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Sarah Palin 'excluded from McCain funeral'


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John McCain: Sarah Palin 'excluded from his funeral'


Sarah Palin, the ex-Alaska governor who served as John McCain's running mate when he ran for president in 2008, is reportedly banned from his funeral.


According to US media, the request to Mrs Palin - who Senator McCain later regretted selecting - was sent through a family intermediary.


A Palin "family source" told NBC News that "out of respect" to the family, "we have nothing to add at this point". Mrs Palin was unveiled as McCain's running mate exactly 10 years ago.


Full story: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45361663

-- © Copyright BBC 2018-08-31
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I always liked Sarah Palin, she was such a nut....I am glad she wasn't;t elected though...we need higher quality politicians and she was dumb as dog doo-doo, as we say over there.

She was easy on the eye though.

I always thought the names she picked for her kids revealed her highly unusual thought processes.

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8 minutes ago, newnative said:

Pity McCain didn't ban her from being on his ticket.  I liked McCain but he lost a lot of credibility when he chose her, or agreed to her, as his running mate.  

She was immensely popular initially (with the folks who voted Trump in), till she had to prove her bono fides. His campaign management neglected to vet her till it was way too late.

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1 hour ago, Pedrogaz said:

I always liked Sarah Palin, she was such a nut....I am glad she wasn't;t elected though...we need higher quality politicians and she was dumb as dog doo-doo, as we say over there.

She was easy on the eye though.

I always thought the names she picked for her kids revealed her highly unusual thought processes.

Yes, easy on the eye, but the names??? !!! Those names revealed what a dimwit she and her family were.

Still....live and let live, even in death.  I wonder how many of us here would want to carry grudges like this into the after-life.....

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7 hours ago, SpokaneAl said:

I respect and admire John McCain but if this is true that he made a vindictive decision beyond the grave, I am disappointed. She shared a national campaign with him, after he chose to bring her to the national stage. Sad.

You should figure out the reason 

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McCain was presented with a short list of running mates by campaign manager Steve Schmidt in 2008.  McCain told him any of them will do, you pick.  It was right before the GOP convention, and Schmidt wanted to make a big splash with the convention such that the McCain campaign would monopolize the headlines and poll in BIG numbers.  He saw that Palin had very strong appeal with, um, the sort of people that are presently insanely supportive of DT.  And rock the media they did!  Then came the infamous one-on-one interviews, the rest is history.  I remember sitting in a Vientiane hotel room watching her on Larry King, I think it was her third interview, and I had read somewhere she was kind of goofy.  King would ask her a question, and she wouldn't address it, instead going off on her babblegats routine.  After a few questions, when she stopped talking, King sat their silent, just glaring into the camera, the other side of the split-screen was her smiling self.  Must have been a full minute of dead air before King broke for a commercial.  Damn, he looked mean!


I don't know how popular this is in the rest of the modern world, but in the US, among leadership types, there is this pride in delegating, as one such master of the universe expressed it to me "I don't do 'work'".  I think it was popularized by the 1980s "going back for my MBA" thing.  To paraphrase Yoda "don't DO, delegate!"  If something works out they get all the credit, if it fails it is the fault of that idiot they delegated the task to.  This is how someone who doesn't know a resistor from a capacitor can be credited with creating a revolutionary new computer.  (no slight meant to you, Woz!)

I bring this up because I think that for the last 10 years of his life McCain had been kicking himself in the ass for delegating such a crucial decision.  I suspect Palin was kept from the funeral by wife Cindy, and the daughter is relieved she no longer has to play like she is supportive of Palin out of respect to her father.

I recall Sarah said she was moving to Arizona to be closer to McCain, did that ever happen?


Anyone notice how DT has been keeping Sarah way?  During the 2015-2016 campaign DT brought her to a rally (I think in Ohio?) and she went into her usual word-salad routine.  DT is standing behind her and to the side, and you can read the "I think I just made a mistake" expression on his face.  The vid must be available on the net somewhere.


But I think it would be great if Sarah ran third-party in 2020. ?


Edited by bendejo
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Too bad they couldn't keep Pence, Ryan, and McConnell out!




Three men unfit to eulogize John McCain


And then there were the three who spoke on Friday. You had to control your gag reflex watching Vice President Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) extol McCain’s greatness as he was accorded the honor of lying in state.


To call McCain a hero is to recognize his heroic qualities, of which Trump has none. You can worship Trump or admire McCain; it’s metaphysically impossible to do both. Meghan McCain’s glare was an appropriate reaction to Pence’s hypocrisy.



Edited by Jingthing
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I met John McCain very briefly as I lived not far from his Sedona area ranch.   He was a fixture in the community.   


I had the opportunity to watch the Arizona funeral service, which was absolutely touching, human, warm and showed the appreciation of an entire state for McCain.  It was marked by diversity from both sides of the political aisle, it included Native Americans, Hispanics and blacks.   The music was lovely.


I started watching the DC version of the funeral, but the stiff, uncaring, contrived remarks were not for me.   This was the real version of the word fake.  Of course, after the very personal and touching Arizona funeral, DC didn't have much to offer.





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