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German far-right protesters clash with leftists after Chemnitz stabbing


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And how many native German low-lives live on Hartz IV and other social benefits (taxpayers' money)? 
Why should they be treated any better than humans of colour? 
Pray tell....
Because they were born in the country,let the people of colour as you call them claim in their own country.

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12 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Because they were born in the country,let the people of colour as you call them claim in their own country.

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Which country? 

The GDR? Right on, pay them social benfits in Ost-Mark.

Or German-Kazakhstan? Right on, no such thing as Hartz IV in Russia or Kazakhstan. 


The social systems in the countries where the people of colour come from are just being built. But it's these countries where the natural resources are that the West so desperately needs. Force the West to pay better prices and fair wages, maybe that'll do. Put Western countries on an embargo list if they don't comply. 

The products consumed in the West are usually produced in Asia (nowadays some in Africa) Put Western countries on an embargo list if they resist paying better prices. 

Bet half of Europe would be freezing and starving to death within 3 months. And there would be no more tax payers that the "poor white Europeans" could squeeze. Everybody that can would flee away from Germany (and surrounding countries) asap, to Thailand eg. 

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1 hour ago, roobaa01 said:

that would be off topic post and thus subject to a new thread.




Not sure. The German constitution says equal human rights to everyone, regardless of their personal background (Articles 1, 3 GG) 

And this part of the German constitution is absolutely intouchable, even if the vast majority of the German population wants a change. 


But this might really be worth a separate thread.

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4 minutes ago, micmichd said:

Not sure. The German constitution says equal human rights to everyone, regardless of their personal background (Articles 1, 3 GG) 

And this part of the German constitution is absolutely intouchable, even if the vast majority of the German population wants a change. 


But this might really be worth a separate thread.

the latest development about chemnitz....german opposition mp kubicki fdp (free german democrats) and "bildzeitung" the german daily mail hold merkel responsible for what happened in chemnitz.




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2 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

wrong in the editorial welt am sonntag the editor gives clear reference to marcel leubecher the stat expert who conducted the analaysis about capital crimes conducted by migrants and germans. furthermore that the analaysis could be read in the welt am sonntag. 2.9.18




From the author you quote above using Google Translate. BTW why can't you use Google translate with links.


There is no basis for the widespread perception in Chemnitz and elsewhere that today more people are killed in Germany than in previous decades. The two relevant figures, the convict statistics of the Federal Statistical Office and the PKS of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) do not produce such an interpretation.




It is interesting that while violent crime by migrants is decreasing in Germany, anti Semitic attacks are on the increase, the majority of attacks are by guess who...the far right.





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16 minutes ago, simple1 said:

From the author you quote above using Google Translate. BTW why can't you use Google translate with links.


There is no basis for the widespread perception in Chemnitz and elsewhere that today more people are killed in Germany than in previous decades. The two relevant figures, the convict statistics of the Federal Statistical Office and the PKS of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) do not produce such an interpretation.




It is interesting that while violent crime by migrants is decreasing in Germany, anti Semitic attacks are on the increase, the majority of attacks are by guess who...the far right.





Does that really surprise you? 

Most Jews I know are individualists, and some are quite successful. 

Of course, the far right collective for losers hate successful individuals. And, of course, those losers are all "victims". Victims of the NWO, victims of the "Jewish conspiracy", victims of the "Hooton Plan" - they love conspiracy theories. 

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2 hours ago, ivor bigun said:

Cry me a river

 Not surprised that’s all you can say. When confronted with fact-based arguments, fascists respond with nonsense. 


1 hour ago, ivor bigun said:

Because they were born in the country,let the people of colour as you call them claim in their own country.

How is that an argument? Why should anyone get the money I work hard for? When I worked in Germany, almost half of my salary went to the government to support people I don’t have anything to do with. Unemployed; families; East Germans (those people embarrassing the whole country with their racism); etc etc. 


Is it you deciding who should get part of the money I work hard for? 

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Ahhhh, the 'Heil Hitler' bunch and the 'Allah u akbar' bunch. Two of the biggest causes of shame to humanity. I have no complaint at all if these two disgraceful groups turn on each other and beat the sh.. out of each other. But, sadly, most of the time, many innocent people get hurt or suffer due to these groups.


If you look at my signature below, you can see that I despise both the Neo-Nazis (and their sympathisers, often calling themselves 'concerned citizens') and the Islamists (and their sympathisers, who are, often, easily duped liberals).



