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German far-right protesters clash with leftists after Chemnitz stabbing


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33 minutes ago, candide said:

So in the same reply you criticize rethorical arguments and make yourself a purely rethorical statement. Lol.

A few facts:

- First, it depends on the country of origin:

"According to estimates by the German Agency for Labor from early 2016, less than half of the current refugees from Afghanistan, for instance, had more than elementary education, 27 percent did not have any form of formal schooling at all......Refugees from Syria are, by comparison, much better educated. More than 50 percent of Syrian refugees had at least secondary schooling, and 27 percent had some form of tertiary education, if not necessarily a degree."

- On average the level of education is not bad:

"In general, about one fifth of all current refugees from the top sending countries are estimated to have attended a higher education institution, and approximately two thirds have attended secondary school"


I have a new title for this 'liberal consultant' report:  "My unicorn and why it is a good thing".




Looks good until you read this:  "Much of these projected benefits will depend on the speed and success of integration efforts, and more work is needed."

That is Liberal speak for:  'My unicorn needs more food, so give me more money to feed it.  LOL ?


As usual the whole report is not a document based on factual and impartial analysis, it is all about defining what benefits one can have from owning a unicorn.

That unicorns do not exist, and there is no factual evidence to give rise to that claim, is always excluded by liberals in their pursuit of their ideal utopian outcome.


This was noted in the report (no analysis of why of course): "While it is unlikely that Germany will close its doors to refugees anytime soon, the open-door policy of 2015 was a historical exception that has given way to a more cautionary approach." 



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3 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

You can search for more on YouTube. They’re pretty good at making a fool out of themselves and showing the world. Classic also when actually being asked serious questions or to explain their opinion. Their lack of arguments and the obvious low level of education is hilarious. 




Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

Your claim that the young people being at college [makes] them mistakenly believe they are intelligent and knowledgeable....


Is pure generalised prejudice.


Please forgive me calling you out on such utter nonsense.


Youtube videos <deleted>.


Did it occur to you that those videos are selected for their content and are giving you the view of the person who made the selection?

"Did it occur to you that those videos are selected for their content and are giving you the view of the person who made the selection?"


In the same way as welovesundays' post (quoted above) 'goes on about' youtube videos of those protesting on the 'other side'?! ?


I repeat yet again - it's easy to find youtube videos (from both sides) showing extremely stupid, un-thinking people spout nonsense - that only shows their ignorance.  It is not confined to one 'side'.....

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7 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I stopped reading at 'why bother' - you sound like my teenage daughter when she was going through 'that' phase.


Lets agree to not bother each other anymore.


Agree. In a post proceeding the above, again you have posted commentary full of hard right / far right  wording - you are dishonest in your constant denials of what you represent. Only you know the reason/s why. Hopefully you can find some inner peace in the future. Bye...

Edited by simple1
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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Please give up on your automatic 'labels' for anyone that disagrees with your opinion on a particular subject....


FWIW -  anyone and everyone that knows me would confirm that I'm 'liberal' and very 'left-wing' - certainly nothing close to 'right-wing'!


BUT, I don't follow any ideology as I'm quite capable of thinking for myself - unlike so many who just follow 'the dogma' of their 'label' ☹️.

Self absorbed, so what!

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25 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Reasons / opinions whatever, you will reject them anyway so why bother.


Again you are using the language of the right of centre, yet constantly deny you're a follower of the ideology??? Isn't #walkaway some far right / alt right propaganda endeavour? No, no he says, I'm not a follower of right wing extremism - LOL


Just now, dick dasterdly said:

Please give up on your automatic 'labels' for anyone that disagrees with your opinion on a particular subject....


FWIW -  anyone and everyone that knows me would confirm that I'm 'liberal' and very 'left-wing' - certainly nothing close to 'right-wing'!


BUT, I don't follow any ideology as I'm quite capable of thinking for myself - unlike so many who just follow 'the dogma' of their 'label' ☹️.


Just now, simple1 said:

Self absorbed, so what!

You seriously equate being able to think for oneself as being "Self absorbed"?!


Although to be fair, you have a point to a certain extent as (unlike yourself), I'm always trying to work out why I hold my opinions, and whether those opinions are fair and (as far as possible) correct.

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the left wing media hype and hysteria about the right wing balance of horror in chemnitz


-2 hitler greetings

-3 almost knuckle fights

-4 bengalo light throwings

-6 fire cracker exchanges mainly between left antifa groups and hooligans


not more or less of what happens on a saturday afternoon in a german soccer stadium. surely life threatning and again no videos of neo nazis chasing migrants. all that led to the latest afd party  poll figures 280818 saxion 25 %, thuringa : 23 %, saxionia anhalt 22 % meaning in very german state the 2nd strongest party.




