany. 



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5 hours ago, Opl said:

Do you really believe only "néo-nazis" are concerned by the impact of massive third world immigration on their societies? 

Yes, by definition. Being scared of people because of their race, skin color, etc. is what makes a neo-nazi. So it doesn’t matter whether you shave your head and wear boots or not. 



4 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

So we can let a bunch of people who mainly still live in the past in to destroy what we built?

Is that the neo-nazis you are referring to? 



2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

also no forigners reported injured to any hospital, no videos, no photos the whole story about far right wing hunting down foreigners in chemnitz is fake news or media crab or can anybody prove the opposite ??

Enough eye-witness reports and images/videos of neo-nazis assaulting the press and foreign-looking people. 


Didn’t you learn from the Trump baby that screaming “fake news” doesn’t work to hide the truth but makes you look like a liar?

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49 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

from the 2015 onwards migrant stream 90 % are a cultural and social burden for they are hindering social and economic progress as their believe is medival

Typical neo-nazi nonsense missing any evidence. Who you think gonna believe your propaganda?



as horst seehofer said, their belief  did not belong to germany. 

I think Horst Seehofer’s beliefs don’t belong to Germany. 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

facts are that in the first quarter of 2018 83 germans have been brutally murdered by migrant thus almost every day. in 2015 there were 51 cases so a rise of 59.2 along with merkel open border misfit policy illegal immigration kills germans and jews like maria in wiesbaden. the aforementioned figures just released by the german fbi.




Will you produce an independently verifiable source for your claim about these homicides?

Edited by bristolboy
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15 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

Will you produce an independently verifiable source for your claim about these homicides?

german fbi report released this week. you look at the german paper"welt am sonntag" issued 02.09.18





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16 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

german fbi report released this week. 

Oh, the FBI is reporting about German domestic crimes now? Do you really expect anyone to take you seriously? 


Reality is:


German local commit more crimes on a per-capita basis than migrants. If you take out crimes committed from migrants against migrants the number gets even smaller. 


So where have all you worried citizens been the last time a German stabbed or raped someone? Did you also scream “Germans go away” then?


Truth is, all you neo-nazis don’t give a shit about crime or safety of the people. If that was the case, you would start with your own people, because they commit more crimes than migrants. Truth is, you use single acts of crime committed by migrants to create hatred. It’s just a cover for your racist ideology. 

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1 hour ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Typical neo-nazi nonsense missing any evidence. Who you think gonna believe your propaganda?


I think Horst Seehofer’s beliefs don’t belong to Germany. 

csu hristian csoeder, scheuer, dobrinth csu believe the same 




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9 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

you call me as a jew neo nazi that is corbyn language meaning antisemite


If you don’t want to be called a neo-nazi, don’t act like one. And no, it’s not antisemitic to call a neo-nazi a neo-nazi. You better look up again in a dictionary what “antisemitic” means. 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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8 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:


 this is a racist comment biased about the jewish people absolurely antisetism.

Wait, is it racist or is it antisemitic? You know what the difference is don’t you? You really should consult a dictionary before talking nonsense. 


But let me help you: calling a neo-nazi a neo-nazi is neither racist nor antisemitic. 

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