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" Considering the large number of refugees and that most of them are young men, it’s inevitable that some of them will commit crimes. Unease over refugees extends far beyond the borders of former East Germany. Amid the neo-Nazi attacks in Chemnitz, Merkel’s coalition has succeeded in steering the debate away from refugee violence to the dangers of the extreme right. For now. If the last few months are any indication, that tactic won’t work for long."




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9 hours ago, Opl said:

Overpopulation is the root cause for most all problems in those countries in addition to backward mentalities and traditions.

More likely to be due to oppressive dictatorships and deep rooted corruption

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On 8/28/2018 at 11:09 AM, sweatalot said:

No that would mean to practice common sense.


Not saying that real and peaceful refugees should have a chance to stay until they go back - or integrate

- but let them work for their livelihood. 

Common sense tells me for me as a pensioner it makes no difference whether native "white" Germans or immigrants contribute to the social security system for workers.

But it makes a big difference when my pension funds is plundered just for some Eastern German White Trash. The so-called German "re-unification" led to a severe decrease in West German pensions, and we're not gonna take it anymore. No worker - whether native German or immigrant - will be willing to work or pay for the White Trash depending on social benefits anymore.  

Common sense tells me there should be a rotation system where refugees are allowed to work in Germany and able to take their earned claims from the German social security system back to their home countries in case they want to return. Taxes only for the infrastructure they use, and nothing for the White Trash.

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21 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

the latest development about chemnitz....german opposition mp kubicki fdp (free german democrats) and "bildzeitung" the german daily mail hold merkel responsible for what happened in chemnitz.




The root of all evil is analyzed here: 


The failure of the West (NATO) to draw consequences other than "securing resources" and building a "fortress Europe" with Germany in the centre did the rest, and now the shit hits the fan. Those people from the South don't come as beggars anymore, they come to present the bill.


German "Bildzeitung" btw is as much reliable as the British "Sun", and the FDP already stated that Mr Kubicki's private opinion is not in accordance with the party.

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16 hours ago, Opl said:

Overpopulation is the root cause for most all problems in those countries in addition to backward mentalities and traditions.

Yes, there's overpopulation in Germany. All these Germans who hardly (if ever) worked and never paid a penny into the workers' social insurance funds are not needed. 

The backward mentality "feed me, because I'm white" is really obsolete. Only a traditional relict from old paternal (feudal) systems. 

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More likely to be due to oppressive dictatorships and deep rooted corruption

Although i agree with this,you always close your eyes to the massive truth that it is also the people themselves that do nothing to make things better,and dont forget it is them that vote for the monsters in charge. But you will never see this,as there are none so blind.


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7 minutes ago, ivor bigun said:

Although i agree with this,you always close your eyes to the massive truth that it is also the people themselves that do nothing to make things better,and dont forget it is them that vote for the monsters in charge. But you will never see this,as there are none so blind.


Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app




Refugees from the Middle East and Central Asia voted in free elections? 

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2 hours ago, micmichd said:

Yes, there's overpopulation in Germany. All these Germans who hardly (if ever) worked and never paid a penny into the workers' social insurance funds are not needed. 

The backward mentality "feed me, because I'm white" is really obsolete. Only a traditional relict from old paternal (feudal) systems. 

A citizen who lives in East Germany is twice as likely to be unemployed as if he lived in the West. And when he works, he receives a salary 25% lower than what a worker in the West perceives.

This has little to do with the supposed incapacity of the East Germans to work (because  this is your argument ). It is linked to the modalities of German unification. It is related to the fact that the need for rapid political unity, to completely suppress the GDR, has led to sacrifice basic economic requirements, especially that of safeguarding the industry as much as possible. and the jobs of Eastern citizens. By establishing a one-to-one exchange rate between the West Mark and the East Mark. In doing so, the GDR industry was out of play. In addition, the entire industrial heritage of the former GDR was entrusted to a trust company, Treuhandanstalt, which liquidated it, instantly creating millions of unemployed people. It is much easier to close an industry than to rebuild it. The de-industrialization of the GDR has no other example in Europe in times of peace,  the consequences can last for décades.
That's for your statement " All these Germans who hardly (if ever) worked and never paid a penny into the workers' social insurance funds are not needed. "
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8 minutes ago, Opl said:
That's for your statement " All these Germans who hardly (if ever) worked and never paid a penny into the workers' social insurance funds are not needed. "

You completely missed the point. There is no justification why a white person should be entitled to social welfare while a foreigner should not be.  It’s racism. 


It‘s my money. And now some neo-nazi <deleted> claims he deserves part of my money but a foreigner does not? 

Edited by welovesundaysatspace
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3 minutes ago, Opl said:

It ain't difficult to miss a point that's hardly one … SORRY

It IS a point, and it is a valid point. 