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25 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:


"Did it occur to you that those videos are selected for their content and are giving you the view of the person who made the selection?"


In the same way as welovesundays' post (quoted above) 'goes on about' youtube videos of those protesting on the 'other side'?! ?


I repeat yet again - it's easy to find youtube videos (from both sides) showing extremely stupid, un-thinking people spout nonsense - that only shows their ignorance.  It is not confined to one 'side'.....

And it is no basis to denigrate the young.


Cast your mind back to your first days at university, if anything like mine you’ll recall the very rude awaking to the fact that as an undergraduate there is a great deal yet to learn and a definite need to start delivering the goods. - the absolute opposite of any belief that getting to university is a mark of superior intelligence or knowledge.



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2 hours ago, candide said:

Don't expect an answer to these questions from emotional right-wingers who pretend to be rational.


Another issue is that the decision by Germany to welcome refugees is not only driven by compassion. Germany has an insufficient birthrate and low unemployment rate. It simply needs immigration to maintain its position. And the war refugees often present the advantage of being skilled and educated, unlike the usual economic immigration that usually includes a large share of poor uneducated people.


but not the syrians, afghan or iraqis most of them are welfare recipients as to hartz iv (social benefits) stat. 2017 syrians 535000 iraqis 130000 afghanis 88000 only tuerks are more with 298000. the figures dont include those with german passport.


wbr roobaa01

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37 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



You seriously equate being able to think for oneself as being "Self absorbed"?!


Although to be fair, you have a point to a certain extent as (unlike yourself), I'm always trying to work out why I hold my opinions, and whether those opinions are fair and (as far as possible) correct.

Got any examples?

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43 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

the left wing media hype and hysteria about the right wing balance of horror in chemnitz


-2 hitler greetings

-3 almost knuckle fights

-4 bengalo light throwings

-6 fire cracker exchanges mainly between left antifa groups and hooligans


not more or less of what happens on a saturday afternoon in a german soccer stadium. surely life threatning and again no videos of neo nazis chasing migrants. all that led to the latest afd party  poll figures 280818 saxion 25 %, thuringa : 23 %, saxionia anhalt 22 % meaning in very german state the 2nd strongest party.




Sources for your alleged accurate summary, doesn't match up with press reporting e.g.


Warrants have also been issued for the arrest of ten people who performed Nazi salutes, which are illegal in Germany.

Some of those taking part in the march chanted "the national resistance is marching here" and "Luegenpresse", a Nazi-era term which translates as "lying press".





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As Douglas Murray notes, Western police forces and authorities are very good at dealing with the ‘secondary problem’ (the vastly over-hyped “Islamophobic backlash”) and utterly useless at dealing with the primary problem — the mayhem caused by Muslim males across Europe.


Where shall we start? Paris, London, Barcelona, Brussels, Stockholm, Berlin, Hamburg - or Manchester?




Edit: Sorry, forgot Nice, a mere 86 dead.

Edited by RickBradford
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12 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Sources for your alleged accurate summary, doesn't match up with press reporting e.g.


Warrants have also been issued for the arrest of ten people who performed Nazi salutes, which are illegal in Germany.

Some of those taking part in the march chanted "the national resistance is marching here" and "Luegenpresse", a Nazi-era term which translates as "lying press".





the sky article does not give any credible reference to far right people chasing migrants, photos, videos ???? nor about 10 arrested for nazi salut whereas im talking about 2 nazi salut prosecutions, which is a real thing treated as offence with court apparance




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6 minutes ago, roobaa01 said:

a generalising statement directly related to the article , far-right vigilant groups chase migrant in chemnitz, so where is the credible source for it fotos, videos ???? i say it is fake news.







The crowd chanted slogans including “We are the people.” The police were unable to contain them and video footage showed groups of demonstrators chasing immigrants through the streets. People were understood to have been kicked to the ground.




Police reported assaults by extremists against at least three foreigners, while investigations were opened in 10 cases of the protesters performing the illegal Hitler salute.

"What we have seen is something which has no place in a constitutional democracy," Mrs Merkel told journalists.

"We have video recordings of (people) hunting down others, of unruly assemblies, and hate in the streets, and that has nothing to do with our constitutional state."