Labour and the German social insurance are for individuals only, not for collectives that are not part of the economy. My pensions would be much higher without the German "reunification", and that's what counts. Only that. 

Then where I spend my money on and who I give it to is up to me. Only up to me. 

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47 minutes ago, Opl said:
A citizen who lives in East Germany is twice as likely to be unemployed as if he lived in the West. And when he works, he receives a salary 25% lower than what a worker in the West perceives.

This has little to do with the supposed incapacity of the East Germans to work (because  this is your argument ). It is linked to the modalities of German unification. It is related to the fact that the need for rapid political unity, to completely suppress the GDR, has led to sacrifice basic economic requirements, especially that of safeguarding the industry as much as possible. and the jobs of Eastern citizens. By establishing a one-to-one exchange rate between the West Mark and the East Mark. In doing so, the GDR industry was out of play. In addition, the entire industrial heritage of the former GDR was entrusted to a trust company, Treuhandanstalt, which liquidated it, instantly creating millions of unemployed people. It is much easier to close an industry than to rebuild it. The de-industrialization of the GDR has no other example in Europe in times of peace,  the consequences can last for décades.
That's for your statement " All these Germans who hardly (if ever) worked and never paid a penny into the workers' social insurance funds are not needed. "


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6 minutes ago, blazes said:

To call that "racism" is akin to Mrs Clinton referring to her opponents as "deplorables."

Discriminating people because of their race race/skin color/whatsoever IS racism. You can look that up in the dictionary. 


There is no justification why a lazy neo-nazi should be entitled to my tax money just because he‘s white while a migrant who might be working for my future pension should not be just because he’s not white. 



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22 minutes ago, micmichd said:


The GDR was the wealthiest country in Eastern Europe. They could have left it like that and make a union of two systems with West Germany. But they voted for simply joining West Germany - against all warnings. We in West Germany were not even asked. 

There's many people from Eastern Germany that can work, for sure, and some are quite successful. But they usually left East Germany and made careers in West Germany. What's left behind in East Germany is now roaming the streets. I have nothing in common with those people - nothing at all.  

And I certainly don't trust the lefties so much, especially leftist German women. Their solidarity normally ends when it comes to money. Sorry to say, but I had to learn this the hard way in West Germany. 

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1 minute ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

Discriminating people because of their race race/skin color/whatsoever IS racism. You can look that up in the dictionary. 


There is no justification why a lazy neo-nazi should be entitled to my tax money just because he‘s white while a migrant who might be working for my future pension should not be just because he’s not white. 





"whatsoever"???  that's pretty wide.


Are you seriously saying that a migrant should be allowed to sit on his backside for a year or more (whatsoever?) while he looks for  or is trained for a job?

Let him or her become a German citizen and thus qualify for all the largesse that the Fatherland has to offer, but not before.  That would be true no matter what country we are talking about.


And, incidentally, please note how flinging the word "racism" around just closes all conversation. It's a lazy man's way of "thinking".

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45 minutes ago, blazes said:

Are you seriously saying that a migrant should be allowed to sit on his backside for a year or more (whatsoever?) while he looks for  or is trained for a job?

Let him or her become a German citizen and thus qualify for all the largesse that the Fatherland has to offer, but not before.

I am saying that (non-) access to social welfare shouldn’t depend on race, skin color, etc. We need qualified people in our workforce. We do not need people receiving taxpayer money for nothing. The first needs investments. The second needs enforcing clear rules. Neither one should depend on race or skin color. 


I don’t care whether the government is investing my taxes in a German guy or in a migrant, as long as my taxes go towards building the workforce that will work for my future pension. In the same way, I don’t care whether a German guy is lazy or a migrant is lazy.  Both should not receive support if that’s the case. 

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8 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

I am saying that (non-) access to social welfare shouldn’t depend on race, skin color, etc. We need qualified people in our workforce. We do not need people receiving taxpayer money for nothing. The first needs investments. The second needs enforcing clear rules. Neither one should depend on race or skin color. 


I don’t care whether the government is investing my taxes in a German guy or in a migrant, as long as my taxes go towards building the workforce that will work for my future pension. In the same way, I don’t care whether a German guy is lazy or a migrant is lazy.  Both should not receive support if that’s the case. 


Migrants within the EU are almost 100% Caucasian, so to resent their negative effect on local economies outside (say) Poland, Bulgaria, Roumania etc is not in the slightest an example of racism.  It's not even xenophobia in my view....but rather a sane view of what a country can afford and also what people can afford to purchase with their depressed wages (as a result of internal migration).

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