Several people were injured during the disturbances on Monday as protesters on both sides hurled objects at each other, police said. They are investigating alleged assaults on a Syrian, an Afghan, and a Bulgarian that reportedly occurred during the unrest.


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i went through the whole local press in saxonia, checked ard, zdf, mdr german tv stations none is having fotos , videos of rght wings chasing foreigners also no pictures of assaulted foreigners, hencei i call it fake news until credible  fotos, videos emerge.


i compare it to lanny davis and the cnn dud story about mr.,trump knowing in advance about the trump tower meeting 2016.




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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:


1. where are the photos and videos chasing foreigners ??, 2. open investigations does not mean has happened, i talked about prosecution 2 cases hitler salute., that means has happened wbr roobaa01

If you insist on photo/ video evidence of everything that happens in the world before you believe it you are going to be swimming in a soup of uncertainty I'm afraid friend.

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On 8/30/2018 at 4:00 PM, Saenchai said:


I rather think the time to wake up came for  the ones who put it all down as if nothing happens while our wifes get raped and shouted at and our friends stabbed. I can tell you this now, maybe the day comes where you remember my words. The time is over where Germans just watch how this goes on.

I have nothing to do with far right (yes, im a German). I have nothing to do with Nazis. I love all kinds of people from various countries, otherwise i would not choose Thailand as the place to life. I can accept everything if its human. I have muslim friends and i have black ppl as friends. I could not care less, opposite, i like to have this change of culture.

But i dont look at how the Syrians and whatever take over our city centers, our Kindergarten where German parents have to be scared to go in some areas, our shopping centers where they sit the whole day and do nothing, spend the money the goverment  gives them for doing exactly that, nothing. They get free language courses that my Thai wife has to pay. How they get free mobiles, free tablets, free pcs from the people who care so much about them. Everything that a German has to pay out of own pocket. How that they take over the free food stations that were intended for the homeless Germans by kicking the homeless away. That they start to get implemented in healthcare for old ppl while they steal their belongings. I wont watch it and i guarantee you many more wont if Merkel and German goverment wont stop this nonsense.

And no, nothing of what i said is exaggerated. It happens right infront of me. 5 year ago this place was the safest, there was simply nothing ever happened in terms of murder, stabbings, rapes and what not. We had a few ppl who take drugs, a few ppl who drive without license, kind of this things. Now its rape, stabs, rape, stabs, fighting, fighting, stabs.

No woman wants to go out in evening anymore do sports because they are scared. Joggers are scared. What crap is that?

If you think we are looking at our own doom just because some ppl have a too busy life to see whats happening, that they are more interested in their carreer to see this and because some ppl want to get rich from it etcetc then your wrong.

Germany has to wake up.

You must be from another country if you start putting the blame on foreigners again.

Remember Rostock-Lichtenhagen (east of Berlin) in 1992? For 3 days German Neo-Nazis burnt houses with immigrants from Vietnam, and the whole town (all these bystanders) applauded. Those Vietnamese certainly never stabbed or raped any Germans,  the bunch of German losers simply needed a scapegoat for their miserable low lives. 


Be glad you live in Thailand with your wife. In Germany she would be severely bashed (probably too beautiful as compared to German women), and her kids (if she has any) even worse. There's a good reason why Issan ladies queue up in front of the German Embassy in Bangkok with signs stating "I am not a prostitute"


These are facts. Up to you if you call German behaviour racistic or not. 

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On 8/30/2018 at 8:14 PM, roobaa01 said:

i went through the whole local press in saxonia, checked ard, zdf, mdr german tv stations none is having fotos , videos of rght wings chasing foreigners also no pictures of assaulted foreigners, hencei i call it fake news until credible  fotos, videos emerge.


i compare it to lanny davis and the cnn dud story about mr.,trump knowing in advance about the trump tower meeting 2016.




Of cause no photos of assaulted foreigners, foreigners didn't dare out on the streets when rumours spread that the Nazi mob had taken over. 

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On 8/31/2018 at 12:17 PM, My Thai Life said:

And this is the heart of the issue. The regular apolitical non-racist indigenous populations have not had any mainstream party to represent their views about immigration. This has opened the door to the far right. This problem has been on the horizon for at least 30 years, and now it's on the doorstep.

There's many things a German majority can change, but they cannot change the German constitution which clearly states that all mankind have equal human rights, whoever they are and wherever they come from. 

So, Germans will have to face mass immigration and become multicultural, whether they want it or not. It's even to their own advantage in the long run. 

Yes, I know, it's a painful process (UK, France and Holland had to go through this), but it's an evolutionary prerequisite.

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